The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1920, Image 1

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Fhe Daily Mebraskan
VOL. XX. NO. 19.
Preparations Being Made for Largest Delegation of Former Univer
aity Students That Ever Journeyed Here for
Like Occasion.
The biggest grid clash of the year, the annual class scrap be
tween first and second-year men and an informal homecoming recep
tion and party for Cornhusker alumni and ex-students, are only a
few of the big features slated for the annual University of Nebraska
Homecoming Day, Saturday, October 16
The Olympics, in which the
cast away their green caps, or wear them until the snow flies, will
be held the morning of next Saturday, instead of the first part of
November which was the custom for many years. Usually the
Jayhawk game is staged Homecoming Day, but this year the Catho
lics meet the Nebraska grid heroes instead. Kansas and Nebraska
will struggle at Lawrence this year on November 13.
It Is the plan of the committee in
.charge of the celebration Saturday to
TPeyare for the largeBt delegation of
former University students that ever
traveled to the capital city for a cele
bratiom of any kind. The Homecom
ing Day festivities will center around
the Neiraska-Notre Dame struggle on
Nebraslca Field, but the Lincoln TJ. of
N. Alumni Club has planned other
features for visiting "homecomers."
Committee Prepares for Thousands.
The Informal reception for alumni
and faculty of the University will be
held Saturday, October 16. at 8 o'clock
p. m., in Ellen Smith Hall. The Lin
coin Alumni Club will act as host,
The chief event of the day for alumni,
however, will be the luncheon and
rally planned for them Saturday noon
from 12 until 2 o'clock in Ellen Smith
Hall. Mrs. Maurice Deutsch, member
of the local club and vice-president of
the state association, is chairman for
the latter, affair. .,..
After the luncheon the guests will
adjourn to Nebraska Field to witness
the clash between the Indiana team
and Schulte's warriors. Members of
the University faculty are asked to
secretary; M. A. Hyde, chairman of
the executive committee; Guy Reed
and Mrs. J. E. Gavin.
(Continued on Page 4.)
At Lincoln Colorado Aggies,
0; Nebraska, 7.
At Lawrence Washburn, 0;
Kansas, 7.
At Grinnell Ames, 28; Grin
nell, 0.
At Chicago Chicago. 20; Pur
due, 0.
At Evanston Northwestern,
17; Minnesota, 0.
At Madison Wisconsin, 27;
Michigan Aggies, 0.
At South Bend Notre Dame,
42; Western Normal, 0.
At Denver Wyoming, 10;
Denver University, 7.
At Cedar Rapids Coe, 34;
Monmouth, 0.
At Des ' Moines Des Moines,
19; Creighton, 0.
At St Louis Missouri, 42;
St. Louis. 0.
At Manhattan Kansas Aggies,
55; Camp Funston, 0.
At Princeton-Princeton, 34;
Maryland, 0.
At Cambridge Harvard, 21;
Valparaiso, 0.
At New Haven Yale, 21;
North Carolina, 0.
At New York Columbia, 14;
New York University, 7.
At Philadelphia Pennsyl
vania, 21; Swartbmore, 0.
At Syracuse Syracuse, 45;
Johns Hopkins, 0.
At Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, 34;
West Virginia, 13.
At South Bethlehem Rutgers,
0; Lehigh, 9.
At State College Penn State,
14; Dartmouth. 7.
At West Point Army, 27;
Mlddlebury, 0.
At Annapolis Lafayette, 7;
Navy, 12.
At Washington Georgetown.
27; North Carolina. 0.
At Burlington, Vt Vermont,
7; Tufts, 0.
At Bojton New Hampshire
State, 6; Boston University, 0.
At Los Angeles Occidental,
20; University of California,
southern branch, 0.
At Palo Alto Olympic Club,
10; Stanford, 7.
At Atlanta Georgia Tech,
66; Davidson, 0.
At Columbia Georgia, 37;
South Carolina, 0.
At Austin Texas University,
41; Howard Bayns, 7.
Freshmen win the right to either
Dr. Jchn Timothy Stone of Chicago
; to Be Principal Speaker at
Great Affair.
Harry Linton, chairman of the Com
mittee of Two Hundred, has an
nounced the program for the 1,000
student banquet to be held in the
Scottish Rite Temple, Tuesday eve
nine. October 12. This will be the
largest banquet ever given at the
University of Nebraska and over 1,000
students are expected to attend.
Nearly all tickets have been disposed
of and only a very limited number
will be on sale today at the Y. M.
C. A. office. Every student should
buy his ticket at once. Plates will
be at a premium by Monday noon.
The all-University banquet for a
thousand students has for its imme
diate objective the deepening of in
terest among the students in the
opportunities of religious education
offered them in the city and on the
campus. There seems to be an un
usual interest in the activities of the
University which tend to strengthen
the moral and develop a wholesome
University life.
