J. THE r A I f j Y NEDRASKAN The Daily Nebraskan UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Published svery day except Smurday and Sunday during the col lege year. Subscription, per 8eni'ter $1.25. . EDITORIAL STAFF Carolyn Reed Editor Le Ross Hammond Managing Editor Sadie Finch Associate Editor Story Harding News Editor Leonard Cowley News Editor Dorothy Barkley Society Editor 'loyd Clark Spoils Editor REPORTORIAL STAFF Jack Austin Lots I'artman Pelle Farrnan Eleatior Hlnnian jessie Watson Lenaa: d Hamuiang Loo Yochuni EM ridge l.owe Caileton Springer Phvl'is Langstaff John Ncff BUSINECS STAFF Roy Wythers Husiuess Manager Fred Bosklng Asslntant business Manager Jesse Patty Circulation Manager News Editor STORY HARDING For Th'i Issue Tl:e annuiii S; politic a' a ticie for Nebraska poli'.cs ; w ill bo expected I i ( i should stop and .in.i!;: 'le relation to th v. .1 siand on tin1 issue .1' The pi esdii S'ii ? yea r, with pei h ips 1 '1 j a tendency to u .!; behind the pr '-'tit o new 11 en. The .i ' i u i impo: tan point wh-vi o i! be retained 01 1: e makes c!rn r-r tr .- ' ':.. 'hose statements up Tlie honor spi: : 1 la'ion are all tiling-. ' ': your candidates li; :i !),'!. ley ri y and he .: : ': ' I -a ' y ui I e ;n' ! : THE CANDIDATES. (" .''moil oV'C t ion takt .s place today. National -ii - c nil-;.-' (1:1 pal ly o: g.i ni7,it ion. It i. tune f liter on the man. The candidates elected :: on' the principles of Hie Council and yn:i : the possibilities of t'ie xarioi'.s nominees in ik to h? done. How does o;.h man or girl h.t.i.i? r.' Count i! Iia acted 1 ! j sin cesslully this v epUon that it lias .-ufiered somewhat from iVnte. So. since (he present Council leaves ' !ha' legislation, it must be inherited by the " ft th" lii iie ilecltil tOUKillOW is :ij considers whether be wished that precedent The o'e: should vntch lor the man who ( ! Lis bclieis and the-i prepares to back ..e,.-i:y parties, (aiiipj-. boosting and legis - C'-risidered for th. tiO.t Council term Pick y sa'iiei than Irom fiaternity or 01 giciiizalior. yea know how le- .-'.tnds on the cpi-slpm i la ve you been n . lie 'hinking ;i!.'u' y r, der.t and gr;nlii;'ie ri li r a shai p in t tie . lei tiierial to N.-h! 1 ', Mid ideals. llle i'-inj tae a;tno;:nc'!n'i;t (:' the Menioi ial lrhc" pledge and remeii.be; tha' e.try loyal siu ' 1' ei sity of i !iv;el;.t is being counted oil i: .:ii' h'lil. This noist ,,. a truly v.ttlhy 's s.ddieis and to her high t!ileiie stumhiv-ls THE SENIOR PLAY. I i! , the Senior l.ss v. ill proem i;:e ''.e Lincoln High Sehoo auditorium. !' ha- been a S- -nior play, and in oidei tit not be lost here, the 1 920 class vite.t ot th rush an.l flunv d final sehool v Mr Tuesday. play, "If I Wen. Kir,,; " has been three m-s sine bat Ibis chi tt idri in iri. to have their play in s-et-- events The tickets a: -t s now bl't are riot g, ir.v. as fast as c uihl lie wished Every S.-.i'-ir !ia- pledged himself resjionslble for four tickets and if you ha v.- ted s Uh'ed your men for those four, do it right away. The play i a 'ruly good one of love, a gambling hance. a week of frnlie w'i ('.!- o. er-hangins penalty of death, all in a h athless two l'ntike most class plays. I here is a large oast that many Seniors a e representing the das- in the production. IliK should he a mi in'h ot true Senior spiri' begin it by boosting r vtiur play. THE CHILD'S CHANCES. Figures prem-n'ed by an Indianapolis bank show that of 5,000.0(1(1 children with no s. bo ihng thirty-one attain distinction Of SXOOd.OKO with elementary schooling the number to gain distinction is Mis. Two million, with a high s; li 1 education, show distinction gained by L24". Out of 1,000,000 who go through 'college. S.TGt become distinguished in some walk of lif" L- ss than 1 per cent o! the men in America are college bred, yet this small percentage lias furnished 5f per cent of the American Piesi.Jents, 54 per cent of the Vice-President. 62 per cent of the .'! efarie. of state, 50 percent of the secretaries of the lieasuiy, 62 per c-nt of the attorneys-general, 47 per cent of the Speakers of the House and Ci per cent of the supreme court justices. Vih a college education the child has one chance in 173, with a high school education one chance in 1,606, with elementary schooling alone one chance in 40.841 and with no schooling one chance in 161.290. The bank's object in presenting euch statistics is to create new Inihiue-SH. It seeks parents who are willing (o start an educational account for their children, arguing that unless there is systematic saving no fund -will be available for higher education when the time comes for it. The bank might have shown by its own figures that the educated man, being more successful than his fellows, has money to deposit in banking institutions. The further down in Ue educational scale, the less likelihood there is of finding thrift or money with which to open bank accounts To one college failure there are thousands of those who had no