( THE nMLY NEBRASKA N s M i ' ' ' ''' Mi"' M 4 -v v. AT 3 I V ' W 1 ' DAILY DIARY RHYMES ny Gayle Vincent Orubb "On the High Seas," Vaudeville's biflgest Sensation. Orpheum, Wed. Thurs., Fri. & Sat. The peace .that kills wouldn't be so bad if It killed only the peacemaker. After u' Strenuous effort to acquire fame many, a man finds himself infa mous. :. True politeness is often equivalent to a free pass. To know one's limitations is a mark of wisdom; to rest content with them merits contempt. Time is Money Conserve it With one of our fine American Watches WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE E. HOWARD WATCH CO. WALTHAM WATCH CO. HAMILTON WATCH CO. ELGIN WATCH CO. In the above line of fine watches you may select just what you want, whatever your requirements may be. YOUR INSPECTION SOLICITED Tucker-Shean Diamond Merchants, Jewelers and Opticians ELEVEN TWENTY-THREE O ST. Expert watch, clock, jewelry and optical re pairing and manufacturing A WORD FOR TEMPTATION Since the days ln-n Adam wnHtrn.pt- ed by Kve, Ami the world had room ciioiikIi you could breathe; The Serpent Mill thrive, to lempl you away From the path yo.i'v.- ben Mlowln day by day. For Life In much like a hollow bowl. With nothing much left If you've mlsa- ed the K-al: And the snags of temptation a pluckln at you Are but decoys to liud out Just what you will do. Yet .who'd love to liv. in a rut of rou tine. And see only life that he always lias seen? With never a hitch in the run or affairs, No temptation. w rri. s. excitement or cares? It's tho glorious fedini; that some how is felt In the turn of the cards, what they'll bring as they're dealt. And the thought that choice or the right thing to do Is left to your Judgment, your con science and you. Now the Parson and I kind of differ, 1 guess. He would discard temptation, but I must confess That I favor it strongly but not as a Jest. Just a method of putting the world to the test. Note the difference between the thing to be remembered and some thing fixed In your mind. Acquire the habit of accuracy, if a thing remembered is wrong, you would better have a poor memory. If you would remember permanent ly, it is necessary to keep your mind on the subject for some considerable time. When you commit a passage to memory, quote the author, and class his name with.others you cannot for get. Never try to force memory when something seems to be forgotten. Turn to something else, and it will soon come up. Lost Articles CAN BE RECOVERED BY ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Rates-- 10 CENTS A LINE MINIMUM CHARCE 25 CENTS LEAVE ADVERTISEMENTS AT STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE OR PHONE B2597 I , ,. ,QOp" j ., k m ym n 1 it 4 NAZIMOVA ir "EYE FOR EYE n AT THE COLONIAL, MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY CHER3BECEI' SOCIETY ORCHESTRAS Dependable and Proven Rythm EVERYTHING IS REDUCED 10 to 50 "The Store That Sells the Best for Jutt Little Lett." 112 to 122 North Tenth St., Lincoln, Neb. we Give Valuable S. A H. Green Trading Stamps EVERYTHING IS REDUCED iOtoSO Nebraska's Biggest Saving EventThe SALE of SALES-Continues Until Saturday Eve o. 11 TER 4 'J2 EVERYTHING IN THE ENTIRE STORE REDUCED 10 to 50 JUST A FEW MORE DAYS OF UNSURPASSED UNDERSELLING days in which you may buy ANYTHING in this entire store at a saving of 10 to 50. For with the exception of only one contract line, absolutely EVERYTHING in this great store goes at reductions of the most sub stantial character at savings far the greatest you've had the opportunity to profit by in many months. ABSOLUTE CLEARANCE of every stock is immediately essential, for coupled with our usual reasons for holding this greater semi annual sale is the fact that WE MOVE TO "0" STREET IN A FEW WEEKS and thousands of dollars worth of merchandise must be sold before that time. For you this means the BIGGEST SAVINGS IN YEARS, for the reductions on EVERYTHING in the store are of the most drastic character. SALE CONTINUES ONLY UNTIL SATURDAY EVENING COME NOW AND PROFIT THESE SAVING OPPORTUNITIES WILL NOT BE REPEATED COMPLETE DETAILS IN ALL LINCOLN PAPERS i:.