The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1920, Image 3
THE DAILY wnTTTTTTTIflTTlTniWiMfM' ,)g I I II I NEBRASK AN Pearl Set' Pins HALLETT Unl Jeweler Estab. 1871 " St Theatre Reviews Constance Binney in "39 East," the famous stage success which is a humorous little story of a minister's daughter -who Joined the chorus -will be seen at the Rialto the first part of this -week. "You Never Can Tell" says Bebe Daniels in her picture of a good, bad little girl whicn will be shown Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Luncheonette FILLERS' RESCRIPTIOiN HARMACY 11 MnN TUES.. WED. CONSTANCE BINNEY in "39 EAST" "TORCHY'S MILLIONS" EDNA SHOWALTER itK NF.US TKAVE1-OOVE "toopics ok tiik n.v FLAVIA WATERS PHOWH START AT 1, Si . MATH. 0c. NIGHT 85c "Big Happiness," starring Dustin Farnum, a wonderful picture with a wonderful star is likely to prove popu lar with Colonial theater-goers Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday. The story, "Joan of Rainbow Springs, has been adopted and as "Girl of My Heart," featuring Shirley Mason, will be the attraction the last part of the week. On to the Lyric if you want "Something to Thing About" and you surely find it in this Cecil B. DeMille feature. Gloria Swanson and other stars make up a cast which will serve to interpret the story in a way that will strongly impress its message. The Sun has three excellent pro grams billed for this week. Monday and Tuesday, Constance Talmadge in "Two Weeks," her sister Norma in "The Woman Gives" on Wednesday and Thursdav. and "Back to God's Country WEDDINGS Dutton-Scoutt Amilda Dutton, ex-'20, and a grad uate of Mills College of California, became the bride of Jerrold Scoutt of Kearney at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Dutton, In Hastings Wednesday. Tha bride la a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. The groom attended college at Man hattan for a time but was graduated from Leland Stanford University. He is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The service took place at lour o'clock and was followed by a wed ding supper. The bride's only attend ant was her sister, Mrs. Barton G.eon of Lincoln. Hugh Brown of Kearney acted as best man. Before the cere monv Florence Hulton. "12. sans "I Love You Truly" and "K use." Yellow ;-:nd lavendar chrys m.-1 ims combined with ferns we:e used to form a bower in the living room where the ceremony too'i jlaee. Mr. and Mrs. Scoutt ar.i now on an eastern wedding trip and cfter tthelr return will reside at K?jrney. Mar garet Farens, '23, was an out-of-town guest at the wedding. Kappa Delta Lucille Nitscne, zi, was a wec.K-enu . . . ir i-it, I Visitor ai ner nome in uiuoun. The founder's day of Kuppa Dclti ik pi rhnntfir with a I Blanche McKoe, 21, returned yes- luncheon in the Garden room of the terday from Aurora, where she spent Lincoln Hotel. Saturday noon. It several days. was attended by fifty members of the Esther Little, who has been a guest acttlve and alumnae chapters. The at the Chi Omega house for the last tables were arranged in the shape of few days, has returned to her home a Pi and were decorated in white in Lyons. roses, the nroritv flower. A three couse luncheon was served, Afte; the first course Miss Odella. Jensei gave a solo dance and at the close rilcttrihlttori in tho. pllASts frOIll H large imitation pie which r.he rarrie'' with copies of "Kappa DeUa Pi?," the Alice Reese, '22, was in Omaha during the week-end. Mrs, H. A. Fudge, '18. of El Paso. Texas, was a guest at the Alpha Phi house during the week-end. Myrtle Bouden, '24. has returned sorority paper. Miss Mary from a visit at Hastings, acted as toastmistress and the iol- lowine resDonded with toastp; iflisi Dorothy Mosher, Miss Mary MCwO?' and Miss Helen Tuttle. BEMY U. ww1 Hn.nuiS MON., TUSE., WED. HARRY BOND & CO. In a nollrhtfnl One Art Comedy 1 FIVE VIOLIN MISSES DOYLE AND ELAINE GILLETTE BRYANT WASHBURN In thi Par.monnt Picture "MRS. TKMPLE'K TELEGRAM" International New" Weekly . . . r .t ih. OrrheHtr , u bt INT AT S:30 1 Ud M-t-Mei Mht-40c; Gal.