t THE nAir,Y NBBRA3KAN The Daily Nebraskan UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Published every day except Sri urday and Sunday during the col lege year. Subscription, per Benvwter $126. EDITORIAL 8TAFF Carolyn Reed - ..Editor Lie Rose Hammond Managing Editor Sadie Finch. Associate Editor Story Harding , - Nws Editor Leonard Cowley ...Newe Editor Dorothy Barkley Society Editor ?loyd ClaVk Sports Editor REPORTORIAL STAFF Jack Austin Lois Hartman Belle Farm an Eleanor Hlnman jessie Watson Leona:d Hamraang Lee Yochum Elriridgo Lowe BU8INEC8 STAFF Caileton Springer Phvi'is Langstaff John Neff Roy Wythera Buslne-s Manager Fred Bosklng - .Asslatant Business Manager Jesse Patty Cl-culatlon Manager News Editor LEONARD COWLEY For Th't Issue WELCOME, TRACK MEN. The luiveisity of Nebraska takes great pleasure in welcoming .o i;s campus this week end ihe Minnesota track team. 1 tie Wosleyan olkpe track team ami thirty-Fix teams entered in the state high school meet. This particular week-end will be a joy to lovers of out ol door sports tor on the two days, there will be some unusual ex hibi'.ions of real cinder star wink. To the University of Minnesota men we wish to offer our hospi tality coupled with a friendly rivalry and spirit of competition. You tied us in fool ball we did not have a chance at your scalp in basket ball, but we are waiting for you this time well prepared. You t-ome to us with a fine record and much enthusiasm and while we don't wish you any bad luck, we think we can outclass you on the field. To the participants in the high school meet, we extend our best w ishes for success. Yo would like to see all of you return home vith the medal and we are interested in each and every one of you in the contest. The building? of the campus are to be at your disposal iind we hope that you will have such a pleasant time that you will isit us often and perhaps join us here later. This is the last tneet to he held at Lincoln. Huskers, and it will he a good one. (Jet out and support the team. Show Minnesota some of our true Nebraska spirit. IRISH ECONOMY. There is an old story about a certain Irishman who. in order to lengthen the quilt on his bed. cut off a strip from the bottom end and sewed it on the other end. This is about the idea of econony that some University students have this year. The overflow in the library shows the results of this economy. Some students, back in some of their work, cut a class fine day to write a paper for another, and then have to cut that class to make up for the one missed before. Some begin to worry about ihfir possibilities of passing their work, so they spend much time consulting the professors to get a good "stand in" and ihen neglect, as usual, their books. Or they stay up until the wee .-mall hours of th morning to write back papers and then oversleep their eight and nine o'clock classes. Only two more weeks of grace and then t he final reckoning. As gloomy forebodings, notices of past incompletes, failures and an over abundance of skips have gone out from the executive office. And how difficult it is to make up work the task bears really a double weight, that of the feeling of compulsion couplefl with the lack of interest in old subject matter. Of course it never pays to neglect work, but after all. everyone does, we guess. If only a system might be invented to either do away with all papers or else everything else but papers so that we might at least get one or the other. But we have to make our New Year's resolutions over every semester - and then we usually cut the wrong end off the quill. HONOR TO WHOM IT IS DUE. It was nearly two thousand years ago that a certain Wise Man remarked that a prophet was not without honor save in his own country. It is Interesting to observe how college students serve as an illustration of the truth of the statement. There are men on every campus, faculty members, who daily con duct classes, advise with students, bear with slackers, and teach the few who desire to learn, who everywhere save in their own college are honored. There are men leaching in DePauw who have national reputations as scholars, who are admired