The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 25, 1921, Image 2

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    I II h
1 , I i. V N K H K .
PablUhrd Mcnatay, Tuesday, Wedne
fey, Thursday n4 Fldy of each week
fcr Th I'nlveralty mt Nebraska.
I'ndor the direction ol too Student Pub
cations Board.
Cntrrrd aa eeond class matter at the
awstafflrs In Unrein, Nebraska, under Art
at Congress, March I. 1B7S.
absrrlptlon rate t-SO per rear
$1.5 par semester.
Ingle oop j S rent
N. STORY HARDING....Editor-ln-Chlef
JACK AUSTIN Managing Editor
...Associate Editor
News Editor
News Editor
News Editor
Soi'lrty Kdltnr
... Sports Editor
t0, "V Hall
Telephone HSSI1)
asslxtant editorial writer: Helen Howe,
Vard lUndol and Harlan Boyer.
Gertrude Patterson and Genevieve
Lam en, assistant society editors.
Katherlne von Mlnckwili
Student Opinion
ataff artlnt:
GLEN GARDNER. ...Business Manager
JAMES FIDDOCK..AisL Business Mgr
KNOX BURNETT -..Circulation Mg'r
News Kdltsr tar this Issue
1- Clean politics In competitive
campus affairs.
2. More paid readers on the
3. A wider scope of news.
4. Realization of the new gym
nasium and stadium.
5. Lower prices to University
6. Each student an "unofficial"
staff member of the Daily Ne
braskan. 7. - Adoption of the Single Tax
System next fa1 1.
Coeds at Nebraska have aiv.aj
mailed when the subject of Piu ttU
Kappa honors are diacu&sed. U hue
been, vwm ilium, a sniiie of sut'Siac
tion a smile that they knew the
bad earued. Tin be Cornhusker giris
stuilod because tliey knew that near
ly every P. B. K. pin was pinned on
a member of their sex.
These figures will speak for them
selves: In 1S18 but four men wcie
chosen members of Phi Beta Kappa;
in lyiu only seven men out ot' a total
of thirij-ume new members were of
the male sex; and iu 1920, thret
fourths of the members wer eco-eds
University men were represente:
with th eratio 11:44.
When the lyiil Phi Beta Kappa
keys were tendered to fifty-ihree
members of the Senior class, twenty
of these were given to University
men. This year nearly 38 per ceat
ol those ,ho will receive the key are
members of the male sex. Uuiversil'
of Nebraska men are coming into
their own.
When college days are over it is u.
to tne luea w ho are graduated to
whittle lue rough path dovu to a
smooth ruad, that they may progre"
along ilns highway In the high pow
eietl luu.ur tur of success. For tb.s
reason men need to linish collide
with at least as much stored ur
knowledge as women. A Phi Beta
Kappa pin may not mean that its rt
dpient ia a human encyclopedia, hut
it does mean that the honor ha3 be a
bestowed upon one who has not
hired during his University rareer
Editor, Tho Dully Nebriiskan:
The recent election to Phi Bota
Kappa of 53 members touatltutluf,
oiio-aoveutu of the beuiors eligible for
election, is an event that calls lcr
some comment. In wlntt follows 1
want it to bo understood that 1 have
in mind simply the interest of the or
ganizatioii of which 1 am a member
and that nothing contained herein ia
to be taken us a criticism of the
committee or of the member", who'
have been receully elected.
Kery thinking person will agree
..nut it' any honor is to mean much
it must be given sparingly, A genera,
difubsion of honors oi any sort uihkcs
litem unimportant and doleats the,
purpose lor which they were given,
ihe Victoria Cross and the Congres
sional Medal of Honor mean much
ueeause they have boeu given to but
lew. A general bestowal of thos
oilers would have cheapened them.'
'1 he same is true of the honor that
eomes to one in the suape of elec
tion of Phi Beta Kappa, if this honor
.s to be prized, it it is to mean much,
if it is not to become loo common,
.t must be given to comparative!
iew. Certainly here it is Riven io
uae student in fifteen it means much
more than where it is given to one
student in ten and very much men;
tiiau where it is given to one studeu.
lit seven.
