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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1918)
The Daily Nebraskan VOL. XVIII. NO. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1918 PRICE FIVE CENTS 50 rifWEHi'i ills It MCIPIS Thirteen New Cases Reported Among Troops Situation Not Alarming- Demobilization Will Continue Re gardless of the Renewed Epidemic Following quarantine restrictions is- nied estcrday to prevent further pre vaVn.c of influenza and tonsilitis. thirteen new cases of influenza were; p-ported during the day among uni-j versitr troops. The total number of j rases in the training detachments a 1 1 both the farm and city campus at the treseit time is approximately fifty. This incudes those report eci day. j Captain A. O. Buck reported yoster-j iav tha: The situation was not serious i to cause alarm at this time as few of ! the cases reported were radical, most ...., Kimr ivrv lieht attacks. Frank p. Pruning, of Brunlng. Nebraska. , braska. is now practically assured. ; baskets fron, different angles before died at :h army hospital Sunday even j For a ti,e the 1919 book seemed tO;thev circ;e(i the floor about a dozen ing following an attack of pneumonia have suffered the fate of other uni .imes and then ducked for the show ir.fluenza. He was a member of Com-, versity activities during war tiroes; j.any C. Secticn A. i but with the return of the university. Demob.iization to Continue ; Ik mobilization will continue without i regard to the influenza situation, ao- cording to military authorities. No j final discharges have been macte as e. because 01 me idic t--- . S - ; .- V .-, ' tor tne various (-ouiiMmv. j these are expected to arrive eirly . enough tolay to allow the final us- charge of all Company V men ht fore evf-nir.g. i Captain Drake estimates that all j mf mbers of the students army traia- J ... . coris win nave r..-u - , c-harge, by Dec-ember IS. j Y. H. C. A. WILL ASSIST HrN IN NNHInlrilT lYUliN a 'a mMA 1 m. k w w - C. A. has un-jto The univemiy V. M. drrak.n a new phase of activity with j the demobilization of the S. A, T. C. j iv.v.n-a tt,r iiir v of former itars! tlif-y will open an employment bureau ! 10 m ( ure worn lor ne men wno itu to jiav a part of their expenses while going :o school. This will be an es I'etifi irxluceruent to those who for f riiK -ia! reaeons might be planning to clrifi ib-ir work at the present time. All fjen who wih to secure part time work in order to remain in school ! Y. M r. A. Several desirable! eiiljfr for wages or Joojii. are now open. for board and , I 'a'is lor university students to enter j .... . . . I tinualiv Wing re--ived at the ofT5ce iu.u- Delia Gama Supports Town in Behlum With "Mile of Dimes "A 11 i Dimes"' hi'h the lelia Gamma fraternity i worked when it launched a nation- camj sign to raise money for de-; rasiitd Btlgium. laft spring. The j K-'"'" went to work with will and 1! K Ol -ve rncjuths had raised this year another drive , '. . , ""J-a "-rai cn XovemW 1st. anu . la-i till March 1. 191. wiil be to1 !'. h th- .f tisoott rjfh iJLai i 'T Lis. f.( tj wav cjf rnkkiiie money i f them' ar L'- Lhjcfj'n people wi'l no doalt r-i-, i,c-r the Li'le yarn dolls. oUi-r.' iid Liws. whk-h the kx-al cha;--er ia-; ;. t r. Every cent made from :- i -a"- -5 turned over to the ia '"';ai ;ut, j. ai.-d iM to the joor f'ir4d 'Lilian of Be'giam- Not t?t J "K. ...... mr.A -Jt " juri grat:a tct! KANSAS S. A. T. C. MEN HOLD BIG PEP MEETING LAWRENCE, Kan.. Nov. 29. The latest pep generating rally was held in the. gymnasium Wednesday night in nn outburst of college spirit, songs and yelling. "Some of you follows are planning to leave school as soon us you ran get loose." said V. 0. Hamilton, ath letic director, in one of the short talks at the rally. "Don't leave until you get a touch or the real K. l . spirit ,,nd of K. I, life School isn't any-1 thing like it was last ear. and you new men do not realize what ou miss if you go now." FIRSTCLASS CORNHUSKER IS ASSURED THIS YEAR Offices Of Junior Managing Editor and Business Manager Open to Upperclassmen j The publication cf the Cornhusker. j tlie yearbook of the Cniversity of Ne- .0 a peace basis it js now certain tnai , tj,e annual will be published en a' ;arger and mote extensive scale than ever before. j The Positions of junior managing eu of the ,ior anu uu ucm . . . . .nii-ar ' LomnusKcr are uo jru i wre ! 