The Daily -Nebraskam YOTXIX. NO. 143. LINCOIA', NKHRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1920. FIVE CENTS PER COPY FIFTEEN NEW MEMBERS ELECTED TO SERVE ON STUDENT COUNCIL Chosen from Nine Colleges and Junior Class as Representatives on Governing Body for Coming Year Ballots Show Light Vote. MEET TONIGHT TO CHOOSE OFFICERS THE BALLOT Juniors Lawrence Metzgar. 400. Paul Seldel. 4Ti. Marjorie Barisiow, 251. Ruth Lindsay, 260. Ilattie Hepperly, 184. Helm Holtz. 175. College of Engineering Virgil Acton, 13. Laurence Bratt, 10. Arnold A. Boettcher, 8. 0. S. Salter. 10. Clyde E. Wilcox. 11. College of Pharmacy F.dward Bogue. 13. College of Law Andrew F, Schoeppel, 67. Leonard D. Densmore, 40. College of Business Administration Leonard Waterman. 4!. J. (I. Reid. 32. Teachers College Helen Dunlap, 2. Hulda Grunwald, 1. College of Agriculture ,sa Hepperly, 55. 1 Mary Hardy, 66. Glen Baldwin, 27. College of Arts and Sciences Floyd Taynter, 108. Margaret Henderson. 70. Joy Guilford, 54. Laurens Mason, 25. Kathryn Harnly, 34. Mary Sheldon, 33. Henrietta Stahl. 12. Grace Stuff. 45. School of Fine Arts Marianna Cummings, 1. Helen Stines, 1. Graduate College i:. G. Robinson. 2. Elected. The Students' Council elections took place without excitement yesterday. About a thousand ballots were cast. There was little electioneering and the polls were usually uncrowded. The vote was lighter this year than last and less exciting. The only in Ftance in which the competition was very close was in the College of En gineering. When the first choice votes were added, it was found that the highest did not have a majority over the second highest. Then the second choice votes were added in. Still there was no majority. Then the third choice votes were added. That total gave Acton and Salter ex actly the same number. As Acton had the largest number of first choice votes, the decision was in his favor. Practically the only electioneering was in the College of Law where fituv enthusiasm was shown. The new members of the Student Council will meet at five o'clock today to f-lr-ct officer. MEMORIAL DRIVE COM MITEE ""CHAIR MEN Chairmen must leave list of members on their respective committees, In Daily Nebraskan office, by Saturday noon, with out fail. This is absolutely essential. GUY REED. ATHLETIC EVENTS 1 Friday, May 142:00 P. M. TRACK MEET Minnesota vs. Nebraska BAND WILL GIVE HOP SATURDAY But two timio days remain in which to purchase tickets for the annual band hop to be held in the Armory Saturday evening. The Blue Dev:l orchestra will furnish the music and the best kind of a time Is assured by the members of the commit tue. What money is cleared on this dance will he used to help defray the expenses of the band on the trip to New York with the football team next fall. Tickets may still be ob tained from members of the band. I!!G!I SCHOOL MEN TO MEET SATURDAY State Track Contests Will be Held at Athletic Field Tomorrow. Three hundred and ninety-nine men have been entered by thirty-six high schools in the annual state meet to be held on the athletic field Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. The plan of grouping the schools into three classes for this meet is partly re sponsible for this record-break in? enrollment. This year there are to be three dis tinct classes. Group one will com prise all high schools that have an enrollment of less than a hundred. Group two will consist of all eligible schools with an enrollment between 10 and 273, and group three will con sist of all eligible schools with an enrollment above 275. Schools in group one may enter hut two men in each event, group two may enter four men and group three may enter as many men as they choose. There will be four places in each event and bronze medals will go to ihe individual winners of each group for the first three places. A special medal will be given the man who makes the best record in his event for the day regardless of what group lie is classed in. Lincoln high school won the meet last year over Cam bridge as second with but eleven points to the good. "7 The men as entered by the various schools are: GROUP I Ayr: Weatherway. Bartley: Smith, Smith. Hoole. Jen nings, Hart, Royer, Bullock. Teters, Ohlson. DeWitt: Snyder, Davison. Miller, I,ake, Bert. Bailer. Elm Creek: St. John. Sutton. Ken nedy Ware, Siebenaler, Casteel. Bryan, Carpenter. Keep, Miller, Pin nell. Ware. Fairmont: Leonard. Franklin Academy: