THE riATT.Y NEBRASKAN BAIN U w 11 i fjf CONVOCATION ritvuiv". ENROLL The Daily Nebraskan UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Published every day except Si urday and Sunday during the col lege year. Subscription, per senvter 1.25. An excellent musical program has been prepared by the University Band under the direction of Mr. W. T. Quick for the Thursday's convocation. The program will include a well ar ranged mixture of Jazz and classic music which will be well worth while hearing. EDITORIAL STAFF Carolyn Reed Le Roes Hammond.. Sadie Finch. Story Harding Leonard Cowley Dorothy Barkley A'alter White ...Editor .Managing Editor ..Associate Editor News Editor .....News Editor Society Editor Sports Editor REPORTORIAL STAFF Jack Austin Lois llartman Belle Farnian Eleanor Hlnman Luther Johnson Jessie Watson Leoca:d Haniniang Lee Yochum lleloise Gauvreaux Kldridge l-owe Cloyd Clark Carlcton Springer Phvl'is Langstaff Gertmde Moran John NYff BUSINECS STAFF .tla- Business Manager Roy Wytners Fred Bosking - Assistant Business Manager jPP8e Patty Circulation Manager News Editor LEONARD COWLEY For Th'S l6sue THE ENGINEERS. The Daily N braskan is today issued by the Engineering College. Wo appreciate the interest that various organizations and depart ments have taken in the students' paper. The different issues put out by new staffs give to the student body a point of view brought inwn to details. Each department is better able to present the irierests in their work than a miscellaneous group of workers who pie merely trying to boil down the general school news. We hope that special interest will be felt in this issue and any others that may follow. A SINGLE TAX FOR ENGINEERS. The Engineers have recently taken the first step toward actually Laving a single tax and what a relief it will be when one pays the annual dues of $3.00 and knows that he at least will not be touched at every turn in the registration line for money to finance one or more ol the engineering societies or publications. So far. this is far from being an ideal single tax proposition but one step at a time is all that can be expected of any good movement. It remains yet to make the payment compulsory for every Engineer, increase the dues a slight amount so as to include, with what one now receives, a subscription to -The Daily Nebraskan." and still havt enough money to put on a good smoker or two and be able to support any other engineering activity which will be a help to the school, as well as to the students. At first thought one would say that this would make the fees too high and keep some out of the college. But on comparing what is now received for the J3.00 with that of last year when payments were made to the different societies and publications it is very evi dent that much more can be done with the one payment. For in stance, when the Engineers are in the registration line next year thev will be asked to join only the one society. The American Asso ciation of Engineers. Upon payment of the annual dues to this asso ciation they will become members of the National Association receiv ing their membership card, the monthly publication (The Professional Engineer), and the Engineers' Directory. They also become mem beis of the Student Chapter made up of the departmental societies and receive the student publication. The Blue Print. Now if this can be done with only $3.00 collected from 40 per cent of the Engineers, why not make the payment compulsory, in crease the dues a reasonable amount so as to include a smoker or iwo'pnd a subscription to the "Daily Nebraskan"? SUPPORT FOR SPRING SPORTS. Whenever an athletic season rolls around it is invariably accom panied by a request for the student body to get out and give Its sup port. But unlike their winter contemporaries, spring sports seem always to labor under the disadvantage of a dearth or support. Kain, snow, or extreme cold seldom Interferes with an en masse turnout at a football game. The importance of r.n evening engage ment has not in the past hampered the attendance at basketball games. Wrhen attention Is directed to spring sports the situation assumes a new aspect. Cinder path stars after a season of trdious preparation, have seldom been able to get more than a handful of people to watch them perform. Baseball, moved for convenience to the lower campus, causes only a slight ripple of excitement. These conditions ought to be reversed. A baseball game or a track m;t is always dependent on good weather. There is never the possib'.llty of interference with a "date" or a chance to suffer the discomfort of bad weather. Not only that the teams actually need the support. UNI NOTICES Pre-Medic Meeting The Pre-Medic Society will hold a business meeting. Thursday. May 6. 