T II K KEeMSKA ENGINEERS GET MEMBERSHIP PRIZE University Chapter Awarded En graved Gavel in Recognition of Services. At the meeting of the University Ukapter of the American Association of Engineers, Wednesday evening Pnrf. Arthur Gehrig of the Engineer lug College, on behalf ot the national keadquarters presented the chapter with an engraved gavel in recognition l the showing made by the local en ameers in the national membership drive. The University of Nebraska Chapter made a better record than any Hkr university chapter in the country ia the campaign for members. That Nebraska engineers fully de served the honor is shown by the fol tewing letter that Professor Gehrig ttived from the national headquar ters. Dear Professor Gehrig: Under separate cover we are send ing you today a gavel which was .warded to the University of Nebiai- fca. chapter in recosnition of their me.- , Uorious record during the 1919 mem fcerehlp drive. Koferoo Isham Ran- I tolph awarded the prize, which was I not announced before the drive, b;- ! Ctuse the University of Nebraska chap- j Ur made a much better record than t aav other univerity chapter in the ! country. He asks you to present this ! a behalf of the national members' i committee. Sincerely yours, A. H. KROM. Assistant Secretary. lV.an U- Rossisnol of the College of Vutfness Administration spoke on "Commercial Engineering." He took v-.p ihe subject of commercial trainm.'. ; for Ihe engineers an.l called attention t the need of closer co-operation be- ; tueen the Collese f Kngineering and : the College of Business Aclminist-.i- tioa. The society went on record as fav mg the adoption of the Jones-Reavis , Kill now hefore congress. The bi:l prides for the ration of a national : Apartment of public works and is of vital interest to the engineering pro- , f yston. E STUDENT OPINION 1 ! March 11, 1920. To the Editor: -It has been my priv ilege to attend several of the Thursday morning convocations. I have been well pleased. The programs are us ually extremely well balanced and (ho musician. are persons of no mean tal ent and ability. Superlatively splen did numbers have appeared from time to time all through the winter months, nnlv todav. Beethoven's, Fifth sym phony (C Minor) was presented in an excellent manner. While a delegation of five musicians could in no way vio with one of our large symphony or chestras notwithstanding to the real lover of music those magic notes sat isfied many yearnings as proffered by this quintette. It is almost heart rending that an increasingly large number of students do not avail themselves of this hour weekly. They would find help, inspi ration and joy. The sundry elements of music conspire to lift one above thi sordid things of life. New enthusi asm is given for the toils of the day. Mav countless others sing the high praises of these Thursday morning convocations. These musical treats are appreciated and may those in charge be so kind as to give us other great symphonies ere the semester closes. C. C. Jr. HHS! i i i i DAILY N K R A S K A N mrwsa aiiniiiWimKinaiiuinnaj,, 'Walk-Easy" Shoes at "Step Lively" Prices Our showing of Brown Coll ege Oxfords is most complete and most dignified. The quality is superlative the prices are low $795to$ 9 -Save $3 to $4 on that next pair of Oxfords Save money on your Hosiery here, too. OFFER PRIZES TO STATE STOCK-RAISING CLUBS Several thousand dollars in prize money awaits members of Nebraska Boys' and Girls' Club who excel in stock raisins: and other club work this year. Vaiious national and stale purebred stotk associations. the stockyard companies of Omaha. Sioux City and St. Joseph, and oiher con cerns are offering prizes. Trophies and free trips are additional rewirds. Boys and girls who form themselves into a standard club may receive free instruction from the State College of Agriculture in se eral lines of stock raising or crop production, make some money, and compete for valuable prizes. Detailed infoiniation on how to form a club will be sent upon re quest by ihe College of Agriculture Extension Service, Lincoln. FORDYCE GIVES COURSE IN MENTAL MEASUREMENTS EIGHT TEAMS IN GIRLS' TOURNEY x "imiiiivu i fin vsuv Mr. J. S. Hoppel. wl,o is uo.nK u.