W SbA P I UNI NOTICES N. S. Cafe 139 South 11th MONDAY TUESDAY Mae Marsh In a Bewitching Story THE BONDAGE of BARBARA' SMILING BILL" PARSONS In a Baldheaded Comedy A MASTER OF MUSIC PRICES 6c 11c 17c Where Thousand Meet Thou sands Dally MON. TUES WED. -THE MYSTIC GARDEN" A necromatic novelty of splen dor presented by C. W. NELSON and Co. MATTIE CHOATE & CO. In the one-act comedy "OUTCLASSED" THE PROPELLER TRIO Harmony Singers ROBERT MILLIKIN -Musical Comedy A la Carte" LIBERTY NEWS WEEKLY PEARL WHITE In the Eleventh Chapter THE BARS OF DEATH of the Amazing Story, -THE LIGHTNING RAIDER" BRADER 4 THE ORCHESTRA Rendering a Medley of Irish Melodies THREE SHOWS DAILY, 2:30. 7, 9 MATS, 15c, NIGHTS 15-25c M 0 N, TU E S- W ED. The Home of Big Shows and Good Music NORMA TALMAGE in THE PROBATION WIFE" A woman's love is deeper than the ocean, and sh never shares it except tut see the story. "The Probation Wife," and learn when. HAROLD LLOYD IN TM ON MY WAY" Pathe News Screen Magazine Rialto Concert Orchestra Overture Jean l Schaefar, Conductor "A Selection of Irish Airs" Shows start at 1, t, 5, 7, 9 p. m. Mats, all teats 15c Nights 20c mm t m fafj ii t.4 kjL-tfi VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN TT EC WANT ADS LOST "Wrist watch .without bracelet Call L-57S8. 0" any one has the film or negative of kodak picture in uniform of Har old T. Sandusky, who was acting sup Hj sergeant, Co. B, S. A. T. C, t ae ct hU death. Dec 8th, please ! ft to bis father. Geo. M. San- 'ntky, Sterling. Neb. LOST On campus, leather pocket t. Purtorn to rr Nebraekan 02 c. Rtwart RENT Large front room for rt; roommate if preferred. 1 E- sl pw.s lc:;. U2f ELECTIONS FOB , RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS Oct:sg4 trm pfe 0O will elect for 111$ and 191 bruka, Alabama, Arkan. Call for. Gwtfa, Iowa, Sanaa. Michi Minnesota, MlaslsslppL atlaaouri lorvH Oretou. Texas, Waahington. 3 Wuoonaln. liiPHi Sophomore Class Meeting Tho Sophomore claas will meet in Uw 201 at 11 o'clock today. "N" Club Meeting The "N- Club will meet at the Com mcrclal Club Thursday at 12 o'clock. Christian Science Society The Christian Science Society of the University will meet Thursday at 7:30 P. m. in room 204 in the Temple. A cordial invitation is extended to all stu dents and faculty of the university. Palladian Palladian business meeting at 7 o'clock in Palladian Hall. Election of officers will be held. All members urged to be present. Dramatic Cfcib Tryouts Dramatic Club tryouts will be held at the Temple Theater Tuesday at 7 o'clock. Register at U 06. Dramatic Club Draamtlc Club meets Thursday at 7:30 in the Temple Theater to witness the final rehearsal of "Strongheart, the senior class play of the Agricul tural High School. Junior Prom Tickets Ninety tickets inclusive of all com plimcntaries have been validated for the Junior Prom to be held in the Lin coln Hotel April 2, 1919. No more tickets will be validated for this dance. Fifteen complimentaries were request ed, the names to be published in a later issue of the Nebraskan. Each complimentary is to be assessed f 1. Offiicial statement T. A. WILLIAMS, Agent Student Activities. To Speak at Vespers Miss Helen D. Avery, secretary of the industrial extension department of the city Y. W. C. A, will speak at ves pers Tuesday afternoon at the Wom an's Hall. Her subject will be "Girls in Industry." There will also be spe cial music. Song Recital at Convocation Madame de Vilmar will give a song recital at Convocation at 11 o'clock Thursday in the Temple. BASKETBALL TOURNEY CLEARS NEAT PROFIT (Contiaoed from Pafe One) Care of checkroom. Ticket sellers and gate keepers Trophies S. H. S. A. A. officers' ex penses 12.00 97JB0 45.00 50.00 Total expenditures Net profits . 56.41 .$1,884.94 $2,641.35 RECEIPTS Entry fees General admission Season tickets . . Sale lof program Adv. in programs 4 240.00 1,619.50 506.00 . 70.65 205.00 S2.64L2S -CICEH rrKe Your Hat Is Certain to Become You If It Is Selected Here There are so many variations of spring styles here that it is impos sible to describe half their grace ful beauty or trim smartness. In justice to yourself, you should see the scores-no, hundreds of lovely hats we have on display, before selecting your spring chapeaux. Beautiful creations from the de sighing shops of Vogue, Landsco, Phipps, Fiske, Gage, Cupid, De Marines, Rawak, Blue Bird, Brack Weiss are shown in trim little tailored styles in dark and light straws as well as more elaborate creations that will win your approval. Spring Hats, $3.95, Up Rudge & Gnenzel Co. Lost Articles CAN BE RECOVERED BY ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Rates 10 CENTS A LINE MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS LEAVE ADVERTISEMENTS AT STUDENT ACTIVI TIES OFFICE OR PHONE B2597 Iff f B COCA-COLA is a perfect answer to thirst that no imitation can sati&fy. Coca-Cola quality, recorded in the public taste, is what holds it abore 4 imitations. Demand the genuia by full name ATLANTA, GA. GARMENT CLEANING SERVICE LINCOLN CLEANING AND DYE WORKS S28 South 11th Fine Chocolates PILLERS RESCRIPTION H ARM ACY Established 1887 Phons B-1422 HEFFLEY'S TAILORS 138 North Eleventh Lincoln FENTON B. FLEMING THE JEWEL SHOP 1211 O Street, LINCOLN NEB. HAVE YOUR ARMY OVERCOAT DYED BLACK AT THE EVANS IV2311 327-333 No. 12th SL C. H. FREY Florist 1133 O St. Phones B-71.742 THAT MAN IS PHOSPEROUS Who Always Looks Spic and Sapn. Our business is to. keep you looking just that way. Our way of cleaning, preesing and repairing your clothes will more than please you. FRATERNITY CLEANERS AND DYERS 222 So. 13th. L-9971 HAVE C. L. FLODEEN MAKE YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT 131 So. 11th St. r? Ti me Time Wjas One of the Chief Factors In WINNING THE WAR You will find the cooaerratioa of time equally efficient la win ning all other desirable object In this life. HOWARD WATCHE8 $&0JOO to $150.00 WALTHAM WATCHES 125.00 to $150.00 HAMILTON WATCHES $37.50 to $150.00 ELGIN WATCH E8 $12.50 to $150X0 Tucker' Shean Diamond Merchant Jeweler and Optician Eleven-Twenty-Three O 8t. Rapid Messenger and Delivery A IQraKV DFAL TO A IX 11 IB n-44t0 ttt . 1(k butoi' U W4g lit a v st. Sm 1M