THE DAILY NEBBASK AN 11 UNI NOTICES MM , , ... , , ,....o.reiiEtl.UIMrwl,7WlCTCTgM t 2:20Wed., Thur., Frl., Sat.-8:20 MARTIN BECK Present the MAMON MORGAN DANCERS JACK KENNEDY A CO. ED MORTON MARINO A MALEY LEO ZARRELL & CO. JACK HUGHES DUO FLORENZ- ADELAIDE KINOGRAMS I TOPICS OF DAY Mat., 25c A 50c; Eve., 25c to 75c amiiaOIQBIIIIiHIWBIIBllllBlllllMW MON.. TUE8., WED. CHARLES RAY Crooked Straight Pathe Newt and Review Toplct of the Day The Metropolitan Favorite EDITH HELENA The Distinguished Prima Donna SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Shows Start 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p. m. MATS. 20c; NIGHTS 30c ALL THIS WEEK Norma Talmadge In Her Latest Picture "THE WOMAN GIVES" Also Good Comedy and Topical Pictures MUSICAL HUNTERS An Artistic Instrumental Treat LYRIC ORCHESTRA Shows Start 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p. m. Mats., 20c; Night, 30c; Chil., 10c WED., THURS., FBI., SAT. TOM MIX In His Latest "DESERT LOVE" LARRY SEMON In His Best "THE GROCERY CLERK" Mutt and Jeff Fox News JOHNSTON'S CANDY In One and Two Pounds FILLERS' RESCRIPTION HARMAJY A Good Place to Eat N. S. CAFE 139 South 11th Street HEFFLEY'S TAILORS OF QUALITY 138 No. 11th St. Phone B-1422 LEVER'S SYNCOPATED JAZZ ORCHESTRA la Now Ready for Business David Lever, Mgr. Phone L8487 I Delian Literary Society The Overall Club Movement will be debated at the regular meeting to night, Faculty Hall, second floor Temple. Oil and Oil Shales "Oil and Oil Shales" will be the subject of Professor E. F. Schramm's lecture at 5:00 p. m., Friday, April 23, In the general lecture room of the Chomistry Building, under the aus pices of the Chemistry Club. All are Invited. Inter-Greek Baseball Entries All fraternity teams wishing to enter the Inter-Fraternity Baseball Tuornament must leave their $1.00 entrance fees with Treasurer Farley Young at Athletic olllce before Satur day noon. This must be done in order that the schedule can be drawn up immediately. Pagent The pagent, "The Striking of Amer ica's Hour," will be given It St. Paul M. E. Church Sunday evening at six thirty. City Epworth Leagues will unite In one mass meeting. No ad mission charge. All welcome. University Twins Club University Twins Club will hold an April party Friday evening at the home of Ruth and Ester Jones, 2026 Garfield St. Mr. and Mrs. Culver Jones will chaperone. University Union Union open meeting Friday at 8:30. All students cordially invited. A good time for all. Kappa Phi Club Kappa Phi Club will hold a meet ing at 7:30 Saturday night, April 24, In the D. D. room of the St Paul vhiMch. Professor Easterday will lec ture and a social hour will follow. "Oil and OH Shades" Prof. E. F. Schramm will talk on 'Oil and Oil Shades" at five p. m., April 23, in the general lecture room of Chemistry Hall under the auspices of Chemistry Club. The lecture is open to all. Ag College Students All Ag College students who will work on the Farmers Fair will be excused from their classes Friday. They will report at the Ag Engineer ing Building at 8:00 o'clock Friday morning to be assigned to their com mittees. Students not reporting for work will not be excused from classes. Senior Gift Committee Senior gift committee will meet in U 207, 3:30 Thursday. All University students and profes sors who have ever lived In Indiana and who are Interested in forming an Indiana Club are asked to meet in Miss Hunter's office, room 103 U Hall, Monday evening at seven o'clock for a short time. All those interested whether they intend to be there Mon day evening or not are asked to com municate with No. 103, cos Miss Hunter's office, U Hall, as soon as possible. Palladian boys will give the Annual Boys' Program, Friday evening, AprH 23, also a three-act play, "The Evolu tionary Hypothesis." All students are invited. Lutherans Attention! Be sure to attend the hike and wiener roast on next Sunday after noon, April 25. Lots of fun and fresh air! Meet at the Temple at 2 : 30 