THE DAILY NEBRASKAN SOCIETY PINS Black Masque Valkyrie Silver Serpeftt Xi Delta Mystic Fish Viking ' Green Goblin HALLETT Unl Jeweler Estab. 1871 . " O SL Echaes &f Firing Line are Heard When Stumps Are Dynamited Learn to m dance! We3 teach yon to dance in ill private lessons. fchone for Appointment. Mr. T. E. Williams Private Studio , , B4258 122d 0 8t LOEB'S ORCHESTRA Business PfeoM Residence B83 B708 wftd, rnvnd., nt. t:(0 Now Twtra IaJlT HitO CLARENCE OLIVER OEOEQEl OLP -rnn nun niVK" ''THE CHAMPION" with MAHH MOLIMER wwwr n WBKKBT BaMlM Datartalnara DAT! HARRIS IrimnlUi'i Bnt Ba ORRRK DREW A Itarayard Eplnoda AROO BKOrUFBS A aalaM Saprama IIIT HAZEL 8KATKLXJB la umm rMiri CIIOOBAMA -rorica or the day" HIM jrwreg-TM a i ISsaaigaisEj TUESDAY WEDNESDAY "Riiers of tb Dura" The Bic Mctar f the Week Bj Zan Orey LAJLEY SIMON in "THE STAGE HAND" j Pries 10c, 15o and 80c Tiriiia. ri. sat. REX BEACH'S "Going Some'' A Starr With Tnh.' Fu, ThrllU ad RamMM PAT HE KRMI-WBEKLT Tvploa af tha Dar ' - amha Orakaatra, SHOWS START AT 1. 8. T, MATS. a. MIOHT- TRl'EO. FRI. SAT. "All For I'ao and r Far All" -RUBETOWN FOLLIE8" "PITMPKIJI CEKTER JAZZ BAUD" SOUTHE and TOBIN In a Charmlne- Yarn! OfTarlaa DAVEY JAMIESON "AS V LIKE IT" DUKE and DUCHESS ALICE LAKE la Hot Nawwit Fratara Flrtara "the misfit wite" m.. m.hi tOr i Gal. lfla. AXX THIS WEEK TfA?ffffT.T. NEILAN rraaaaaa w iiat . irrmTajOTTARR "DON'T EVES MARRY" liaa1! Lrrla OnhaaMa WUlard'a "TAJTTAST OF JEWELS" Tba ajarld'a most prataatlaaa SHOWS START AT 1, B. S. t. 8 STBaaajSR, Jvn The bombardment against the mighty monarch of the forest still continued. The clearing away of the stumps at the rear of the campus has required an extension of much time, and dynamite! Echoes from "the fir ing line" have resounded through the tampus and riveted the stillness of recent drowsy afternoons, breaklnp in rudely on painstaking lectures and explanations of the conscientious pro fessors. One instructor was just fin ishfng ihe eloquent climax of an ntliuslasffc oration when the burst of an explosion greeted his remark. He bowed gravely and stopped a moment to say "applause? We'll put" in" the reverberations have rocked the none-too-steady walls of U Hall, and even the solid founda tions of Chemistry Hall have trembled, but the enemy are slowly and noisily being put to rout Thoy can't "stump" us! Personal! Harold Cluce, '24, was taken ill Sunday with ah attack of rheumatic fever and will be out of school foi several weeks. Mary Redgwick, '23, will spend the week-end in Omaha. Irene Bolter, '24, leaves tomorrow for her home in Logan, la. . Eleahore Bierkatop, '23, will spend Saturday and Sunday in Omaha. Laura Redgwick, of Omaha, is visit ing. at the Alpha Xi Delta house. Mary 8heldon, '22, leaves Saturday for a visit at Nehawka. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Faul, of Council Bluffs, la., are visiting their daughter Dorothy Paul at 1220 R street Jack Yeiser, '17, left today for Om aha, where he will spend several days. Ruth Cain, '24, will be a week-end visitor in Fremont. Dorothy Murdy, 23, is spending sev eral days at her home in Weeping Water. Naomi Buck, '23, and Beulah Mills, ?2, are going to Harvard for a Bhort visit Dorothy Anne Gleason, '22, left for Cmaha to spend the week-end. Ruth Bryner, '24, returned from a visit at Griswold, la, Mrs. A. 3. Allen and Muriel Allen '22, will spend the week-end at their home in Tecumseh. Sigma Alpha Epsilon announces the pledging of Raymond Althouse, '24, of Loup City. Lee L King, '23, is back in school after a week's illness. R. E. Fortna, '21, and Mike Meyer '23, returned yesterday from Dos Moines, where they attended the National Swine Show. T-vnn French was a visitor at the Alpha Gamma Rho house the first part of the, week. LAW ENROLLMENT 15 BIGGEST EVEF The enrollment in the Law College this year Is the largest in the history of the school. Dean Seavey gives the unofficial report as 241 students tak ing work in law. The list is not com plete and more will be added before the end of the semester. Last year their were 218 enrolled in the Law College. The Increase In number has caused inconvenience In seating the classes. Because of the scarcity of seating room, twenty men were forced tr stand during the general lecture last Friday, udge Morning of the Distrle' Court will address the Law School at 11 o'clock Friday morning. Dean Seavey states that in all classes excepting an overcrowded Freshmen class every man has a book. Most of the students prefer to rent their texts. At the Regents book store 187 law books have been rented for the semester. SCHOOL OP AGRICULTURE BEGINS