Dr. John Timothy Stone, of the
Fourth Presbyterian church of Chi
cago, will be the principal speaker of
the evening. Although Dr. Stone is
well known to students and faculty
of other universities he is to make
his first visit to the Nebraska Uni
verslty next Tuesday. Other speak
ers on the program are Guy C. Reed,
'11. and Dean Buck. Marion C. Mote,
'22, and Clarence Dunham, '23, will
make four minute speeches represent
ing the students. Harry Linton, '21,
will preside.
Dr. Stone is a graduate of Amherst
and a trustee of his Alma Mater. He
has been chosen University pastor for
fvprnl of the universities and col
leges and is frequently a speaker at
student conferences of various kinds.
His messages are always full of
human interest and unusually sym
pathetic with students in their edu
cational problems.
He is a great lover of nature, and
for many years has spent his sum
mers in the Rocky Mountains, where
he has a commanding view from his
summer home overlooking Estes park
and looking out upon the snowy range.
Alumni Teachers Will
Attend Omaha Rally
Alumni of the University who are
attending the State Teachers' Asso
ciation in Omaha will be entertained
at a University of Nebraska luncheon
November 4, under the auspices of
the Alumni Association. Alumni
President Dan J. Riley, during his
conference at the University last
week, made known these plans. Last
year at the Hotel Fontenelle a very
successful Nebraska rally of this kind
was held during the Teachers' Con
vention. Omaha alumni are urged to
be present as well as teachers,
purpose of the meeting is to foster
the forming of new acquaintances and
to renew old friendships, according to
President Riley.
CLEVELAND. The Cleveland In
dians defeated Brooklyn, 8 to 1, In the
Sunday world's series game. E. Smith
delivered a home run with the bases
full in the first inning. This was
the first time this play was made
in the history of world's series base
ball. Wamsgans of Clevelend pulled
off an unassisted triple play first
time in world's series and had only
taken place two times In major
league baseball.
Facet Rule of Iron.
CARNAVON, Wales. Premier Lloyd
George in a speech Saturday declared
the British government decided to
restore order in Ireland "by methods
however stern."
For America First.
OKLAHOMA CITY. Again thrust
ing at the foreign policy of the Wilson ;
Plan of University Is to Also Hold
All-School Athletic Games,
on New Tract.
The four blocks of additional cam
pus, which have been visibly incor
porated into the University extension
program, will soon be in use as a
drllkand parade ground for the R. O
T. C, and aso as a field for the all
school athletic games which are on
the new programof the Department
of Physical Education. According to
Chancellor Samuel . Avery the new
quad may be used by bothdepart
ments so long as space is availabl
As new buildings become necessary
to house the University's increasing
equipment for her increasing number
of students, the new grounds will be
gradually utilized for these structures
and additional campus space. The
space is already mapped for newly
authorized buildings and gardens
Four new structures have already
been erected on the original six-block
tract of which this area is the remain
ing plat
Houses and Trees Removed.
The new campus, "outside the Iron
fence," has necessitated the removing
of a number of dwellings and many
of the most venerable trees In Lin
coln. Chancellor Avery has directed
that all houses on the tract that are
not suitable for dormitory purposes
be vacated at once and the dwellings
and sheds removed from the newly
laid out plat. Trees some of them
nearly a century old have been dyna
mited from the ground. According
to E. L. Goldsmith, assistant superin
tendent of construction, who has been
in charge of the grading and clear
ing, a dynamite charge of about fiv
pounds removes a fair-sized tree, roots
and all "as neatly as you would pul!
a dandelion out of your lawn."
The new four-block trat includes
the space of ground between Bessey
Hall and the Social Science Building,
from Twelfth to Fourteenth street
To date the houses have been torn
dewn in this district and the debris
has been carted ' away. The cellars
have been filled up and the ground
l;elled off. A force of some fifty
graders and wreckers under the direc
tion of Superintendent C. E. Chowins
of the Grounds and Buildings Depart
ment, has transferred the "No Man's
Land" of the University to other parts
of the city.
Junior Farmers Carry
Away Several Pigs
The Junior farmers of Nebraska
carried off several prizes at the inter
state fair at Sioux City, la., the week
of September 20. The bread making
team won first honors in its group
and the animal husbandry team in
their group. The bread making team
was composed of .Beulah Sitorious,
Sao'a May Macauley and Anna Mack
lin, ell of Kearney.
The animal husbandry team Is com
posed of Fay Galentine, Edgar Stone
and Mary Chatterson, all of Inland.
