.... t THE DAITiY NRWRASKAN t Luncheonette i ft www C" INSCRIPTION 17 2:30 Now Twice Daily :20 S 5 EDDIE VOGT ;; in fe EDDIE VOGT " : "I? LOVE SHOP" will :.irry ;rm r.llnworllv. H.:iiu'.fiil moiiilk in l!.t!nir. Kntitr Hid !itvi' rrctill' iv .. CAH ALL & ROM INE CIDNEY PHILLIPS RENO EDWARD MARSHALL JACKIE & BILLY "FOLLOW ON" villi llnrriit Mnrlowo Compnny KinKTnni Toplrn nf 1y MAT. 25c and 50c EVE. 50c to $1.2b V J ,UOI., "I UtS., WtO. CCKSTANCE EINNEY in "39 EAST' "TOHCHY'S MILLIONS" EDNA SHOVVALTER r'V. l V. TKWVlOf.X Ton s or !)" FLAVIA WATERS OV v M.MtT AT I. ,X. V 7. ; VTS . Ntf.i.T K I- 9 Tlicatrc Reviews Sun "Two National This Weeks" Fir6t Production. picture. Marring Constance Tnlmadge, who is ably supported by Conway Scarle in the male load, holds ono's Interest even thought it has a rather improbable plot. It is the tale of a misjudged, chorus girl whose whole environment is changed in "two weeks'" time by three very de cided old bachelors. Constance Tal madge is as winsome and pretty as usual rind one finds it not at all diffi cult to understand how she wins the most likely one of lho three bachelors in the last reel. Rialto 'East 39" Realart. j A play that is different, in its plot,! its characters, and best of all its ! ending. Constance Kinney, a charm-. ingly innocent girl who thinks she is j "perfectly disgraceful." proves to ai doubting world (hat happiness is still j in Im found and that there is really a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Musical Convocation Thursday Morning The first musical' convocation of the year will be held in Memorial Hall Thursday morning. Piinoipa, lenlnrcs of the program are Helm belt's Fniini.diod Symphony, and the Ki'samum! Overture, to bo rendered by a string quartet and pi;m organ. P . ..s are li'ng made for MiiOtlmi in po.iar.i corvocation lo bo held ju.o bfVore the. Thanksgiving vacation, l or this (ho chorus under t'lo dinvv i "m of Mrs. Raymond vill i'ng "The Tiki tins." There Is dso to be a convocation of the Aits College at an o'lHy daU. All member, students and facult.v membeis are expected to be jnescrJ at this discussion of the various im portant activities connociod with th. college. The r.!Sl ;.dd. .-: V id Ik. given by Dean Buck who v;P. be fol lowed by three other spoake.s on important ohascs of the ooliegoV work. IBERTY t n carman Ct ft riCPj HON., TUSE.. WED. HARRY BOND & CO. KdicMfiil One i Oomwly nvu viclin r.-.i&sts DOYLE ANO ELAI M E G'LLETTF. E "Y ANT WASHBURN (i., l'::r: tinn-l Victim v .. .. .., 1 l.J.n.K AM-' 1 ; i , ! l r-I Now Wockly .. r :(, and LVMIC Farm Campus Notes Professors V. V. Burr, M. H. Swcnk, T. A. Kiessclbach and U. U Peltier, of the College of Ag; iculiuve, inspected a wheat field near Waco October IS. About fifteen aces ol wheat had been destroyed. Alter a careful inspection of the field and talking with the owner it. as decided that lice and ramy worms did the damage. A part of t.e wheal was on the ground where an liaile f-oiil. oats crop was plowed under. It believ the volunteer oats were i rsponsible for 1he presence of the lice. Sen" tcred reports have been coining to Professor Swenk, state e.i enielrgist, of damage by lice. The damage aa a whole is net oxte.ishe. however. PERSONALS ;ll this week CICIL T: DeMILI.E'S P-cHiiclifn 0-:ETIIIS!'G to tkink ArOUT" .f ' Kli t of ( oliir ami H-snly 1 (.N( 'v-' Oi; II !;M'KA 0VlY 15I:.V:;K. Kir.