The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1920, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
MlHhctl Monday. Tuewlny, WedncMtlny,
IhiirHUuy and Friday of each week t y
I'he liiiveridtv of Nebnmku.
Under the direction of The Student Pub
lication Board.
X'lntered us second class matter nt the portt
ollice in Lincoln. Nebraska, under Act
of Commaa Mulch 3, 1S7W.
t-'uliHcriptlon rate
Single copy
$2.50 per year
5 cents
FRANK l PATTY Kdltor In-chief
Telephone IISoll, Hooui 1SHI "i;" Hall
FKK1) L. BOSKING Jtusincas Malinger
Telephone Student Activities Ollice
For tliis Issue
Jack Austin
The reports which are required this
wek will show the standing of the
students to date. The work which
has been done so far, although in
many . cases it has been very ele
mentary, will show whether or not
the student has been applying him
self to the best of his ability. The
reports will call for some action and
this is to enable the student to cor
rect any faults with his work or his
method of study which are evidenced
by the work he has done during the
first month of the school term. Many
students who have just entered col
lege are face to face with a new
proposition in the way of study.
Formerly he has been used to super
vised study and now that the new
liberty of taking his time to it and
arranging his hours to best suit him
self is given him the student is given
over to more or less procrastination
and the result is often fatal. The
student will have an opportunity,
after finding out what is wrong with
his work, to get into the spirit of
studying at college and will thus
enable himself to be prepared for the
mid-semester examinations at the end
of the first nine weeks of school.
The popular adage concerning the
blindness of love is having a
monstrous difficulty in sustaining its
reputation at Nebraska. Damaging
1 .1 Imnaonhlnir tVlil trill Vl fl fl H TG-
liability of the ancient proverb is
being revealed at several points on
th ramnus to the most casual ob-
,,. won n th vexation of
the local janitors and the superin-
tendent of grounds and buildings.
Particularly Is the antithesis of
failing eyesight on the part of cupid
observable in the vicinity of the
famous rendezvous of amorous, or
amorously ailing couplets of youths
and maidens the blessed old Library
steps. On the window pane that ad
mits light to the first landing in
Library Hall are noticeable myriads
of unintelligible heiroglyphics and de
signs. These have, at some time or
other, been Inscribed on the glass by
idlers about this old trysting place,
busily engaged in putting in their
time to the least possible advantage.
Any uniformity of design is entirely
lacking else inscriptions might be
looked upon as a work of art, in that
it would be a design incompiehensible
by other than the highly cultured. In
fact the only intelligible quantity in
the whole effect are the initials or
those who desired in the manner to
announce in a permanent form that
the little god of passion had labeled
them with his own tag the wedding
ring. For a diamond, it is well
known. Is the usual means of glass
cutting and its propensities in that
direction have been taken a ample
advantage of in making the window
pane a bulletin board for the names
of the recent possessors of the valu
able stone.
Apropos of the discovery of the
catch all for the ravings of artistic
ally Inclines lovers, a proposal might
not be out of order that the future
individual or class memorials be in
the form of huge plate glass con
veniently arranged whereon cupid's
pupils might make the use of the
significant diamond by inscribing
their names or initials in a manner
that would be more appreciable to
the student wayfarer, than on the
windows of the Library.
One reason why University events
go so far behind financially in some
endeavors is ' because the responsi
bility for their management is divided
among too many. Dance committees
of six members one of whom works,
should be a mitigating circumstance
when a chairman is being assailed for
Inefficiency. The Rag and Corn
i . i off a nre similarly over
a .it), hniHimrr scribes who
DUrucueu w. i
regard University work a3 dignified
i itatsiniwi in tneir esu-
FUO KID duo"- i
of our activities by student J
sentiment generally. The machinery
through which a collection of Uni
versity activities are expected to!
make progress is far too bunglesome
and unwieldy. We must throw off
the ballast.
