T H 15 DAILY NEBRA8KAN At The Theatres Capttola In "A LOVE TOUR" MURRAY KI8SEN A HUNGARIAN RHAPSODY" with Harry Wenton, Ben Reubeuk and Frank Corbett Edward Lea FOLEY AND LETURE Mimlcnl Comedy Ilvirtl nrtnenU BELLE MONTROSE "II FR ONLY CHANCE" VALETINE AND BELL Tlii Furniture Krmnvrre HERBERT BROOKS In V't and Wonderrment "STEP LIVELY" With MILDKKD ROGERS A Modern Cycle Last Day A Picture That Will Startle and Surprise DO NOT MISS IT Friday Saturday BUCK JONES In His Latest "THE BIG PUNCH" TH U RS. FRI. SAT. Rialto Symphony Orchestra Pathe Semi-Weekly News Topical and Travel Pictures 'MAKE IT SNAPPY" A New Rolin Comedy CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In "HUSH" IBERTY mm mm unwuywiij THU RS. FR I. S AT. Liberty Concert Orchestra International News Weekly "THE SON OF TARZAN" Episode 6 "HER CIRCUS MAN" A New Century Comedy THE VAGGS Versatile Entertainers ALLMAN AND NEVINS In "The Comedienne and the Tenor" "TALE OF THREE CITIES" A Joyful Journey of Song and Dance JACK POLK Still "POLKING" Along THE THREE ALEX Novelty Equilibrists LYRIC PI All This Week The Wonder Picture of 1921 Man-Woman-Marriage. Shows Start 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 Sharp MATS. ZOC NHjMI 03C to. We Don't Want to be Judged by Any Other Restaurant Wp want to be judged hy tlio liih quality of food we nerve, by the cooking variety, service and our rea sonable prices. Ib'i e is where you'll find the caterer's touch added to your repast. CENTRAL HOTEL CAFE' 1325 P St. -rjJe wolf girls' IBI THEATERS. inree of the seven numbers at th Orpheum this week are dancing acta and all are well received. Geoigettt nml Capltola DeWolf, the headlines have an array of costumes from d parts of the world. Mlsa Rogers in "Step Lively," keeps four young moti busy following her around. The rest of the bill Is up to the usual high standard of Orpheum presentations. Parodies By ADIE Try this Over on Your Jew's Harp. DOWN IN THE OLD "U" HALL. To the Tune of "Down by the Old Mill Stream." Down in the old U" Hall. Where I first met you, With your eyes of blue, I was thrilled clear through, It was there I knew, That I wanted you, You were my rat, I was your "kittle," Down In the old "U" Hall. As They Say It. Harvard: "Oh, heah me, Ma laar- logy is so odious!" Princeton: "He talks like a fish Yale: "What a hell of a liner- Record. STETSON HATS Newest Shapes Shades Saturday Only $7.20 925 O STREET. LINCOLN.NEB. GUGENJSiMJPJHERS jam LEARN to DANCE We guarantee you to dance in six private lessons. Phone for ap ointment now. This studio may be rented for pri vate parties. n K it K n, 1 Mrs. T. E. Williams PRIVATE STUDIO 114258. 1220 D St. Come Out and See Our Studio. Tucker-Shean Manufacturers of Jewelry, Class Pins, Ij Charms, Medals, Athletic Trophies, Etc. Waterman Foun tain Pens, Ever sharp Pencils Your Patronage Solicited Tuclier-Shean 23 Years at 1123 O Street :''lll!lillli!lllllll I a CITY AUDITORIUM ! Dance Tonight THE CITY Lincoln's Most Popular Amusement Center jiiiiuii uiiiinimi! 3 i You have a A Townsend Portrait I will be most appreciated j i i "Preserve the Present for the Future" LwP'FllllllltffllllW 'im rmmti trrwrrrtnrf-mn r"imrvn-fn-miin i irmrrmnuiMHnirrinMin wwrtKcriumgi mi wns 1 For just such happy moments fcf nbw5sZft I at this, Coca-Cola was created R?- T2Sinr?l f delicious and refreshing. P ' Cf-ji&f 1 L I j Thb Coca-Cola Company j 11 11 tT ATLANTA, OA. J Jjf f What Shall I give Her for Easter? - - why of course, CANDY W 'ft Fine Boxed Chocolates ! YOU know how delicious our candies are. They're made in our own clean factory. By way of sug gestion, among our most popular candies are WITCHING HOUR chocolates, boxed at 85c, 1.25 and 2.50; and MILLEROLL chocolates hand rolled cream and nut centers lh. 1.10. Main Floor. AUDITORIUM mini friend that you will want to remember with an EASTER GREETING. TEACHERS If you want the best position and the "High Dollar" in salary, write today for our liierature. One Enrollment gives you mem bership In all three offices, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Omaha, Nebr.; and Kansas City, Mo. All will work for you. Comm. only 4. Payable In Fall. THE HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa YOU HAVE WRITTEN POEMS! Do you care to have them revised or constructively criticised by successful authors? If you do, then end us your manuscript (stories, articles or poems). We will criticise, and place them should they prove to be accepiab.e for publication. There is no actual charge for our services. If. however, you have not previously enrolled with the advisory 'lepartment of this assolation, wc re quest that you enclose the initial fee of two dollars, which we must ask of each new contributor. There is no additional expense, no future obliga tion. It must be realized that we can only be of aid to those of serious Intent. If you do mean to strive for literary suc cess, we can help you In many ways. Our services are yours uniil we have actually succeeded in marketing at 'east one of your manuscripts. Send something today! Please enclose return postage with your communications. NATIONAL LITERARY ASSOCIATION 131 W. 39th St. New York City Advisory Department A SHORTER SHORTHAND SYSTEM IN TEN EASY LESSONS . This course covers ten easy lessons which will enable the Student. Pro fessor, Journalist, Doctor, Lawyer or anyone seeking a professional career, to go through life with 100 per cent efficiency. THIS COURSE Is short and inexpensive, and is lven with a money back guarantee if not satisfied. SEND THIS CLIPPING TODAY PYRAMID PRESS: PUBLISHERS 1416 Broadway, New York City. Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith Is $5.00 for which kindly fiend me your shorthand course In ten easy lessons by mall. It Is understood that It the end of five days, I am not satisfied my money will be gladly refunded. For Good Eats Try the Y. M. 0. A. Cafeteria Name Street City and State.