Fhe Daily Nebraskan VOL. XX. XO. 98. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY V.m. PRICK FIVE CENTS. AMIL DQBESH DIES TUESDAY IMG Varsity Basketball Player Succumbs to Attack of Appendicitis Fol lowing Operation. WAS STAR TRACK MAN Was Thought to Be -on Road to Re covery But Complications Set In, Resulting in Death. Amil Dobesh, '23, of Ansley, Neb., o mpiiiber of Nebraska basketball smiad, (1 led at the Lincoln Sanitarium 11:30 Tuesday morning as the result oi complications following an opera tion for appendicitis. Dobesh accompanied the Nebraska team to Iowa two weeks ago and played in all four games there. On his return Suiulaj, lie was takeu 111. He was operated on last Tuesday and was apparently progressing rapidly until he took a turn, for the worse Saturday. Complicated necessitated a secon deration Monday afternoon. Dobesh never fully revived followng this op eration. Amil Dobesh entered the University in September, 1919. He had taken ,part in high school athletics and was a star on the Ansley High School basketball team which took the title In one of the lower classes in the 6tate high school touranment here in the spring of 1919. Last year, Dobesh was a member of the freshman basketball, baseball and track squads. Although a new man on this year's basketball team. he showed considerable promise and was exceptionally valuable because he was a hard and consistent worker. Last year was the first season that he had done any track work and he made an excellent showing In the polr vault. He would probably have made a strong man on the Nebraska track team. Parents In City. Grace Dobesh, ex-'21, was a sister o' Amil Dobesh. A brother, Arthnr Dobesh, has been in Lincoln for the past week. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dobesh, arrived in Lin coln Tuviuy noon. Hooper. Dobesh was a sophomore in the arts and science college. He was a member of Sigma Nu fraternity. Ho will receive an honorary N, which he had already won, in the shape of a large floral wreath. ANNOUNCES SCHEDULE FOR AG TRACK TEAM Chas. Bachkora, manager of the "Ag?ie" track team, announces the following schedule for Agricultural College nun, at the University Farm athletic field: From 4 to 6, Tues day, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day, and the Fame hours on the city campus, on Monday and Saturday. INTERCLASS BASKETBALL Our inter-class basketball tournament will be played Thursday and Friday afternoon March 4 and 5, at the Univers ity Arory, The Freshmen will play the Juniori at 4 p. m., Fri day, and the Sophomores the Seniors at 4:15 p. m. Finals will be played Saturday after noon the winner of Friday games playing 2:30 p. m, and the losers of Fridays garnet at 2:45 p. m. Leaders of class or ganizations should meet Coach Schissler as soon as possible to arrange for practice periods. Every Cornhusker With Greater SECOND VOCATIONAL TALK FOR UNIVERSITY WOMEK Miss Marie Wiesner to Speak at Meet ing Today in Ellen Smith Hall. The second of a series of vocational talks for University girls under the auspices of the W. S. G. A. will hp Si ven today at 5:00 o'clock at Ellen Smith Hall. A double program in the ntcrests of advertising and commer cial art has been arranged. Miss Maries Wiesner, head of th advertising department of Miller & I'aine, has consented to give a dis cussion of the work in her depart ment. Her discussion will be practical and useful for all girls whether thy intend to enter this line of work cr not, say members of the committee in charge of the programs. Paul Laune, one of Lincoln's enm- r.iertial artiats will also bo present at the discussions this afternoon and will tell of the various phases of the commercial art work. Mr. Loune has ntroduced several new lines of com mercial work in Lincoln during the ist few months. He comes highly recommended by those of his profes sion. The vocational programs given by i he W. S. G. A. are annual. Each year they are conducted, sometimes along with the "After College What" week. This year more lectures are being given and the committee Is working to make the talks more prac tical and to make them appeal to a large number of girls. NEBRASKA WRESTLERS TO CLASH WITH OWA Huskers and Hawkeyes Will Grapple Either Friday or Saturday of This Week. The Nebraska wrestling team will meet the University of Iowa grappler? in a dual meet at Iowa City either Friday or Saturday night of this week. Dr. Clapp has been putting the team Mirough some stiff workouts the past week and reports that the team wil he in first class condition to take on the Iowa grapplers. The wrestling team has bee inside of a new ring that has been built in the chapel of the Armory. The rules call for a roped ring now and Ne braska will inaugurate the use of it in the match with the Indiana wrestling team here