Change in sentiment as to the pur
pose of our activities must precede
any reform in the interest of effi
ciency. We must cease to regard our
efforts as honors merely. They 'are
In fact opportunities for those who
want to work and can. And before
wo can strip our over-burdened ma
chinery of its dignified and orna
mental trash we must create in our
selves a sentiment that in college as
in actual life efficiency will be our
It has been the custom and rule of
the Publication Board in the past to
appoint a faculty adviser for the
Daily Nebraskan. The faculty adviser
never actually censored the paper,
nor would he be held responsible for
nil stories, since the material for the
Nebraskan came to the publishers all
the way from five to twelve o'clock
at night. And so this year the board
has done away with the superfluous
faculty adviser and made the editor
responsible, for every issue of the
p iper.
In eider to cope with this situation,
the editor has appointed two assist
ant editors, Leonard Cowley and
Jessie Watson, whose duties it will
be to censor the Daily and assist in
the rewriting of stories not up to
Oh 1 say, have you seen that frock
That Mable Hasum's wearing?
It's soft and fine and very chic
Gut the color's simply glaring
Oh, yes, I heard it all today
Just how old Jackie worked it,
Dut promise me you'll never tell
And just forget you heard it.
(Now here they put the pedal on,
It really would not "have mattered
For those words whispered Ah, so low
Now to the winds are scattered.)
Uh huh, I guess they are quite rich
Hut she certainly is snobby,
And brazen thing I've heard it said
She boasts men as her hobby.
Oh, that new fellow at the club?
I'm simply wild about him,
He surely has it on those dubs
When it comes to classy dancing,
Why yes, I think that Cox's the man
V 'hat? would you vote for Harding.'
wny my aeaigm - w.
He hasn't the ghost of a standing.
Tom Perry? Yes, he is a dear,
Cut his wife's an awful hussey
She tries to dress original
But she only looks too fussy.
You say that skirts are coming down?
And bare ears may be stylish?
How sad, I am too tell for length,
And bared ears are so clownish.
I certainly am fond of French
I can read it to perfection
That splendid stack of books I have,
Is of my own selection.
Oh! Heavens dear, look at the time.
I really must be hurrying,
I did so much enjoy this chat.
It will stop my silly worrying.
But you know how it does relieve
To get things off your mind,
And you surely can't trust everyone.
In secrets of this kind.
So I will just be running on,
My fiance is waiting,
S'all right dear, don't mind at all,
Because I too am dating.
Murphies and Meat
Prove the Popular
Diet for Students
SEATTLE. Wash Each fall as
regularly as the apearance of football,
Winchesters, rnd umbrellas, the stu
dent body reverts to a diet of meat
and potatoes. The Commons have
long sought a reason for this phenom
enon, but in vain.
Later this year, perhaps even by
tho end of the quarter, vegetables and
salads will appear with increasing fre
quency. And meals will also cost
less, for, though containing an equal
unmber of calories, vegetables are
cheaper than meat.
Breakfast is served to about 250
each day at an average cost of about
21 cents per person, 900 receive lunch
for about 35 cents and eeach evening
400 dine at approximately 40 cents
Pie and canteloupes are at present
the most popular desserts. Milk is
literally being drunk by the gallon,
650 half pints being consumed daily,
while there is but small demand for
coffee or chocolate University of
Washington Daily.
Girls' Swimming Classes.
Girls' swimming classes. will start
Thursday evening at 7:30 at the high
school pool. Swimming tickets are
selling fast and all girls who w si to
take swimming this semester should
cet their tickets at once as the num-
ber in the classes is limited. Classes
win De neia every i uesunj ouu
Thursday evening
Home Economics Party.
All girls taking Home Economics
are invited to a party at Ellen Smith
Hall, Friday, October 22, at 3:30rp.m.
Young Men's Class.
St. Taul M. E. Sunday Bchool, 9:45,
12th and M streets. An inspiring
teacher. Subjects especially adopted
for young men. Welcome all young
Open meeting Friday, October 22,
at 8 o'clock. There will be a pro
gram, special music and games. An
especial' feature is to be a track meet.