Read. Joy. Calloway: Kolbo. Fochtman, Fred erick. Wifland, Hall. Vincent, Whaley, Davenport, May. Mahoney. McCool Junction: White. GROUP II Ashland: Ziegenbein. Aston, King. Almy, Deane. Johnson, Hoffman. Ttosecrans. Chapman. Aurora: Stanley. Haskins, Moore, Greenslit. DeMersnville. Harrison. Kdgerton. Rowland, Toof, Edgerton. (Continued on fage Four) NEW GYMNASIUM INSURES NEBRASKA'S ATHLETIC FUTURE One of the most important functions of the new Memorial Gymnasium and Stadium, for which funds will be raised by a campaign soon, will be to foster athletics at Nebraska to the extent that it will arise head and shoulders above the other Middle Western states in sport accomplishments. East ern schools will no longer look to the Cornhusker state as the beginning of the "sage brush region." On the contrary, they will respect Nebraska's achieve ments and will recognize her athletes, perhaps allowing them a Ifttle niche in America's Hall of Fame. A new gymnasium, stadium, and field means new openings in athletic events. Bigger and better meets are assured. More sensational playing, the fruit of stiffer competition, will feature coming gridiron games on the new field. The spectacular quintets of the country will feel proud to play on the floor of Nebraska's new gymnasium. GIVE AND HELP MAKE THESE THINGS POSSIBLE. SPEED IIP DRILL FOR "COHPET" ON MAY 21 Winning Company Will Lead Shirt-Tail Parade on Evening of Big Event. Great enthusiasm is manifesting it self daily throughout the cadets over the approaching competitive drill -on May 21. Due to the unfortunate delay in the matters of uniforms and equip ment the different companies and batteries have been immeasureably retarded in their development and progress. However with the day of the competition only one week off he various organizations with the help of all the men are bending every offort to make their Organization worthy of first place. It is understood that the winning company will lead the shirt-tail parade that will take place that evening. Likewise, the cadet who wins in the individual competition will lead the whole parade. The entire program for this day will be announced offi cially next week. It is fully expected that Major W. F. Morrison, late professor of Military Science and Tactics in this Univer (Continued on Page Two) Attempted Murder In Class One girl and two men armed w-ith revolvers ran wildly into the midst of a class, fired at each other and tried to escape Wednesday in Social Science Building. One man Jumped out of a window; he was pursued by a man in the class, but escaped. The girl disappeared either by a window or door; testimony varies. The other man, who proved to be a detective, was caught and held by a man in the class. The police have no clue to the whereabouts of the couple that escaped. The names of the man and woman that escaped are not known. The de tective states that they are both young, perhaps not more than 22 years of age. He attempted to arrest them. They ran away, and he ran after them. He followed them into Friday, May 144:30 P. BASEBALL Drake vs. Nebraska Admission, 50c FRESHMAN BASKETEERS START SPRING PRACTICE Yearlings Start Dropping Ball Through Hoop With Accuracy. Because of the crowded gymnasium facilities, the Freshman basketball squad this year received no training in team play and the style of playing followed cut by the Varsity. Practice was started Saturday morning so that the members of the last year's Fresh man squad may be given a chance for individual work and at the same time become acquainted with the style and system which the Varsity will use next year. None of the members of the Varsity squad of last year are out for spring basketball but the following men who were out for first year basketball are out for practice this spring: Centers: Warren and -Corr. Forwards: Houser, Gardner. Hoy, Dollish. Maxwell, Somniers. Guards: Hartley, Munger, Kohl, Ballon. STATE SCHOOLS TO DEBATE TONIGHT Five Institutions Will Compete for State Championship Tonight at Eight O'clock. This evening at eight o'clock in Memorial Hall and in Social Science 107 opens the thirteenth state debate of the Nebraska High School Debat ing League, and debating under new and novel conditions it will be. which will continue Saturday morning at ten o'clock sharp in Memorial Hall and - which will conclude with the fourth and state championship debate at ten o'clock in Memorial Hall. WThich four of the five inter-district