The Daily Nebraskan UNIYSSJUTT 07 NEBRASKA OFFICIAL FUBLIOATIOK 1 rMWe4 ry ar SaUrtar u4 lunftay during lie - cMr, fl.M. t EDITORIAL STAFF mk Fatty . Perethy x&rkir. ..sMIter-la OsUef As"! Naw Onw MarU Herbert BrewaalL lta M. Hutau. Acting News Mltar Acting News Better ... toly Itlw SperW Mtte DnwUt feUtoi BUSINESS STAFF Fre4 U Beaklag.. .Buiimtn afaaaget Juw r. rueck .Assistant Bueiness MiU( Clrculatlea Manager Newa Editer far this leaua JACK AUSTIN THE WEARING OF THE GREEN. Freshmen at the University of Nebraska have privileges which the lower classmen at practically all other colleges are deprived of. This fact has not been Impressed on the minds of the class of 1924 at school as It should be. The students were first asked to buy green caps as la required of each incoming class. Many responded will ingly, a number were shown the necessity of wearing the green cap by the older members of the organizations to which they belonged, while a few remain upon whom the green cap will have to be literally forced. The cadet company at the State Farm passed resolutions to the effect that each and every Freshman at the Farm campus must wear a green cap. The city campus is fast coming to this point. The green cap is not a disgraceful piece of apparel. In fact, it is a symbol by which "ye shall know them" and a mark of distinction to Its owner. The Olympics are not far away and the man who has the right class spirit, not to say Nebraska spirit, should be depended on to don the colors of his clan. POST-ELECTION PROPAGANDA. The end of the elections should end all party feeling and should not establish factions and faction hatred. University students are above such a thing or should be and the "bigness" of a man or woman Is shown by the way In which they are able to take defeat Certainly, defeat is a dissapointing thing to meet up with, but everyone Is at some time or other in this iife, dissappointed. The biggest thing is to forget all enmity toward the winning candidate and to throw your whole-hearted support at his back. The truly big man or woman Is the one who will back the winner for the good of the whole and that spirit should be more prevalent than at present He that would amalgamate factions and thereby be a benefit rather than a hindrance to tie school Is the man who Is big enough to throw his support to his former opponent and thereby break up clique antipathy. MORE TENNIS COURTS. There are few schools in the Middle West that can claim the same rating in athletics as the University of Nebraska. Nebraska has established herself as the peer of the Missouri Valley in football, basketball, wrestling and baseball. - .Yet Nebraska Is behind In one respect There Is not a dinky, little school in the Middle West that has not better tennis faciliteis than Nebraska. The lack of tennis courts at this school is a crying shame. Nebraska Wesleyan, with a total enrollment equalling less than one-third of the Freshman class of the University of Nebraska, has several times the number of tennis courts available to Its students than Nebraska baa. Look at the other state universities Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas. Minnesota all have Nebraska beaten In this re spect We are dragging behind. Why? Where are all those promised tennis courts promised several years tgo and repromised each year, until it has become an old story? Nebraska should have at least a dozen tennis courts to place herself equal In this respect with her peers. LETS ALL SAY -HELLO." Last year a day was set aside for each student in the University to say "Hello" to every person that he passed. That day was a success. A spirit of true campus democracy marked that day and for many days thereafter students got a little more out of their asso ciations because of the . qualntances made in this way. This year such a day may be set aside. But why wait until then to greet the classmates that you pass as you go from class to class? Nebraska, dominating the entire Missouri Valley because or Its physical prowess, should also leaa her neighbor colleges In a spirit of friendliness. UNI NOTICES. Pay Locker Fees. "All lockers not regularly assigned before 6 p. m. October 5 will have the locks cut and clothing removed nnd same will be held until locker fee Is paid." Swimming Ctaes. "All men registered for the 5 o'clock swimming cIsm who have not as yet handed in their class schedules, please do so at onoe." Social. You will have a good time if you come to the Epworth League soda' at St Paul's church, Thursday eve nlng at 8 o'clock. Everyone Invited to the "Church with the Chimes." 