THE DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS. FOR RENT Girls, good rooms close in; It will pay you to Investigate. 511 No. 16tli St 41 IX)ST Gold Eversharp pencil, be tween E. E. building and S. S. building. Return to Student Ac Uvltles office 2t THUES., FRI., SAT. , BUCK JONES in "JUST PALS" Here's one that you will all like the big outdoors with out the usual rough stuff seen in westerns. Comedy, News, Etc. B REGULAR PRICES i Till US.. KKI.. NAT. WAI.I.AOK KK1I) In "ALWAYS Al'DAIHOl S" "THK SHOW" X Nnw Chrwtpr Comedy rilAHLH I.. IIACI.KY Mnirln AnciiMt IHclr.e'H Now Son 'A MKMOKY OF NIGHT TIM K" KIAI.TO SYMPHONY OIKIIKSTB rathe Seml-Workly N'ewH Tnpiral and Travel 1'lrturmi SHOWS BTAKT AT 1. S. IV. 7. SilBEBTY s THI'KS., FKI SAT. Ki:TII KOI.ANI H In SHrrlnn Story of Wmt 'KI'TII Or THK BOCKIKS" "A SOFT-BOILED YEGG" A Jolly t'omrdjr THK I.AIRKI. GIRLS FAKER McGOWAN JOHN K. iOKlON CO. "DAD'S OLD VIOLIN" HAYES & FIELDS WILLIE KROTII EKS SupprmatiTH of the Art of Kqulllbrlum Llorty t'oiicert. OrrliestnJ Intnrnnllonul Sewn Weekly M Ml M M M M M M M M t M M THI'KS., FI4L. SAT. ENID DENNETT In - HF.R HI SBANIVS FRIEND" I.YKIC rONCKKT OKCIIKSTRA l.yrlo Semi-Weekly N'ew "AIN'T LOVE GRAND" A New Ga.vcty Comedy ANNA EVA FAY $ The Great MentulUt SHOWS START AT ?:S0. 7. g WED, THURS., FRI. 2:30 Now Twice Daily 8:20 SHEILA TERRY With Harry Peterson & Morris Lloyd in "THREE'S A CROWD" A Musical Romance in Three Scenes POWERS & WALLACE CHESTER 4. MORGAN STORY 4.. CLARK TUCK & CLARE CHARLES HENRY'S PETS CONLIN & GLASS KINOGRAMS TOPICS OF DAY 1,000 Seats at all Matinees, 25c Eves-50c to $1.25 Fancy Toilet Articles For Xmas. CHAPMAN DRUGS It. Cooe. I . N. 'IS. ft. im o st. THE LINCOLN BINDERY First Class Book Binding. Your NAME in GOLD on Vote Boons, Covers and Brief Cases While You WaiL 1212 P St. B1616 UNIVERSITY DIRECTS BASKETBALL MEET Five Proposed Eligibility Rules Sub mitted to Nebraska High Schools for Their Approval. Lincoln 1 again was chosen as the place for the state high school basket ball tournament, which will take place the first week in March. The board of control of the state athletic asso ciation convened in Lincoln Wednes day when the final decision was reached. As In former years the tournament will be under the direct charge of the athletic department ot the University. A number of new eligibility rules were discussed by the members ot the board and will at onrp be 'sub mitted to the different schools of the state so that some idea may be gained as to what, attitude high schools will take on this matter. The rules consist of five separate articles. They are ps follows: New Eligibility Rules. "A referendum will be submitted to the schools of the state association at once proposing that the following be incorporated in the eligibility re quirements: "(a) A student must have com pleted 15' hours work the preceding semester. "(b) He must enter within the first fifteen days of the semester in which he wishes to participate in athletics. "(c) lie must carry and success Tully keep up to standard continuous ly . from date of registration until one week preceding the date of the contest. 15 hours of work. "(d) Eligibility lists are to be signed by the principal of the liish school and also approved and signed by the superintendent of the schools. "(e) That the membership be made five dollars a year." There has been a feeling in every part oT the state that the rules re carding the eligibility of a man in athletic contests have not been as strict as they should be, nnd that the proposed changes will remove any doubt as to a man's right to participate. My Bonnie leaned over the gas tank The height of the contents to see; He lighted a match to assist him. Oh. bring back my Bonnie to me. Theatre Reviews The White Moll Pathe. Pearl White, with the "pearl white" teeth, back from her jaunt to Europe, returns