p. m. sharp. The Committee. R. O. T. C. UNIFORMS Uniforms may be drawn today from one to five and Saturday from nine to twelve or one to four. All men who draw unl forms during these hours and who drill on Monday, April 26, will be excused from drill im mediately after roll call if ap pearing In uniform. Spring; NECKWEAR The Spring coloring cer tainly shows in the new neckwear we have here; all styles, all shades $1.00 to $5.00 FRESHMEN TO DWICE III ARMORY TONIGHT Only Five Hundred Tickets Validated for Annual Year , ling Mixer. At eight o'clock this evening, Fri day, April 23, the Armory will be the scene of the Freshmen Mixer, pre dicted by the committee in charge, to be the dandiest party of the year. The stage is set and ready to go, from the expert hat and coat artists in the free checkroom, to the musi cians who will hold forth until the last possible minute. No expense is being spared to make the affair a pleasant one. Refresh ments to satisfy even the most raven ous Freshmen (who are admitted to be the heaviest eaters In the Univer sity) are planned. Stunts, cabaret at tractions, and get-together games, will be pulled off. Tickets may be obtained from mem bers of the Freshmen Mixer commit tee or members of the Green Goblins. Ttickets not sold will be available at the door of the Armory before the party, for thirty-five cents. LOST Hexogonal shaped platinum wrist watch on grey silk ribbon. Liberal reward. Call B6450. "Quality Is Economy" It's a Sure Thing at ARMSTRONG'S Stop and think what it means; you can't possibly make a mistake No matter what you buy here. or you get your money back. You get what you feel is good value for your money Ready with Spring Suits from Hart Schaffner & Marx at $47.50 THE new models in Coats are longer, more slender, broad-shoulder, high chested, with square notched lapels, in double breasted types; slender, snug shoul dered single breasted types. In all these great simplicity of design is the ruling note. New colors and weaves. Young men's lively styles, or if you choose-you'll find the more conserva tive models too. The assortment is large and the models varied, but all priced economically from $35 to $85 New Things in SHIRTS Many new patterns and fabrics for Spring. You ought to see them. They are good values $2.50 to $12.50 ARMSTRONG CLOTHING COMPANY Xcbraska's Largest Exclusive Men's and Hoys' Stare BUBBLES The headline yesterday reading "Huskers ready for Penn meet" caused quite a discussion. One student re marked that he heard there were ten handwriting experts who were going to compete. Another student said that he understood that all those who had served previous terms were in vited to participate. The University Musum is tickled by the collection of 'rare feathers which they have received from the Audubon Society. It is not hard to understand why the girls are taking to baseball. They want more diamond practice. The next "blues" song will un doubtedly be "The Overall Blues." Or as a bolshevik would say when opening bis mail, "Another red letter day In my life." When you meet an engineer who is polite, you can Immediately tell what kind he is. He is a civil engineer. AWGWAN IS OUT The April Awgwan Is out today. Subscribers get their copies at Station A. Single copies on sale at Station A and all newstands. few Ik 91 Class in Social Dancing at Rosewilde Tonight 8:00 P. M. 1226 P St. B6657 WANT ADS. LOST Pi Beta Phi Arrow, jeweled with pearls, with name Lucille John son engraved on back. Finder please call B3437. A $50,000.00 issue of stock just Btarted to sell, we want a couple of students to sell this issue before Sep tember. A good commission. Phone L9671 or call at 303 Fraternity Bldg. WANTED College men of ambition for selling high grade maps. We want men who are not afraid to think in terms of big money. We guaran tee $525.00 for seventy-five days work during summer. This is an average of $7.00 per day See Mr. Beck at Lincoln Hotel, Wednesday afternoon, and night, April 21, 1920.