The two teams were elected at the
state fair to represent Nebraska. All
the members are under sixteen years
of age and have received their train
ing in standard boys'k and girls' clubs,
formed under the supervision of the
University ol Nebraska.
administration Senator Harding de
clared Saturday that while we have
been sounding the loft Idealism
theory, British Interests have been
reaching out to nominate our industry
through control of the petroleum
Asked to Hold Wheat
WICHITA. The wheat growers as
sociation of which many Nebraskans
are members has asked its member
ship to refrain from selling any wheat
after 5 p. m. October 25 until the
price Is raised to Z a bushel.
Tide From Europe Growing.
iNiiiw i ukk. Ellis island is con
gested as never before. Thousands
are waiting at the gates for entrance
to the United States and steamship
companies are swamped with people
desiring passage to the United States
Gathering Will Discuss Plans for
Disposing of Sophs in Annual
Olympic Clash.
The Freshmen will hold their first
meeting of the year Tuesday morning
at 11 o'clock in the Temple Theater,
President Craig requests that every
member of the class be present as the
other officers of the class are to be
elected and plans discussed for the
coming semester. The slogan of the
meeting is to be "pep" and "more
pep." President Craig has suggested
that all Freshmen go to bed early
tonight so that there will be an abund
ance of "fire"1 displayed at the meet
Chairman Dick Giller of the Olym
pics committees will tell what Is
being done by the different commit
tees and what is expected of every
Freshmen next Saturday morning.
He will also give the class some idea
as to how bad' the Freshmen will
beat the Sophomores and what the
plans are in this direction.
Want Pep and Fire.
It is possible that some member ol
the Innocents Society will be present
to give the Freshmen a better idea
as to what the significance of the
Olympics are and the real value de
rived from them.
President Craig asked for the larg
est place the University affords to
hold a meeting. When given the
privilege of using the Temple Theater
he seemed a little disappointed.
When questioned he said that he did
not know whether the Temple would
hold all of the enthusiasm or not.
Freshman Olympic Committees.
The committees for the coming
Olympics have been announced by
President Craig of-the Freshmen. He
has appointed Dick Giller executive
chairman of all the committtes. The
hree committees appointed and the
men who are carrying out the plans
are as follows:
Entries committee John Whetstine,
chairman; Verne Lewellen. Newton
Organization committee Charles
Newland, chairman; Ray Beecher, Rex
Smith. I
Rules and properties committee-
Robert Craig, chairman; Edward
Shoemaker, John Anderson.
The Freshmen tryouts were to have
been held Saturday morning but
owing to the fact that only a few
men turned out they will be held
Wednesday night in the Armory. The
chairman of the committees in charge
has asked all first-year men who are
planning to take part in the boxing
or wrestling bouts to be present.
George Maguire reports that the
push-ball which.' is being borrowed
from Ames wil be here in plenty of
time for the fray. The plans are
well under way for the biggest
"scrap" ever held between the two
classes. .
Mystic Fish Entertains
For New Initiates
Mystic Fish, Freshmen girls so
ciety, entertained Saturday, October
9, at a luncheon in the Lincoln Hotel,
in honor of the new initiates. Thirty
five guests were present. The tables
were decorated with red roses. Sev
eral alumni of the organization were
invited. The newly elected members
of the organization responded to
Ernie Hubka' Attacks at Green
uame in uara rougnt straggle witn t armors From Neighbor
ing States Heat Hampers Speedy Play.
Yards gained from line of scrimmage Nebraska 158 yards; Colo
rado 74 yards.
Passes completed Nebraska 2 for 52 yards; Colorado Z for 32
Passes' incomplete Nebraska' I; Colorado 5.
Passes Intercepted- Nebraska f r Colorado 0.
First downs Nebraska 10; Colorado 6.
Punts Nebraska 9 for 391 yards; Colorado 9 for 388' yard's
Place kicks attempted Colorado; 1,.
Penalties Nebraska' 45 yards; Colorado 30 yards.
Rallying from a slow start,
and Ernie Hubkai in: particular, carved another notch in. the victory
column by defeating the Colorado Aggies Saturday by a score of 7-0.
The Aggies opened with a' brilliant offensive similar to the tactics
of "Washburn which had the Huskers somewhat bewildered and it
was not until the third quarter before Schulte's team, began) the
President Philbrick Will Announce
Appointments at First Meeting
of Group This Year.
Sophomores will be given the
chance to raise their stock in the
Olympics at least a hundred points at
the first class meeting of the year,
Tuesday morning, in Law 202, at
11:30 o'clock. Class committee ap
pointments will be announced by
President Philbrick and preparations
for the coming Olympics will receive
fresh impetus. Up to date not
much enthusiasm and spirit has been
shown by the class over the approach
ine Olympics struggle. There has
been a feeling that the coming clash
will be easy for the Sophomores be
cause of their victory last year. The
Freshman class of this year are in a
position to put up a much harder
scrap than the class of 1922 gave the
Sophomores last fall. It will take the
support of every man in the class if
the Sophomore colors are to . come
out on top at the struggle Saturday
Few Report for Tryouts.
