The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1920, Image 1
Fhe Daily Nebraskan VOL. XX. NO. 29. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1920. 'RICE FIVE CENTS. L 10 HEW YORK Necessary 12B Fares Not Obtained Committee Hopes Two Carloads WIM Take Trip. Leave Friday Afternoon Team Leaves Over Burlington Route Stop-Overs Planned at Chicago and Niagara Falls. There 1b every indication that there will not be a special train to New York and Pennsylvania 'Lis Friday when the Hunker football team leaveB lor the Eaot. Although many of the students had visions of leaving with the squad, it is evident from the number actually planning l go, that the necessary 125 fares will' not be reached. It is still hoped by the committee that at least two special cars will go on the trip. The football squad will Include about thirty men, and will leave Friday afternoon at 4:30. If the special train is to be chartered, the railroad authorities must know today. If special cars will be chartered, they will go by the way of the Bur lington railroad. Sleeping car reser vations will be made on the special coaches. The fare, which .'ncludes the Pullman charges, will be $170 for the round trip. Remittances should toe Kent to Ouy Reed as soon as possible. Mr. Reed is acting as chairman of the committee. Five-Day Stop in New York. The itinerary includes a five-day stay in New York City, with stop overs at Niagara Falls, Chicago and at State College, Pa. In Chicago, on Saturday the team member3 will have a light workout and in the afternoon will see the game between two of the leading teams in the Big Ten confer ence. Sunday will be spent in Niagara Falls. After the stay in New York, the team will go to State College, Pa", where Penn State is located. They w:il leave that night arter the same and expect to arrive in Lincoln on Monday, November 8. The Proposed Itinerary. Friday, October 29 Depart from Lincoln at 4: SO p. m., via Burlington railroad. Saturday, October 30 Stop in Chi cago for practice workout by the team. During the afternoon, the team (Continued on Page Four; HOME ECONOMICS PARTY A SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR Sixty Co-eds Enjoy Dancing and Program Friday in Ellen Smith Hall. The Home Economics Club and Omicron Nb were hostesses at Ellen Smith Hall Friday afternoon to all the girls in the Home Economics De partment About sixty co-eds were present to enjoy the visiting, the dancing, the solo by Susie Riches, accompanied on the piano by Hilda Grunwald, and tlje readin? given by Alberta Shires. The gue3ts included six members of the faculty: Misses Stewart, Fuller, Livingston, Ruther ford, Shannon and Mrs. Rice. Gladys Phelan was chairman of the enter tainment committee, and Ella Fortna had charge of the refreshments. While the co-eds from the Farm campus were together. Hattie Hep perly, president of the Home Eco nomics Club, presided at a short business meeting.. Helen Hunt waB the Sophomore chosen to fill the office of treasurer to fill th. vacancy caused by the resignation of Artis Taylor, no longer a member of the Home Economics Club. Eleanor Mapes was elected from the Fresh men girls as club secretary. In con nection with the membership cam paign, which Is in charge of Mary Heralng, an Invitation was extended to all Home Economics girls to Join the Home Economics Club. The meetings of the society will be held at Ellen Smith Hall the second Tues day evening of each month. Margaret Cowden, president of Omicron No, gave a short talk on the new require ments of the honorary sorority. She stated that In the future Omicron Nu was to be placed on a scholarship basis and that this year's Seniors must have an average or 87 Pr eent and Juniors and underclassmen 80 per cent la order to be eligible for membership. SPECIA Y. W. C. A. Launches Membership Drive The Y. W. C. A. is this week launching a membership drive under the chairmanship of Faye Curry, '21. One hundred girls whose names will be announced later, will aid Miss Curry In this campaign. These girls are to meet together tnls evening at 5 o'clock at Ellen Smith Hall to receive instructions and to decide on the details of the campaign. It is planned to reach every girl of the University either through talks at the dormitories and sorority houses or by personal inter views. There is to be no fee for mem bership this year as there has been in the previous membership drives, but each member in Joining pledges herself to be a true believer In the Christian religion. GAYP FIRE GROUPS TO BE ORGANIZED BY GIRLS Two Sections to Be Formed One for Training Work and Other of Social Nature. Camp Fire groups will be organized in the University this year for the purpose of giving girls an opportunity to train for . guardians work and to bring together Camp Fire girls from different parts of the state. A meet ing was held Wednesday to discuss plans for organization and to interest girls in the work. Ruth McKenney, a former member of the University Wrolohi Camp Fire, was in charge of the meeting. Two groupB will be formed ir enough girls signify their interest One will be a Guardian's training class which will meet one? a week. There is a demand among University girls for such a class because often when they go home or to teach school they are called on to lead Camp Fire groups of younger girls. The work will be similar to that of the past three years when Mrs. F. F. Teal a class,' organized