The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 18, 1919, Image 1

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    Fhe Daily Nebra
NO. 112.
B. 0. T. C. .Military Leader to
Take Charge of Unit
Highest Ranking Officer to Be
Stationed , at University of
Col. W. F. Morrl8on, the new com
mandant of the military department at
the university, arrived in Lincoln Mon.
day morning, and immediately took
charge of the unit. He ia to have per,
manent command of the field artillery
detachment of the reserve officers'
training corps.
The new commandant was gradu
ated in 1902 from West Point and was
commissioned captain in the regular
army. While at the Presidio, Califor
nia field artillery training school, he
was promoted to his present office. He
did not se service overseas, but during
the past year has been in command of
the Presidio, Cal., and at Fort Sill, Ok.
Col. Morrison has had twenty years of
service in the regular army and has
trained thousands of field artillerymen.
His home is at Iowa City.
Captain Leslie G. Drake, the com
mandant of the S. A. T. C. preceding
Captain C. J. Frankforter, left Satur
day for Des Moines to receivme an as
signment in the regular army. Col
Morrison does not expect to make any
great changes at the university. Cap
tain Frankforter, Lieut. L. W. Hotch
kiss and Lieut. W. G. Murphy will as
sist the colonel In military matters.
Saturday at the meeting of the board
of regents, it was decided to have ail
the bnildings around the Social Sci
ence building cleared away so as to
provide a more adequate drill field for
the field artillery training unit. This
is to be done immediately in order that
the field will be in readiness next fall
Nebraska University Will Elect
Candidates for Honors
Next Autumn.
Details of the plan for the resump
tion of the election of the Rhodes
scholars in the United States were
announced March 3 by Prof. Frank
Aydelotte of the Massachusetts Insti
tute of Technology, American secre
tary to the Rhodes trustees. The
scholarship has been discontinued for
the part two years.
Four men from the university have
won Rhodes Scholarships and attend
ed Oxford University. Prof. E. W
Murray, formerly associate professor
of Latin, who is now in Washington,
was the first Rhodes scholar from
Kansas in 1904. Prof. Geo. E. Put
nam, now -with Washington Uni
versity,, St Louis, won the scholarship
in 1908. Rex Miller and Clarence Cas
tle were the other two university
Examinations to Qualify for the
scholarship hitherto required of all
candidates will no longer be held and
scholars will be elected on the basis
of their college or university record
supplemented if necessary by any
further tests that the committee of
selection may in their discretion im
pose. The postponed scholarships due the
various states for 1918 and 1919 will
be filled next autumn. These sixteen
'Cod tinned n rC Three)
Dr. Stakman, professor of plant
Pathology in the University of Minne-
w!I Ulk on the subject.
rork in plant Pathology," this morn
,n at eleven o'clock in Memorial Hall.
Dr. Stakman has been engaged In war
ork in his special lln for tome time.
Mid-Semester Exams
Keep Students' Attention
The week of mid-semester examina
tions with its attendant Increased in
terest In classes and smaller attend
ance at the Liberty, Rialto ct centers,
arrived Monday morning. Examina
tions will continue throughout the
week and at some time or other the
student may look for an hour's test
in most of his classes.
Spring vacation which has been
shortened to some degree this year
will begin at 6 o'clock, Wednesday,
April 2. and will last until 6 o'clock
Saturday, April 6. This will give
students five days in which to recover
fro mthe strain of the first half of
the semester and to prepare for the
remainder of the spring term.
The shortening of the annual spring
recess will be followed by' a two
weeks' earlier dismissal at the end
of the school term.
A small University of Nebraska
colony in France is described by Ed
win M. Partridge, '17, who tells of
meeting many former schoolmates in
a letter to Dean C. C. Engberg.
George Driver, '19, former business
manager of the Daily Nebraskan,
who has been stationed in France, is
to make an extensive trip through
Italy, Austria and Germany on prison
relief work. The letter follows:
C. W. S. Laboratory,
A. P. O. 702. A. E. F.
Dean C. C. Engberg:
Dear Sir: Having found a goodly
bunch of Americans from the good
old University of Nebraska, we have
put in some time discussing old days
and deeds. Our remembrances va
ried in many details, but were in ac
cord in that we all remembered you.
