i 1 It T II K DAILY N K n II A S K A N PROSiJIG MATERIAL UNFOLDED III UDELL'S FRESHMAN SQUAD Yearling Strong In Varsity Scrimmage and Played Two Successful Garnet All honor in due John niddeirs val ient squad of freBhmen. Haying only two games th entire season, they were loyal to the last and displayed true Nebraaka spirit. Coach Schul to la enthusiastic In his praise of the work of the flrst-year men. They tur nlahed excellent scrimmage practice for the varsity throughout the season, were frequently able to hold the first string team and the smashing liesh men backs made sizable openings In the varalty line. Some of the most promising material ever seen on a Nebraska field la to be found In the freshmen ranks of this year. In the past It has usually been cus toniary for freshmen teams to play several taatch games with other schools but this season various clr Mimstancea combined In making this Impossible and only two games were played. On November & the Yearlings journeyed to Betahny and clashed with the Cother Bulldogs. It was a cold, windy day and neither team played Its best brand of football. They outplayed the Cotnerites, however, Hnd won by a score of 16 0 This victory only made the fresh men the more eager for games and tin ally a game was scheduled with the strong York College team, the ack nowledged champions of the state. Saturday, November 22, on Nebraska field, the first-year men and York battled to a scoreless tie. The fresh men had the better of It throughout the contest but were unable to register a score. It is likely that a brief description of the individual freshmen perform ers will be of interest to readers of the football edition. Captain Hartley Hartley played fullback last year on the S. A. T. C. team but was In eligible for the varsity this year. He la a heady quarterback and his brll llant open field running Is always one of tho outstanding featurea of every came he playa. "Chick" la an excel lent drop klcker and passer, a valuable all-around player. Hla work Jn the York game was particularly notable. He weighs 175 pounds and obtained his high school experience at Harv ard. Martin Murtlu halls from Broken Bow, the home of Nebraska's greatest gridiron hero, John Dalton, and bids fair to follow In the steps of the famous Irishman. A smashing line plunger and a deadly tackier, he proved him self a very valuable asset to the Freshman team. lie Is clever at re ceiving forward passes, as was dem onstrated In the game with York Col lege. Strain Two years at quarterback with Cot r.cr University, Is Strain's record. He Is a brainy general and good at re turning punts. Although bothered somewhat with a bad ankle, he Is a clever open field runner and a sure tackier. His home Is at Bethany. Doty Doty is a line plunger of exceptional ability. He tore up the Cotner and York lines at will. He played one year with Creighton, where he estab lished a gridiron reputation by run ning sixty-five yards for a touchdown i n one occasion. He is a valuable man in running interference. He calls Missori Valley, Iowa, his Lome. Perry Perry Is a clever halfback. He j tarred with Stanton high school and made good on the Freshman teao He la a good line smasher and Inter ference runner. Terry It an N wan In wrestling and great things are ex pected of Mm in Cornhusker athletics. He tips the scales at 175 pounds. Hoy Another worthy yearling performer is Hoy. He was captain of the Falls City high school team. Weighing 170 pounda, he Is a good line bucker and Is on the receiving end of many for ward passes. Hoy will be a welcome addition to the varsity squad next year. Garden Garden Is one of the best punters who ever performed on Nebraska field. He Is also a drop klcker of rare abil ity. He played on the strong Camp Funston team with Ed Shaw. He Is very fast and shifty. A great grid Iron career Is ahead, of thla Freshman star. Moore Moore also Is an excellent punter. He is an ex-captaln of a Lincoln high team. "Dlnty" Is a vicious tackier and very adept at completing forward passes. He played an end position on the Freshman team and many a runner failed to gain around Moore's end. Nelson Nelson played center for three years with the Princlpla Academy team at St. Louis, Mo. He Is an accurate passer and played the pivot position on Riddell's team in a satisfactory manner. He has an uncanny ability to size up a play quickly and in this wav caused many runners to be thrown for losses. Nixon Nixon was a star performer with South Omaha high. He weighs 182 pounds, is a powerful linesman, and good at opening holes. He Is heady and fast. Weller Weller is a brother of John Weller, captain of the Cornhusker team in 1907, and will be as good as his brother, He Is a good llneeman, very faat. and a sure tackier. He can open holes In any line. His home Is at Feward .where he played with the Seward high team. , BasMtt With his 203 pounds of beef. Has sett was a tower of strength In the Freshman line. It Is impossible to gain through him and he is a powerful offensive player. He starred with the high school team at Falls City. Sturm Sturm played two year with lhtn- any College, In Kansas. He aa nei enter school until the middle or me season but soon convinced the coaches of his ability. His work in the line airalnst York was notable Sturm is excellent varsity material His home Is al Gordon. Thompson m n.nn ..a member of the Mlnden championship basketball team In 1917. He had experience on an rmv fnothall team. He Is very fast and will make good varsity material. He Is just recovering from typhoid, but Is developing rapidly. Wenke Wenke is big. fast, and aggressive. He weighs 196 pounds and will fill a position in the varsity line next year. His flying tackle In the oric game ! saved his team a defeat, wenaos home Is at Tender. Gross Gross Is very fast, shifty, and a clever open field runner . He is a brother of John Gross, star linesman on "Jumbo" Stiehm's 1913 team. He weighs 175 pounds and is of varsity caliber. Gross claims Wisner as nis home. Scherer A shifty wing man is Scherer. He Is very fast and clever at the aerial game. He will wme nis name m Husker football history. Kenworthy A clever, speedy end. He Is hard to go around and good on forward passes. His home Is at Greenfield, Iowa. His weight Is 165 pounds. Vvv " T if ..."'jrfCP l fV J&r 1 i f Langhun-Uigh Clothcf Mule by Leopold, Cbicigj Clothes Speak for You in " Varsity" CLOTHES You are bound to make the impression you desire for your appearance will indicate good taste. Prove this statement to your own satisfaction by dropping in to see our interesting display of this wonderful apparel. 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