The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 26, 1920, Image 1

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    Fhe Daily Nebraskan
Vol. xx. no. 30.
Contestants Must Adhere Closely to
Regulations to Win Valuable
Race Starts Wednesday
Temple Schedule to Become Leading
Playhouse of City By Winter
Productions. ,
Rules governing the University
Players' ticket-selling contest, which
will be in full swing at the Univer
sity this week, have been announced
by C. W. Woods, business manager
of the Players. There are eight rules
for contestant to learn, according
to Mr. Woods. Each instruction must
be strictly adhered to, if the compet
ing sororities wish to capture any of
the prizes offered. The rules follow:
Rule 1.
Contest will be open only to the
sororities of the University and the
feminine members of the Palladian
Rule 2.
Contest will begin at 9 o'clock
Wednesday morning. October 27. and
continues until eighteen hundred
tickets (1,800) have been sold.
Rule. 3.
Tickets will be issued tc contest
ants at the Student Activities office
after 9 a. m., Wednesday, October 27,
in lots for fifty (50) tickets, and
will be sold for three dollars ($3) per
Rule 4.
Tickets are considered "sold" when
money for said tickets is turned in
to the Student Activities office ac
companied with the issue numbers,
which are printed on the tickets, and
the names of the purchase!? of the
Rule 5.
All tickets reported to the Student
Activities ofTice as sold must in lots
of five tickets or multiples of five.
Rule 6.
Ttie first five of the cortestants
(contestants meaning each organiza
tion as a whole) to sell one hundred
tickets each, will each seloc-t and re
ceive, in their respective turns, one
of the five floor lamps bought Tor
his contact from the Perkins-Hoffman
Furniture company. No con
testant will receive more than one
Rule 7.
When eighteen hundred tickets are
sold the contestant selling the great
est number of tickets w:ll receive
i wo hundred fifty dollars in cash; the
contestant selling the second highest
amount will receive one hundred fifty
dollars in cash; the third highest con
testant will receive one hundred dol
lars In cash.
Rule 8.
No exchanging of ticket, of credit
for ticket selling, or of monev for
tickets will be allowed between any
o rthe contestants.
(Signed) C. W. WOODS,
Business Manager
University Players.
"a ucxet drive will insure the
purchase of a large number of season
tickets for the plays that the Univer
sity Players will produce at Nebraska
"eason. The contest will enable
the organization to offer better
vehicles than have been given on
previous occasions. This season the
Players will enact some of New
fork's late successes. More elabo
rate stage settings and more gorgeous
costumes than before will help to
roake the productions attractive, says
Manager Woods.
Take Place of Oliver Productions.
The University Players intend to
lake the place of the Oliver Theater
Players which gave several note
worthy productions here a few years
a?o. The Temple Theater will be the
nly place in Lincoln that drama will
be presented this winter.
"The popular playhouse this winter
be the Temple Theater," said
Manager Woods, "and a season ticket
to all performances will n8ble stu
dents to see the entire repertoire at
greatly reduced cost."
Single admissions to each play by
tle Players wfll be seventy-five cents.
The season tickets for the six pro
ductions that wfll be given this year
fll sen for three dollars.
Fourteen sororities had entered the
race up until Saturday morning. One
thousand dollars In prizes will be
riven away. Five ornamental floor
fctnps wfl be awarded to the five
ororitles which seT! the first one hun
dred tickets each.
(Continued on Page 4.)
Language Study Room
In University Hall
The English and modern language
study room and library, recently
opened in the north wing on the third
floor In University Hall, is meeting a
long felt want at the University.
Besides providing a quiet, roomy and
well-lighted place for students or
languages and literature to study, it
also serves to relieve the. congestion
both at the tables and on the shelves
in the main library.
The entire classical library has
been moved to the new quarters.
Perhaps the distinguishing feature of
the language library Is the splendid
assortment of encyclopedias and die
tlonaries. It alBO contains lexicons
In Spanish, French and German as
well as in English, Latin r.nd Oreek
Special reserve shelves or books
are being selected by instructors and
transferred to the new libra.y for use
In special courses. Mrs. Nellie li.
- .ckup, librarian in charge, will assist
students in making the best use or
inese accommodations.
Conservation Workers
..Filming Road Making
The Department or Conservation
and Soil Survey is assembling an in
structive motion picture reel on the
story or the concrete road. It was
filmed at Fremont, and chows the
building or a road from its beginning,
and how Nebraska road materials are
Slim Response Made to Call
Student Rooters to Accom
pany Team,
Watch This Space
October 28
Request Made for List
of New York Alumni
Representatives from Neighboring
States to Discuss Problems
at Joint Conference.