-.Uir I'l, ...: i':'lu- Tr:;r'iiBU" Prof. J. H. Frandsen delivered two ledures on dariying at Ihe Purple Cane community center, Pege coun ty, October 22. Purple Cane is erne o!' Hie most active community centers in the state and a number of Vni- i ver:tv nrotessors have visited n. IVnn 1". A. Burnett recently delivered a lecture there. The eoiiiumniiv is j centered about, an unden.immalional , church, which is equipped for social i events, having a kitchen, dining room, gymnasium, etc. The community has ; its own mcung picture shoev at least ' once a week, held in Ihe church. It has baseball and bowling teams and sports for both men and women form an important part of the program, i The pastor, ttov. A. K. Smith, reeent j ly celebrated his tenth anniversary at Purple Cane. i : Ai-i. . - - . -V I I r - i -r i i r- rr I j. KlUlV., I ULO., Iltu. J DUSTIN FARNUM ? "Big Happiness" TI:e Season's Sensational Eram u-ith a "Man's Man" Q j S. Y. P( i in. superintendt ni of the j University farm, left S'deday for I Sainnt, Neb., for a week's :sit. Mr. i Perin homosioaded in Ciu:'ei county I forty yi-ars ago last May. He was ,1101 miles fi'or.i Grand Innd, the "maresl railroad point, le- '.emained in Custer county until ISSti. when he accepted the position as foieman at ' .l.e State Farm. Mr. Perin has two hroihers li:ng in Cu.s.--t county. This is the first time he lias returned to that counly at this time of the year, his duties at the St.ito Farm being such that he eou'.l not. get away except in the winter. Comedy, News, Etc. POPULAR PRICES ; ':; :ra:OJ0rg'at5XX,5TXS2rj' WANT ADS. l-V.r Music Vil j Racr-a-Dour Trio CliJis. Miner 1-1417 - Drink Our F.ng Malted Milk For lunch. They are a ful' meal. cm a I'M s ; c.'ir i;. t ttr. . N. 'i:, 'kt- l '.12 O I LOEB'S ORCHESTRA Tusinss P!,om residence HEFFLEY'S TA!l.tiKS OK QUAIJT1 Cleanine and Kemodeling for Tarlies and Oents 1S8 Xo. nth St, t14 MOl 'KiN rooms, good heat and privi leges. LfifioO. St I'tKFSSMAKlXG and ladies' tailoring. ; 1725 K St.. 2t j WANT F.I") A live wire student to handle a new laundry ;!V.ii.ii".n. An excellent hance to l.u:!d a nice paying business. Call 1.4."-1t;. 2:1 No. 12th. tl WlUl the man who took or ex- ; (hanged overcoats at the Saratoga reci eat ion parlors last Saturday! night be so kind as to call I,r.;f'S ' and exchange v.ith the c.her coat owner, lie will give you f5 for1 vour kindness. t ; I ; r.IiACi; leather, lrif.se leaf niu.bok i taken from east window in Armory between 11 and 12 o' l.eV. Monday. ; V.'ill I'Tsen who tool; ii retwn it; j to Student Ac'ivities oTleo iinine- . I diriHly? 206 V lli.ll. f.i ' i j STOl-KN reason who too. text anl ; nrte "books from piper rack in ; i basement of V 11a1!. ret.itn to Stu-i ce nt Act iviti-s effice a: d avedd ' trouble. 2t 1 FOR SALF 1:bson mandrdin and J case, as pood as new. worth ?7". j will take $40. Call I.S219. Et j 1XST rncut cameo sterling ladies! ring; lost on campus. Fetum to -Student Activities office. 2t MFY B1SCHOP, i-ianist, parties, etc. BS949. C. K. Cotton, graduate of the Uni versity in 1907 and famous on the gridiron as "toe" Collon, visited fie University of Nebraska Saturday and witnessed the defeat of South Dakota j at ihe hands of the Cornhi.skcrs. Mr. Cotton is the brother of Mis. Calvin j l'mery of Uincoln. lie is in the Htm- j her business in Menlo, Colo. A feature of Judge Wray's speech ! at 1h.e city auditoiiam last even.n,' was the fact that a numbr-r of Uni versity co-eds acted as ushers. Silver I.ynx announces the pledging of Harvey Hanson, '24. ot Battle Creek, Mich. Harold Payne. '24, has returned ' from a week-end visit in Omaha. Henry S. At wood, of the Omaha Medical College, was a guest at the Pi Phi Chi house during the week end. Margaret Mathews. ex-'2", of Om aha. will be a guest at. the Kappi Kappa Gamma house for the re mainder of the week. Clyde XicTielson, '2?, and Bex Fern old. '22. have returned from a visit in Omaha. Walter Johnson, ex-'20. of Om?' was a guest at the Alpha T.iu Omega house during the week-end. Daisy Graff, '2", returned