!.. ... Ehe Daily Nebraskan VOL. XX. NO. 32. MET SELLERS HE FAST IE C3(rolcte First Lap in Race for Prizes Offered By University Players. palladians Head List literary Society First to Turn in Report of Sale of Hundred Tickets. The first lap of the University puvers season ticket selling contest, jaded yesterday In record time tin1 i floor lamps, given as prizes to lie first five sororities selling one tandred tickets each, being gone? by (trly in the afternoon. The women sobers of the Palladiau Literary Society, the first to turn in the money .ni the name9 of the first hundred tickets, had their returns in the Stu int Activities office fifteen minutes i:er the contest opened josterday eornine at 9 o'clock. The Alpha XI Delti, the second to win a lamp, had Iteir tickets turned In fifteen minutes tter the winners. Gamma Phi Beta. Uppa Delta and Pi Beta Phi are the Kter winning contestant, in the inter given. The contest, however, has Just be pn, as the most important part, that i the race for the largest sale of ttlets, has hardly started; and the k prizes are still to be awarded, fie hundred dollars in cash are to it given to the three sororities har if the largest sale of tickets, by the fc eighteen hundred tickets are Bid. Ticket for Six Plays. The season tickets being sold are kr the tlx plays to be presented by lit University Players during the rater. Each play will be given tat successive nights, and six hun ted reservations can be made for ach performance, making a total of I igiteen hundred tickets as trie I count to be sold in the contest, feariy one-third of that number bad tea turned in by last night, and irig to the limited amount of tdets to be sold it la expected that tt contest will close by the last of lie week. The contest is going far better was ever anticipated," aid Man- utr woods last niehL "More in tt-iasm being shown than tho man- ipsent had looked for. The re iider of the contest will be excit fci to the end, as all the sororities, fc&rdless of the results i:i the lamp cttest, will have an equal chance to ete out strong at the close and win 2 caiii prizes." Canvas Business District. Ciavassing was started in the down districts yesterday morning, and a expected that a large amount of Jeifj wni be sold there. Nearly all rooming houses and dormitories W been canvassed by the Boilers be- tte opening of the contest, and liters were stationed at different on the campus yesterday. Tie University Players Intend to the place of the Oliver Thea'er kyen), which gave several produc es here a few years ago; and so (Continued on Pace Four) PLAN BIG SENDOFF. AH University students not elaes are urged to be at Burlington station at 4 'elxk Friday afternoon to give Ktbratka's team a good "send- The team will leave at :30 for the east where it will Rutgers and Penn 6tate. flame with Rutgers will be 'yed on election day, Novem 2, and the game with Penn ,tat on November 6. Tbe band will be at the sta jjn play the chant and the wnhutker. -Skipper" Bailey his band cf cheer leaders " be there to give the team ' farewell shout Twefrty.f0UP players will go t eastern trip accompanied waehes and trainers. This kes a total of thirty reserva for the athletic depart- You University ! Annual W. S. G. A. Party Saturday The annual V. S. O. A. party wi b'ini oaturuny, Octob w :;t). Tlii program will be h first at the ...wmi, uuginning promptly al 2: GO. There will be sovcral clover SK1IS R'vn by last year's Fr men Commission girls. After the program the girls will go together to Ellen Smith hall. Good music will be furnished so that rtanc ns may be enjoyed. University colors will be used in decorations throughout the hall. Refreshments will also be carried out in Dip r.-,i.,r scheme. This .any Is usually given tV f-:-t ?P.!ur!jy of school but v.-sis post! v;i ) on account of football ga:;.es -vl other activities. This is on of the very "peppiest" g'ven I'uring t-te jvr-. Usually some part of the program I devoted to campus life, to give the Freshman a glance of what college life should mean to them. All Fresh nun are urged to come, for it will be a good time to meet uppercla3s men. BE I Largest Roster Ever Compiled Will Be Published By Those in Charge of 8ook. The student directory will be ready for distribution on the campus Tues day morning, November 2, according to announcements made Wednesday afternoon. It will be the largest roster of students that has ever been compiled at the University and it will contain nearly two hundred pages. The booklet will be bound in gray- covers on which will be embossed the seal of Nebraska University in con trasting colors. The pamphlet will also contain a complete new tele- phone directory of each student