The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 13, 1920, Image 4

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Embryo Lawyers Plan Barbecue
With Freshman Law Hop
in Evening.
Tuesday, May 18, will be ala
today for students in the University
Law College, when they celebrate
their annual barbecue and program at
F.pworth park all day, followed by the
Freshman Law Hop in the evening at
tht: Lincoln hotel ballroom.
The day will be filled with pleasure
from 8:30 when festivities start until
the last couple leaves the dance floor.
The barristers have declared a holi
day from their studies for that day.
Special cais have been chartered
from the Lincoln Traction Company
and will be waiiinp in front of the
Law Building after the parade 10 take
the Laws to the park
The daj ill bepin with a parade
an,! A baseball panie be
tween the ricshman and a team com
posed e! both Junior ;.nd Senior Uws
Mill be a Latin" ol tbe day. The
ft-year lavvytrs have a string ol
good pitchers, and are looking for an
ca-y -.ictory, aitho-.ih the uppei class
men aie mere Can cnr.tider.t.
A taek i.: wiU be s.noth.
ci;,! ;;'t;ac'ien. and men a;i no
lilted 10 r';i! '-"
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Muddy Weather Prevents Dia
mond Practice California is
Coming Next Wednesday.
vn further practice will be given
-vi., rofnn.ii u hiMi I in v.-irsit v ninp before tlie DraKe
1 jnn rtiiiii ii ii i win i-i w un.-.. i (iv ...... w
the gown is returned. The money is games because of the muddy lleia.
. , . . i o , t.laved With
but the recent - ami - "
Gowns which University girla will
don for the out-door dances to be
given Ivy Day may be procured at
Woman's Hall either Monday or Tues
day from three until six o'clock in
the afternoon. A deposit of one dol
lar must be made when the gown is
eiLfin iiit anrl KPVpntv-fivp Cents Of
paid to members of the Silver Serpent
and Xi Delta societies who will be the Freshman squad is evidence mat
I . ... ... slices h:lll on
on hand to collect it.
Senior girls are expected to wear
white gowns. All gowns must be
taken hack on Ivy Day after the pro
pram,' or on Thursday, May 20, from
three until five.
Any girl who wishes to take part
in the Ivy Day dances will be wel
come, says tbe committee.
IV- . v:.i -!.,
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T:. paity
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,:g ''- .-.ft..-arians'menis.
ui iie staced by Uiws in the evening win
1 of ti.e b. . T of the- year, ae-
i t 1.11 !ire!lleP.1
cc.i.;:K t e..Hii i-
,,l ,-- yearling i-Ws. liayic Ciubb'sj
"Hcith. :n Kap-a-Jazz Hand" has be' n j
e-1 to funis'-! ".- -.liusic and ,
this'assuies ... " T- , I " Tick, is J
..n v-h- i ;a:: ami 7i!y be
procut-d fro:-, '.U F:.shman Law
p " . T-i T. 1 1 " .
Scoring Setred Easy to Upper
classes in Co-eds' Diamond
Tournament Wednesday.
j in.- I"ng
i:i t ;.' final. "
Pash;-!. Ti.,.;n
ur.'i b;-s- h..
. n.l : 4-
I am o t-
,-. - by 'a
ii 22 sc :
:n r.
-1 on ti.e;
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:re firt
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iu;ih ':hm
).:. je whilf-
Tl. (-.ii.-.t v.-rt'; ( :.e i."
ii,-ii n.'iiii nt
T'.e Sn.-":' r.--u-i.l
t'e .r.r.
.ii,ri!f is a:i.a-'-e1. : ;
tw T r. k . i,
7 to: tj,- trlo '".-"
li third s'.inzrt. Tt.'
, n!-- i i i S r.'.oi .-
ble Ti IT..I' T i Junio:' (.osed
plat Tt.e redid for Mi f)!:.1
Juniors 4 ;.ni S-niois 2 In :.
Ki;..ih ;nnirif tr.- ni-Hf b'-t-an t
swat Ui- ball ami Juniors played
v. ild T n SVnu.i H'Oii s were chalked
u;p and 6 Junior senrs. Tlne Senior
playes in succession were put our m
i'ie first half "f h- seerith and as
t!,- heero stood in favor of the Juniors
ticy did not c-i to bal. Ldhfcn S'ory
an;! Ruth McKenney :n ih- lox for
the Junio.s and L'r.e Sprinter for the
Seniors did tk. aiiov. a pia-r io walk
to fni. Si;e Stille. Junior cavher.
and KixTU.H H liner. Senior catcher,
p.:,ye.i the bsi ball they !:ae played
in li.e touinarf.en:. All ol the players
v.ere ktyeJ up to play pnod baseball.
