ADRIAN BARSTOW, J1X.'13, MURDERED LAST WEEK Adrian F. Barstow, former Univer sity student, was shot and killed In his own yard at his home, 1415 South Twentieth street, about midnight January ?2. He had- Just driven into his garage and was entering the bouo when the shooting occurred. Mr Barstow was a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity and a member of the class of '13 of the University. T, had bei-n associated with his, W. T. Barstow. for five years in the grain business in Lincoln. His sister, Marjorie, '22. is a meni 1 . : of Alpha Phi sorority and active in University dramatic circles. She )-:.! as.-isted Charlotte Whedon Scott in aesthetic dancing recital at the Temple theatre early in the evening rf the tragedy. .- Mr.- B. X. Towl. commissioner of public improvements of the city of Omaha, visited the Depart men' of Ci' i! Engineering Wednesday. Janu ary' 19. WORLD OUTLOOK CLASSES START NEXT TUESDAY iContinued from page one.) M. C. A. These classes will be held in the Temple. Study Mission Work. Ellen Smith Hall will be the meet ing place for the groups which cave h -e:i arrrnged for the g!vls. l-'rtibtrm connected with mission work here in this country will be broueht up. rs well as discussions of the foreign i-lds. The leaders for all the classes have been secured. "A Trip Around the World" is tht cours open to men and women which will be given on Thursday evenings at Social Science Hall, room 21 S. Tii course has been arranged as a com-v--:itive study of all the fields. It if planned to have a different speaker ti'lk to the at each meeting and cover one country each session. Stu dents are not barred f-on entering more than one class in the World Outlook Course. Schedule Announced. The romplete procrram whicli has - t : - ! BOOKS? -.BOOKS 2 I Hi . - I College Book Stoire ' FACING CAMPUS '- . ' i; . Yx - - . v ' rr been arranged, starting February H, is announced as follows: Classes for women at Ellen tamii Hall: 1. Tuesday, S p. ni., The Bible aud Missions Leader, Mrs. G. W. Isham. 2. Wednesday; 3 p. in., Woroeii Workers of the Orient Mrs. Ldwaru L. Marty. 3. Wednesday, 5 p. m.. The Churcu and the. Community Mrs. Eleanora T. Miller. 4. Thursday, 2 p. m.. Problems Under-Our Flag Mrs. G. B. Simpkm. Classes for Men at the Temp'e: 5. Tuesday, 10 a. m., The Amerkii City Leader. Rev. Lloyd Foster. 6. Tuesday, 11 a. ni., Asia Dr. W. T. Elmore. 7. Thursday, 10 a. ni., Egypt am. the Xear East Dr. D. E. Thomus. 8. Thursday, 11 a, m.. South Am?i ica Prof. P. K. Slaniaker. Classes for men and women in Room 21 S. Social Science: P. A Trip Around the Wor'd Thursday, 7-S p. m. Class for men and women: Rural Community Leadership Prof. John O. Rankin, credit offered time and place arranged. Further and more complete infor mation on any of the above courses may be secured this week f-.m any of the following people: Harry F. Huntington, director o. Life Work Guidance. Temple. Miss Clarie McKinnon, Y. W. C. A. secretary, Ellen Smith Hall. Don C. Hel'fley, V. W. C. A. secre tary. Temple. PRO. KIRSHMAN WRITES TOR KANSAS CITY TRADE PAPFR (Continued from page one.) , nuns. Light Tax on Securities. Dr. Kirshman's solution to iuia problem is a light tas on all secut. lies, which in, the long run would bring a great return to the str'e and do justice to corporations issuing the securities. Representative C. B. Anderson t the First Trust company of Lincoln has written about existing conditions in a local paper and nas introduce a bill in the legislature proposing a plan similar to the one Dr. Kirsh GET NEW Save money by buying Second Hand Books. We have reduced prices on many articles that you will need for the second semester. Five Hundred man is advocating. Governor McKol vie has also made a recommendation to the state legislature to do away with this obvious injustice. FORMER DRAMATIC CLUB STAR PLAYS AT ORPHEUM (Continued from page one.) versity Players to this city and pre sented "Believe Me Xantippe" at the Brandt is theatre with great success. Mr. Clark, who was a member of e Kosmet club of the University, wrote the book of the musical comedy, -The Knight of the Xymphs." which won the club prize, and was presented at the Oliver theatre in Lincoln as its fifth annual production. Mr. Clark has made great strides in, his chosen "profession. He recent ly sfgned a three-year contract with the Selwyns, under the terms of which they are to star-feature him next season in a new comedy with music which is being especially writ ten for him by George V. Hobart and B. C. Hilliam. who are responsible for "Buddies." REV. HILTON ACCEPTS UNI PASTOR POSITION (Continued from page on.i der his leadership. It was .urin; those formr.tive years that the devo tional life of the church was t-mplu sized and a deep spirituality developed as a foundation upon which the pres ent church has grown. Called from his labors to become financial secretary of Comer college, at a time when that school piopert was all but lost to the church, Mr. Hilton spent two years raisinK the necessary money with which the col lege property was redeemed from in debtedness after which he was calb-d back to resume his labors as of the East Lincoln congregation. Two years later he was called to the pas torate of the University church in Bethany, and later to a professoiship in Cotner college. He served in these two capacities at Bethany for a period of ten years. In the meantime the East Lincoln church made little progress anu in 1S10 appealed to Mr. Hilton to again THEM HERE OR SECOND HAND Fountain Pens km. to minister. Acceiitln i unviuo Ilk. ...... .call, he led the congregation in his last pastorate for a period or ten years. During these ten years the membership has grown steadily until U now has a membership of 40. Plans have been completed for i. modern church building. The congre gation has moved from the old frame building to the basement of the new church home. The church is out ol debt find about $35,000 has been sub scribed towards the completion of the new building. In addition to this valuable contit bution to the growth of the East Lin coln church, the University churcc and Corner college. Mr. Hilton has generously assisted in the building oi churches in ether fields, he Havelock church was started with the assist ance of the University churcn tain. b his pastorate there and when the Tabernacle church was organized, he led the East Lincoln church, which together with the other churches of the city, gave valuable assistance "n the establishment of that church at Seventeenth and South streets. x I WATSON'S I ORCHESTRA Booking Uni Parties "1?n'5!'SlS1hg3 Begin Business Training With Our NEW. CLASSES THIS WEEK it is the shortest, surest route to success. Ask about our ap proved courses. LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE Accredited by National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools L. n. C. T.lilp. Hth and P St. Lincoln. NW at Half Price For Your Parties . Golden Rod Trio "The J list rite Combination" Pnnjo piano Sax PAUL .T. WliITK Qimlity Foods at Reasonable Prices X Fountain Prices Cut Low . X Let Us Prepare Your lii Eats X Punch Pastry Saiubvi, lies 1434 O B2:)73 B1464