Special efforts have been made by the editors to correct the addresses of the co-eds. The advertisements this year have been carefully chosen to feature Linclon's representative merchants. Price to Be Surprise. Peter A. Fredericksen, who has .,.. nf th financial end of the enterprise, announces that the price ,,f this year's directory will be a pleasant surprise whin it is J;n n'.'nced. Information about every student in school will be given in the manual 4 ntnri tntn f.icu'tv roster, including the additions of their campui tele phones, will be incoipora'.ed in'o the book. A reproduction of every cam pus organization with a list or s officers, together with lists of pro fessional fraternities and literary so c:. ties will be another feature cf the 1920 booklet. The new cottage dor mitories wi'h a small amount of in formation about each will be listed in the directory A fpecial effort has been made on the part of the publishers to gt com ;'! information about the Greek l..'r r,r-.Piz.i'!ons at the University Additional particulars about the pan.phM will bn given in Nebra.-kan for Friday. the la:ly Can't Get Teacher, So Close Up School BILIJNCS. Mont-Twenty rural . , .i r, mnter sections of Yellowstone county wi'h an ofwrcg-ie . ." mir.da Will .r.rollr::c-nt or atioui uu i'i' n'niain closed indefinitely on account of the lack of teachers, according to . C uriori TV a statement made uy wu;,,, -ndent Frances Miller. This Is a forceful illustration of the dearth of teachers In Montana and western ?ta,,. according to school off; cUIi The small pay allowed lea...- - rural districts and the rati i .... of them are taking advanced work in 1 seat, of learning in the cities Is XJn reaS0D fr lhl8 r 1 ion As teacher, cannot be found supply the demand, in Ihe n dl.tr!-. It to Hated that eff rt. . be made to consolidate certain d.s trlcts. TelVem Players LINCOLN. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, TJ20. GQRNHU8K Efj SONG Publication Will Fill Long Felt Need Committee of Students, Faculty and and Alumni Chosen to Compile, Finance and Publish Book Containing Original Songs By Students and Alumni. Ward Randal Made Prizes Totalling $1C0 Will Be Offered for Best Songs Submitted By Students and Interested Individuals University School of Music Assists in Compiling The University cf Nebraska is l':i.r-iVlt need frr such a publication has liually crystalized into a ileterniinaiion to put Nebraska on a par with such schools as -iiieiii''an. Jlnnois. Wisconsin, and line. This is t he lifst time anything of this kind has been attempted and till b.yal Cornhuskers must make it a big success. In charge of the work of procuring words and songs, financing and publishing the book, is a committee of students, faculty and alumni, headed by Ward Randal,' as general chairman. On the stu dent committee are Eugene Dinsmore, Russell Baijey, Ruth Kadel, Ruth Lindsay, Gayle 'Grubb, Lois Jack Austin; on the faculty committee, R. D. Scott of the Univer sity, and John M. Rosborough of the University School of Music; and on the alumni committee, Gaylord Davis, Carolyn Reed and L. R. Doyle. The chief purpose of the book is to publish original songs written by stu dents, alumni arid others interested in the University, as well as the best songs of other schools with a few songs arranged for quartet; to be come an important element in the traditions and life of student Prizes of $25, $15 and $10 will be offered by the committee for the three best songs submitted by students and prizes of the same amounts will be given for songs submitted by other interested parties. A leather bound copy of the song book will be given to the writer of each song whether a MID-SEMESTER REPORTS ARE DUE NEXT TUESDAY First-Year Students Handed Class Plums in Shape of Special Appointments. President Robert E. Craig of the Freshmen class, has announced the following committees for the first semester. The class Is composed of approximately one thousand students. The committees follow: HOP COMMITTEE. James Miller, chairman. I. Decoration Committee. Helen Walpole. chairman; Mark Darth, Nell Woods. II. Refreshment Committee. Mary Henderson, chairman; Mar garet Wattles, Kenneth Baker. III. House and Finance Committee. F-lbcrt Evans, chairman; Roberta Spain, Herbert Solomon. (Continued on Pare Four) Did Cleopatra Say: 'Em Caesar, You ve uauir "You tell 'em, my tongue is in my shoe." "You tell 'em linen; you don't shrink." "You tell "You tell em ivory; you're hard." 