The members: of th- inninp team
are Sue .Still. Lillian Story'. Mary
Shepherd, Ada St id worthy. Ruby
Swenj-on, Ruth Chit. Mary StcphfnF,
Kihcl IXVount;, Ruth MeKenney and
Ruin DuRois and Ruth Swenson. sub
stitutes. The Srner nine is Martha
Hellner, Marjorie Haycock. Irene
Sprinper, Ruth Hutton. Kathleen Har
prove, Irene Shoff. Crace Snuff. Cracf
Troup, Martuerite Morrissey and
Jun FTedritkKon.
Architectural Drawings of Pro
pcsed Soldiers' Memorial
Exhibited at Gathering.
l'ui.-uant to action by the Senate
h lis las; lmctine. a Fniersi:y mass
meeting was held Tuesday afteinoon
i,i fne o'clock, to which was invited
eeiv pet son connected. ,n any
v. er. w ith the Fniversity ot Ne
bia.-ka. The met tinu- w as lit LI in the
latv leti:re room oi tr.c
S, :.' Ru.bLnp and was wtll at
:.ndtd. l'roiessor K. H. Raibotu pie
sit!. .1 ami the meeting w as called '
ordr siiortly afte r five o'clock.
The first speaker on the propratn
was Red who exhibited larce
arc-hi'ectural drawings of the iuopos-(i
Soldiers' Memorial F.uildinp. Mr. I'.ar
brui then explained the- trowlh ot
tj;,. s-ueie-nt body showma a larjre
loot t-iaph. Lean C. C. yj. was
then called upon to spe'ak on the sub
ne:. "Tin,- l'rosi't c t i e- Cire'Wtii of the
S;mien- Uody." Ly means o' prob
ability curves. h- showed that a treat
(jrowili w a uniioubte'dly asure ci. l'ro-
ie-soi Alexander e-xplain.-el )i.s sc-he-me-i
lor Lniveisity extension. I'ean I'.ur-re--t
Lae r,.A- ;!ldi's.-. .lu)Zf H.
H. Wi'.-on v. - !;::! d upon to discuss
i . ., Ne-w I'atopus." lie is
, n, ,. . iiii.-t e: t'.,e alunini -! the
I'll.'., .si':- .-nd h.s talk was !o'ce till
j-.ri'i to '!i po.nt. and m..U- a littinc
(!::;.-.-. ;o: ie meetiliL'. Chancellor
A.-. : e !!,. n. but ovine
., (rf 'i.e- 'fl'li!'. aske-el TO
I . . ; ;:i i om ' :. program
n.ass ll:e Lf.t vas i:e-lel at
;:.:. , . -; F;:itii t.iti'i-t:-.
',V dn -day.
,.- i;,e- Varsity am t and
i;., ,! rn -?s s-l.-lu! d f'-r
v. 1 1 k :he- yt-ui) finals : :ti- I:itr-Fr.i-e
:r.i: Ha f .-ball Te.urr:an.-n: w !!
r t . )-.; :1 r. we V..
!:' four tean.s. I'hi Kajpa iVi.
A?:-):a T.u Orceca. Sigma Vti Kp.vlon
A I'u a 'h rema n in the runtime.
With this additional practice th
fcames on the firsr ot The we ek should
be m;rkd for th team work and
re;.l Kisebail ability shown
the team will play first class ball on
Fridav and Saturday. Captain Pickett
will probably pitch the first pame
apainst the Drake learn and either
Ely, Reynolds or Kline will start Hie
second pame.
Next week will bring the California
ball team, who will I'lay on ly Day.
Thev are making a trip which will
include such learns as Yale. Frincelon
and Harvard and to win this pame
means lhat Nebraska must have the
support of every loyal Cornhusker.
The California te am has won sx out
of seven of the Fniversity games
plaved on the Western coast ami ex
pert to adl tbe Eastern ''"
their list.
The hatting list whie-h will he tol
lowed out on Friday w ill l e :
L'nn. second base'.
He-kins, first base-.
Swanson. left field.
VrCrory. richt field.
Kubka. center field.
Kusse-ll. tliird base.
rai!. siiortstop.
- r
c lite he r.
l';r-kett. pite-he-r
Tlf pame on Frielay is calleel for
:,ir Miittv in on!e-r to allow atte nd-;in'-
both the- track mee-t with
M.-me.-ota and 'he ball game. Satur
ay mornini-'s gan:.- will begin at
-.nMiirtv so as not To conflict with
"( 1 ' L'h Seiiool Ve r t and at the same J
: . a'lew the ,i!;:i sc hool a'hletes j
:e opportyntty o wi-ne-s 'lie- Varsity (
in act ion.