under the name of the"VVololil Camp Fire. The Camp Fire was rearded as a model group. As well as learning how to carry on the work the girls did prac tical Camp Fire work and held cere monial meetings at which ranks were awarded. The second group wiil be more of a social group. There are a large num ber of girls In the University who have at one time been actively asso ciated with the Wolohi Camp Fire or who have been Camp Fire guardians in their home towns. For tnese girls who can not enter the guardian's training class the social organization is planned which will meet less fre quently but will keep the girls in touch with Camp Fire. Any girl in the University, whether or not she has had any Camp Fire experience, is invited to Join one of the groups. A meeting will be held Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock to perfect plans of organization. Those who can not attend this meeting but who wish to take up the work are asked to give their names and ad dresses to Ruth McKenney. The year's program and group leaders will be announced later. New Study Room for All Language Students The new room recently opened up as a library and study room for mod ern language and English students should be used by all such students who'-can. It Is located In the old Legislative Reference Buroau room on the third floor of University Hall, number 306. 'Nils study room and library was cpened with the idea in mind to re lieve the congested condition of the main library and also to furnish a light, airy, comfortable room for stu dents in the English and language de partments. The room is equipped with good chairs and tables; it has the refer ence library for modern and classical languages, several new dictionaries and lexicons and English reference books. Two private rooms for gradu ate students of language are provided. The classical reference library being there furnishes a welcome for the stu dents of classical languages as well. The light and air are good and help to make a pleasant study room. Mrs. Nellie B. Pickup la the library assist ant in charge and will be glad to be of service to the students. The hours are from 9 to 12 and 1 to 6 dally except Saturday when they are from 9 to 12 only. SORORITIES HEAR OF PRIZE CONTEST C. W. Woods, Business Manager of University Players, Tells of $1,000 fort Winners. i Fourteen sororities sent represen tatives to the meeting at tho Temple Saturday morning, when C. W. Woods, business manager of the University Players, presented to the co-eds the offer which the Players are making to the sororities for the sale of season play tickets. One thousand dollars is to be given away in prizes, in the .orni of live lloor lamps to be awarded to the first five selling one hundred tickets. The goal of selling eighteen hundred season tickets has been set by the University Players tmd when that number of tickets has been dis posed of the prizes of $250, ?150 and $100 will be awarded to the three Bororities which have turned in the most money. The girls were all enthusiastic over the liberal offer made to them and It is expected that there will be a great deal of rivalry among the contestants when the sale of tickets begins at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. The first play of the season, "The Success ful Calamity," will be given November 18, 19 and 20. This play wa- William Gillette's biggest success in 1915 and played 260 nights. The University Players have never before offered season tickets to University students. KINDERGARTEN CLUB ELECT J PRESIDENT Eleanor Talbot Heads Organization for Coming Year Affiliated With National Society. Eleanor Talbot, '23, as elected president of the University Kinder garten Club at a meeting which was held Wednesday at the Teachers' College. The advisory committee will consist of Fern Jackson, '24, Mar garet Stidworthy, '23, and Dorothy Hammond, '22. This club was organized in Ne braska last year as a branch of the national council of primary education. The organization was formed partly for social purposes and partly to further the work in which the mem bers are specializing. The Nebraska club has between two and three hun dred members. The national council of primary education, with which the University club is affiliated, is a strong national organization composed of people who are especially interested in the edu cation of little children. Miss Ella Victoria Dobbs of the Columbia Uni versity of Missouri is natioral presi dent. Nebraska has several local groups as well as a strong state organiza tion of this order. The University club is affiliated a strong national procedure this year as was employed hist some excursions to t; e Juvenile court, the state home for dependent children, the Orthopedic ho.spital and other places which care especially for young children. "It is our Idea that the girls should Know child life in all its phases, and not merely the child in the class room," Miss Clara Wilson, head of the kindergarten department declares. "That is why we Intersperse the ex cursion trips with the par.ies." The retiring officers of uif Kinder garten Club are Grace Stuff, '22, presi uent, and Marian Yungblut, '22, with i.ois Melton, '22, and Sady Rotholz, i. on the advisory committee. Freshmen Girls Work Hard . For Only An Hour's Credit "What an easy way to get a credit," remarked an interested onlooker as he passed a class of Freshman co-eds learning