The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 22, 1920, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VObTXX. NO. 28.
University Players to Offer- Five One
Hundred Dollar Lamps and Cash -Sum
to Sororities.
Six Plays Scheduled
Manager Wood to Explain Terms of
Race to Contestants Wednesday
Day of Starting.
Five one hundred dollar floor lamps
and a cash prize of 250 will be
awarded to the five or six sororities
that win in a contest to begin next
Wednesday to sell season tickets for
the University Players, announced C
W. Wood, business manager of the
University Players. Mr. Wood ex
pects to visit each sorority house to
explain the terms of the contest and
ask the sorority to register for the
contest; only those that register will
be allowed to compete for the prizes.
The five sororities that are the first
to sell one hundred tickets each will
receive the floor lamps. The sorority
that has sold the largest number of
tickets when a total of eighteen hun
dred is sold will be awarded ?250.
Floor lamps with mahogany or
velour-covered stand3 and silk shades
with gold trimmings hava been se
lected. Five floor lamps all differ
ent Those who have seen them say
that they will be handsome ornaments
In the living rooms of the five lucky
sororities. They will be on display in
the window of a Lincoln Furniture
store during the contest.
The season tickets to be sold are
for the six plays that the University
Players are preparing to give in the
Temple Theater this year. The Uni
versity Players is the name of a
course in the Dramatic Department,
and the plays will be directed by Miss
H. Alice Howell, associate professor
of dramatic art.
The price of a season ticket will be
three dollars. Single admission to
each play will be seventy-five cents.
Thufs a person can attend six plays
for what it would cost to attend four
plays by single admission. In other
words, the person buying a season
ticket will 6ave one half the price or
the ticket.
Each play will be given three suc
cessive evenings, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday. Six hundred reserva
tions can be made for each perform
ance making a total of eighteen hun
dred reserved seats which are ' to be
In less than five days the contest
will begin. It is to start early Wed
nesday morning. When the' required
number of tickets has been sold live
sororities will become the owners of
the five silk-shaded floor lamps and
University Calendar
Vocational Training Club
meeting, 7:30 p. m., Temple.
University Union open meet
ing, 8 p. m., Temple.
W. S. G. A. Board meeting,
5 p. mn Ellen Smith Hall.
Delian open meeting, 8 p. m.,
Faculty Hall.
Pre-Medic Society smoker, PI
Phi Chi house.
Palladian Society open meet
ing, 8 p. m., Temple.
Komensky Club meeting, 7:30
p. m., Social Science 101.
Home Economics Club tea,
3:30-5:30 p. m., Ellen Smith
Kappa Phi reception, 8 p. m.,
Ellen Smith Hall.
Delta Tau Delta house party.
Sigma Chi informal, Lincoln
University Commercial Clua
initiation, Temple.
XI Delta party for Freshman
girls, 3- p. m., Ellen Smith
Alpha Phi party, Ellen Smith
Chi Omega house dance.
Sigma Nu fall party, Lincoln
Pi Beta Phi house dance.
Kappa Delta Phi house dance.
Delta Gamma fall party, Lin
coln Hotel.
Ag College mixer, Armory.
Beaver City Club picnic,
Antelope park
Catholic Students Club Initia
tion, 7 p. m, Robbers' Caves.
Young Methodists Register 35-0 Vic
tory Over State Farm Eleven
Thursday Afternoon.
University Place High School de
feated the University Aggie football
team, 35-0, Thursday aftemoon in a
one-sided contest staged on the Uni
versity Place gridiron. It was the
first game of the season for the Ne
braska Farmers and the heavy Aggie
eleven was outplayed by the fast and
clever suburbanite combination.
The game was fought in Aggie
territory, the only place the Agricul
turalists seemed to gain was through
the Methodist line and towards the
end of the game this avenue of yard
age was closed up when the suburban
team began breaking up the Aggie
The Methodists scored on the first
play of the game. Fairley kicked off
(Continue on Pa;;. IVm)
First-Year Legal Students Divided
into Four Groups Professor
Foster in Charge.