It is up to 125 persons at the Uni
versity to advise Chairman Guy Reed
immediately that they desire to take
advantage of the f 170 round trip fare
to New York for the Rubers game,
November 2, if a special train is to
be chartered fdr that journey If the
required number of fares have not
been sold before Friday of this week.
the special train feature will be
abandoned. The number of students
who have declared their intention to
go on the "special" has been so
small that there is every indication
that the project will not be under
taken. Although many students had visions
of leaving on a special train with the
squad, the fact that mid-semester
examinations will be given when most
of them would be out of school, has
dampened their plans somewhat and
has led them to delay signing up for
the journey.
Yesterday it was known on the
campus that automobiles in the city
will be ready to make the- trip at
fares slightly under one hundred dol
lars. It would nccessaiily take
longer by car than by train to make
the trip Whether the student goes
by automobile or train the minimum
number of days he would miss from
the classroom is nine.
Team Leaves Friday
The football men, numbering ap
proximately thirty, will leave Friday
afternoon at 4:30 on the Burlington
railroad. The itinerary includes
five-day stofj in Xew York City, visits
at Niagara Falls, Chicago and at
State College, Pa. The players will
have a light workout Saturday in
"The Windy City" and in the after
noon they will be given an oppor
tunity to witness the cla3h between
two of the leading teams in the Big
Ten conference. Sunday will be
spent In Niagara Falls.
All we want is enough time at the
Falls to go over them in a barrel."
said a member of the team yesterday.
The southwestern section of the
Mathematical society will hold its an
nual meeting at the University of Ne
braska during the Thanksgiving re
cess. Representatives from the Uni
versities of Kansas, Missouri, Iowa,
Texas, Oklahoma, the Daketas, and
Nebraska will attend the meetings
November 25 and 26. Dr. Wm. C
Brenke of the Department of Maths
matics is president of the socieLy and
Prof. L. Ingold of the University of
Missouri the secretary.
A smoker for visiting members will
be one of the social features of the
program. President Brenke hopes to
able to show the mathematicians
some very interesting mathematical
antiques in the form of eld manu
scripts of which he has learned. The
manuscripts are in the library of the
curator of the Department of Botany.
M. J. Fitzpatrick, from whom Dr.
Brenke hopes to obtain them for the
November meeting.
A member of the rational commit
tee on secondary' school curriculum
will be present and give an informal
talk. The morning and afternoon
sessions will be given over to pre
sentation of papers and discussions.
Commercial Club Plans
First Party of Year
Chemical Club Will
Hold Friday Meeting
The Nebraska section of the Ameri
can Chemical society will meet in
room 208, Chemistry hall, Fiiday, Oc
tober 29, at 8 o'clock p. m. The pro
gram will consist of a report of the
Chicago meeting of the American
Chemical society by Dr. Fred W.
Upson, and a talk on "First-hand Ex
perience In Industrial Chemistry," by
Dr. h! G. Demlng of the Chemistry
. AH persona who are Interested In
chemistry are Invited to attend the
meeting Friday evening.
The first . University Commercial
club party of the year will be given
Friday evening, November 12. Final
arrangements for the dance, under
the direction of Chairman Latowsky,
are being completed. The affair will
be held in the Lincoln Commercial
club ball room. The committee is
now planning features 10 add in
creased enjoyment to eve.y moment
of the evening.
A.s the number of tickets bring vali
dated is limited, it is expected by
those in charge that the greatly in
creased club membership will mean
a proportionately heavy demand for
tickets. It is desired by the commit
tee that all new members share this
opportunity to enlarge their social ac
quaintance. Old members who at
tended the parties of last year need
no special invitation to put November
1. on their social calendar.
Baby International to Be Held First
W$jk in November at Uni
versity Farm.
The Baby International, an annual
stock show given by students in the
College of Agriculture, will be given
Friday, November 5, at the Stock
Judging Pavilion on the Farm cam
pus. This show is patterned after
the International show at Chicago
and is given with the purpose of dis
playing the animals which will go to
the big show in Decembei and to
give students in the animal husbandry
classes an opportunity to fit and show
stock under the same conditions that
they would encounter in the show
ring. Prizes will be awarded to the
winning student Judges.
The show is under the supervision
of the Block and Bridle club and a
committee of forty is working to
make this the largest show ever given
at Nebraska. Bleachers will be
erected in the ends of the pavilion,
thus allowing more room for spec
tators. Entertainment being
planned to relieve the monotony of
the show and music bv a-i orchestra
will add variety to the program.
Method of Allotment.
Early tbia.week, the method of the
selection of animals will be announced
to the animal husbandry classes. The
animals will probably be allotted to
the first comers at a certain set lime.
