a. ( i n u A 1 L Y N H It ASKAN V Are You a REAL I Monday, February 1 7 Matinee and Night "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine" LOUISE PRICE Will Be Seen in the role of "JUNE," made famous by CHARLOTTE WALKER. PRICES MATINEE 50 and 25s EVENING $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c PLUS WAR TAX VION., TUES, A WEDNESDAY EVELYN NESBIN IN "WOMAN, WOMAN" THE ETERNAL TRIANGLE "SMILING BILL" PARSONS IN "HAVE ANOTHER" Prices 6c, 11c, 17c THE HOME OF BIG SHOWS AND GOOD MUSIC MON., TUES., & WEDNESDAY Clara Kimball Youag SEE HER LATEST AND GREATEST SUCCESS Cheating Cheaters A Play of Thrills and Love THRUS., FRIDAY, SATURDAY D. W. GRIFFITH PRESENTS HIS LATEST AND MOST SUPERB PICTURE A Romance of Happy Valley ALSO COMEDY, TRAVEL AND NEWS FEATURES Rialto CONCERT ORCHESTRA Jean L. Schaefer, Conductor Shows Start at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p. m. Mats. All Seats, 15c; Night, 20c I MON., TUES, & WEDNESDAY The Tsnse Dramatic Playlet "NO MAN'S LAND" with 4 LIEUT. MERRILL of the ROYAL AIR FORCES Lea Frances & Geo. Hume IN "JUST HAPPYINGS" The Three Wall Flowers Dainty CHARACTER SINGERS E. G. MOORE THE GABBY TRICKSTER PEARL WHITE IN THE LIGHTNING RAIDERS" The LIBERTY NEWS WEEKLY Prof. BRADER'S ORCHESTRA three shows daily 2:30, 7:00, t:00 Prices Mat, 15c; Niflht, 15-25c Seven Years Ago Today The junior class won first place in the annual interclass indoor meet Four Years Ago Today Two track records were broken, the pole vault by Keavis, and the 12 pound shot put by Shaw. Ames defeated Nebraska at basket ball. Three Years Ago Today The Daily Nebraskan offered a pri2e of $1.50 for the best name for a page devoted primarily to the interests of the women students. U. S. Harkson tied the fence vault record at the Charter Day meet Two Years Ago Today Announcement was made that Bes sey Hall would be ready for use by spring vacation. Nebraska lost two basketball games to Kansas Aggies. One Year Ago Today One hundred university students attended the Y. W. C. A. conference nt Crete, Neb. PERSONALS Mrs. J. M. Temple of Lexington vis ited Marjorie Temple, '21. at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house over the week-end. Mildred Adams, ex-'20, of Omaha spent Saturday and Sunday at the Chi Omega house. Clarabelle Hager, '21, and Marie Courtright, '21, spent the week-end in Fremont. Mildred Rockwell, '22, spent Satur day and Sunday at her home in Om aha. Capt. Henry Knutson, '18, is a guest at the Phi Gamma Delta house. He has just come from Fort Sill and will go to Kearney, where he will go into the contracting business. Elizabeth Weir, '22, went to her home in Grand Island Friday.. Josselyn Stone, '22, Alice Welsh, '20, Hazel McDonald, '20, and Ruth Welsh, '19, all spent the week-end in Omaha. Cecyle White. ex-'20, who is teach ing in Humboldt, spent Saturday at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house, on the way to her home in York. Helen Briggs Lathrop, '14, of To ledo, O.. is ag uest at the Achoth house. Edith Wilson, a Delta Zeta from Manhatten, Kas., came to Lincoln Saturday and will be the guest of the chapter here for several days. Margaret Tourtlelot, '21, ras re turned from her home in Adams, where she has been for the past week on account of illness. Zeta chapter of Delta Zeta cele brated its ninth anniversary last Tuesday. August C. Krebs. '18. of Clay Cen ter is visiting at the Bushnell Guild house. Katherine Dodge, '18, spent the week-end at the Kafpa Alpha Theta house Mrs. G. C. Appleman and Gladys A. Appleman. ex-'19. of Alvo visited at the Gamma Phi Beta house last week. Hazel Cook. ex-19. Is visiting at the Alpha Omicroa Pi house. James Collier, ex'21, of Omaha spent the week-end at the Delta TJp- silon house. CO KM WEB ? slksim Prove It by Subscribing to the Do y sully REMEMBER TUESDAY IS TAG DAY Li fot thlt trada-inmrk on themk Don't Guess About Your Shoes Get Our Expert Advice It's much better policy to buy shoes you know something about than it is to just take a chance on getting good value. For years we have specialized in shoes which fit the individual needs and desires of our customers. The Original and Genuine mm 4f. Pa JLP.SMITH SHOE COt-JOHN EBBERTS SHOE Ctt Makers of Meris Shoes Makers of Womerte Shoes CHICAGO T BUFFALO Their luxurious cushion toner soles act ats hock absorbers to the entire body. Those who wear them say that it's just "like walk ing on vei- . Oct Repair Shop of mit. ovr Janartannl will aataa aUty wots at vet" From the first, thej need no "breaking in" they are actually "lha easiest shoes on earth. While we emphasize the unusual comfort of these shoes we know you will also appre ciate the unusual combination of beauty of design and extra comfort at no extra charges MAYER BROS. CO. AM7 fr Tlwt Origtmmi mmd