Certainly all of us who are intc
ested in the University of Nebraska
and in Phi Beta Kappa want the Ley
that comes from tnis University tr
mean as much as the key that corner
rem other colleges where they have
a chapter. We do not want our grau
uates who are members of Phi Beta
Kappa to feel that the honor which
comes to them in the shape oC elec
tion to the organization is less im
portant because more of them lwvc
been elected to it. Let us see to it
that the key of Nebraska means as
much us the key from Illinois, Wis
consin or Harvard.
As the first step In bringing this
iroul I would suggest that the com
iniitee write to the other chipteiV
in the country to see what proportion
of those eligible to Phi Beta Kappa
are elected. When this materia) Ik.s
been secured they can then proceed
to achieve the desired result.
Our Inquiring Reporter
Five persons picked at random an
tked a question each day.
Today's question: Did you try on
r the Kosmet KlubT
1. "Bub" Weller, 229 North 17th
st: No. Of course I could get lr
ut I don't like to do so many things.
2. "Bob" Anderson, 544 South 17th
t.: Oh, I decided they didn't need
3. "South" Mllham, 518 North 16th
st.: No, I didn't to lazy I guess.
4. Katherine Von Mlnckwitz, 405
North 25th St.: No o o! If you'd
ever heard me sing you wouldn't ask
5. Bennle Weber, 544 South 17th
st.: Well, it's just like this, if I
tried out I knew I'd get in and I Just
didn't have the heart to cheat some
poor fellow out of a place. Besides
I'm pretty busy.
LOST Diamond ring setting Sunday
on either It or S streets, between
12th and 16th streets. Liberal re
ward. Return to Student ActivitieF
office. 3i
DICK DE FORDS Orcnestra al
Liberty, March 25 and 26. Phone
L9264 or B4874. 3t
Engineers Track.
If you ever did anything or think
you can do anything In track come
out and tell Doin and Bowman and
j;et In shape for the lntercollege met'
April 16.
Tickets for Engineers banquet an.i
dance are now on sale. Look al yotu
college bulletin board for list of ticket
Engineers, Attention.
Contributions wanted for the Engi
neer's Scandal Sheet. Everything
and anything welcomed. Box oulsids
of Blueprint office in M. A. Hall.
WANTED To correspond with five
students who would like to earn big
money during the summer vacation
handling a Collection System. Un
limited demand, big profit to agents
Secure territory now. For full par
ticulars address Thrift System, Iola
Kans. 3t
Home Style
Malted Milk
25 Cents
l l o . i. 1 1 i ivy 11
Dad (sternly) "Where were you
ast night?"
gon "Oh, Just riding around with
some of the boys."
Dad "Well, tell 'em not to leave
their hairpins in the car." Scalper
Boyd Printing Co.
InrratloM. Christmas Ureetin
Did the Body of Jesus
Rise From the Grave ?
Did His Disciples Believe in His Bodily
The last of the series of sermons by James
W. Macdonald on "The Liberal Interpre
tation of the Personality of Jesus."
1 2th and H Sts. Sunday at 1 1 A. M.
s7J v7X -
Come With the Crowd!
Incl. Tax
New Spring Models
$35 $40 $45&$50
Same quality sold for $65 to $90
Last Season
This is the ladt paper before the
spring recess, which begins tn-nor.
row at nixui and continues until uo"
April 2. The next issue of the Daiiy
Nebraskan v. ill not appear uut.l
Tuesday morning, April 5.
Easter will have come and p"ue j
and stuihnts will have made their I
yearly (?) appearance at church
the time they return to the campus.
While jou are at home, torget fio I
forget text books forget student
life. These things represent a str.r.- j
uous existence, although you may nd
realize it. Play for the next wetk -and
play bard. Oil up your lubricat
ing machine by April 2 bo that ynj
won't have to stop at the garage o.
supplies or repairs until the end ol
the semester. You may not evea ue;d
them then.
Positions in China.
The Teking Union Medical College
of the Rockefeller Foundation has ap
plied to the Bureau of Professional
Service for college assistants.
A. A. REED, Director.
Room 201, Temple.
Open Day and Kifrht
We Serve the Best; Prices
Visit the Lantern Room
Dancing from 9 p. m. to 12 a. m.
1439 O Street
A. ',' itr mi i - Mi . 'j M
f .:: r 1 w. v ; . ti f
tit V "l
J'' C O A'0 .C'I92I
P 1 1 '
I 4 ' 'v. . 1 '
rj '
Mayer Bros. Co.
ELI SHIRE, President