T 11 E 1) A I L Y N K H It A S K A N UNI NOTICES Faculty Men's Dinner Tho Faculty Men's Dinner Club will meet Friday evening. February 28th, at the Windsor hotel. Dinner at 6:30 p. in. IMateH 75 cents. Reservations nhould bo made with Mr. Max Wester inann ut the Finance Olllce by 5:00 p. in. Thursday. Ivan W. U. HastlnKa will present a paper on The Monroe Doctrine. F. W. SANDFORD. C. M. WILCOX, Committee. Y. W. C. A. Business Meeting A business meeting will be held Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock of all the members of the Y. W. C. A. Ruth Huttoa will give a report on the Chi cago convention which she attended last week. The work of the organiza tion for spring will bo thoroughly dis cussed and voted upon. This Is a very Important meeting. Komensky Club Komensky Club will meet in Fac ulty hall at 7:30 p. in. on Saturday evening, March 1, 1919. Subscription Books All students having Daily Nebras knn subscription books please turn them In at the student activities office at once. A Doll Mouse" Repeated Ibsen's "Doll's House" will be re peated at tho Temple theater on Wed nesday, February 26. Members of the legislature and university faculty will be special guestB. Members of tho faculty and administrative force can procure free tickets till 12 o'clock Sat urday February 22 at the Registrar's office. They may reserve their seats nt the College Rook Store. IN DAYS GONE BY I NY EARS GONE 11Y Nlntteen Years Ago Today For the first time in the history of the class the Juniors elected a co-ed, Miss Van Zandt, president. Two Years Ago Today Four hundred GreekB attended the second annual Fan Hellenic stunt night. Albert llryson elected repre sentative to the national conference of stuijent councils at Purdue univer sity. 1'h! Kappa I'M won in the lnter-fra-ternlty basketball tournament. LOST Cold Elgin wrist watch with name engraved on back. Reward. Cal B-3117 or R 2597.. 98-99-100 RENT modem front room; walking distance; girls only. 1439 S; phone L-544S. 98-99-100 Ten Years Ago Today Announcement was made that en rollment at the university increased from one hundred and thirty students in 1871 to three thousand four hun dred and fifty students In 1909. Nine Years Aago Today The Jayhawker basketball team de feated Nebraska. The Juniors took first place In the girs' basketball tournament. Four Years Ago Today Charles Edwin Bessey, head dean of the university and head of the depart ment of botany, died after a three weeks Illness. BRIEF BITS OF NEWS Th. Rev. L. D. Young Speaks-The Rev. L. D. Young, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, spoke at Ves pers Tuesday evening at 5 o'cock. His subject was "My Idea of God." Hanna McCorklndale presided. Rev. Young will speak again next Tuesday on "My Idea of Prayer." Only a fool man would deliberate ly make an enemy by guessing with in ten years of a woman's real age. When nature begins to assist a man by parting his hair in-the mid dle he gets contrary and tries to part it on the side. The Flavor Lasts! A. ways the best buy for the price In Patent, Suede, Colored and Black Kid I -W T 1 1.. , .1 111 1 " f A. ' III 1 II ou nave out to notice tne wen aressea woman s root, j even on these chilly days, to see the style tendencies for the spring season. Make your selection early if you wish to get a fit in what is correctly styled. j II Phoenix and OFjtPtfnTj A IBJAM SILK II Holeproof PB I K Kl W Ul flll H0SE Silk Hose Iji IjIIjII Ufilf i XfVi All Colors II" ' "I I' f 1 : g five-cents worth H ; of beneficial 1 Seated Tlaht-KePt Rlfiht refreshment ';;-! -zeg$ Possible 4: WWED llWII ATURDAY N IT E-ROSE WILDE COME AND HEAR THE BEST MUSIC IN LINCOLN GAYLE'S I USICAL ERRY AKERS $1.25 Spring Styles Now Showing THE LOW SHOES .Simplicity in every ine, but expressed in a wealth of fine workmanship, at re markably moderate prices. Price limit Fifty. Seven ! Ml My) i MM THE HIGH BOOT In . rich, elegant leathers, . built to conform to the nat ural foot curves, with a close glove like neatness. Price limit twelve dollars. The Bootery