next month. Practically the same team that represented the Huskers in the match against the Oklahoma A. & M. col lege will make the trip to Iowa City. Iowa has one of the greatest wrestl ing teams In the Big ten this season. Dr. Clapp acted in the capacity of referee at the dual between Iowa and Illinois last week. The Iowans de feated Illinois team by the count of 30 to 12. Last year the Illinois team raptured the Western Inter-collegiate Tournament at Chicago. Huskers Have Improved. That the Husker wrestling team has improved Is shown by the fact that the Oklahoma team journeyed to Ames after the meet with Nebraska and the Iowans were only able to beat the Oklahomans by the samp count that the Huskers did. Ames defeated Nebraska by a fairly good store previous to that time. Tomorrow Dr. Clapp will start an elimination contest between the dif ferent divisions of the class. The con tests will be conducted similar to tbe Varsity meets. The matches will b held at the regular class hours o 3 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday be tween the hours of four and five. A Collection of Real Nebraska Songs Nebraska Spirit, and the Best Songs of Other Colleges FIRST MONTE CARLO GAMES PLAYED TODAY Opening Round of W. A. A. Tourney Is At One O'clock This After noon in Armory. W. A. A. will begin on the first :'o..nd3 of their big preliminary or lonta Carlo Basketball Tournament tjday at one o'clock in the biggym .r.isium. Since the teams have been !rawn by the captains the hoops have been kept hot with intensive practice 15er ' "e yesterday no girl knew whose tv . ie vould play on, but on ac iiouiu oi the required practises every .)iie is in prime condition for the fight tomorrow. .Margaret Henderson, 22, sport leader has announced the following Ut'icials for the games: Referee, Miss Byran from the city Y. W. C. A. Score keepers, Miss Donati and Miss Mann of the physical education department, (Continued on page four.) FIRST INTER-FRATERNITY GAMES THIS AFTERNOON Kappa Sigs and Pi Kaps to Meet In Initial Contest of Tourney at Five O'clock. Greek will meet Greek today at five clock when the Kappa Sigs and the .M Kaps will meet in the first game of the inter-fraternity turnament Four games will be played today and the remainder of the first round will be run off on Thursday and Satur day. A great deal of enthusiasm is be ng displayed on the campus just at present over the outsome of the inter -Vat contests. Every frat entered It the tournament has been practicin regularly the past week or two and ie majority of the teams are In goo hape to put up a real battle. The largest amount of interest In the first round games centers in the )e!t-Sig Ep contest. Both of these 'ams are evenly matched and should rut on a battle that will equal any that will be played in the entire tur lament. The frats are requested to choose heir own referees for the contests in order that there "will be no pro testing of decisions. When Spring Comes, Think You're In Love Spring fever once again takes pos session of our very souls and l.tc. We simply can't get away from II; like the hook-worm it cats invo ou. innermost beings and we cannot es tape it. It is predestined that w& po--r crawling mortals shall at the firs-. lifnf rF 1 .-1 1 - C 1 1 'ays succumb to the Influence of tic inspiring air p.nd weather in general. It makes you want to get out you, marbles ana tops and go out ami play with the "fellers." Don't you re neniber those good old days? lot. 'idn't have to study or worry aoou anything of any importance tnen. You would go with your pocKets ftr. of migs and i oil them on the school room floor to teacher's desk and theij oh, boy! But yon were used u standing with your face In the coi ner; 6o you just waited until the bell rang, and out you ran to pipy another game, shouting at tne o. of your lungs. Sometimes you would sneak out with your big brother's baseball. (Continued on page four.) Should Have a ELEVEN ACTS SCHEDULED FOR UNIVERSITY NIGHT Shun Will Appear a tAnnual Enter tainmcnt Saturday Evening In High School Auditorium. The University Night committee an nounces a program of eleven nets for the annual entertainment in the I .'