The Daily Nebraskan UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Published very day except S? urday and Sunday during the eol lete rear. Subscription, per Remoter $1.25. EDITORIAL STAFF Carolyn Reed - - .Editor Le Rosb Hammond Managing Editor Sadie Finch Associate Editor Story Harding - - - News Editor Leonard Cowley ...News Editor Dorothy Barkley. - Society Editor "loyd Clark Sports Editor REPORTORIAL STAFF JacX Austin Ix)is Hartman Belle Farman Eleanor Hlnman jessii' Watson Leona. d Hamming Lee Yochuni Eldridge Lowe BUSINECS STAFF Carleton Springer Phvl'ls Langstaff John Neff Roy Wythera.. Fred Bo&klng.. Jesse Fatty.... Business Manager .Assistant Business Manager Ci -culatlon Manager News Editor STORY HARDING Far Tli's lasue HAIL THE CORNHUSKER! The year book is out ai last, and the pent-up curiosity of the whole campus is satisfied. This is a banner book, in every respect, nuke-up, the deiails of the material and the large subscription list. This last proves that the student body is and increasingly will be interested in this form of school activity. A large staff of workers have labored faithfully the year through and their results are most commendable. The book is larger than usual, broadly representative or the entire 1'niversity and a worthy remembrance to be accredited to the class of 1920 in future years. The athletic and military sections and Shucks are the distinctive features of this Cornhusker and the usual criticism of "not enough pictures too much reading matter" certainly is not appropriate this time. The editing of the Cornhusker is an all year job. After long hours of detailed work the book appears, there is a week of criticism and appreciation and then the labor is all forgotten. There is no crowd of cheering friends, no rousing 'T-IM'M" 10 spur the worker on, no glory after the battle. Cut this type of work shows as much loyally for Nebraska as that of muscle and brawn. You have read the book through, probably missing a class or two to do it. If you like it say so with spirit. If you don't like it, remember that perhaps you didn't do your full share towards contributing to it, and that you yourself didn't wan: to take the responsibility of doing it. DON'T QUIT NOW. Two more days of actual class work! And on top of that, grades for last semester's work are out at last. Do they really come up 10 the standard you set when you registered for the courses? Does it make you want to do better this time or are you about ready to say, "Well, 1 guess there's no use trying. 1 can't make any grades here'" The student who gives up now has the wrong sort of school loyalty. He does not slop to consider that he is injuring the scholastic stand ing of his University. And this standing, alter all, is more important than any athletic or activities records. The University is first an educational institution and then a iraining school for social and moral development. This is the last lap don't break your stride now. or if you lost out a little earlier in the race, get on the inside of the track, get a second wind and make a real dash for the ribbon. Don't lose out on the home-stretch. Remember that not only your reputation, but your Alma Mater's is at stake. ARE YOU COMING BACK? Are you coming back to Nebraska University next year, or are you a little discouraged and feel that college life is not all that you expected? Perhaps you have not made as many friends as you would like, perhaps you feel a trifle left out of things. It is hard to find and give free reign to all the ability in the four thousand students in nine months and someone is always crowded back for a while. There are many ways to show your ability on this campus and if you have not had your chance this year it will come, for real ability will not stay hidden. If you have lost out and been a game loser, you will have full credit for 1L Don't stay away from your school because of a few discouragements decide now to come back with new vigor, determination and interest to work. In that work you will make friends and find your true place as a Husker. UNI NOTICES "1 University Union Closed meeting Saturday. This the last meeting of the year. is Palladian There will be an open meeting Sat urday evening, May 29. The annual alumni program will be given. Officers for next year will be elected at short business session. Important. Silver Serpents Silver Seipent will hold its annual banquet Friday, May 28, in the Garden Room of the Lincoln Hotel at 5:30 Those planning to attend please notify Olive Means, at R60!5. before Thurs day evening. Green Goblins Green Goblins will meet at the Sigma Nu house at 7:30 p. m., Thurs day, May 27. Ccdets Attention Drill will be conducted as usual this week with the exception of Tuesday when all classes will be dismissed. Men who will drill next year tie up their equip" ; nt in bundles to aid in re-issuing. Uniforms and equipment to be turned m at regular drill hours. Notice Will the following people please call at the Student Activities office: Ruth Hut ton A. ( . Stoa Mike M. Miles Nell Jean Holtz Milo E. Heck James C. Wilson F. O. Vanier George Moyer Luther Andrews Notice The president and treasurer of the following organizations are asked to please call at the Student Activities office, and approve bills tor payment: Commercial Club I'alladian Literary Society Dramatic Club Pharmaceutical Society Cadet Officers Association Freshman Law Class Pan-Hellenic Council. University Art Club Alpha Kappa Psi My.itic Fish Silver Serpent Classical Club Vikings ISlack Masque Wayne Club Senior Advisory Roard University Cadet Rand Lutheran Club Calholic Students Club TRUTH THAN POETRY The closing month of school Is n,Bh Our books we throw away, ' Except the most expensive books For which "Red" Long will pay We throw away our theme, and such in summer they would bore. Rut we save the "high grade" papers So the brothers will get more. R.v H. Yrots Gnidrah, '22. PERSONALS Jessie Watson. '21. wm ieave , morrow for her home in Wavne where she will spend the week end ' Leona Watson, of Riverton, Ia i, R guest at the Chi Omega house " ' norothy Cleveland, '19. of Water vme. N. Y ,s a guest this wee I, Helen Dayton. Education 20 The regular examination in Educa tion 20 will be given on Thursday. June 3, from 1:15 to 3:15 in T. C. 322. Students who cannot take the exami nation at that hour will be given their examination Saturday, May 29, from eight to ten a. m in Room 301, T. C. (Signed) LID A R. EARHART. WANT ADS FOR SALE Ten-room house, oak finish, lot 100 x 108, suitable for fra ternity or. sorority. H. G. O'Connor. c o Northwestern. 800 S St. U)ST Saturday afternoon or Sun day, a 32" Scottish Rite Masonic ring, relatively narrow band and set with stone. Reward. RORERT H. WOLCOTT, 102 Ressey Rldg. FOR RENT Rooms for women, near campus, sleeping porch privi lege. Thone R2.r)67. ALPHA OMICRON PI. 500 North 16th. Sold in Lincoln Exclusively by Fred Schmidt & Bro. 917-21 O St. fHE SPORTING GOODS STORE o H tO CO Q O O O O 2 H O a- to X H Have you played your first game of TENNIS? If not, now is the time to start. Pick out your new racket today from our large assortment. Or have your old one restrung. New 1920 Tennis Balls are now in. Nets, Shoes. Covers and Presses to meet all needs. x to o 73 H Z o o o o D c co H O 73 n "Everything Athletic Lawlor Cycle Co. 117-119 So. 14th ini J. THE SPORTING GOODS STORE