championship schools that take part this year (Lincoln, Beatrice. Wayne, Curtis School of Agriculture and Mason City), will debate this evening will be decided by lot at 6:20 in the office (U 112) of the League presi dent. Prof. M. M. Fogg, and the side a school maintains will also be deter mined by lc flt that time. One . the winners tonight will (as decided by lot-drawing Saturday morn ins at ?:20 o'clock) meet the fift'i team at ten o'clock; and the winner there will compete at one o'clock with the other winner tonight. Sides will, in all cases, be decided by lot one and half hours before the debate opens an innovation in the interest of emphasizing familiar ity with the whole subject under de bate. (Continued on Page Two) Is Foiled Room By Students ! Social Science Building. They ran into a room where a class was in session. Pandemonium reigned. Testimony Varies According to the testimony of some, the giil disappeared, the man jumped out the window and the detective shot at him just as he was leaping through the window. Others say that the girl fired at the detective, the man Jumped out the window and the detective leaned out the window and fired at him. It is agreed that a member of the clasfc Jumped out the window after the man and pursued him till he lost sight of him and another man in the class grabbed the detective, not realizing that he was an officer. Some say that be grabbed the detective Just as he aimed his revolver and (Continued on Page Four) THIS WEEK M. Saturday, May 1510:30 P. M. BASEBALL Drake vs. Nebraska A Iwirrii a F-C f k HUSKERS PLAY DRAKE TODAY 2x 1 Meet With Minnesota at Athletic Field and Game Witli Eulldogs. FRESHMEN RACE COYOTES Today and tomorrow NebrasVa fans will receive n renl treat in athletics. for not only will they be given the chance to witness the strong finish of the Husker track team's home schedule; but they can aluo urge their baseball team on to victory over the Drake Bulldogs, and turn out and watch their home town acquit them selves favorably in the high school meet. This afternoon at two o'clock the Minnesota track team will meet with the Nebraska men on the athletic field. At the same time the Wesleyan Coyotes and the Nebraska yearlings will test their prowess in track. Minnesota conies to Nebraska with the sting of n twelve point defeat last week at the hands of the Iowa team and the determination to win this meet. No records were made on the Iowa track, but the time made cor responds very much with the time made last week on the local field against the Haskell Indians. Minne sota has one of the strongest teams in the Middle West and will furnish real opposition to the Husker runners. Wesleyan has been taking honors in the meets in which they have entered and the yearlings have been making good time and should show their heels to the Methodists. The two meets will be held simultaneously. first the Nebraska-Minnesota entrants will run and then the yearlings will stage the same event with the Coyotes. Each school will be allowed three entrants. Nebraska's men will be chosen from their showing in the Haskell meet and the first three high cores will be entered against Minne sota. Baseball, Drake va Nebraska Contrary to the reports circulated in the Lincoln papers yesterday morn ing, the Nebraska ball team will meet the fast Drake nine on the "M" street field as was announced in the Ne b::nkan. The announcement that the Huskers wduld play Morningside was -r.cneous and Nebraska will play the Orr.':e Bulldogs as advertised. The first of the two games with Drake w ili be played at four-thirty this after noon so as to allow attendance at both the track meet and the ball game. Drake is one of the three leaders in the Missouri Valley Confer ence and are reported as playing bet ter ball than the South Dakota team who played here a week ago. Drake split two games with the Kansas team and are coming to Lincoln with their minds made up to win both games. The recent rains have put the field in the best of condition and the fastest brand of baseball will be in exhibition at these games. The second game of the series will be played Saturday morning at 10:30 so as to allow the high school athletes the whole afternoon In which to stage their track meet. DAILY NEBRASKAN APPLICATIONS Applications for next semes ter staff positions on the Daily Nebraskan must be filled out and handed in t the Student Activities office before Saturday noon, May 15. i