.: coin High School auditorium next Sat urday evening. The University Or chestra will play, and at the close of the program the Shun, the University caudal sheet published annually by Sigma Delta Chi, will bo distributed. Raymond Doyle will be announcer nf the skits. The Green Goblins will be iiohcrs and the Silver Serpents will sell candied applc3 and other re freshments. The skits will be shorter than usuil and a larger number will be given Curtain skits will prevent long wilts while the scenes are being shifted. Members of the committee say t.hat every student's hobby will be repre sented in the program. For the stu dent of history there will be skits ranging from the session of the legis lature in 1SG9 when the bill founding the University was passed to a scene in the office of the Shun fifteen min utes before going to press. For the fine arts students dances have beer, provided varying from early Egyptian to strictly modern. The scientist's will be entertained and deceived by the magician and electrical wizard In regard to gossip the committee is silent. SONG BOOK SALES START WITH BANG Soror'ties Racing For Prizes Book To Be Handsome Affair. Nebraska co-eds started sale of the Cornhusker song-books with a bang, yesterday morning. About half of the subscription books have been given out and sororities are vieing with each other to see which three will be the lucky winners of the chair, and the two lamps. The book is a handsome one pre pared after months of effort. In it ire printed all the old songs of Ne braska, new ones by students and alumni, and the best college songs from such universities as Cornell, Wisconsin, Yale, and many other big schools. The book will also have har mony and numerous songs. The book will be cloth bound with a cover design of gold upon a crimson background. Among the songs are "The Ne braska Girl" by Fred Richards and Allan Wilson, "Nebraska" by Dr. Alexander, and the "Chant" by Pro fessor R. D. Scott. Nebraska needs a songbook to pre serve and increase the spirit of the university. You, students of Ne braska, who are a part of this institu tion, should make this book possible by subscribing. PRESIDENT APPOINTS AG CLUB COMMITTEES Mary Herzing, '21, pre.-ident of the United Ag Club announces the follow ng standing committees for the sec- nd Femester: Membership Martin Kreuger, chair man; Jay Hepperly, Alberta Shires. Hilda Grunwald, Elvin White. Program Kathrin Hechart, chair man; Roscoe Perrin, Elery Frost Mildred Crouse. Mixer Robert Holland, chairman; F. K. Warren, Lois Haas, Helen Hunt. W. Shane. SCHISSLER STIFF SGHMMAGE quad Will Be In Excellent Shape for Colgate Games Friday and Saturday. EASTERNERS ARE STRONG Jebrnska Lineup Likely to Be The Same That Faced Notre Dame Quintet. Coach Schissler put the Husker Varsity squad through a stiff signal i ractice yesterday and will scrimmage lenight and tomorrow. The squad Is rapidly improving in form and should lie in first class condition by Friday night, when tho J'uskoM mix w'.h the fast Colgate quintet. Colgate recently defeated Syracuse and have a long string of victories for this season. The easterners will mix with the Creighton basketball team in Omaha on Thursday evening and will be in Lincoln on the two following nights. Coach Schissler will scout the Colgate-Creighton contest so that the Huskers may have ,'some idea as to wh.it style of play tho easterners use. Nebraska fans will be able to gather some idea from the results of tho Creighton-Colgate as to just how strong the eastern team is. The Hus kers displayed their best playing of the season against the Notre Dame agregation last week and Coach Schiss ler reports that the team Is improving all the time. Will Use Same Lineup. The Husker line-up that will face the Colgate team will be practically the same as started against Notre Dame. Captain Bailey and Newman will be at the guard positions and Bekins will fill his regular place at center. Smith will work at one for ward and Coach Schissler will prob ably alternate Carman and Warren at the other forward. Both of these men showed up well in last weeks games. Coach Schissler feels that with this combination the Huskers should carve ;wo notches in the defeat column of the Colgate crew. Negotiations are under way for a preliminary contest for Friday night's battle. On account of the expense that is put upon the University in briging a team of this Calibre here Director Luehring and Coach Schissler are making every effort to have one of the largest crowds of the season on hand. The usual dance will be held after the Saturday night's contest. University Night comes this Satur day night and will probably affect the attendance at the game somewhat. Director Luehring wants every Ne braskan at the Coliseum Saturday who do not attend the entertainment at the Lincoln High School. LENHER ADDRESSES CHEMISTRY STUDENTS Dr. Victor Lenher, Tuesday after noon In the Chemistry Hall, gave a lecture on the "Comparison of Selen ium and Tellurium with Sulphur." He discussed in a general way the chem istry of the sixth group of the periodic Fj'stem and developed the relationship existing between selen ium and tellurium with sulphur. Tho lecture was very interesting and well attended. On Wednesday at 5 p. m., Dr. Lenher will speak on "The Chemistry of Selenium and Tellurium." SENIOR GIRLS. All senior girls vote Tuesday and Wednesday 9 to 5 at the Li brary for New Motarboard members. Sona Book