Organization of the four new Fresh
man law clubs is well under way, and
the average membership of each club,
including the upperclassmen who
have affiliated with them, will reach
thirty, according to Prof. George N.
Foster, chairman of the Faculty Law
Club committee. The clubs will meet
soon to complete organization. The
first club will meet November 2 at
7:30 p. m., the second club Novem
ber 2, at 8:80 p. m., the third club
November 3, at 7:30 p. m., and the
fourth club November 3, at 8:30 p. m.,
all in room 201, Law building. Officers
will be elected and constitutions and
by-laws will be adopted. The clubs
will be officially named at this time.
If there are mistakes in the list of
club memberships which are printed
below. Professor Foster asks that
they should be reported at once.
Members may be added to these lists
up to Tuesday night, November 2.
These names will be placed on the
charter membership rolls.
The following men are members of
the four new clubs up until October
First Club Gardner, Stryker, Stan
ton, Smith, Newman, Alleman, Turner,
Maupin, Anderson, Aitklns, Samuel
son, Genoways, Liby, Solomon, Wil
son, Hager. Sidner, Joiner, Fraelick,
Mullen, Weightman, Richards, Kinsey,
V.'hite, Hartley, McBride, Mooberry,
Westover, Love, Drown, R. O. John:
son, R. A. Johnson, Rogers, Roberts.
Cypreansen, Butler, Cartney.
Second Club Austin, C. E. Clark,
Powell, Stockan, Slater. Beck, Will
iams, Miss Buol, Miss Hufflngton,
Mason, Patty, Requartte, Ross. Nye,
Van Kirk, Nuss, Babcock, Coombs,
Ellis, Durlsch, Sukovaty, Steln
kraus, Kenslnger, Shumway, Baldrige,
Chaney, Lewis, Mayo.
Third Club Baker, Matusac. Jacob
son, Noel, BIckford, Dawson, Green,
Fogelson, Allen, Lewis, Addison,
Brown. Lind, Gelsecker, McDonald,
Parker. Bacon, Nedrow, Rada, Van
pit Drake. Flnkelstein, Rose,
Fourth Club Wenke, G. Gardner,
Moore. Mackey, McFarland, Rodwell,
Peck. Northrup, Newell, Pickett, C. M.
Adams. O'Connell, Westermai k, Shum
way (Fr.), Snell, Doty. Quigley, Jones,
Jackson, Preston, Beck, Eastman,
Hammond, Oliver, J. D. Adams. Pick-
ell, Boyd, Peters, Keichel.
Purpose of Clubs.
The purpose of these clubs la to
foster closer fellowship between stu
dents In the Freshman law class, to
further the study of technical legal
problems and to help students in
looking up references. Legal discus-
ilon and debate will be promoted.
Points of law will be briefed and the
students' efficiency in finding the
issue of law will be increased.
Readiness in argument at the coun
sel table is well worth the student's
time." said Prof. George N. Foster.
The membership In the clubs Is
entirely voluu ary. Faculty members
the Law School will act as ad
visers as well as members of the
upper law classes. The clubs will be
under the direction of the students
themselves without any It ..rvention
of the faculty.
W. A. A. Girls Do Big Business
Supplying Rooters With Apples
"Apples! Peanuts! Candy!" Co
ed sellers with loaded baskets on their
arms are at every football game on the
athletic field, varsity or high school,
vending their wares to an eager crowd
of buyers. 1600 apples were consumed
by the rooters at the Notre
game last Saturday. At other games
the average has been about 800.
When mouths are parched and voices
weakening the rooters call for apples.
But that is not all. Between 200 and
300 sucks of peanuts puss into the
hands of the hungry "husker" rooters
at each game and it is a fact that the
bleacherltes eat about 700 baro of
candy as well.
A mathematically Inclined person
might be able to fikure out just how
much money is taken in with every
thing ten cents each. Even the
others must realize that the sum clear
ed is not small. The question then
arises, wher does the money go? The
Woman's Athletic Associatioin holds
the concession. Originally tho W. A.