Everyone is cordially invited to come
and bring your friends. Faculty Hall,
on the second floor of the Temple
Cadet Officers' Association.
An important meeting of the Cartel
Officers' Association will be held in
the rooms of the Military Diparlment.
Nebraska Hall, at 7:30 p. m.. Thurs
day. All members of the association
are reQiiested to be present.
Catholic Students' Club.
The Catholic Students' Club will
have their initiation at the caves
Saturday night. Cars leave Tenth
and O streets at 7 o'clock. There
will be a feed there after the initia
tion. Palladian.
The Palladian Society will hold an
open meeting en Friday evening at 8
o'clock. Program, games and possibly
eats. Everyone cordially invited.
Phi Delta Phi Smoker.
Phi Delta Phi smoker tonight at 8
o'clock in Phi Delta Theta house, 541
South Seventeenth street.
Komensky Meeting Changed.
The date of the Komensky Club
meeting has been changed to Friday
evening, October 22. Meet in Social
Science building, room 101, at 7:30
p. m. Election of officers. Important.
AH come.
Pre-Medic Society.
Smoker at Ti Thi Chi house, 345
North Thirteenth street, Friday, Oc
tober 22. Initiation of new members.
Commercial Club Initiation.
The University of Nebraska Com
mercial Club will hold initiation Fri
day night at 7:30 p. m. in the Temple.
Initiates and active men are requested
to be there on time.
Komensky Club.
Komensky Club will meet in Fac
ulty Hall, Temple building, at 7:30
p. m., Saturday, October 23. Election
of officers. All, come.
University Union.
All students are cordially invited
to a Union good time in the society's
hall, third floor of the Temple on
Friday evening. Program stars at 8
o'clock. Come out and play.
Phi Alpha Tau.
All members meet Thursday eve
ning at 7:30, Law 208.
Math Club.
First meeting of Math Club Thurs
day, October 21, 7:30 p. m., at
Faculty Hall. Splendid program in
cluding a talk by Trofessor C. 1L
Sherer. Old and new Math students
come and get acquainted.
Miss Adams.
Miss Adams will speak Wednesday,
October 20, at Ellen Smith Hall at 11
o'clock on "The God We Trust"; and
at 5 o'clock on "Ourselves and Our
World Environment."
Christian Science Society.
The University Christian Science
Society will meet Thursday evening
at 7:30 in Faculty Hall, Temple build
ing. All students, alumni and faculty
are cordially invited to attend this
Vocational Training Club.
The Vocational Training club will
meet in the Temple Friday night at
7:30 p. m.
The Pre-Medic society will hold an
initiation at 345 North 13th street on
Friday evening, October 22. beginning
at 7:30 o'clock. All candidates for
initiation and members are asked to
be present without fail.
Art Club.
Important business meeting of the
Art club in the gallery Thursday at
N" Books.
Anyone wishing a University "N"
book may have one by calling at the
University Y. W. C. A., Ellen Smith
Baker on the R. O. T .C.
Note: This Is the third of a
series of articles on the K. O.
T. C. which is written with the
view of explaining the meaning
and 'aim of the organization,
especially referring to the work
as it affects the University of
Nebraska. The main descrip
tion of the Reserve Corps and
the Reserve Officers' Training
Corps is taken from the Bpeech
of Newton D. Baker, secretary
of war, which was delivered in
September at Pennsylvania
State College.
Tlie fixing of the status of the He
serve Corps officers caused a greater
number of R. O. T. C. applications
this year than last. Last year the
undecided stand of congress on rating
of reserve officers was an element
against many men applying but the
solid basis upon which the reserve is
now placed will be for the better
ment of the R. O. T. C. as well as the
Of this Mr. B...ver says: "The It.