-16e George McManus' now "immortal" character, "Jiggs" will be bombarded as usual, by "Maggie," when "Bring ing Up Father at the Seashore" will be given at the Tuesday night. Beginning Wednesday, Laaie Vogt in "The Love Shop" elabo rate costumes and settings will fascinate and delight Orpheum audi ences, "i ollow On," a one-ict comedy with Harriet Marlowe in the lead is also a headliner of unusual Quality The contributing bill is said to excellent. ALLnTHIS week CECIL B. DeMILLE'S Production 'SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT" fcet in Riot of Color mad Beaoty LVBir CONCERT ORCHESTRA CONWAY BEAVER. Director rati Review PUihe Travelono KIIOWK (START AT 1. S, . 1. u ITS. ! M 1 wr Mi rfMBHBBMMMBIIItammaBImW6" MON., TUES, WED. DUSTIN FARNUM in "Big Happiness" The Season's Sensational Drama with a "Man's Man" Comedy, News, Etc. POPULAR PRICES Drink Our Eflfl Malted Milk For lunch. They ara a full meal. CHAPMAJCa DMOI Oaear R. Cm, C M. 'U, Hf. uit e LOEB'S ORCHESTRA Business Phoas B33K Realdanca B370S HEFFLEY'S TAILORS OF QUALITY Cleaning and Rmodelin for LadiM and Gents. 1S8 No. 11th St. B1422 VENUS ff ft is i s I. and 70T: th!v ptadmt or prot, -- ilic tn:jrb VENUS out riv: ! .!! f, r Ttrrtift tCDcil AcHa Lead . .oF'.tSAe. 7 Delta Zeta Delta Zeta entertained al a dinner at the chapter house Friday evenins celoh'-aling their Founders day which is October twenty-first. Covers were laid fnr twpritv-fnnr and the thlfs were decorated with pink roses.l Naomi Buck acted as tonstmictross and called unon the Ficnhmon fo,' toasts. Delta Gamma Delta Gamma was hostess at an sua, auu .'"" t . J T with n all-Mr cast, on informal fall dancmg party at tthe Friday and Saturday, should delight Lincoln Hotel Saturday. Fifty guests all Patrons. -e T" 1, Z ana Mrs. x . iu. duji, iwmou' PERSONALS Beatrice Pallurd, "23, who spent the week-end at her home in Beatrice, has returned to school. Mildred Adams, ex-'22, of Omf.ha, was a guest at the Chi Omega house on Friday and Saturday. Jeannie Dow, '21, and Ethel Weid- ner, '23, spent t no weeit-enu w Omaha. Jenna Dee Walker, '23, returned yes terday from Dunbar, where she spent the week-end. Mildred SMrlcy, ex-'22. (.of Hum boldt, who hss been a visitor att the Chi Omeea house, has returned to her home. Frances Seltz, '24, spent the week end at her home in Blair. Florence Ebcrnon. ex-'21. has re turned to her home in Oakland, afier a visit at the Chi Omega house. Ruth Bryner, '24, spent the week end in Omaha. Mrs. Alice Splere, and her nnn flnm Spioro, visited her daughter, Lettlia Spiere, Z5. during the week-end att the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. ASTRONOMY IN NEBRASKA. From the Columbia Spectator: Nebraska's Department o( Astron omy has opened Us observatory to the public, and will give lectures twice a month on subject calculated to stir the layman's Interest Some of the lectures planned are: "Where are the Stars," "What do wo Owe to the Sun," and "How Tlanets are Weighed." If the skies permit, the telescope will be used before and after the lectures. Mrs. Paul H. Grumann, P.-ofessor and Mrs. C. B. Hinds, and Mrs. F. H. Plenn. Out-oft-town guests included Laila Ryan, ex-'23, of Columbus, Dor othy Darlow, ex-'22, and Liberia llus tead of Omaha. Alpha Phi Alpha Phi entertained fifty couplet, at a dancing party in Ellen Smith Hall Saturday evening. Fall flowers were used in the decorations. Ices be ! and small cakes were st: ved to the dancers during the evening. Chap erons were Mrs. E. L. P-intei and The Liberty will have a well bal- Mr. and Mrs. Dick West over. Hekc anced program this week. Several I Giltner, '20, of Omaha, vas an oui-of vaudeville acta and "Mrs. Temple s j town guest. Telegram," with Bryant Washburn as Mr. Johnson, district forester of the U. S. forestry department, called at the Soil Survey office to consider the extension of tree plant'ng in the sandhill region of Nebraska. K Kl 1 