190 in large lecture room, Bessey Hall', at five p. m. Nomination of officers for next semester. Important Meeting University Commercial Club. Thurs day. May 6. Social Science 302. Ml Mav pole dancers will meet in the little gym at five o'clock Thursday afternoon. Band Spring Party The annual spring party of the University Band will be held at the Armory on Saturday. May 15. The proceeds will go towards sending the Band to New York with the football learn next fall. The Band invite every University student to attend. Tickets are $1.25 each and may be obtained from any of the Band mem bers or from the College Book Store. Senior Play Rehearsal Senior Play. "If 1 Were iKng." full rehearsal tonight, Wednesday, May 5. at Temple Theater. All members or 'cast are requested to be there at seven p. m. In the saving of old clothes class By having them cleaned We admit that we do save you money B1338ECONOMY 1414 0 Cleaners and Dyers Devilish Good Cleaners ROSEWILDE SCHOOL of DANCING Assembly Dances Wednesday and Saturdays WITH BECK'S SYNCOPATED SYMPHONY Open for Uni Bookings Friday Nites LEO J. BECK it Senior Men The Senior Play needs twenty "Supes." men to take minor parts, fill in crowds and carry spears. Those w ho are willing to assist in this work please report to Miss Howell or Carlisle Jones Wednesday night at the Temple Theater at seven o'clock. iS till They Comec The enrollment in our spring classes has been very gratifying, i nd new students are registering daily. By entering now, the student will be enabled to complete his course a month ahead or the June class. Write for Literature or Call and See Us. NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS (Fullv Accredited) T. A. BLAKESLEE, President. Corner O and 14th Streets Lincoln, Nebraska Christian Science Society The Christian Science Society of the University meets Thursday eve ning at 7:30 in Faculty Hall. Temple. All present and past students and raculty of the University are conially invited to attend. ORPHEUM DRUG STORE OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT A Good Place for Soda Fountain Refreshments after the Theatre and after the Roeewllde Dance. -Try the Luncheestette CARSON HILDRETH, '96 and DANCE STAR AT ORPHEUM TODAY Ag Club Ag Club meeting. Social Science 101. at 7: SO Thursday. May 6. Every one out. Menorah Society Meuorah Society will meet at seven thirty Sunday evening. May 9, at Faculty Hall. Rabbi Mandelbauni will ppeak on "The Orthodox View of Mod ern Judaism." All students wel comed. Lecture at Teachers College Dr. Henry F. Cope of Chicago will speak to the graduates or the Train ing School ror Christian Leadership in the assembly room or the Teachers' College tonight at eight o'clock. You are welcome. Socio-Economic Club A special business meeting will be held at twelve o'clock Thursday at the Grand Hotel. Pershing Rifle Pershing Rifles will drill Thursday evening at seven o'clock. The Per shing's have been reorganized and are going strong. If you do not know whether or not you are a member see the list on the bulletin board in front of the Armory. If you are a member be there Thursday night. Cadet Officeri Association There will be a meeting of the Cadet Officers Asst-ciatlon Thursday evening at eight o'clock !u room 102 in the Armory. It is important that all Cadet Officers attend this meeting Engineers' Hop K. of C. Hall on May 15 will be the scene of the annual Engineers' Hop. Tickets may be obtained from S. Saunders. Ferd Byng. W. B. Alex ander. R. N. Tracey, I- K. Holloway and G. S. Salter. Home Economics Club Come out and kave a good time at the Home Economics party Wednes day evening. May 5. from 7:30 to 10:00 at Woman's Hall. Eats and program. Bring your thimbles. Elec tion of officers for next year. ij f ! . r-M- . i Wm Av ptJ I 'Jm n , r. Li MISS BILLIE SHAW This wondrous terpsichorean artiste with a clever company in "pehe j thi. week a r,e tacular dance drama is one Oroheum Theater. Emma Carus. Paddcn, the dramatic star, jointly headline a splendid bill of three big features this week at w rus, the musiclal comedy star, and sara n 7 J at