O. T. C. project has met with pro
nounced success during the past year,
and has increased in favor with both
the students and educational authori
ties. A high standard of student
spirit and morale has developed in
many institutions and constant efforts
are made to support and increase this
spirit wherever the units are in opera
tion. Most of the colleges and schools
have been very liberal in the allot
ment of academic credits toward
Ciaduation for R. O. T. C. courses.
At one university it has even been
proposed to grant a special degree in
the subject of military art. Another
institution has placed the military
courses upon an equivalent basis with
such subjects as civil and mechanical
engineering. The war department has
received inquiries from various in
stitutions as to whether a course or
study and list of subjects might not
be indicated upon which a student
could elect a 'major' in military art."
This great growth of the enthusi
asm for the R. O. T. C. over the
country is significant of the interest
that is being taken by educated peo
ple in regard to preparation for
leadership of our armies in case of
another emergency. It is necessary
that the army have men of education
in the Reserve Corps and the college
men who are able to make the Re
serve have a start In the army with
a commission and this enables them
to be promoted more rapidly than the
usual method of training camps which
fits men for the lower commissions
and for temporary service.
The remarkable work done by men
of college caliber in the late war has
been of material import in raising the
numbers of applicants for Reserve
commissions since the war. This
shows that the college men are taking
advantage of every opportunity which
is put before them and the man who
is able to graduate from the Univer
sity or college where he is a member
of the student body, with not only a
degree but a commission in the Re
serve, is to be given credit not only
as a student but as a keen sighted
man and one who will make his mark
in the world. He has grasped his
The firm hold the R. O. T. C. has
on the men who have taken up this
work is characterized in the following
paragraph from Mr. Baker's address:
"During the past year there were
at a maximum" 4.568 students in the
advanced course, which comprised
about 8 per cent of the total number
in the senior division.
"With the exception of 1916-17, the
year it was initiated, the past school
year has been the first that the R. O.
T. C. has been afforded an opportunity
of operation under favorable circum
stances and in time of peace.
"The results attained have given
ai'iple reason for the belief that the
system is fundamentally sound as a
peace time measure for the training
and procurement of prospective per
sonnel for the Officers Reserve Corps.
The character of the training and in
struction given, the recognition ac
corded the military departments by
the Institutional authorities in the
allotment of time, academic credit
toward graduation, and the greater
interest and adherence manifested by
the students, Justifies the general
conclusion that the degree of im
provement which may be expected
of the R. O. T. C. in the future will
be dependent upon the support given
it by the government"
The fact that the R. O. T. C. is
yet in its infancy yet has made such
rapid progress with such splendid re
sults by no means exhausts its pos
sibilities. The government, during
the past four or five years, has had
lta handa full with tho tralnlne ttf
ILA ilWJiUa U " . - " . . ,-,
soldiers, theNmanufacture 6"f equip
ment and muftitions, the training of
officers and other war work and has
been too busy to work on the R. O
T. C. which is, by virtue of its em
bodiment In college work, a peace
time measure with a war time end,
that is to say a preparedness that is
also a part of an education.
The University of Nebraska has
felt the same influences on its R. U
T C. section that have been felt in all
other schools where the Corps is
located. During the war th student
body at Nebraska was mobilized for
war purposes almost to a man. The
cadet corps was obliterated. The war
time measures necessitated that men
with the fundamental training in
leadership of men take up work in
fhe officers training camps and this
the Nebraska boys did. The R. O.
T. C. was again started during the
past year but thQ.readJustment which
was necessary following the war
made it more or less of a temporary
arrangement and the present year
finds it on Its feet again with a fresh
start and proper equipment' as to
issues, facilities and instruction. The
Nebraska Corps is one of the largest
in the country and has already pre
pared men for commissions in the
The government action which tem
porarily placed the R. 0. T. O. on its
feet is by no means the end of the
support which it will receive . Con
gress is still congested with war time
work which it is necessary to elimi
nate as quickly as possible and the
R. O. T. C. will get its dues in the
next few years.