By using ibis method of allotment
each man will have a fair chance and
those who do not take the opportunity
of presenting themselves early must
content themselves with nuing and
exhibiting the less desuabie animals.
Great interest is taken in iiiis an
nual stock show. Last ear some
exceedingly well fitted animals were
presented for exhibition and students
realized the need of such a shQw.
With the added faciliti'.'o of this
ear, and the variety of program that
will be offered, the Baby International
will no doubt be the largest and most
appreciated that has ever been held
t the Farm. The price of admission
will be low, probably just enough to
over expenses.
A group of seven University of Ne
braska alumni met for a luncheon
October 19 in New York City, accord
ing to a letter from F. C. Stunner, '11,
of 110 West 40th street, New York.
The purpose of the gatfleriug was to
obtain from each other information
regarding any organization of Ne
braska alumni that might exist in that
The meeting was prompted by the
coming grid clash with Rutgers at
the Polo Grounds in New York City
November 2. Each member of the
group happened to be an engineer.
None of them knew of the existence
or an active University or Nebraska
club or organization in New York
City. Mr. Stunner writes that he
would be grateful if some person
having such information at hand
would advise him whether br not
there has at any time been a Ne
braska University club in New York
City and if so, would give the names
of its officers. Names and addresses
of Nebraska alumni now liv'ng in the
United States metropolis would also
be appreciated by the group.
Mr. Sturmer expressed for the
group the hope that Nebraska may
be victorious over the eastern college
and said: "We are very anxious to
be rr such help to the U. or N. and
to the football team as we are able
to be."
Many Elevens of First Class Calibre
Feature in Contest for the Cham
pionship of Nebraska.
Cornhuskers Plotting Downfall of
Strong Elevens on Swing to
Atlantic Coast
Team Works on Offense
Coach Schulte and Squad Polish Up
Kiays stated to Baffle Oppo
nents of Next Week.
Coach Schulte'B warriors sent the
South Dakota Coyotes home without
the bacon Saturday and are now
making great preparations to bring
the long end of the score home with
them from New York and Penn State.
This week will be derotej to build
ing up an offense that will dazzle the
Rutgers and Penn State teams. Manv
of the Husker plays and formations
need polishing up and the coaches are
devoting much time to signal prac
tice. Coach Schulte gave the men a
long signal practice last night and
worked a great deal on line play.
Ray Elliot, one of Nebraska's former
stars, was out giving the baekfleld
men some pointers. Practice last
night was not held behind closed
gates as it has been for tho last two
weeks. There were a number of
spectators in the stands and on the
field. Coach Schulte stated that he
would probably hold secret practice
tonight and Wednesday night
H. J. Sbeirik, a native of Assyria,
will speak at the Vesper service to
be held this evening at 5 p. m. in
Ellen Smith Hall.
He will give his interpretation of
the twenty-third Psalm and will ap
pear in native shepherd costume.
Mayor of Cork dies of Hunger Strike.
Terence MacSwiney, lord mayor of
Cork, died yesterday after a seventy
four day hunger strike. Mrs. Mac
Swiney is Baid to be on the verge ot
prostration. Unions are discussing a
proposal for the national stoppage or
work for one night as a mark of re
spect for MacSwiney's memory.
Britain and Miners Near an
According to latest reports the Brit
ish miners have won their victory
and the coal strike has been settled.
Premier Lloyd George received the
colliery owners for a parey on the
proposals which had ' already been
made to the miners.
Settlement of Janpan's Protest Awaits
California Voters.
On Nevember 2 California voters
will settle Japan' protest against the
proposed California law which pro
hibits Japanese from holding land.
Under the agreement which the
United States drew tip Japan volun
tarily undertakes to restrict her Im
migration and the United States is
now working to make the restriction
in the understanding absolute.
Drop in Price of Soft Coal is
WASHINGTON. Oct 26. The de
partment of justice today forecasted
a sudden drop in the price of bitumi
nous coal, as a result or negotiations
now In progress between tLc govern
ment and the operators. The depart
ment expects full agreement by the
operators to slash their prices, and
quit manipulating the prices through
certain exis. ' arrangements with
the jobbing interest
Illicit Selling of Booze Overruns
NEW YORK, Oct 26. A wide and
deep underground river or poisonous
booze is running through the country.
The average American has not
learned to regard the drinking of
whiskey as, a moral crime. No one
wants the saloon back, bnt the booze
still remains In high favor and In
great prevalence.
Jnterest in Nebraska hih school
football is now at a high pitch. With
a half dozen high school teams in the
race for the state title and t least a
dozen more playing a high class brand
of the gridiron sport, the a'.tention of
football followers is being saifted to
the high school arena.