'era purple box; you're loud." "You tell 'era onion; you have strength." "You tell 'em locomotive; you've got pull." Tf vr.u would b abreast of the times, you must be able to "shake a mean tongue anu i--i bubble over with "you' tell 'ems." But don't think for a minute that the well known "you tell 'ems" are the only popular form or mai UIi..c.. American language slang. A glossary of the slangy expres slon.i'used on tne cainpuo wuu.u - i.ireer than the New York city directory. To explain these myriads of expression would demand a mind greater than that of Aristotle and a humor greater than that of Irvin S. Cobb. Now modern mortals need not think that they are the only advo cate, and exponents of the degener ated language. Ancients Used Slang, Too. Can't you imagine that Cleopatra said: "You tell 'em, Caesar, you've got Caul." as she wrapped her snake- Inger soil - --iiMwwsmjvaiiKmgKSSiBH For a Whole Year BOOK IS PLANNED General Chairman and Publishing. goin? to have a song book! Tae ol her lame institutions nl'intr nus Melton, Laurence Metzgar and prize winner or not which is accepted and the writer's name will be enr bossed on the outside of the volume In the prize contest both words and music are desired but if either music or words are submitted sepa rately, arrangements have been made to complete the songs. Contestants having good melodies, but who are unable to harmonize them, are asked to submit them, for the University School of Music will harmonize all such melodies. All songs submitted should be sent to the Cornhusker song book com mittee, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. FRESHN COMMITTEES ARE ANNOUNCED DY PRESIDENT Middle-Term Examinations Postponed Because of Conflict with Teachers' Meeting. Mid-semester examinations have been postponed five days, according to Dean C. C. Engberg. The reports of scholarship standing will not be due until November 13 instead of November 8, as previously announced. The reason for this postponement is because of the fact that the state teachers' convention will be held at Omaha during the week beginning November 1. Another reason why this step has been taken is because the secdnd scholarship report would come only a short time after the first quarterly report which was some what delayed. (Continued on Page 4.) "You Tell skin gracefully around her left wrist and smiled wonderingly into the orbs of that famous Roman. Perhaps Rrutus exclaimed after killing Caesar: Great Caesar's ghost, now I have spilled the beans." When Joan of Arc was bravely re sisting the flames which were soaring higher and higher to the top of the stake to which she was strapped, can't you Just hear her cry: "For the love of Mike, why don't some of you guys give me a lift. When It comes to bravery, you will be awarded th chiffon typewriter ah. I'll say you will." When Christopher Columbus sighted land for the first time as he nearf-d San Salvador, he probably yelled In the best Spanish: "I'll tell the world that's a beautiful country.. Wonder who the redskin babies are playing around on the landscape." Don't you remember the time Sir Walter Raleigh laid his coat In the mire for Queen Elizabeth? I can Just hear him saying: "Come on, kid, put your tootsies on this horse blan ket If you don't your name will be mud." Some day soon we have promised to explain how the expressions that defeat themselves originated for In stance, how came the crocheted crow bar and the sandalwood hair net - - You've Paul White to Head University Math Club Paul J. White was elected presi dent of the Math club at its first meeting held In the AmericHn Legion room at the Temple, Thursday, Oc tober 21. The other officers elected are: Lloyd Shildnleck, vice-president; Grace Myers, secretary-treasurer. Prof. C. R. Sherer gave an illus trated talk on map projections to more than fifty students. Ice cream and cookies were servcdi later in the evening. Lcclie Bare is Chosen as Sophomore Editor The name of lx?sl:e P.ave was by oversight omitted from the list of appointments on the 1021 Cornhusker staff. His title will be that ol Sopho more editor and the uties of the office will be general. Mr. Bare attended Columbia University last year and is well qualified for jour nalistic work. SPECIAL PLANNED FOR E Train Load of Students Plan 'Watch Huskers Trim Feathers of Kansas Bird. to A special train will carry the Corn husker warriors and their enthusias tic friends on their campaign in the south when they go to bring home the scalps of the Kansas tribe from the November 13 battle, provided 125 round trip tickets are sold or guaran teed. This will be good news to all the football fans who are anxious to see the Cornhuskers pick the tail feathers out of that rare old bird, the Kansas Jayhawk. All that remains for the said fans to do in order to realize their hopes is to get the gang to gether and have them shoot the ticket sales up to the 125 mark. That's easy. Of course the neces sary "wampum" is a thing that should not be forgotten, but that will not require a great amount as well be seen in the price list which follows soon. Schedule of Trip. The schedule for the trip is: Leave Lincoln lliOOp. m., Nov. 12 Arrive Lawrence.. 