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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1918)
T n E DAILY NEBRASKAN llllliilBy L octctg j Jl. .JlJJlijii'J.'.tDr- Social Calendar Thurt., Frl 8t. GLADYS BROCKWELL In "Thd Strung Woman" A Sunthln Comedy Choose Your Exit" T 4 December 20 Tin'H Huh party-IVof. PavlK. rim (I December 20 OmliTon PI House Mr. MeCabe. 3. Alpha dance. PERSONALS Mutt and Jeff in -The Doughboy" I J o'ft SHOWS nd GOOD MUSIC Wednesday and Thursday with burglars in the house, still she Isughs and so will you CONSTANCE TALMADGE in the mirthful play Up the Road with Sallie" Topical, Scenic and News Features Rialto Concert Orchestra Shows start at 1, S, 5, 7, 9 p. m. Mats., all seats. 15c Night, 20c GARMENT CLEANING SERVICE LINCOLN CLEANING AND DYE WORKS 326 South 11th Leo Soukup, Mgr., B 6575 C. H. FREY Florist 1133 O St. Phones B 6741-C742 N. S. CAFE 139 South Eleventh IP LUNCH EONETTS SERVED RESCRIPTION H A R M A C Y Christmas Gifts Supreme DIAMONDS FINE JEWELRY CLOCKS WATCHES STERLING SILVER CUT CLASS Your Inspection Solicited Tucker Shedn Diamond Merchants Jewelers and Opticians Eleven Twenty-three O Street Save Money on Your Clothes and Shoes at 925"0"StJxineo!r.Ne!i lhrbcrt n. Wells has returned from Frf Plko. Arkansas, whcro he re ceived his i ommisston In the cavalry, and ixpects to resume his work in the university. IV. H. H. YVolcott whs in Kansas City last Friday and Saturday attend ing the Missouri Valley Conference. Mi.-R Apperson. instructor in the French department, has been absent from her classes tho past two days, on account of illness. Amos Ginn, '"2, has been forced to discontinue his school work until next semester, because of ill health. Hazel Cook, ex-'19. is a guest at the Alpha Omit ron Pi house. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook were in Linco'n Tuvsday and Wednesday on thtir way to their home in Scoits blufi. Mrs. Cook was Kdna Coffee. 'IS. b fore her marriage. Lieut. Ralph Lahr, '16, is in Lincoln on a short furlough and will remain over the holidays. He is stationed ai Fortress Monroe in the Field Ar til'ery. RWh Temple. cx-'2, will arrive in Linco'n for a few days' visit. She is studying music at Northwestern in Evsmston. Illinois, this year and is on her way to her home in Nebraska City for the holidays. Lieut. Robert Copsey, ex-'19, and Mrs. Copsey, who was Vivian Mc Namara, fx-'19. are in Lincoln. Lieut. Copsey has a thirty day leave of ab sence from Kelly Field, Texas, where he has been stationed as a flight instructor for the past eighteen months Mr. 1. A. Cram of Burwell spent Monday and Tuesday with Besse Cram, '12. Mrs. Grove Porter, who was Marv Hughey. ex-'20, expects to come to Lincoln Friday and be at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house for several days. Margaret Perry. 20. has been ill at her home in Lincoln with the in fluenza. Mr. and Mrs. "Johnny" Cook are visiting in Lincoln for a few days. Mrs. Cook, formerly Miss Edna Coffee, is at the Pelta Gamma house. ALUMNI LOST Gold Watch on ribbon bracelet. Return to Student Activities Office. Reward 13-8 George A. Odgers. '16, is principal of the Methodist Normal school at Muttra. India. He writes that he has been in India nearly eight months, and finds his work very interesting. The following is an extract from a let ter received at the Alumni Office: "I have now been in India proper nearly eight months. 1 had a very pleasant time crossing the Bay of Bengal. There were on board some Turkish officers who were returning to Mespot, where they would be ex changed for English officers. They were quite decent looking chaps, not at -all like otic would imagine the 'bloodv Turk.' 1 conversed with sev eral and found them very well edu cated, and well informed men. They spoke' perfect English. They were not at all bitter against the British, but spoke very highly of the splendid way in which they had ben treated in the prison camps in Burma. India offers an almost boundless opportunity for the graduates from American Agricultural Colleges, and for American machinery. Aiier lue war I expect to see many Americans coming to the East to take up these positions. -You have doubtless been reading mmh about the reforms proposed by lhe Secretary for India. Mr. Montcgu . y", r,omford. the viceroy. i an l naiun - . ! TLe-e proposals have occasioned ! mu(h comment and criticism in all I imI.,c of the world, but especially in ! England and in India. Along with I Mr" pesant, they vie with war topics I for' the first place in our newspapers, i undoubtedly the students of constitu tional development find thn most irneresting. They have not found the I thinking Indian asieep. ----- , Ml II1 I New Clothes Make a Merry Christinas How much more cheerful and pleas ant the holidays will be if, on Christ mas morning you appear in a new Kuppenheimer Suit. New clothes good clothes bring happiness and sat isfaction to the wearer, and help to make the holidays real gala days. Never in our history have we been able to show such a wide and varied pre-holiday assortment of fine suits. Every garment, too, is an unusually good value. An extensive choice of waist seam models at $30, $35 and $40; others up to $60. Warm Weather-Proot Overcoats Kuppenheiiiier coats, of tho highest quality. The new popular waist scam model. $35 to S5- Xinas Neckwear Xmas Gloves Xiuas Shirts Xmas Mufflers Xmas Hose P "Quality Clothes" aiid castes have taken a great inter est in the discussion. India is truly awakened, and the customs of caste and prejudice are crumbling. It is a wonderful experience to be in touch with the ihois and movements of this great people. India of the past had a glorious history- But India of the future gives promise. of becoming one of the great nations of the world. Let the West keep well informed what the East is doing, if she would lead." Lost Bunch of keys marked "Rollin Smith." Return to student activities office. ORPHEUM DRUG STORE OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT A Good Place for Soda Fountain Refreshments after the Theatre and after the RosewLlde Dance CARSON HILDRETH, 95 and '96 f ' ' ;- t