HE n A T T, Y UEBKA k WT A Xf 1 I t l!MiraifflB!OT!IMIIfflBll!i!ffl In Early Spring the HaVs the Thing We have 'em Crisp now stylos in Eng-' lish tweed caps, $2.00 and up; cloth hats, $3.00. Shapiro's superior quality hate at popular prices, $3.50 and up. It's that time fellows, to brighten up with spring furnish- g ings of character at his ex- g elusive style shop. 1 orf I USIV oftf 1 jnvr i 1 ttTTXAJ AMD HAESBDASHCRS IrHE SHOP OF GREATER VALUESH ENGINEERING NOTES fcuraaaroiHiSMii H7it U'fv?r an Old Uatt Let the LINCOLN HAT WORKS 1136 O Keuovate or remodel your h;a. and yon will smile with satisfaction. A Good Place to Eat N. S. CAFE 19 South 11th Hrt Almost always when a student or a member of the faculty think of printing they think of GRAVES 244 No. 11th Street Prof. O. J. Ferguson of the engineer ing college haa received a letter from riaudlus E. Bennett, electrical engi neering, 1909. He is now assistant chief engineer of the Ebros Irrigation and Powr Company, at Barcelona, Spain and has charge of the installa tions and power distribution for the company. The Barcelona plant fur nishes electrical energy for Barcelona and 150 towns in the vicinity. Ben nett was preceded by several Nebras ka men. Fred L. Hunt, electrical engineer ing, 1902, in a letter to Prof. O. J. Fer guson desires to be put Into commun ication with a Nebraska engineer as a prospective member of his organiza tion. He la chief engineer of the Turner Falls Power and Electric Com pany of Greenfield, Massachusetts. A number of inquiries have been n.ede relative to the senior engineer ing class. A number of the largest American company's want college graduates for positions as soon as the school term is over. Several compan ies are sending representatives to interview the seniors. There are op portunities for Juniors to do summer work. The Westinghouse Company of Pittsburg, the General Electric Company of Schenectady, New York and West Linn, Massachusetts, the Western Electric Company of Chicago and New York, the H. L. Doherty & Company of Denver and Toledo, the Standard Oil Company, New York of flee, Western Union Telegraph Com pany, New York office, the St. raui Gas Light Company St. Paul, Minn., The Nebraska Telephone Company, Omaha, and the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, of Omaha have made Inquiries for men. "One Sunday In u Life-Time" will be observed at the First Congregational Church next Sunday, February 29. Dr. Holmes will speak especially to the university young people. The chorus choir will furnish special music. All university people are cordially invited. Dr. Gratz will preach next Sunday at 11 a. ni., using as his subject, "Feb ruary's Extra Day," and in the eve ning on "Revivals Under Savonarola and John Knox." St. Paul's Church, 12th and M. "The Church with the Chimes." Adv. HEFFLEY'S TAILORS OP QUALITY 138 No. 11th St. Phone B-1422 JOHNSTON8 CANDY In One and Two Pounds I LL E R S ' RESCRIPTION TARMAfiY J. P SHOP UNITS TO TARE :C DIRECT FACTORY FORM X A One vt yourv 3 beil friends is ycur pencil. be i I 3 .cicens your 'c work, it easier id i ictter. a friend deed and need. .1 1 Sold m P at M by leading o. ici? a I .'thool in to a a. Step Taken to Allow Students to Study Production Methods at Close Range. All the shop units of the mechanical f iiRineering department are being cor related into a direct factory form on a production basis. This step was taken in order to allow students to study at close ranee production methods with all the elements of manufacturing that enter into it. The war department under the Cald well bill lias provided for the sale of government, surplus machine tools to universities at fifteen per cent of their cost. The mechanical engineering de partment hail o' iginally planned to sell the present equipment and replace it with nuiiliines bougl from the gov ernment. Prof. C. A. Sjogren made a trip east recently to select and inspect sui li machines ;is could be used in the I'epaitment at Nebn ska. He found that most of the types and sizes of machines that could be used hero had pieviously b en disposed of. The Ilel i.'i.u. Kovei nmem and the United States arsenals bad had first pick of I he besl of the smaller tools. How e'er, a few machines have been sel i i ted ln;t the old e(iipment could not b"' ii'na'cd. it is plaiine.! ;o ui.iiuifnclury a gas nr.'ne in: a -. n Men scale in tho i'.t ..itnii ni. i ii fine is of a two c..J:nder navel type. The Insignia of this honorary Greek letter fraternity will be like that of other similar organizations, namely, a key. On his tiip last Professor Sjogren visited supply depots in Detroit, Roc1 esler. Cleveland. Rock Island, and Chi cago. In Chicago there were $50,000, 000 worth of machine tools, most of which were large and used for special purposes. Many of the machines were used to make the French seventy five shells. The ordinance department had more tools for sale than the qucstcr master, aircraft or signal corps as it was a larger user of these machines which could only be used for special