THE DAILY NBBRASKAN SOCIAL CALENDAR "PEG 0' MY HEART" IS TEACHERS' HIGH PLAY Thursday, May 13 j'l Beta I 'hi Reception, Woman's Hall. Friday, May 14 Valkyrie Dunce, home of Rachel Tiester. Kappa Sigma Informal, Lincoln Hotel. Mystic Fish Subscription party, Rosewilde. Ar-aria Informal, Woman's Hall. Sigma Chi House dance, chapter house. Saturday, May 15 Silver Lynx Banquet, Lincoln hotel. University Band Informal, Armory. Komensky Club Banquet, Lincoln lintel. Civil Engineers Informal, Knights f Columbus Hall. Sigma Nu House dance, chapter house. Senior Hop Lincoln Hotel. Alpha Delta PI Btnquet, Lincoln Hotel. Alpha Del'. i Pi- House d.ineo, chap ter house. YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE UNTIL FALL 2:20 TWICE DAILY 8:20 WILLIAM ROCK LYNN & HOWLAND CHOY LING HEE TROUPE 0 DONNELL & BLAIR MAHONEY &. AUBURN ALEXANDER KIDS PHIL BAKER KINOGRAMS TOPICS OF DAY MAT. 25c and 50c EVE. 25c, 50c and 75c 14 11 " " My Heart," three-act comedy familiar to theater lovers from coast to coast, will be produced tonight by the Senior class of the University Teachers' College High School at the Temple Theater. The play reveals a bank failure, a will, an unruly ward, a midnight escapade, an interrupted elopement, a romance, and a happy conclusion, after which "they live happy ever after." The characters are: Mrs. Chichester Deva Graves Footman Ernest Luedtke Ethel, Mrs. Chichester's daughter.... Viva Martin Aleric, Mrs. Chichester's son... Russel Adams Christian Iirent..,? Walter Kirtley Peg Hazel Hermance Mintgoirery Hawkes. solicitor Clarence Orandy Maid Gladys Magee Jerry Tom Sullivan. Jr. FIVE TEAMS WILL DEBATE FETE DAY State Championship Honor Will be Decided on May 15. Prohibition of Railroad Strikes is League Question for Year. ;::w:i:via:ii.a:;!ai;::.E::aBs;B2risj: THURS., FRI., SAT. Story of the Great North west "MAN'S DESIRE" with LEWIS STONE And an All Star Cast A Sunshine Comedy " DANGEROUS EYES" 9 Mutt and Jeff and News Colonial Orchestra gift s;tTz.&.-J&i hxr 5 ; jt K K m ALL THIS WEEK Cecil B. DeMille's Production "WHY CHANGE YOUR WIFE?" The Man' Side of Modem Marriage A brilliant, living airier to Secil D. DeMille'i "Don't Change Your Husband." Played by a notable caat headed by Thomai W Meighan, Bebe Daniel and 3'oria Swanson. 5 Rialto Symphony Orchetra l Shows Start at 1. 3, 5, 7, 9 P. M. Admission 30c ALL THI8 WEEK LOUISE GLAUM In SEX EXTRA ATTRACTIONS MUDGE MORTON TRIO Presenting Vocal and Instrumental Melodies SAM K. NAOMI The Peer of All Hawaiian Guitar Soloists Shows at 1. 5, 5, 7. t P. M. Mats., 20; Night. 30c Five debating teams lepresenting schools that, in the thirteenth annual contests of the Nebraska High School Debating League, have won the dis trict championship honors and in addi tion, have won one inter-disti ict de bate with another district champion ship school, will compete lor the sfa'e championship at the University of Ne braska on High School Pete Day. May 15. The teams will thrash out th League question for the year: 'Resolve,!, thai Congress should pro hibit strikes on railroads doing at) in'erstate business." The five schools that will battle f.,r jbf state championship honors will be Lincoln (representing the F.astern and Central districts). Dea trire (the Southeastern ami South ern). Curtis School of Agriculture (the Southwes'ern and West Central). Wayne (the Northeastern and North Central). ;tnd either Mason City (champion of the West-Central dis trict) or Alliance (champion of the Northwestern district). To the state debate her-toi'ore, the district championship school.