I am visiting the boys of base hos
pital No. 49 at Allerey, France, about
twenty miles from Chalon-sur-Saone
Some of those here are Charlie Lish,
Hugo Otoupalik, Jesse Brown, Everett
Garrison, Merril Vanderpool, Alfred
Munger, Harlow Wetherbee, Paul An
derson, Richard Grant, Al Reese,
Slmanek, Hrbek, and others. Lambert
Redelfs, George Driver and Fred
Creutz were here, but George went
to Paris to make a trip through Italy,
Austria and Germany with the Red
Cross on prison relief work. Fred
Creutz and Paul Conrad have gone
to the A. E. F. central laboratory at
Dijon. Lambert Redelfs and Paul
Connor are with Driver, and John
Redefls is in historical work ill
Paris. They expect to start home
soon. Brown has just obtained a pass
to go back to Paris with me. I have
been stationed there since March 15,
1918, with the research laboratory of
the chemical warfare service.
Trusting that this finds you in good
health, I am sincerely yours.
Completion of the personnel of the
industrial board of the Department of
Commerce, together with the plans of
the board for hastening the prices of
food and wages to normal, were an
nounced Sunday through the Council
of National Defense. The purpose of
the new board, it was announced, was
n M-intr about the operation of a law
of supply and demand interfered with
by the process of war.
PMfild Marshal Von Hindenburg is
planning to use volunteer units in a
Arivt aeainst the BolshevlKl with U-
bau'as the base of his operations, says
information that has reacned Ameri
can intelligence officers. Total num
ber of volunteers on the front, or about
to proceed there is estimated at al
most one hundred tnousana.
Damage from fire which started last
lirCK "
Janeiro, and which is supposed to have
. . .i lf 1 ...I A .J
been of incendiary ong.u, cuuuiou
at 5 minion aouara, principally io wi
fe and Jute.
Devotees of varsity baseball will be
Interested in the outcome of the "N"
Club discussion next Thursday aa to
the possibilities of reviving the sport
The spring of 1917 saw the last Corn
husker nine, when aftqr two victories
over Wesleyan and a defeat at Ames
a rainy season spoiled further activi
ties. The "N" Club gathers Thursday
with the primary purpose of discuss
ing this topic and those who are in
terested in varsity baseball should
disclose their views to some member
before that time.
For students who have been
discharged from the military
service of the United States,
the following information in re
gard to obtaining the $60 bonus
which will be allowed them is
All persons discharged hon
orably from the military service
of the United States since April
6. 1917, will receive it. This
includes members of the S. A.
T. C.
Act Approved February 24
In order to get this money, it
is necessary to write to Wash
ington, presenting discharge pa
pers. Provision for this money
is found in section 1406 of the
Revenue act of 1918, approved
February 24, 1919. It reads in
part as follows:
All persons serving in the mil
itary or naval forces of the
United States ... who have
since April 6, 1917, resigned or
have been discharged tinder
honorable conditions (or in the
case of reservists, been placed
on inactive duty) or who at any
time hereafter (but not later
than the termination of the cur
rent enlistment or term of serv
ice) in the case of enlisted
personnel and female nurses or
within one year after the term
ination of the present war in
the case of officer, may resign
or be discharged under honora
ble conditions (or in the case
of reservists, be placed on in
active duty) shall be paid, in
addition to all other amounts
due them in pursuance of law
$60 each."
Exceptions to this regulation
1. Persons who did not re
port for service prior to No
vember 11, 1918.
2. Persons who have already
received one month's additional
3. Persons entitled to retired
To obtain this bonus, the fol
lowing rules must be complied
Affidavits Required
"All persons entitled to the
bonus and who have received
their final pay will forward
claim for such bonus direct to
the Zone Finance officer, Lemon
building, Washington, D. C,
who is hereby designated to set
tle such claims. Such applica
tions must contain (a) the dis
charge certificate or order for
discharge or release, if no cer
tificate was issued, but both cer
tificate and order if both were
issued, the paper bearing en
dorsement of final payment be
ing required; (b) a statement
of all military service since
April 6. 1917. showing place and
date of reporting at first mill-'
tary station, and (c) address
to which check is to be sent
"When settlement Js made all
personal papers will be returned
to applicant with check. No
further correspondence is nec
essary except to advise change
Old Faithful Jack Best
Unable to Witness Tourney
Those who have followed the state
high school tournaments in the past
and had occasion to wander around in
the locker room among the visiting
basketball youths felt that something
was lacking in the general scheme of
things this year. A closer survey re
vealed the absence of the little man
who sits in the corner. Jack Best
wasn't there.
Since last Wednesday "Jimmle" has
been nursing an illness and for the
first time in the history Of the annual
high school pilgrimage to the univer
sity the grand old man of the dressing
room was absent from the scene.
"Jlmme" is known throughout the
state and no doubt many of the visit
ing athletes missed the faithful trainer
who has soothed the sprains and
bruises of Cornhusker gladiators for
the last twenty-nine years. Jack will
be back on the Job in a few days and
the old dressing locker room will look
like home once more.