(To be Concluded.)
By Ima Cuckoo.
How many days' has November? It
must have more than fifty-four be
cause according to a schedule appear
ing in Wednesday's Nebraskan the
members of Kappa Kappa Gamma
will give a party November 54!
Somebody asked an R. O. T. C.
rookie yesterday why they gave them
shields. The rookie said he didn't
know and became real "fussed."
"I don't know what they are for,"
said the rookie.
"Well," I said "stand up for them
anyway. Defend yourself."
"With what?" asked the embryo
"The shield, of course," chimed in
an outsider.
Then we both yelled: "Pipe down."
Headline in Nebraskan said: "Baker
Explains Purpose of Military Train
ing." Now what does a baker know
about military training?
I was walking along the campus
yesterday and somebody asked me it
I had met Arthur. I replied that I
did not think so- and asked who
Arthur could be. "Why," the other
answered, "Arthur Class we call him
Art for short."
Helen Hovland meets Dorothy
Pierce in the Rag office.
"I'm late for my appointment," said
Helen. "I've been looking all lor
"Where did you find me?" asked
Dorothy with an absent-minded stare.
All students who have changed
their addresses or who did not know
addresses at time of registration
should bring in their present address
to the executive dean's office at once.
University Rules
Students Can Not
Visit Fair Nellie
SEATTLE. Wash. The - admirers
of Nellie, the Egyptian sleeping
beauty, are still pining beneath the
balcony of her home, because of the
"crool, crool verdict" of the Board
of Regents. Nellie, the Sphinx-like
mummy of the Washington State
Museum is the most popular of tho
season's belles, being the only one of
her kind for miles. Many are the
inquiries as to the state other health
and beauty.
"Can't she come down, just 'til it's
fixed?" cry the disappointed visitors
when tild that the "temporary" con
demned balcony is th reason for the
young vamps of th Nile who were
following Cleos methods rather than
Thedas. Consequently any little Jarr
ing lessens the effectiveness of her
man-preserved beauty. This climate
too, is mighty damp for Egyptian
ladles used to the sunny Nile, and the
climate Is causing, (oh, unromantic
truth!) Nellies complexion to peel
in a most modern way.
She waits above, along with the
Alaskan collection, the Oriental ex
hibits, the art exhibits and innumer
able other beautiful things: waiting
for a fairy prince In the guise - of
Mark Antony, or a carpenter, or some
other mighty man who can remove
the present edict, and until then none
can see Egyptian Nellie or Nellie's
beautiful home. U. of W. Dally.
Oh glrruls! Have you
Heard about the daBhing
Shields of Olive Drab
With artistic lettering
In baby blue that our
Soldier guys are going
To wear on their manly
Arms? Let's "gather at.
A good old gossip-fest
Or a chic kensington
With pink tea in the
Offing and sew them on
For the dear boys.
Matilda Jane.
Edna Van Arnam, '24, who spent
several days in Omaha, has returned
to school.
Music, Science and Mirth
In Jack Lait's "HELP"
MATS. 25c and 50c
EVE. 50c to $1.25
A New Christie Comedy
Rialto Symphony Orchestra
Pathe Semi-Weekly News
Topical and Travel Pictures
. Intrrnutlonnl New Weekly
Ma. i Mt !
A rhataalay Fea4.rtac
Mara ptfthoa Uiu "Th Matt Mm
tr" r fam thaa "Fifth tmd
rrlmWr." ,
KOItT MHMKT, Tllla Salolat
I.KOX HOIR1SON, Baritoaa
MATS. AU Matt 3
In a Thrilling Romance of the
Golden West
"Sunset Sprague"
Century Comedy
Drink Our Egg Malted Milk
For lunch.
They are a full meal.
Onrmr K. Can. C. It. 'IS, Mgr.
lilt O
Business Pheie
Cleaning aad Re-model Inr fr
Ladies and Genu.
lt No. 11th SL B142J