opportunity to make a fair fight for success. Edu cation is not an experiment; it is an investment that nen.ly always pays big dividends. Indianapolis News. UNI NOTICES Palladians There will De an open meeting Fri day evening, at Palladian Hall. Temple Building. The annual Pal ladian newspaper will be read. Every one cordially invited. University Union Union will leave the hall at 7:30 sharp for the Fair Grounds for a bas ket social. Cirls brins supper, men bring coin. lie prompt. Rhodes Scholarship Committee The University Rhodes Scholarship Committee will meet with the candi dates at four p. 111., Wednesday. May 19, in Room 20. Administration I5hlg. Kearney Club Kearney Club picnic, Antelope park, Saturday, May l.r, at six o'clock. Meet near the swings or bandstand. All who attended Kearney Normal are invited. Pre Medic Meeting Elect ion of othi ers for next semes ter will be held Thuisdiy. May 13. at five p 111.. in les.si'y Had. Studentr. Cesiring Work Students v.ho h.ne one hour or more of spare time an I desire to work please call a' the r.ureau ot Professional Service. Koom 201. Terv le Ituihling. A A lEE! lire lor. Ilur-viu of Profes sional Seivice Senior Girls All Senior girls meet at five o'clock Friday afternoon in the Armory for hii.sy chain practice. Doane Club Former Doane s-udenis who will he able to attend the breakfast at Antelope park Sunday morning are to notify Myrtle Squier or Paysonj Marshall bv Saturday. Twins' Club Twins' Club will meet at the home of Pickwell twins. Murdock. Ne braska . Friday to Sundiy. May H lC. ncltisive, for a week end hnus party- Train leaves Rock Island station a' ight p. m. Fiiday. A second train eaves at 11 -2". a m Saturday, for hose who cannot go Friday. Every win most rordhkl'v invite.; Home Economcs Picnic for all Until" Economics litis will he lield a Peck's Grove, will start from Home Economics 1' tiding at 5 T.O o'clock Tlmrsiay af '.iiioon Senior giils j!.e notify Maltic Hepperly if you expect to a' tend; all others ge' ticke's :r Home Economics office. A3 Club The Ag Club dame for Sa'urday. May IT., has been calh-d off Omaha Cub Important meeting of Omiia Club Thursday evening at seven o'clock, in Social Science Auditorium. Math Club The Math Club will have a wine: roast Friday, May 14. at An'elnp park. This is the last meeting ot th" year and we would like to have all the member.? out. Any member may bring a friend with him if h desires to. Meet ai Temple Theater. 5:30 p m.. and if it should rain will have the feed in Faculty Hall. Tickets are twenty five cents each and may be secured at Professor Oabi's effice, from Mr. ISrooks. Miss Pennoyer or Miss Abraham. Pershing Rifles Pershing ItiOes will meet Tuesday and Thursday evenings at seven p. tn. until further notice. Washington University, St. Louis Washington University will bold iti Dandelion Queen contest this week. This contest is unique in that the Queen is decided by the Freshmen men who vote for their lady fair by picking dandelions. A certain time is given them and the dandelioss are picked off the campus. When the dandelions are turned in to the judges at the close of the hour, each picker turns In also the name of girl for Just 200 MIDSUMMER HATS Make Their First Bow of the Season at -- less Friday and Saturday All are initfuummer models and many have been in stock less than a week. Particular! lovely are the Leghorn Hats, with their wide drooping brims and llower trimmings. Second Floor. Rudge & Guenzel Co. J Orpheum's Final Week of Vaudeville 1 t:tV s.-i-i x:..i-A -. 3 V 'AT l 1 p -V' s i,7tl. I i-1i- " "M " t 'A-it i iViUzarri Rack V,r7t ' 2,3. 4.5" Ozrls and 1". - 1- 'he week of Lincoln's vnuuv;lle -.ii-(in. h nee ..:: last '1 h 'o see a t)ie-tir': a;i'Vr'li. here until fall. For tins (..-i-tsinn the niana.T.ient has assembled ;Pe cos'liest bill of ti e en' ire .tea son wit.: K.ck nn.l his girls topping the bill in the most gor-ous and c.i.'.l.'na I'an.e te.ue e-.er produced. Pa'ron.t are urged m s-cur" .-eats ea.-ly tor .'ill perfot t'.iances as the d-:::.iii i it expected t. b- un us';iily great. HOW THEY GO We are traiiiin? men ilailv The !ii.r!?et n r. ear .are Keirii; inaije. 'ir i';:.'terj Statf.-s Worhi tn.i iVaturiiu' tie- ritieial ,-nto highways on the 1'. S. si.le with t! r'W W i- i aii.l n.-w t)iurniarie oti the reverv siit hat vir aeil iii jiojuilarity ami volume of sale all other Natiosal l'lihlieatictis. We iin only care for COO men thi eaon laii'llm Itiit tiie wreatest of our sellers. A Iftter t' us will he an invitation to Mihmit fads and figures. NATIONAL MAP COMPANY InlimaK)ii.s( 1d1. Do You Need Extra Courses? Send for catalog describing over 400 conn- in History. English. J if Mathematics Ovminrv Zanlnrr. Modern Ljntoiases. Economics, I J Philosophy. Sociology, etc, given by cmtpotdmnca. Inquire I 1 bsw crediu earned our be applied on present college program. r ,1 Oil,? HntorBtlij nf fflljiran s whom the votes are to go. The girl MOMC STUDY OSPT. CHICAOO. r-rr Ait ft! n. 17