and looked up to by hundreds upon hun dreds of educational leaders. There are teachers here to whom scores and scores of DePauw graduates owe their successes in life. Many of the faculty members in the University could command large salaries and achieve much honor if only they would quit trying to lead young men and women Into paths of knowledge when those young people often seemingly do all they can to hinder the leader. And yet it is seldom that students realize the worth of their faculty friends until they have become alumni or ex-students. Even then It often takes years for the realization to come. College student are frequently said to be blind to the better and higher things of life. This inability to appreciate the sacrifice and the help which their faculties are making and giving to them seems to bear out this assertion. It is the student who is able to see in a small way. at least, the bigness of many of the men who are his teachers who will also be able to realize the best opportunity of college life. DePauw Daily. SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday, May 14 Valkyrie -Dance, homo of Rachel Trester. Kappa Sigma Informal. Lincoln Hotel. Mystic Fish-Subscription party. Rosewllde. Acacia Informal, Woman's Hall. Sigma Chi House dance, chapter house. Saturday, May 15 Silver Lynx Banquet, Lincoln hotel. University Band Informal. Armory. Komensky Club -Banquet. Lincoln Hotel. Civil Engineers -Informal. Knights of Columbus Hall. Sigma Nu -House dance, chapter house. Alpha Delta Pi- Banquet, Lincoln Hotel. Alpha Del1 Pi House dance, chap ter house. f? SENIOR PLAY TICKETS Tickets to the Senior Play may be purchased from Sertiora en the campus or at the Student Activities office. Reservations may be made at the Rots P. Curtice Company. INITIATE NEW PHI IETA KAPPAS A reception for new member of Phi Bel a Kappa was held Thursday cv nlng at Ihe court of Woman's Hall. H. B. Alexander presided and gave the charges to the new initiates. An oration vas given by Mrs. Catherine Apperson. n Miss Louise Pound gave the new members the grip and Secretary W. L. Wimberly read the name of the new members. A literary program, presided over by Mrs. Nellie J. Comp ton, was given. The program: x Iowell A Commemorated Ode Louise Brownell Wordsworth Character or a Happy Warrior Constance Rummanof Milton- II Penseroso .Francis Botklna Tope Moral Essays . ..Amy Armstrong Arnold -ralladian Olive Lehmer Shelley Hellas lora Schaupp Helen Miller gave a piano recital and Guilford Scott sang. HIGH SCHOOLS TO DEBATE TONIGHT (Continued from Page One) The railroad strike question will be discussed -"Resolved, 'that Congress should prohibit strikes on railroad! doing an Inter-state business." The Judges of the four debate ..... be members or the University raculty and other men from Lincoln who are experit-nced In weighing evidence and estimating effectiveness in debute. Beatrice will back Us team with . - m delegation of seventy-five or one nun. died. Mason City (West-Central district) won from Alliance (Northwestern dls trlct) nt Mason City. May 4. bv im.ni .... ..Hi. mous decision. SPEED UP DRILL FOR "COMPET" ON MAY 21 (Continued from Page 1.) ' sity will return to Lincoln in time to act as the Senior Judge on the day of the competition. Major Morrison, who left Nebraska about a month ago, Is acting in the position as Field Artillery Experimental Officer in the Chemical Warfare School at Lake hurst, New Jersey. He has received a month's leave or absence and will spend the greater part of the time in Lincoln. FOR YOUNG MEM AND MEN WHO STAY YOUNG 4 & -v- o 9. 1 r w- r W -ft r'hk. . . j i ; -.a !; n . $ til - t & ' M "f(lA and workmanship are as im 3 rWtant as the all-wool fabric you select if you wish to add to your in se'f respect and the confidence of fo v otners n y0U Society Brand Clothes have a national .reputation as the leader in correct style and careful hand -workmanship. WITH THE VARIED GRADES OF CLOTHING FLOODING THE MARKET, LOOK FOR THE LABEL AS YOUR GUIDE alts to dsckiii a comn, Mm eocimr mand clothe. UaM. i Chicago New York Montreal i 4 A 3 TV ft A. IX C. Mayer Bros. Co. jj ELI SHIRE, Pres. V