7:30a.m., Nov. 13 Leave Lawrence....l2:30 a. m., Nov. 14 Arrive Lincoln 9:30 a.m., Nov. 14 The fare for round trip is $14.60. war tax included. Standard sleeper, upper berth is $20.38, lower berth is $21.46. Tourist sleeper, upper berth is $18.22, lower berth is $18.76. The rail rate from Lawrence to Lincoln is $6.81, including war tax. Standard sleeper, upper berth Is $10.19, lower berth is $10.73. Tourist sleeper, upper berth is $9.11. lower berth is $9.38. Those intending to join the party at Lawrence for the return trip will be taken care of by the addition of two extra coaches at Lawrence. The sale of tickets begins today at the Union Pacific office. Chamber of Commerce building. 204 No. 11th st. All tickets will be sold there instead of at the consolidated ticket office. Varsity Movie Drama To Be Filed on Campus A Varsity Movie, a 2,000-foot fea ture film depicting an lnieresung story of student life, written, pro duced, and acted by students. Is being planned by the Edwin Booth Dra matic club of the University of Wisconsin. The students who are promoting the plan have already filmed a num ber of University events, such as the University Circus, and will work with the director of the Unlver.vt" photog raphlc laboratory. They p'an to show the picture first at the University and then to turn it over to a booking com pany for circulation throughoct the country. As first step, they are offering a prize of $25 for the best scenario. Gotta Ticket University Players m:ice five cents. I SCRIMMAGE BEFORE BIG GAME Huskers Given Last Workout Prior to Journey for Eastern Games. Train at Aerial Game Nebraska Coaches and Squad Hard at Work Putting in Finish ing Touches. Coach Schulte put his gridiron battlers through the last scrimmage that will be held befor the eastern trip last evening. Practically every eligible man was given a chance to show his ability against the husky Freshmen. ICeen competition exists between all the men for positions on the team and every man is giving everything he has in an endeavor to be chosen to represent Nebraska in her eastern games. Coach Schulte has made no an nouncement of who will gi east, but it is probable that be will tonight. Due to the many substitutions the Varsity failed to make any extra ordinary showing against the first- year men last night but every man was doing his best and Coach Schulte feels confident that the Nebraska "steam roller" will make itself famous in the east The Huskers have great ly improved their aerial game. Men Not Yet Picked. It is not known how many men the Huskers will take with them. Coach Schulte hopes to take twenty-six men but this number may have to be re duced to twenty-two. The guarantees which the Ne braska management is sure of receiv ing are $2,500 for the Rutgers game and $4,000 at Penn State. The cost of transporting and caring for the Cornhusker party may run as high as $7,500. The Nebraska authorities have con tracts for the two games which give the Nebraska management the privi lege of taking its guarantee or a per centage of the receipts. Unless the percentage exceeds the guarantees, the Cornhusker athletic department will lose money on the trip, which explains the necessity of rlacing a limit on the number of players. Rutgers and Penn State have two of the strongest teams in the east (Continued on Page Four) University Calendar THURSDAY, OCTOEER 28. Musical convocation, 11 a.m., Memorial hall. Big and Little Sisters' dinner, 6 p. m., Ellen Smith hall. American Chemical Society meeting, 8 p. m., room 08, Chemistry hall. Bible class meeting, 11 a. m., Ellen Smith hall. Bible class meeting, 2 p. m., Ellen Smith hall. Xi Delta meeting, 7 p. m., Ellen Smith hall. Alpha Kappa Psi meeting, 7:30 p. m., Acacia house. Y. M. C. Forum meeting. Temple. Sigma Gamma Epsilon meet ing, 7:30 p. m., Museum. Phi Delta Phi meeting, 6 ft. m.. Beta Theta Pi house. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29. Bushnell Guild fall party, Lincoln hotel. 1232 R street dormitory party, 8 p. m., Ellen Smith hall. Peru Normal meeting, 2:30 p. m., We.leyan football field. Lutheran club meeting, 8 p. m., Art gallery. Palladian open Hallowe'en party, Temple. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30. All-Freshman mixer, 8:30-11 p. m.. Armory. Palladian masquerade, Col lege View. W. 8. G. A. girls' party, 2:30 to 6 p. m., Ellen Smith hall. Alpha Chi Omega house dance. Delta Zeta Hallowe'en dance. Kappa Delta house dance.