- have sen' individual representative-. This year tiie League is to try team debat ing. According to a btill-.tin recently sert to the schools by Prof. M. M. Fogg, the organizer and president ot 1 ui'u the :i:ring and sides in this debate lournament will be de cided by lot only a short time before Uie piograui opens. It will begin v. ith two .simultaneous debates in Memorial Hall and the Temple Thea ter. One of the winners will then meet the fifth contestant, and then will come the sta'e championship de bate proper. The Lincoln High School team which represents the Lasurn Central district, won the championship of the Eastern district by winning from Bethany, two-to-one; from University Place by default; and from the Omaba High School of Commerce unanimous 1; . It v.on by default the inter-dis- 'rict contest with Osceola, champ'on of the Central district, with whose debate work net week the Senior play and Commencement exercises in t erf ere. Th team has been trained by Miss Hirdie Scoot, teacher of English. Tin. l lnrnln representatives will b: : William Harrv Carson. '21. who came from the Norfolk High School who took second place in the North east Nebraska declamatory contest In 1919. and who is a member, of the Forum Debating Club. This is his first year on the team. George Lyle Crump. '20. who is a member of the Forum and ia candi date for class orator. This is his first year on the team. George Wendell Berge. '21. leader, who was on the team last year and was on the class team in 191S. He is a member of the Forum. WHY NOT Buy Your Low Shoes Now $10.00 Like out. One Eyelet Tie, Full Louise Leather Heel, in Patent or Dull. $10.00 Like cut. Then. Tip, French L:it, IIitli I Teel, Dull or lirown Kid. $9.00 :V.i.H, Heel. Like cut. (' fit-tahle for walking. lrw (,r Black Kid. ;tlso Patent. 1230 TUtT ROnTFPV n A A il-i LfVVy EL JL-iA A 1230 O St. "IF I WERE KING" IS VIVID COURT ROMANCE Il.-j -cKtativt- .v; .Ml flf!IJ- 'm" t.i .:.ths. of the w Poor Poet's Honor or Great Kin; Life is Dilemma in French Production. Mary Thomas, 22, left for Denver. Colo., today to spend the week-end. "If I Were King," class play of 192". contains life squalid, sordid but still life with its tavern coiners and brute pleasures of food, drink and want: sleep! It contains living hand.-, t ho'.d and living laughter to gladd-n. ?nd a week of cloth of gold, of glory of love; and 'hen r shameful death' It is the story of a mad poet who sang his way to court to please tht King's fancy and was given a week of opportunities to show France and his lady what lay in the heart of ;-. poor rhymester. He saves France and in the end is to be huns on a gibbet made by himself for the execu tion of himself. This story of lwe. adventure, romance, war and courtly splendor is all in the big scenic pro duc'ion which will be presented by the Senior class next Tuesday evening. From the opening scene which is laid in a ta'.ern where gangsters, wantons and bullies pack, to the las flash which shows the gibbet of the King, used for hanging every person that does not suit the King's fancy, a piad poet sings his way into favor. The romance of the Fifteenth Century is most vividly portrayed in this famous play by Justin McCartney. Seats are on sale at the Curtis Music Store, and prices range from fifty cents to one dollar. Seats should be purchased early as this play will be presented but once. 1 fin. Z5 1 Uf X KJr i nu ValVart. V, l.i Mr.-.-.U v.iv W. times P. F. Collier & Son, 312 3aird Bid?., Omaha., Nebr. being well-groomed I.O.ST Old-fashioned locket with raised design in dull gold, set with three pearls. Initials on back S. -S and W. R. Phone B4671 or return to S u !ent Activities office. Ik is not nearly so much, a matter new cr expensive clothes as it is matter of good Cleaning and Pressing v? of 4 H - O. J. Fee Phone B2311 333 No. 12th CLASS IN Social Dancing TONIGHT ROrfBWILDE PARTY HOUSE Right training wins the race. That's as true in life as on the cinders. ilaX. Made in 17 leads. one for every need or enmoe. Di Eldorado is the choice o. the world's greatest W . 1 11? engineers, it snouia iv. your .77T tie master dmwwpencW (i'lOil i' I C 1 i r i Mxon s 3