A. girls started to sell at the games to
earn money for the Red Cross. Dur
ing the war a part of the money went
to support French orphans. Last year
Executive Dean's Office Busy Com
piling Scholarship Data for
First Period.
Assistants in Dean C. C. Engberg's
office are working "over-time" this
week compiling the results of the
first quarter-semester's work. Here
tofore reports of students' scholastic
standing In their various classes were
sent out by instructors only at mid
semester and again at the end of the
term. This year reports will be sent
to the Dean's office four times a
semester, the first period of which
ended Friday, October 15.
A number of additional reports were
not sent to the Dean until this week.
This has delayed the office force in
completing the card files. Nearly all
grades were copied, however, by
Wednesday night. Notices are being
sent out to delinquent students this
Reports for the first quarter
semester Indicate that although a
number of "incompletes," "conditions"
and failures were turned in, students
are studying with more determination
that at this time last year.
These quarterly reports will aid
fraternity scholarship committees in
keeping the grades of the members
of the various organizations above
Rail Men Join in Strike.
LONDON, Oct. 21. British railway
men will strike Sunday night in sym
pathy with the coal miners. They
intend to make " it an issue between
the government and the working
class, unless negotiations to end the
coal strike are ended soon.
"Biff Cut in Government Budget.
WASHINGTON, Oct 21. Uncle
Sam Is making a billion dollar cut in
the treasury budget for next year.
The 1921 estimate for government ex
penses is being closely paid, and the
cut may even exceed the billion mark,
according to government officials.
MEXICO CITY, Mex., Oct. 20 The
"capture" of Col. Felix Diaz was a
farce as carefully staged as any
Home Economics Girls
To Be Entertained
Oralcron Nu and Home Economics
Club wiU'be hostesses at a tea given
from 3:30-5:30 today at Ellen Smith
Hall. All girls taking work in that
department are cordially Invited to
come. A very Interesting and "pep"
program will be given at o'clock. It
will be particularly interesting to
Freshmen. Before and after the pro
gram good music will be furnished,
so enjoyed. A large
number of faculty women will be
present. This occasion will afford an
excellent opportunity for girls to be
come acquainted with the faculty.
A number of prominent people on
the campus will give short talks on
subjects that will Interest all the
girls. This Is going to be a pep party,
so don't miss It and be sure to come
and get acquainted.
the organization Bhowed Us loyalty
by pledging $500 to the Memorial
fund. A part of the money goes to
puy W. A. A. expenses, The N"
sweaters which the proud co-ed all'
letes wear are bought with the dime.i
taken in at the games; also delegates
are sent to the national W. A. A. con
vention. It is big business, this holding the
selling concession for football feames.
And it is work for the girls, too. One
would think the girls are practicing
up for the baseball season to se? them
sling the apples. It is rather exasper
ating when the apple aimed at the
man on the top row of the law section
goes over the fence or you hit another
girl's hat instead of her hands. An
other trial of the seller is to have
.some inconsiderate person want a
Ilershey bar just when the team is
making the final play for the goal and
while you satisfy the , customers
others beseech you to please remove
yourself as you are obstructing the
view. But there is some recompense
in the knowledge that you are working
for a good cause and honestly having
a good time.
Former Husker Captain Playing With
Olympic Club of San Francisco
Wins Game From Stanford.
Many former Cornhusker stars ar
playing prominent roles on profes
sional and club football teams this
year. Paul Dobson, '20, is playing
fullback on the Olympic club team of
San Francisco. There are very few
Husker followers who have not heard
of Dobson at some time or other.
Dobson was a member of the Husker
squad in '16, '17, '18 and '19. "Dobie"
played Varsity football in '16 and '17
but was called to the navy in the
fall of '18 before the season had fairly
started. He was a member of the
famous Great Lakes team in '18 that
beat every thing in the country. He
returned to Nebraska in time for the
Notre Dame game on Thanksgiving
day and it was due to his punting
ability that kept the Catholics from
scoring on Nebraska. The final out
cbme of the game was 0 to 0.