REGISTRATION Registration for the School of Agri culture will open this morning. Pro fessor Bradford and his assistants have been preparing for the opening of the school and will be ready to register the young farmers. The only problem that seems difficult is that of rooms for the new body of stu dents. Since registration in the Uni versity proper is not as heavy this year as last, the problem will not be sb complex. The enrollment for the first semes ter last year was 450 and 471 for tie second semester. There should be no decrease in the enrollment this year because a bumper crop will enable many Nebraska farmers to send their boys and girls to school. The School of Agriculture has shown a wonder ful growth since 1891, when thirty six registered for work in that de partment Boys entering the school must have at least three months of actual farm experience and must be at least seventeen years old. Girls need not have any farm experience but must be at least sixteen years old. it Is true, the one year residence statute would apply and Glpp would be ineligible in Missouri Valley and Big Ten conferences. V The defeat of the University of Wyoming by the Colorado Aggies in dicates that the Cornhuskers wlH have some real opposition In Satur day's encounter. Schissler scouted, the Wyoming-Colorado game and re ports that the Fort Collins team will give Nebraska a real argument. Coach Hughes has been working with a string of twenty-eight performers among them several last season per formers. The old timers reporting for practice are Captain Scott Bres nahan, Donaldson, Dotson, Mathesoh. Myers, Sheeley, Sandusky and Wood. DANCE f Saturday ' 8:30 p.m. Bk r Orchestra Schools of 'IJancino ii SPORT BRIEFS Notre Dame in spite of the handi cap of losing Bahan has showed sur prising strength in recent games. Saturday, October 2, the Catholics battled with the Kalamazoo team to a decided victory. Coach Rockne has developed two exceptional backfleld men in Barry and Mohardt. October 9 the Blue and Gold will mix wit the Indiana Western State Normal, and no chances are being taken on a defeat The Notre Dame line is one of strength and hed the Kalamazoo team helpless. However, the next big game on the Blue and Gold schedule is the game with the Cornhuskers at Lincoln on October 18. Coach Rockne expects to meet with real opposition but with a line of steel and a back fleld with Barry, Glpp and Mohardt in it expects to win the game. The Catholic students are determined to win the Western championship again e.nd are bending every effort toward doing so. At a recent meeting of the Notre Dame athletic board, Glpp, last sea son's stellar performer, was declared eligible, having completed the neces sary work in his studies. However. Creighton University of Omaha de clares .that during the tour the Creighton basketball team in Michi gan last spring, they met with Gipp on the team of the Detroit University. He was at that time a regularly entered student of the same institu tion. While Nebraska has made no attempt to verify this statement, if HMDMNft) WITH "THE. B-KS HIVi Lean TO sct-tevc TOT 'KkVUN At ths Orphtum this Week. DANCE! Rosewilde Party House TONIGHT COME YE ALL Beck's Syncopated Symphony jgy ill Women's Silk Hosiery at Reduced Prices We are offering high-grade silk hose at the lowest prices in almost two years. HEAVY all silk hose for women dyed in the thread. Black, white. Regularly 5.00. REDUCED price, pair EXTRA WEIGHT, silk hose for women. Lisle tops and soles. Black, brown and white. Regularly 4.00 pair. REDUCED price, pair "VANITIE" brand silk hose for women. Black, gray, brown and white. Regularly 3.50 pair. Now priced pair "RADMOOR" brand silk hose for women. Black, brown and white. Regularly 3.00 pair. Now priced pair "DEFIANCE" brand Bilk hose for wctaen. Black and white. Regularly 2.50 pair. Now priced pair SEAMLESS silk hose for women. Black, white and brown. Regularly 2.00 pair. Now priced pair. ON SALE MAIN FLOOR 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.25 1.75 1.50 . HIADLIN WWTM - im I B mutt, vm, t sziJri?z2 A rmy .Bags for your books : $5.50 This genuine hand-boarded cow hide bag black or tan made specially for the U. S. Army. Also Brief Cases, Music Rolls and Portfolios at special prices. Benway's Corner 11th & O Sts. Lynn Lloyd, U. of N. '11, Mpr, RESPONSIBLE CLEANERS Our Specialty "One-day Service or Sooner if Wanted Y B1338FCOIMO CLEANERSDYERS Devilish Good Cleaners SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT 1414 O St. OCR CHOCOLATES Good ta Ua ?wt bit. AJnja fraak stock. WATVAJTS DRCOS aaar R. aa. 0. H. OS. Mw. UU O $1.50 8 O'clock T