to twirl Indian clubs. Per haps he did not notice the pouts on their disinterested faces as they listened to the directions of the In structor. A few minutes earlier they were a mass of hot humanity in the small crowded locker rooms, each interested only in finding her locker, and elbow ing her way into her gym clothes. One Freshman girl had no trouble in opening her locker, for it was not even locked, to her the combination Is a Chinese puzzle, and she throws care and caution to the winds In her effort to be In line on time. Now standing there In their black Ill-fitting suits and white felioes, long ing for the last five minutes to pass. COMMERCIAL CLUB HOLDS Fifty-nlne New Members Taken into Organization Friday Night The University Commercial Club initiated fifty-nine new members at a special meeting Friday evening in the Y. M. C. A. reading room of the Temple building. A program was given after the initiation. The new members of the club fol low: G. L. Elwcll, Irvin, C. H. Prouty, John H. Porter, J. H. Tyson, L. F. Renstrom, R. M. Musiove, David F. Simmons, Bryan Metzger, Dale Schilling, W. H. Waters, Roscoe E. Ward, E. M. Armitage, Millard H. Noragon, Dan Nettleton, J. J. Hare, Walter T. Peterson, Norman L. Cramb, D. II. Harvey, W. Harold Allen, Marvin C. Anderson, Leonard T. Waterman, Clayton Rystrom, H. A. Dale, Kenneth Davis, Byron Carse, 1. S. Renie, Edwin L. Lnewenstein, Nels F. Nelson, W. O. Moore, B. H. Anderson, J. W. Fricke, R. R. Hart well, E. W. Northrop, John A. Petteys, D. R. Downing, H. W. Wyant, G. C. Gainer, G. R. Grahn, Theodore SkiU stad, L. J. Dreamer, Harm Harms, C. C. Volz, C. A. Counce, II. R. Mann, Donald Mitchell, Stewart A. Love, Frank Matthews, T. V. Garrett, A. O. Wilson, E. R. Strand, Wilbur F. Bon, A. T. Pracopio, F. H. Engle, Dean Bickford, Harold Spencer, W. C. Ferris, R. M. Babcock, M. E. Aegerter. OMAHA CLUB TO HOLD FIRST MEETING OF YEAR Students from Metropolis to Gather in Social Science Auditorium Tuesday Night. The Omaha Club will hold a meet ing Tuesday night, October 26, in the Social Science Auditorium to organize their work for the year. The meet ing has been called by Jesse Patty, president of. the organization. The club was organized early in the spring this year to bring about a closer relationship between active students in the University and Omaha alumni. The students were active in providing entertainment for visitors attending the High School track meet held here in the spring, and took care of the old grads who attended the commencement week festivities. Last year there were over 200 mem bers in the club and it is hoped that, with the large number of Fresh men entering the school fro.n Omaha this semester, the club membership will reach 300. The officers elected last year will retain their positions until next spring, when officers for the follow ing year will be elected. The active officers are as follows: Jesse Patty, president; Dorothy Hippie, vice-president; Ray Stryker, secretary; and Harry Latowsky, treasurer. Mary Baker Elected to Advisory Board Mary Baker, '21, was elected a member of the Senior Advisory Board at the meeting of that body Thurs day night. Miss Baker will fill the vacancy caused by Grace Lufkin, ex '21. who did not return to school this fall. The newly elected member is one of the prominent Seniors on the campus. Besides being a competent Y. W. C. A. worker and one of the thirty captains on the Committee of Two Hundred, she has done much for individual girls in school. only the co-ed herself can realize how well-earned is that compulsory credit. To her it seems a waste of time and she thinks of the unprepared French lesson. Her arms become limp,, a fly tickles her nose, but she dares not knock it away lest she lose her credit for the year, and still the instructor snaps forth the hated directions. She thinks with envy of her roommate w"no, "Lucky one," secured a reprieve. "How did she get it," she murmurs and at the same time almost hates herself for being so healthy. To her gym is the cause of all evils. No wonder she is late to her next class. And of course It Is the alleged cause of all colds. But suddenly she forgets her un pleasant thoughts, her pout becomes a smile, she hears the ever welcome words, "Class dismissed." SWAMP I Coach Schulte's Team Shows Fight In Saturday's Combat With Coyotes First Half Ends With Score Nothing to Nothing Then Nebraska Turns Loose and Overwhelms Lighter Opponents. Pucelik's Playing Feature of Game Varsity Outplays Men from Vermillion In All Departments of the Game Straight Football Used at Nearly All Times Nebraska's Goal Never in Danger. STODENT DIRECTORY APPEARS IN WEEK Handbook Contains Several New Features Book Contains Com plete Ro6ter of Faculty. The new University student direc tory will make its appearance on the campus early next week, although the publishers of the manual have not given out the exact date of its re lease. The editors in charge of the 1920-21 directory are planning to make a most complete and accurate roster of Nebraska Btudents. The handbook will contain infor mation about every student in school. A complete roster of the faculty, in eluding the addition of their campus telephones, will be one of the features of the new pamphlet. Every campus society with a list of its officers, as well as lists of professional fraterni ties and literary societies, will be re produced In the book. The new cot tage dormitories