In '19 Dobson was captain of the
team and one of the mainstays in the
backfield. He was one of Nebraska's
greatest punters and was a sure drop
kicker. It will be remembered that
Dobson made the drop kick in three
inches of snow last Thanksgiving day
that won the Syracuse game. on i-'iutl
Broadway musical comedy. The main
purpose of the capture was to cool
the resentment of his followers be
cause Diaz had deserted them.
Banks Depend on Farmers.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. The safe
ty and prosperity of the banking busi
ness depends , on the safety and
prosperity of the farmers. The bank
ers are urged to help the farmer
market his products by co-operating
with them.
MacSwiney Living on Seventieth Day.
LONDON, Oct. 20. Terrance Mac
Swlney is still alive on the seventieth
day of his hunger strike. He was
delerious most of the day, and was
forcibly fed by staff physicians later
In the day.
Xi Delta Party Is
Postponed a Week
XI Delta. Sophomore honorary so
ciety, has postponed their party to
October 29. It will be given from 3-6
at fallen Smith Hall next Friday
afternoon. It is for all Freshmen and
Sophomore girls. All Sophomores
are urged to come out and get ac
quainted with each other as well as
the Freshmen.
Chancellor's Office
Being Renovated
The office of Chancellor Samuel
Avery is being renovated, cleaned and
retouched in his absence. Work was
started Tuesday. The walls and ceil
ing are being painted. It is expected
that the office will again be ready for
occupancy when the executive returns
from his eastern journey.
Army Paraphernalia Will Be Given
Out to Senior Unit Beginning
. Monday.
Uniforms will be issued to the mem
bers of the Senior Unit of the R. O.
T. C. commencing Monday, October
25. The articles of uniform issued
will be the property of the United
States. They are to be kept in the
best possible condition, and returned
when called for in good condition,
except for fair wear and tear. Stu
dents will be required to pay for any
articles lost and they are punishable
under federal law for misappropria
tion of the uniform. Delay in return
ing articles of uniform will result in
serious inconvenience to the Military
Department The following simple
rules, if followed, will enable R. O.
T. C. men to at all times appear in
uniform to the credit of themselves,
the University, and the army. Al
ways have the coat hooked and but
toned throughout; never appear with
out all the ornaments which are sup
posed to be worn; wear the cap
straight; brush the uniform before it
Coir.lMie o;i Paz Four)
Director Luehring Tells Gathering of
One Hundred Enthusiasts About
Plans for New Courts.
A hundred enthusiastic tennis play
ers attended the meeting at the
Social Science Auditorium, Wednes
day evening, and voiced their ap
proval of Director F. W. Luehring's
plans to build twenty-five courts im
mediately and to rerive tennis as a
sport at the University. Seth Taylor,
'21, and member of the Innocents
Society, called the meeting to order.
Mr. Taylor urged all those who
wished to try out for the tennis team
to sign up. Almost the entire hun
dred signed.
Director Luehring related how he
had gone about to secure the promise
of the Chancellor to have these courts
constructed. When he came to Ne
braska to make a preliminary survey
and report to the Regents a plan for
the extension of the Athletic Depart
ment, he included a request for fifty
courts. In order to secure immediate
construction, he temporarily cut this
down to twenty-five. Chancellor
Avery, just before he left for his
eastern trip, gave instructions to go
ahead with the construction program.
Director Luehring confided a secret
to those present to the effect that
after the Chancellor had given these
orders there was a hesitancy on the
part of these in charge of the con
struction to delay the program be
cause they could not see what use
there would be for twenty-five courts
when the two present courts are not
used half of the time. Director
Luehring promptly replied that the
constructors of these courts would
not Interfere with the program of the
Athletic Department.
Tennis Game for Entire Year.