-v Lavender u ttse Teachers' College in the studio Joj.se,yn Stono Forward vl education and intellectual measures, Irene Compfon Forward 1$ applying the tests worked out in , Stjlp (C) Gla.d UU course in a survey of the puhli -';, n-nier Guard vois of Firth. Nebraska. .Elizabeth Schoeppal ' Center ?Vot J. F. Duncan of Cotner ; Kathleen Hargrove Second Center vwsiiy. who is pursuing similar st'i.1- j Maurin Ward Sub if s the Teachers' College, is mak- ' Orange . special study among Uni. students :rje(isio Epstein (C) Forward s Coiner. j Donna Gustin Forward Ties tests are a modification of the j Arny stowell Guard intellectual tests employed in the rt-uuth Carr Guard 'tst war. They were used to selei t j Martha Krogniann Center Trr material, soldiers, and in sit'- , Margaret Henderson Second Center Gladys Kaffenberger Sub Blue Mary Shepherd (C) Forward Helen Clark Forward June Fredrickson Guard Marvel Trojen Guard Marjory Haycock Center jBernice Scoville Second Center Mae Bergland ? Sub 1037 O Street BUDD 1037 0 Street i "'I KOMO KOAL And others: Rock Springs Maitland Lehigh (hard) Now on hand WHITEBREAST COAL AND LUMBER CO. 107 No. 11th St. HEFFLEY'S I TAILORS OF QUALITY ! 1M No. 11th 8t. Phono B-1422 i 6 nf out recruits of such inferior men tality as would make them a burden menace to the service. The tests fev bwn modified and adopted, to ?cfcool purposes and are now beicg in the better public schools, and aajtuy colleges and universities to re fUne the former entrance vfxamina- Dean Fordyce of the Teachers Coll--ho is a member of the "N-t-tw-a Directors of Educational Re Vfcih" and who is the director ot tW "Xebraska Bureau of Educatioi Jfrenient," is offering a seminar "tfc rteHectual measurements whici mU Saturdays from ten until twelve. TVis seminar is attended by super to&esrieats anfd teachers from the Wfltkborlng towns as well as students Ike campus. It is thought that this tan will be generally adopted in tt schools in the country. TAYLOR CHOSEN NEW FARM DEMONSTRATOR E. L. Taylor is the new farm nian ?nent demonstrator of the Ne bwika. College of Agriculture Exten- Service. He succeeds P. K. Wbelpton who resigned to become Wad of the department of farm man mwuent at the Texas A. M. Col lvig. Mr. Taylor was formerly assist JKt tann management demonstrator brre and left that position to teach id an agricultural high school. Red Ruth Kamerer Forward Beulah Grabill Forward Hazel Grant Guard Ruth Fickes Guard Mary Stephens (C) Center Ruth Swenson Second Center Goldie Kauffenbf-rger Sub Green Margaret Ulry Forward Anna Miek Forward Ethel Hoagland (C) Guard Ruth King Guard Josephine Gund Center Ruth McKinney Second Center Ida Edwards Sub White Eleanor Snell v Forward Jean Shuster Forward Adelheit Dettman Guard Belle Farman Guard Carrie Manley Center Eunice Hilton Second Center Lucy Hinneman Sub ii TCHELL, S. D.. March 6. South Dakota state agricultural college won the all-state basketball championship by defeating Dakota Wesleyan uni versity tonight by a score of 37 to 11 trill A Good Ploe to Eat N. S. CAFE 1M South 11U A You can't think of "delicious" or "refreshing'' without thinJrintf of Coca Coka. You can't drink Coca-Cola without being delighted and refreshed. The tuie it the teat of Coca-Cola quality x clearly diMinfuiihea it from imitation! that you cannot be deceived. Drau4 tha (cauiue hr lull Baiae viefcaaact cacerac aubititatioa. The Coca-Cola Co. ATLANTA. Ok. Tel. L4718 1247 N, Press Bldg I. REEMAR Tailor . Laities' and Gentlemen's Suits Made to Order Cleaning Pressing Repairing WANT ADS. Have the insignia of your fraternity or your initial embossed on your sta tionery. Select a box from our large assortment and have It embossed now. George Brothers, Printers Stationers Embosser,, 1213 N St. WANTED Tutor for Mathematics la. Call B1416. FOR SALE E Flat Alto Saxophone low pitch, good condition. Phone H- 1464. 102-5t. LOST Small black purse contain lug a Yale key and about $1.75, be tween "O" Street and campus. Please return to Student Activities office. Indian Ball Team to Tour MONTREAL, March 6. A team of full-blooded Indian baseball players from the Caughnawaga reservation here will tour the United States dur ing the coming summer. Big Six Jacks is captain of the team. TUCKER-SHEAN Jewelers Opticians Stationers 1123 O Street Phone B1534 Hardy E. Smith 116 North 13th Street Eight Chairs Sterilizer at each chair. All instruments sterilized after each customer. i