Much remains to be done in the
next, few days in preparation for the
scrap. The finals in the wrestling
and boxing tryouts are to be run off
and a team picked for the 400 yard
relay. Only a handful of men showed
up for the relay tryouts Saturday
morning and few of these had track
experience, although all had an
abundance of the Sophomore spirit.
More men must try out before a team
can be picked.
All Sophomores will have a chance
to show their pep and spirit at the
Tuesday morning meetirg. Plans for
organizing the class into an efficient
fighting body will be perfected. Co-eds
as well as men are urged to join in
the preparations for the Olympics.
With several hundred fair co-eds
cheering them on, the Sophomore
warriors can not fall to tear the
Freshmen up in the annual scrap, is
the opinion of most of the second
year men.
Original Cartoon of
Commoner in Library
Walter S. Whitten has presented
the Universtiy library with an origi
nal Bryan cartoon by the famous
cartoonist, "Ding" of the Des Moines
Register. The cartoon is one pre
sented to Mr. Whitten by the artist,
J. W. Darling, and is inscribed with
his well known nom de plume. It
will be added to the University's
unjue collection depicting various
phases of the great commoner's pub
lie life as pictured on the front pages
of the press during three presidential
campaigns. The cartoon originals
forming the collection are drawn from
both sides of the political fence. They
are interesting, not only as examples
of newspaper art but as a historical
sonrce and commentary on political
campaign history in this country l
nwo wn csmw.
and Gold Line Net Only Score of
the Nebraska Cornhusker in; general
drive which resulted in a score. The
Aggie' line crumpled before-the terriffe
smashes of Hubka and. ofttackle
drives- of Wright and Hartley and the
Nebraska fullback carried the pigskin
over the Aggie line in the final' period;
Captain Day kicking goal:.
The oppressive heat hampered' both,
J elevens and was responsible for the
slowness of the play. This accounts
In a large measure for the failure1 of
the Husker machine to get into ai
tion before the third period' of the
game. The visitors had the edge on
the Nebraskans during the? first half
but at this stage Hubka entered the
fray, relieving Moore who was taken
out on account of injuries. The big
fullback seemed to inject the neces
sary pep into his team-mates as the
Huskers immediately launched the
winning offensive. A forward pass,
Newman to Swanson, was good for
thirty-five yards and line smashes
carried the ball to the Aggie ten-yard
line from where Hubka smashed
Colorado Threatens to Score.
Twice during the first period the
Westerners threatened to score. Once
they were stopped by a penalty and
the interception of a pass by Newman
(Continued on Page 4.)
At Chadron Nebraska Wes
leyan, 13; Chadron, 0.
At Hastings Hastings Col
lege, 7; Grand Island, 7.
At Fremont Peru Normal, 15;
Midland College, 0.
At Crete Doane, 6; Cotner, 0.
High Schools.
At Lincoln Lincoln, 21;
York, 0.
At Nebraska City Nebraska
City, 27; Ashland, 7.
At Exeter Crete, 14; Exeter,
At Red Cloud Red Cloud, 47;
Fairbury, 0.
At Superior Superior, 28;
Hastings, 10.
At Aurora Aurora, 27;
Geneva, 0.
At Holmesville Barneston,
66; Holmesville, 0.
At Cambridge Cambridge,
93; Oxford. 0.
At Curtis Curtis, 33; North
Platte, 0.
At Beatrice Beatrice 53; Fre
mont, 0.
At Bethany Bethany, 5.r ;
Weeping Water, 0.
At Beatrice De Witt, 28; Bea
trice Rpserves, 0.
At Woodriver Gibbon, 7;
Woodriver, 0. Game protested
by Woodriver.
At Ravenna Ravenna, 21;
Loup City. 6.
At Hebron Hebron, 7; Ches
ter, 0.
At McCook McCook, 21;
Alma, 0. ,n
At Auburn Tecumseh, 60;
Auburn. 0.
At West Point West Point,
40; Stanton, 0.
At Harvard Edgar, 38; Har
vard, 7.
At Bayard Bayard, 119, Mor
rill. 0.
At Columbus Columbus, 87;
David City. 0.
At Wilber Friend, 35; li
ber. 13. J
At North Platte Cozad de
feated. At Omaha Commercial Hign,
26; Central High, 3.
At Ansley Ansley, 27; Broken
Bow, 7.
At Beaver City Franklin
Academy, 28; Beaver City. 7.
At South Omaha Uni Place,
7; South Omaha, 7.