Tennis is a game that can be
played the entire school year and a
game that can be continued after
graduation and up to and perhaps
past the age of forty, said Director
Luehring. He urged proper care or
the coxrts which will be built with
a view towards permanency. They
will not be constructed of any popr.
flimsy material.
Four years ago, letters were given
in tennis. Four were given to those
playing in the double finals and two
to those playing in the single finals.
The intention is to give letters again
this year. Nebraska will also com
pete with other teams at the Missouri
Valley Tennis Tourney next June.
Director Luehring said that the
courts would be apportioned among
the men, women and faculty and that
a few courts would be kept in prime
condition for finals and exhibition
matches. He said that an effort
would be made to bring some tennis
"stars" to Nebraska for exhibition
Mr. Taylor was elected to appoint
an executive committee to work out
preliminary plans for the promotion
of tennis and perhaps a tennis club.
This committee will report at the
next meeting, which will be held in
about two weeks. The members of
this committee have not been an
Schulte Gives Nebraskans Another
Stiff Workout in Preparation
for Invading Coyotes.
Use Straight Football
Scarlet and Cream Mentor Hopes to
Win By Large Score To Use
Entire Squad if Possible.
The Huskers were given another
stiff workout last night In preparation
for the South Dakota Coyotes and are
in pretty fair shape for the game
tomorrow. Coach Schulte is figuring
on a hard battle and is drilling his
men accordingly.
The exact lineup for tomorrow's
game can not be determined as yet
but it will probably be the same as
that which faced Notre Dame with a
few exceptions. Coach Schulte has
been giving all the backfield men a
chance this week to work on the
Varsity and will probably use a num
ber of the second string men. A
great deal of time was spent in signal
practice last night and the Huskers
are showing a remarkable improve
ment in getting off their plays faster.
South Dakota is not confident of
winning the game to'morrow but plan
to give the Huskers a real battle and
put up a fight that will make Ne
braska set up and take notice. The
South Dakota delegation will arrive
in Lincoln early this evening and
will be quartered at the Lincoln Hotel.
They will probably take a light work
out Saturday morning on University
field or at the State Farm.
Schulte Wants Big Score.
Coach Schulte is in hopes that Ne
braska will win the game by a large
enough margin tomorrow so that he
may use more of the men on the
squad. The New York trip comes
next week and NfbrasKa ha3 two
hard games within "a week. TWs is
going to necessitate the using of
more men than usually take part in
two games. It is doubtful whether
Nebraska will open up tomorrow if
the Huskers can win by straight foot
ball. Coach Schulte has some "pet"
plays he is saving for the New York
trip and will not use them unless it
is absolutely necessary.
The only Husker who has been
laid up for some time on account of
injuries but will probably be seen in
tomorrow's contest Is Hubka. Last
night was Hubka's first on the field
this week and Coach Schulte did not
work him any whatever. Pucilek
and Dana will be in the line tomorrow
and help the other Nebraska forwards
in breaking up the Coyotes' forma
tions. There will be a large delega
tion of rooters with the South Dakota
squad and Nebraska is promised
some keen competition not only on
the football field but from the stands
also. The crowd will by no means
equal that of last Saturday but are
(Con"nue on Phr- Four)
The publishers of the Uni
versity directory request that
the presidents of those clubs
and societies which have been
organized since September,
1919, leave a list of their offi
oers with the secretary of the
Y. M. C. A. at the Temple
building not later than Friday,
October 22. This is absolutely
the time limit for corrections
and additions for the new
October 11, 1920.
To: All Officers of Instruction:
At the senate meeting last
Saturday it was decided to
make quarterly reports on de
linquencies of the Freshmen
and Sophomores as well as such
other reports as might be of
value in promoting better work,
and higher scholarship. For
instance, a student starts out
as an 80 student, but has lost
his grip and though still pass
ing, is now down to say 70.
These reports should not be
considered as doing away with
the weekly use of the "Re
marks" and "Standing" columns.
The first report is dii Friday
of this week.
Prompt co-operation is urgent
ly desired.