will be listed in the directory with a small amount of information about each student dwell ing. Complete Fraternity Information. A special effort has been made on the part of the publishers to get com plete information about tr-e Greek- letter organizations at Nebraska. In the past few years the direc tories have been small paper-bound books which sold at popular prices. The form of this year's book has not vet been announced but 1he price will be within the reach of every stu dent, according to the editor of the pamphlet In 1915-16 the directories were more elaborate, with licavy gold and black covers. The booklets are published under the auspices of the University Y. M C. A. John Burley is editor of the 1920-21 directory. Dinner for Freshmen Girls Thursday Night More than one hundred girls at tended the Big and Little Sisters' meeting Thursday evening, when plans for helping Freshmen girls were discussed. It was-decided to have a Big and Little Sisters' dinner at Ellen Smith Hall Thursday of this week at 6 o'clock. The dinner is to be given under the auspices of the Senior Advisory Board. Tickets at r0 cents each may be obtained from Mis? Selleck, the secretary to Miss Heppner. or from members of the Senior Advisory Board. Frampton Discusses Compensation Laws W. C. Frampton, prominent Lin coln attorney, discussed all phases of "The Workman's Compensation Act" before the stydents of the Law Col lege at the fifth general lecture period Friday morning at 11 o'cIc-ok in Law 101. W. G. Hastings, professor cf Equity and History and System if Common Law. introduced the speaker. The compensation law was thor oughly discussed in all its details. There has been a large amount of dis cussion concerning this ant and the Law College gladly took advantage of the opportunity to understand the intricacies of the rules governing the new law. Komensky Cluo t the Komensky Cliub meeting held Saturday In the Social Science Hall offioers were fclected for the year. Arnost Sukovaty, president; Sylvia Nikl, vice-president, Chas. Na votny, secretary; Libuse Belahavy and Claude C. Votapka, sergeants at arms. The rest of the evening was spent Informally. Hallowe'en dance at Rosewilde, Fri day. October 29. Refreshments. SOUTH DAKOTA BY BRIPIT OFFENSIVE PLAY Statistics of the Nebraska South Dakota game follows: Yards gained from line of scrimmage Nebraska, 296; South Dakota, 88. First downs Nebraska, 11; South Dakota, 2. Punts Nebraska 11 for 388 yards, average 36 yards; South Dakota 15 for 578 yards, aver, age 38 yards. Penalties Nebraska, 6 for 50 yards; South Dakota, 3 for 9 yards. Passes completed Nebraska, 1 for 17 yards; South Dakota, 1 for 2 yards. Passes incomplete Nebraska, 5; South Dakota, 3. Passes intercepted Dubai. Drop kicks attempted Ne braska, Dana, 2. Nebraska's Cornhuskere proved their ability as football ar'.itts Satur day by taking the South Dakota ag gregatlon into camp to the tune of 20 to 0. This makes the third shutout of the season for Nebraska. The advantage in weight that Ne braska had over the Coyotes was one of the main factors in the victory. Coach Schulte's warriors had all the "breaks" in the game as fv as luck was concerned. The Coyotots had lots of fight but could not withstand the rushes of the heavy Nebraska for wards and backs. The first half of the game; was not much better than the average high school team puts on and was very disappointing to the followers of the Huskers. Most of the flvei half was taken up in a punting duel between iue two teams with honors about even. Nebraska seemed to be in a trance and unable to come out of it. The Huskers failed to niake first downs many times in this period of the game but woke up later on. Neither team seemed capable of hang ing onto the ball and fumbles were frequent on both sides. South Dakota kicked off to Ne braska the second half and Nebraska began to display some real football ability. The Huskers were able to make first downs without much diffi culty at this stage of the game. (Con 'uue on Pas" Four) PLAYERS PRESENT LATEST PRODUCTIONS University Dramatists Plan Series of Plays Proceeds Go to School Activities or Charity. The University Tlayers are plan ning a number of excellent produc tions this year. The organization will send a number of plays out Univer sity Week during spring vacation. The tla vers are chosen from stu dents studying dramatic art and those appearing in Dramatic Club plays. Often alumni of the University appear when a particular "type" is needed. The class of plays preseu'.ed are oi the best Last year the following plays were given: "It Pays to Ad vertise." "The Witcnin,, Hour, Under Cover." "Twelfth Night" and Mrs. Bumstead-Leigh." Three or four weeks of intensive practice must be put in before a play readv for presentation. Beiore they are given in the Temple for the University, practice performances are given to "smooth up" any imperfec tions. As an advertisement for the Uni versity, the Players have an advan tage over any athletic activity, ioi ih Rhowsi that are presented over the state give patrons of the school a definite Idea of what is heir oone. Th r1av nresented often cost tne producers as much as 50 a night mvultv. The profits made by the. players are devoted to school activi ties or benevolences. Two tnousanu rWlsra has been pledged toward the Memorial rnnnasram. Last year the entire proceeds of one performance was lren to the French orphan relief.