Omaha Commerce. Cambridge and
Bayard seems at present to be the
big three in the race for st;;e laurels.
These teams have been disposing of
opponents by decisive scores and
have not been defeated tins season.
Omaha Commerce last Friday dis
posed of Columbus by a 34 'o 0 score.
7.e .came was of special interest be
cause of the fact that Coluv-ibus had
not been scored upon during the early
games and the Commercials were the
first team to cross the Columbus goal
'.ine. Columbus was the second cham
pionship contender the Commercials
have eliminated in two weeks. Bea
trice high fell before the Commerce
onslaught the previous weea.
Cambridge Sets Fast Clip.
Cambridge continued the race
towards the state title goal by defeat
ing the Curtis Aggies, 51 to 0. The
Cambridge eleven is a well-drilled
machine and, under the direction of
Coach John, has piled up 238 points
this season to a three-point total made
by opponents.
r.ayard passed another mark in the
battle for first honors last week by
trimming the Alliance eleven, 19 to 7,
in a game played at Alliance. Bay
ard has now rolled up a total of 326
points to a lone touchdown scored by
its opponents.
Bayard Has Strong Backing.
Bayard is reported to be football
mad. A special train load c'. Bayard
boosters accompanied the team to
Alliance and witnessed the victory.
The Bayard eleven, however, found
stiff opposition In the Alliance team
and was compelled to wo:k hard ror
its victory.
Red Cloud Is another team that
must be given consideration. The
Red Cloud team defeated Burr Oak,
72 to 15. The Red Cloud squad has
issued a challenge to any high school
In the state. Other victories to the
credit or Red Cloud are a 20 to 0
victory over Hastings and a 47 to 0
win from Fairfield.
Aurora Has Clean Scoresheet.
Aurora has also been hitting a fast
clip. Seward fell, 36 to 0, before the
Aurora eleven, which has been pass
ing through the season witnout being
scored upon.
Tecumseh grabbed the southeastern
Nebraska, hampienship Friday by de
feating 1 alls City. 28 to 0. The John
son county boys have a good team
this season and a more direct line on
the possibilities of Tecum aeh may be
(Continued on Page 4.)
Rutgers Stiff Opposition.
Nebraska will have a baltle when
the Huskers mix with Rubers next
Tuesday on the Polo Grounds. Mac
Baldrige scouted the game for Ne
braska and reports that the eastern
ers have a fast aggregation. They
have lost a number of their games
tuis year but all of their defeats have
been at the hands of strung teams.
Baldrige reports that Rutgers have a
fast aggressive line and that they
have two men in their batkfield who
are "wizards" at carrying the ball.
Rutgers pla will be executed by the
Freshmen against the Varsity this
week in scrimmage.
Li' tie can be learned j'isi at pres
ent how the easterners :-gard the
Cornhuskers but Coach Schulte ha
promised to surprise the fjilnwrrs o
the Rutgers crew when the time
comes. Every one is lookr.:.? forware
to the game with keen anticipation
and are anxious to find out just how
Nebraska stacks up with :. eastern
teams. So far the Cornhrckrs have
not hit their real stride and it is
hoped that the team will get going
good in the east. The outcome of the
two games played in the east will do
a great deal as to the reputation
western teams will have :n the east.
Leave Friday Afternoon.
Coach Schulte and his crew will
leave Friday afternoon on the Bur
lington and will stop over in Chicago
Saturday where they will have the
treat of witnessing a Big Ten game.
The men who are to make the trip
has not been announced ye', but will
be made public as soon as Coach
Schulte completes the list. A numhor
of football enthusiasts ar,? planning
to accompany the team on the jour
ney. This is the first trip the
Huskers hav indulged in this year
and things will be sort of dead with
the team away.
Scouts Praise Huskers.
Scout TTer.reU or Itu'cere and
Scout Harlow of Penn State, both of
whom saw the Cornhuskers put on
their belated but winning spurt
against the South Dakota Coyotes,
proclaim that Nebraska hr.s one of
the beefiest teams in the country,
east or west. The Nebraska forwards
will average better than IM pounds,
while, the backs top the 180 mark.
which means a team average over
185 pounds.
The little which the Rutgers and
Penn State scouts scanned of Ne
braska's offensive system may not be
or material value to their eastern
superiors the head coaches to whom
the scouts have already reported.
Prior to the South Dakota clash, the
Huskers worked a full week cn a drill
of new offensive formations, not one
of whicl was called into action
against the Coyote clan.
Whether corduroys shall again be
the symbolic garb of the Sophomore
men, will be decided in a class meet
ing Wednesday noon In Meany ball,
announced President HanfOfd Haynes
today. Tbe reviving of other tradi
tions will also be considered Univer
sity of Washington Dally.