COLLAIL M A R C Y OucrtJcabody fa-Co. IncIroyKY. the star will be given the first half of the week. Eugene OTliien, the idely-told-of "perfect lover." has the first role in "The Figurehead, a marvelous tale of intermingled love and politics, which will be the picture the rest of the week. The Department of Conservation and Soil Survey has received many requests from over the state for the pictures taken on the rece t airplane trip that extended over 1.20C miles of Nebraska. A request was also re ceived from the Classon Map. Com pany of Denver, for a number of Ne braska photographs to be vsed in a road publication soon to be published. The department has also received for distribution a number of vaiuaDie films showing the Panama canal, Colombia, South America, Glaciers. Yellowstone National Park. New Eng land. New York City and he cotton and the steel industries. The motion picture reels now reach from 5,000 to 30,000 people weekly in Nebraska and are also used in a num ber of other states. Pi Beta Phi PI Beta Phi was hostess io forty couples at a Hallowe'en dance at the chapter house Saturday evening. Corn stalks and pumpkins were ar tistically arranged for decorations. A two course luncheon was served at the close of the evening. Cboperons were Mrs. Ebberly, Mrs.Hoagland, oi North Platte, and Mrs. Hutchinsin. Dr. Condra has accepted a place on the program of the national organiza tion of SoU Survey. The meetings will be held in Chicago November 18 and 19. The Doctor will outline in considerable detail the plans and progress of the Nebraska survey. Nebraska's progress in thin line has been much more than that of most states. WANT ADS. WILL the one who stole my brief cat-e please mail me the notes con tained therein, your welcome to the brief case if you need it only please return the notes. Box 1115. Station A- LOST Black loose leaf note book, containing law cases, east Bide Museum. Return to Student Ac tivities office. 1 t iiv niBrhnn. nianlsL narties. etc.i LILY B1SCHOP, pianist, parties, B3949. SOUTHERN RAGG-A-JAZZ at LINCOLN HOTEL. Saturday, tober 30. etc. 5t the OST A Sigma Nu sister pin some where between the Law building and the Alpha Phi house or between the latter and the city Y. M. C. A Finder please return to Student Activities office. It f XT Stafford's Peerlsea Orchestra Grahari.. Uni'a master axophoniC Call L&i58. Kappa Delta Phi Kappa Delta Phi entertained forty couples at a dance at the chapter house Saturday evening Gold md brown, tthe fraternity oolors. were used in the decorations throughout tinuce Dnt-of-town cuests we;-e Prof. C. C Mlnteer, Ames. Iowa, Ro bert Wilson Dwight Lloyd. Lester Lloyd. Lawrence AdmuiuVon. Clyde Abscher and Vernon Zimmerman, of Vermillion, South DakoVi. , and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Davis, Ord. Lieut and Mrs. W. G. Murphy "aclel as chaperons. Delta Tau Delta Delta Tau Delta' entertained at is annual "hard times" party ai the chapter house last Friday evening. Hay. corn stalks, harness and pitch forks were used in the decorations. Soap boxes were used in place of furniture throughout the bouse. The pictures were turned upside down, and face to the wall, and in their stead were several clever signs. Late in the evening pretzels and cider were served. Chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Lawlor. and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nesbit Delta Sigma Delta Delta Sigma Delta entertained thirty-five couples at a dancing party at the chapter bouse last Fiiday even ing. Ruby and garnet, the fraternity colors, were used in the decorations. Dr. and Mrs. Victor Coul tr, Dr. and Mrs. William Albrecht, Dr. and Mrs. Zellers acted as chaperons. Sigma Chi Eighty couples attended the fall party given by Sigma Chi in tthe ball room of the Lincoln Hotel FriJay evening Blue and gold, the frstprnity colors, were used Sn the deco:xlions and carried out in the lamp shades and baskets of flowers. Light refresh ment were served during intermis