to the sllversheet In a fea ture picture that is not a serial, but which contains so many of the "alleged" essentials of the continued production that those coming into the theater late would imagine that Pearl was doing her share of stunts to elude the "wily willun" who would "have her in his clutches" when "To be con tinued" Is flashed on the screen. Pathe seems to love blood and thunder. Creighton Hale's "Thir teenth Chair" evidenced this. "The White Moll" is another good bit of proof. In a difficult role. Pearl White is required to do some strenuous act ing, of which she is entirely capable. Changing herself into "Gypsy Nan," a character so repulsive and vile that wo could not imagine It was the "star" herself, was a feat that only Pearl While could perform. Kichard Travel's was required to make a similar change from one-eyed gang ster to "silk-hat drunkard." The tenements of New York are the settings for this exciting story. The Dangler and his gang, his wife who is wanted for murder and who has been sought for three years by the chum of a pal murdered by Dagnler. together with the work of the White Moll, a former crook, who helps other crooks to reform among them the Sparrow is the gist of the five reels. The plot is unusual and contains many surprises. Those who enjoy something different will find Learn to DANCE We teach you to dance in six private lessons. Phone for appointment. Mrs. T. E. Williams B4258 Private Studio 1220 D St. hpol ofOhncim DANCE Saturday, 8:30 p. m. 1.25 Including Tax BECK'S SYNCOPATED SYMPHONY The UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of MUSIC Adrian M. Newens, Director Offers Thorough Training in Music and Dramatic Art A LARGE FACULTY OF SPECIALISTS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Anyone May Enter FULL INFORMATION ON REQUEST Opposite the Campus Phone B1392 11th and R Sts. HEFFLEY'S TAILORS OP QUALITY loaning and Remodeling for Ladies and Gents. 132 No. 11th St B1422 BLACK ONYX Rings with Fraternity or Sorority Crest on make smart Christmas rifts. HALLETT lni Jeweler Estah IS? I 1143 O Remember that the Original Southern RAG-A-JAZZ Band Plays at the Knights of Columbus Hall TONITE Dancing at 8:30 One Twenty-five Boyd Printing Co. Inivations, Christmas Greeting Cards, Programs. TM917 Si ,k ! Try Robert's Dairy Lunch Once We know you will come again. I Eat and Save at 1238 "O" St D own With Prices! DANCE! at The Rosewilde Tonight $1.00 8:30 All Souls' Unitarian Church 12th and H Streets ' A CHURCH OF THE FREE MIND AND THE MODERN SPIRIT Services Sunday at 11:00 Rev. James W. Macddnald, Minister W arm Slippers Make Ideal Christmas Gifts For Both The Man And The Girl -for the GIRL III-LOW "COMFY" HLHTERS these have foliar iini.shed tops which may be turned up over the ankle and buttoned. Old rose, taupe, Finech blue, orchid uilh ecru collar. Triced, pair 3.00 irilrKI SATIN r.Ol'DOllt SUITERS with leather soles and beds. I'oni poms on toes. Copenhagen, pink, lavender, old rose, lijrht blue, dark blue, red, tfray, blue, brown, wine, purple. Triced, pair 3.50 K.MTRKSS IJOI'DOIU SLITTERS satin with leather soles and hili covered heels. Tom poms on toes. Thick and old rose. Triced, pair 5.00 -for the MAN "COM FY".. SUTTER'S of felt with soft, easy soles. They may be had in frreen with red trimming or taupe with blue trimmniys. These are the famous Daniel Green slippers, the best on the market. IViccd, pair 3.50 KID SUITERS, either the Opera or the Everett style. Full leather, leather lined. Comes in brown only. Triced, pair 5.00 CAVAUER SUITERS the high top style, covering the ankle. Suitable for house wear. A warm slipper that is extremely pood lookiner. Triced, pr. 3.0 US S5!23SSS VARSITY- DAIRY THTrTh W University Farm v x-aiiji inn u. vv Judffiner Contest Products Show Movie Saturdajr, December 4 w I u u , COME AND BE A GUES1 OF THE DAIRY CLUB