Onlv Few "Grad" Clubs Organ
"ied Eefore He Took Up
Juigir.e from the sale ot tickets,
the semiannual Freshman Hop to be
held on the ee-ninp of May D at ihe
K. of C. Hall will be- a huge success
Or.e hu.-!red and fifteen tickets haw
been alidated and are poinp fast.
Speeial enferlainme-nt has been pro
ofed ,n addition to the music by
Reck s Orchestra. The best of re
freshment will be served. Th- hall
has been re finishwl and re-decorated
which in addition to the decoration
bv the committee will make this one-
ot the prettiest parlies of ihe year.
Tickets for this Hop may still be ob
tamed from the following members of
the committf: Ray Stryker. chair
man: Genevieve Gallagher. Maude
Miller. Frances Hopper. Dorothy
Lyfn. Eulalia Hyans. Ray Cook. Wil
ber Wolfe. Lurene Boone.
Acacia ar.n'iii:.o' t-. i '"'f r.f
Floyd Johnnon, of Wahoo.
John Riddell. '2d. William Day. '21.
and Herman Thomas 20, went to
Kansas Cily Wednesday evening to
at'end th- n-epath-Horner Chau'an
q m Conference which Is beinc held
this week. They will return Sunday.
A tl.e.e e-;.e tit to ottan.ze- FniN' tsity
of Nebraska clubs anient the alumni
has been started by R A. Van Orsdel.
i, resident id the- alumni association.
The ion "1 such clubs in fit
tee-n counties of t!:is state- has been
reported at the Alumni Office. More
are- in process of orpanization.
More than ".t'oii graduates have
pone- out from the- Fniveisity. 0 e r
half of these live in Nebraska; the
othe-is are widely seattered. In nuts'
rif the. large citie' alumni have ex
pressed the'ir loyalty to Alma Ma'e r
bv orpanizine in'o I'niersity of Ne-
biaska clubs.
A fe w clubs had bi n oipmize-d in
Nebraska before Freside nt Van Orsde l
took up 'he matter. Some of them
were no longer ae-ie. He- wrote Hi
the-se and to prominent alumni in all
the oih-r counties urging tbe organi
zation of clubs where ihe re were none
anil the rcvHal of those that did exist.
The result as a general mowmeni
among the alumni lo oicanize. The
counties having clubs are FfllrrKirP.
Frontier. Kimball. Lincoln. Red Wil
low. Richardson. Seward. Washington.
Ijcncaster, Oioe. Nuckolls. Custer. Ne
maba. Johnson and Cass. Cass was
the last to be organized. In some ot
the-se organizations there area presi '
dent and a secretary for the county
and a ice president for eac h tow n in
the county. The rapidity with which
clubs are being organized makes it
impossible for the Alumni Office to
have a complete record.
The purpose of these clubs is de
fined In ihe constitution of tbe Alumni
Association, which reads:
"The alumni clubs shall be charged
with the conservation and promotion
of the alumni loyally, cooperation
and enthusiasm in ihe territory m
which 'he orpanization operates.
They shall se-ek !o Hlimulate interest
in the Fniversity and to extend hnowl
edge of its activities. They shall
make known to the Board of Direc
tors any information cf value to the
Fniversity of the alumni."
The club in Lincoln county reports
i hat it is doing what it can to en
courage high school seniors lo go to
college next year.
Good Shoes are Not
an Extrvagance
Don't lei a misconception of "economy" lead
von into prettin'j,' cheap shoes. Repairs will
innke tliein cost as much us poo.l shoes in a
short time. And you'll lose the satisfaction
th:;t only jieioel shoes can pive. Count the cos
per yea:', and not per pair.
The siiilden popularity of the straight last U
c insinii' comment among shot men throughoir.
tin' country, what was once considered a
ideal last for business men is now the most
I ,i :iil;n' number with the young man as well.
Good Looging,
T:;- two numbers here pictured are made e
t! e- finest medium elark brown calfskin, the i.'--o.
tween !udo which is extremely popular tin
v. :.,,:). Sizes ."i to 12. widths A AAA to 1.
Inducement Sale
To gain 2,500 new customers
Men's Fine Black Oxfords, 4.00
ELI SHIRE. Prudent
Guaranteed earnings of not less than
$7.00 per day for your vacation. jj
Our representative, Mr. Daelhausen.
will be at the Lincoln hotel today, May 13, jj
to meet the Nebraska University men that
tire interested concerning the sale of our line
of maps. I
If you are the man we want, arrange-
hausen either during the day or tonignt.
Drop up and hear a REAL proposition.
Indianapolis, Ind.