Courses in Highway Engineering
May Be Established on
School Curriculum.
The regents of the University of
Nebraska were asked to establish
courses of instruction in highway en
gineering in conjunction with the
courses in civil engineering, in the
resolutions drawn up at the close of
the second Nebraska road institute
Friday. These resolutions set forth
that road building in the state is just
now beginning and will continue for
many years, and in appreciation of
this fact there will be a big demand
for men trained particularly for this
line of work.
At the banquet Thursday night at
the Lincoln hotel, Chancellor Avery
mentioned that the university board
of regents have already considered
the necessary steps toward the for
mation of classes in highway engi
neering. This new outlet in the state
will furnish employment near home
for the graduates from the college of
engineering. Heretofore they have
had to seek eastern and foreign
fields in order to carry on this work
as a profession. The members of the
road and bridge committees of the
state legislature attended the banquet
in a body, in addition to the eighty
delegates who were present.
The institute has passed the tem
porary stage of existence and a reso
lution was introduced to make it a
permanent body. It was suggested
that funds for financing it be pro
vided by the state and that the re
gents of the university should be in
formed of the action of the institute
and be presented with a copy of the
resolutions in their revised form.
A third resolution stated that the
benefits of the institute are far-reaching,
inasmuch as it has proved bene
ficial and educational, not only to the
delegates, but of great value to the
taxpayers. Resolutions of thanks to
the faculty of the college of engineer
ing, to the Lincoln Automobile Club
and to other organizations for courte
sies shown were presented.
The regents of the university were
especially thanked for their recogni
tion of the good work started by this
Institute one year ago. They gener
ously rendered the institute financial
aid of $500 for deferring the expenses
necessary to carry on these meetings,
as the use of rooms, heat and light.
Appreciation was also shown to the
faculty of the engineering rnllep
which worked so diligently that the
institute might be a success. By
their efforts the educational advant
ages of this institute have been ex
tended over the entire state.
The committee of roads and bridges
or tne present house and senate
worked hard that suitable legislation
might be enacted, which would make
possible the construction and main-
(Condoned on Tun Far)
Nearly Two Thousand Dollars
Realized From Nebraska's
Successful Indoor Meet.
Money Will Be Divided Equally
Among Various Teams Par
ticipating in Meet.
The financial report of the State
High Schol tournament which closed
Saturday night is proof in black and
white that this end of the tourney was
decidedly success. Within one hour
after the final game closed the com
plete report showing net profits of
$1,984.94 was filed in the office of
Coach Stewart, director of the tourna
ment. The 1919 report shows a gain of
$200.00 in profits over the 1918 re
turns. The tournament can therefore
proudly claim to be the largest and
most successful ever held. The profits
will be pro-rated among the participat
ing schools acocrding to their distance
from Lincoln and will probably cover
about 75 per cent of their railroad fare.
The following is the complete report
as issued by the Nebraska State High
School Athletic Association:
Announcement cards $ 4.25
Blanks and posters 85.00
Circular letters 3.25
Numbers 57.50
Contestants' tickets 5.50
Season tickets 4.00
Officials' badges ,. 7.50
Signs 2-3
Programs 163.35
Postage . 28.20
Rent of typewriter - 5 00
Clerical help 50.00
Pins for numbers...,. 15.66
Whistles j- 360
Upkeep of Auditorium floor. 16.50
(Continued on Pane Three)
Military Field Will Be Between
Bessey Hall and Social
Science Building.
The removal of all houses on the
property between Twelfth and Thir
teenth streets and between Bessey
Hall and the Social Science building is
the latest step in connection with the
University's expansion program. The
board of regents at their meeting Sat
urday directed the citizens commit
tee to clear all buildings from this
ground preparatory to the estabish
ment of a drill field for the use of the
R. O. T. C.
WJth the introduction of field artil
lery and signal corps units into the
military department it has been found
necessary to have more adequate drill
facilities. While It is not probable
that the military department will have
advantage of it this year, work will be
started at once and the field will be in
readiness at the opening of scnool next
Malcontents in the military camp In
Wales, eager to return to Canada, in
dulge in rioting. Much property Is
damaged and a number are killed be
fore order is restored. A Bolshevist
agitator is slain.
There is severe fighting in Berlin
streets between the government forces
and the Spartacans. the killed ana
wounded numbering 400 and the battle
resulting in the triumph of the govern
ment. oinior Ciass Meeting
Senior class meeeing this morning
at 11 o'clock In Law 107 tor the pur
pose of electing minor officer. All
senior urged to be present.