yesterday from Teeuinsch, where she spent several days. l.nmir Novak, '22,. spent the week end at his home in Powells. Wayne "Loomis. '22, is back from Fremont, where he spent several dr. s. Gratia Sanborne. "2", will spend the week-end at Sioux City. la. Wilson Black. '22,. rdurned from a trip to North Bend. Prof. J. H. Frandsen addressed the members of the Pu'-ple Cane emn mum'y club last Saturday. Prof. .T. T. Tees lectured to School of Agriculture students Tnesdty morning at convocation on "Trave1--in Greece." First Tieiitenant James TI. Ilae.in has reported for duty with the Mi'j tary department. Uieu'ennnt lln.M" comf'S from Camp Funston v.-her-1 was a member of the Fifty-fifth In fantry division, with whi'-h he wen' overseas during 1he late Tar. WE CALL THEM ROOMMATES. Say folks I've thinking that you take an awful risk, Almost as bad as fellows do when they annex a wir, Or viica versa, round aboul, one way's as bad as the other, Cause when you lake a roommate you have lo Heal binViike a brother. You might feet one whose highest aim's oration and debaiing. The chances are he'll run you wild with stuff loud and c'ating. And what if it should be jour lot lo draw a young musician? His practicing might worker yon tilt yen needed a physician. But pity these poor fellows with science vm their brain. Believe me folks they sure can make yer.r life ;r.i aw fid s i.uC And linn there Is the politics in Socila Science section, With the guys that argue, rave and rant about the next election. Hovv'er it be it seems to me, (if 1 may borrow phrases). You fellows can be glad your mate's not moved by all the crazes. Not bound by word of fashion to boh his hair so golden. Nor pluck his brow s nor cane his face. to make him more beholden. i. ;. wi"r"w-" y"?.''!f"' -"""""!:' ' 11 " v.' '" ' iy. mwgyjy- w' - nTrrri -it - '-fcniti - irt.-ii.M nii.iu,i.i.iHJ..lt mta.i , On Friday Slight OCT. 29th is the night of-- IHE HALLOWE'EN DANCE at sew Refreshments i , v ilde V II! I is : -4,;; as ,,5SS if H r h ..v at Prices Good for You ' i i Midland College Man Killed in Accident Schocimates See Mortenren Eiectrc cuteci When He Tries to Repair Light. ! i FBKMOXT. X.b.. Oct. 20 "I er.Ti ' fix that light" were the 1; st words ( ll '. he: t Mo: iTifen, ::ze- 1R. g.-n of : Mr. r.n : Mrs. oorce M:rti r.st n ct : 742 Fast Tenth ftrf et. :h:s e'ty, v.prii he ciiinbed a 20 1 ot tow l on the Mid-h-nd campus to Investigate th" lirht. bulb th.-.t had not been wrehin? f- the 7.;. st few ricd.ts. As h loin-hed the bulb, it sma.-hel in h's 1:.' nil t.nd the concct el the wi-es ti : :tjc- s.e 1 tower grounded this eor,T:ect i..n. A farh Kif elect; icity pi.-'Se1 th e""T' his'bedy t n 1 he was dashed to the ground cnconsri.ms. IT- "i"d ?s s...7: a.-; l.e readied the hrispit;.l. The -.' ur.g man v.-. s a s u 'ent at Midhnd, and he, wi;h two of h's 1, (..!::. j.r.,-1 a nun.b r 1 f o : r sM dfT-ts, hi e m ticed the detective light . r.d vi.rd- e l v. r.rt ca- -e '. :h ! ; reiiMe. S c. .."! ef the h.oj 's F l:oee m-.tcs.;nd e-;;her? w:tr. ssed C" : irrge.iv. He is su.-eiverl by his T'r.r ; ir.'.s, six br-'ulK'-.s and one si' tr. j " I You dorft have to choose between good quality and low price when you buy here; you get both. We're selling the finest Hart Schaffner & Marx all wool suits and overcoats for men and young men, late fall models, regular $50 to $85 values at 2L 3 S S. I50 1 :.: i ! ," I i r. i ! ; I 57 t F 1 1 s For parties! Just arrived. Satin! S ;. '.p. P.r.hy Feuis Heel Pumps. Ol ceuse they're only $10 at The! Bootrc y. (.FT PtaTord's Teerless Orchestra Graham, fni's master saxorhonisu Call 15B5S. Is IK ! Jrk ii h H ii CLOTHING COMPANY Nebraska's Largest Exclusive Men's and Boys' Store