8tudtnt Council Masting. The Student Council will mee' Thursday evening, October 7, at 7:30 In Social Science Hall, Room 107 This is an important meeting. Dalian, Open meeting Friday. Music, read ings, games and fun. Everyone If invited. Art Club. The Art Club will Lave a welner oast at Robbers Caves. Friday at 8 Meet on Terminal corner. 10th and O streets, at 7: IS p. m. Thirty cents for tickets. Buy one now from Char lotte Kizer or Margaret Lanham. Cadat Officers' Association. The Cadet Officers' Association will meet Thursday at 7 p. m. in the lec ture rooms of the Department of Military Science, Nebraska HalL Dramatic Club Tryoute. Dramatic Club tryouta will be held Thursday evening, October 14 In the Temple Theater. Each person will be given three minutes. Tryoat In a part from some play. Register at the Temple Building, Room 101. Freshman Qlrla. Freshmen girls get your Unlverslt N" book containing the campus trad I tlons and coming activities at thr Y. W. C. A office, Ellen Smith Hall. Wayna Club. All students who have attended Wayne Normal come to business meet ing in U 111. 7 o'clock Wednesday. Komtnsky Club. Komensky Club will meet In Faculty Hull T.mDle Building at 7:80 P. m "Saturday evening. October 9. Ewr Bohemian invited. Soele-Econemlcs Clwb. finrin-Kcnomlcs Club will hare business meeting In Y. M. C. A room of Temple at 7 o'clock Thursday Christian Selanoa Society. The Christian Science Society of the University will meet Thursday evening at 7:80 o'clock. In Faculty nii Tumnle Building. All students. iiumni and faculty of the University are cordially Invited to attend. Freshman Qlrla Attention. Freshmen tlrls who have not signed up for physical and medical examina tlons must sign on bulletin on gym naslum office door before October 8 All examinations must be completed before Freshmen classes begin. World's Serlea Results Yeaterday. CLEVELAND. Oct 6. Brooklyn won the third game of the worlds series here today in a fast game, 8 0 The crowd was one of the largest a any series in many years. Say Don't you declda that Nature ! wonderful When you talk to One of these rery young Hopefuls who tell you Proudly about spending; Every evening jaaxlng imrt some municipal Emporium of the Mam Wiggle and toting Home Janes described As "Some Baby"' or "A regular Doll" when You know very well The wildest things they've Met were the wild rosea That grew along the Old Home Town Railroad Track? Send 'em home To Mamma! Matilda Jane. John Andrew HOimee win rive ' . An toxtiira Ml th Pllffrlma Q... PCI 111 V i - - - i wuu- day a i av.uv. - ,t Keep an aye open for the Roeewltdt announcement on October 29, A rirl is apt to have many pressiar engagements before she marries. Special Purchase Sale 63 High Grade Ladies Suits to be sold at decided savings We have just purchased a quantity of sample suits from one of our manufacturers beautiful, silk lined, fur-trimmed suits, that we can sell you at much less than their regular value ! These suits are tailored from beautiful fabrics Peachbloom, Duvetyn, Duvet Superior Velour and Trieotine and many of them are charmingly deco rated with Seal, Nutria, Australian Opossum and mole furs. Investigate these remarkable values 39.50 Suits, now 31,60 89.50 Suits, now 71.60 49.50 Suits, now 39.60 99.50 Suits, now 79.60 59.50 Suits, now 47.60 115.00 Suits, now 92.00 79.50 Suits, now 63.60 135.00 Suits, now.... 108.00 SILK HOSE SPECIAL 3.35 Values at 2.45 600 pair of Black Cat and Merrill full fashioned, ladies' silk hose at this extremely low nrfee. No Seconds No Mill Run All Regular Stock Colors: Black, Cordovan, Negra, Taupe and pastel colors. II ' vt - "The Gray'Room