purposes. WGLOCHI camp;fire GIRLS TO 0R6ANISE The Wiolohi Camp Fire girls have made plans to get In touch with all Camp Fire girls on the campus and in this way effect an organization of all university Camp Fire girls. All girls who wish to become active members of Camp Fire and either to learn about the work or work for degrees are Invited to join the group of active Wblohl girls. This group is essential ly a guardian's training class. It will be organized as a real Camp Fire and conducted as such. The Wolohi Camp Fire was' formed three years ago and-each year a diff erent group of girls has made up the membership. Many of the one-time Wolohi girls have expressed a desire to be connected with the group while they do not have the time to take an active part in the work. For these girls an alumnae group is Deing formed. Ruth McKenney is the secretary 01 this group and all former Wolohi girls who wish to renew their connection with Camp Fire are asked to communi cate with her. The Wolohi Camp Fire also wishes to reach all the girls who have been Camp Fire girls or guard ians in their home towns. These girls are asked to leave their names and addresses at Miss McKlnnon's office In the Woman's Hall. According to this nlan all the Camp Fire girls on the campus will be reached. Mrs. F. F. Teal is guardian of the Wolohi Camp Fire and leader of the work on the campus. FOUR TEAMS LEFT IN PENNANT RACE Continued from Page One.) tei 'for the jt-hb Wymer connected for two baskets. Anderson and Car man starred for the Sig Eps. The play ing was fast all through the game ai d the result was in doubt until the (inal whistle sounded. Alpha Sigma Phi had little difficulty in winning over Phi Kappa Psi, 19-11. The winners took the lead from the start and were never headed. Only four field goals were registered by the i'hi Psi ttam while the Alpha Sig flippers hit the hoop for eight coun ters. N von ana Corr played best for the victors. Wright. McCrearey and Roope excelled for the losers. At a result of yesterday's games, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Delta Theta, Delia Tau Delta, and Alpha Sigma w'll enter the semi-finals. These games vv.li be played this afternoon. The Del tas and the Alpha Sigs clash at five o'clock, and the Phi Delts meet the SIg Alphs six The tinners will bat tle iov tno championship tomorrow. THE FIRST SIGN OF SPRING OR WHY HATS MAKE THE WOMAN (Continued from Page One.) Then there Is the Hat Amorous, a delicious confection of Georgette crepe and ost'ich feather fancies. It come& in several shapes and colors, accord: ing tD whether the wearer is albino, blonde, medium-blonde, Titian, Amer ican btunette or Spanish brunette. It is gua'nnteed to bring at least one ilesp'-iAle love affair a season, and if vorn at Just the right angle, is piac tically certain to land a millionaire. Third, there is the Hat Criminal, a small black straw shape coming down on-.v one eye, and trimmed with a sii.gle cerise poppy. If the wearing of this hat. i:j supplemented by the leber al application of a cerise lipstick, the wearer will find herself capable ol any crime from forgery to murder. Don't make the mistake of trying to economize by buying cheap clothes. Tav enough to get good clothes; then le sure vou do. Ciot goini tailoring, good fabrics, good style clothes that will give you such last ing service that you'll not have to buy them so often. You'll find these things only in good clothes, c. And you'll find them all in the Now Farquhar Clothes for spring al moderate prices quality consid ered. You're probably interested in what young fellows will wear this - spring. Tome take a look at these clothes without any obligation to buy unless you're ready. Hats, Caps and Furnishings to go with tlict TM HOME Of GOCU CUOTHEX Matinee Dance 3:30 6 P. M? At ROSEWILDE Saturday, Feb. 28, 1920 $1.00 IVr Couple BECK'S SYNCOPATED ORCHESTRA The Lincoln Hotel Special Table D'Hote Sunday Dinner Served from 12 to 26 to 8 P. M. $1.25 PER COVER Music During Evening Meal Hours TRACKSTERS WILL TRY-OUT TODAY (Continued from Page One.) number now reporting. The honor roll system Is proving in (indent means of keeping a line on what each candidate la doing and al fo serves as an impetus to cause each man to do his very best and thereby win a place on the roll of honor. The exchange of lists with Missouri adds to the worth of the scheme as each school trys to outdo the other. If the try-outs cannot be held today. Coach Schulte announces that they will be staged at two-thirty Saturday afternoon, rain or shine. All students interested in the success of Nebraska in the cinder sport are Invited to be present at the athletic field at thrse o'clock this afternoon. A You can't think of "delicious" or "refrethinfi' without thinking of Coca Cola. You can't drink Coca-Cola without being delighted and refreshed. The tatle U iLe tot of Coca-Cole quality clearly diatinfuiihe it from Imitation! that you cannot be deceived. Df mmi tkm aaia by hill mm mickaaoMi aoooraaa otxtitatioa. The Coca-Cola Co. atlanta. oa. i