sions. Outof-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nicholas. Lexington; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gleason. Seward; Robert Clark, Cart Browa. Papillion; Robert Adams and John Gildersleeve of Omaha. ChHperons wtre Mr. and Mrs. Ed. O'Shea and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Westervelt, Dr. and Mrs. O. Condra. Margaret O'Brien, '24, and Helen Wtlpole, '24, spent the week end at their homes in Omaha. Florence Fast, '24. spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Villisca, Iowa. Madeline Hendricks. '21. and Helen Kirchman. '22, were vis:frg at their homes in Wahoo during this past week-end. Helen and Clara Morri? visited at McCool Junction Saturday and Sun day. Lois Hass, 24, spent tthe week-end at her home in Fremont. Arline Abbot, 21, cna Pauline Mnnro. '23. visited Sunday in the latter's home at Tecumseh. Major W. C Nelson and wife of Des Moines, Iowa, were Sunda;. guests of Mrs. Mary S. Hayward at the Alpha rimtmni Pi house, where Mrs. Hay ward is chaperon. Major Neleon 1 the physical director and has chnrge f the miiitjrv work in the Des Moines public schools. The Mjo was the Commandant with the late ryiinnet TTavward at tbt Nebrask Military academy. Faye Curry, '2, went to her home in David City for tthe week-end Jean Roberts, '24, spent the week end at her home in Omaha. Agnes Bigger. 22, returned Sunday from Omaha, Helen Downing, '2, spent the week end at her home in Rising City. Tin ryrahnm of Omaha was a T1VW1 ' week-end visitor ot the Alpha Theta Chi house. wm Watson left for Omaha yesterday afternoon. Harold Feltar, '24. spent Saturday and Sunday in Omaha. Greeg McBride attended a meeting of news writers and oprators of The Associated Press for the Omaha dis trir in Omaha Sunday. A conference and banquet were held- Superinten dent Edgar T. Cutter of the Asso Chicago was one of Hie principal speakers. Prominent Nebraska and Iowa newspaper men gave short talks at the banquet. This was the first meeting of the kind held in the state. Margaret Rosenstibl '22. spent the week-end at her home in Gretna Irene Davis, 23, and her brother, Wright Davis, were guests in Nebras ka City Friday and Saturday. Guests at the Kappa Delta house r h wpek-end were: Gertrude Huches. of Gretna, and Dorothy Eng linn and Ebba Sorenson t-f OOmaha. from Omaha where she spent the week-end. Helen Nieman, '21. returned yes terday from Omaha where she had soent the end of lastt week. Dorothy Dunn, of Weeping Water was a guest for the end of the week of Dorothy Murtey, '23. at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. Dorothy. Ann Gleason, 22. was called to her home in Omaha Friday bv the illness of her mother. r.iaivn Rlakeelee. 24. epent the week-end In Fsirbury. Ruth Atkinson. '24. has returned from a visit in Omaha. See The Nebraska-Rutgers Game Niagara Falls, Washington, D. C. In a Cadillac Eight Round Trip $95.00 "Leave Thursday A. M. For Particulars See Stewart-Avery Motor Co. 1790 NEW YORK 1870 tCtst of the famous cf the v orld art tquiffti vith Otis Elevators HE irOOLITORTH TOff'ER - tlc tallrrt office building; the Equitable the lare',,;',-.l!,r Singer Building in fact most of the buiidinrt that make up the best known Kky line in the world, are equipped with Otis Elevators. Few people realize the amount of wealth of Manhattan Island that due to the creation and development of mooern vertical trat . spolia tion by the Otit Elevator Company. New York City could rot grow wider hemmed in as it was by the two river and the bay. It kaJ to grow skyward. And now, the Oti Elevators in New York City carry daily more than twice the number of pas' senders carried by all the traction lines of New York subway, surface, elevated and railroads. Nothing short of a book would adequately tell the story of Otis in New York alone. OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY Offices in all Principal Cities of the World -u 1 I ' Monday, American Oct. 25 Special Matinee Legion Vaudeville m ORPHEUM THEATRE