6itv gludtnts. These places made vaoant by the wuhdrawai iromasnngs and rroressor r ooi cf ,be men elected to fill them i lat year. The office of junior nianag-: jns editor is open to anj first semes-, ... . ... ter juniors. Filings tor me posu. , . . .. .jr5.S1 mav be maae at me muu-ui . office. It is tne cusiom . - . .. . j possiuie - juiwwi " v.. . business manager of the year dook j 11 1 ae!'s"1 l,iai . 'omces irammidi"." - 1 offices v . . j;nt.ii- t n vi ni;r'j. . j publication board may elect student? j these positions as soon as posib e j and thus g-i me worn husker started in j as possible. i A large par: 01 me iwi m ",!t,;r.cSh;hrp. Mcnt-sur-Marchienne ana will be probably be devoted 10 the j university honor role, but mucn auen j 50 and jt became, shortly before tion w ill alo be raid the university Jbe bt,adqUarters of a can activities ar;d organization on the or- j tQ mj. a couctv in the eastern der ft the pre war annuals. j Joa of jhe province da Ha-naut " I 1 southern Belgium . . - The town Happines i cnien hit m.- ins commonplace A man may know a ao.ur Sl lUK and still cot Know im .u. 1 It sometimes happens that a ,n,n"s 1 i.t,ii.tness is due 10 oi 'i "- ith most men is that I ihv have 10 die to be appreciated. ff In- the girls themselves. A -he-k for 8,w 4U i-ju . minister to the . ,i,rnr1. whom the bob- ! nia . " " i , l MJ Ss M.Dt to Belgium- This check went i fcT ,he adoption and upkeep of a Delta ; -w . . . . .1 r.y.V Weil. r.ainma fhHter at i . land, uere i-" ' - Vfl -hreat-rjea i - . 1 . .. m ilwiivs have for. n wjj i- frrr) Liny to tmnj -n .he home, and there tbey will receive i-hine fX"3. m d leal attrition. and w v a L ,J k e apain ibe dre-if'jl 'T- j; thir liie in "Occr'-'-d Ter-r'u.ry- As toon as ibe cUl-a .'.'."jrto good o:ditk.n. they are ie- t urned to itJ "o:'! c-ther little victim cf fcuitur. bur.drcd dollars a moctn l i ,hith goes Karchiene. rr DOZEN MEN ATTEND INITIAL PRACTICE Captain Jackson Puts Men Thru Short Practice Shooting Baskets An even dozen basket flippers re sided to the call of Captain Cable Jackson yesterday afternoon in the gymnasium and the Initial practice of the basket-ball season went eff with a zip which promises big things In .he coming w.nter campaign Adkins and Jackson were the two i iettcrmen in uniform and Hubka and ScheMenberg will Join the squad a' soon as they come back from St. Louis i?fter humbling Hick Rutherford's i Washington Pikers in football next i" - i Patty from Omaha high two years I ago and also a graduate or the fresh- !an squad was show ing some speed I as was Bailev from last year's first ; itrineors , j The practice was a sun: workout to get the men nmoerea up and in condition for more strenuous se?sions ;ater on- They were put ,hro.,.h a lone period of shooting CONVOCATION The university will welcome home its war chancellor at the convocation this : aIvaw. in flia Tflmr.I TJ iv. ; T I MU..7. AiS moi mug m nocu vuv. . v...,-.. . , make welcome addresses and Chan teller wn:i talk. The chancellor has recently . . , . . , . , i. k. turned irom aiu. wu. - o h0r Hin? t , . a research work in the chemical wel- - tj.-.i- 'of Baron ce Carier ana nas oeen oc - j cujied Ly the Germans since the early vtfifrmi . . . : s of the war. The Baron wntes alut u as f0j;ows: "One hundred! fifty yars ag0 Marchienne had 600. in - habitants. It has now. with the vii - laees clustered ground it. Monceaa- j.,, a population of nearly wa. pr0i,I.j.0U5i the people contented. ?.nd busines good, when suddenly the Now the population is tajnlbed. prosperity has disaPIarea ani all busings has teen sioppea. ne goes on 10 describe the distress and desoiatioru t;. deaths and starvation --h.vh r:e m mm Das naa 10 cob 4-a s.vcs tv savins. "I come to ' ot ve that Ameri can fairy uncle cr aunt of the babies j -ki'iiwii nt Marchienne I and its neighboring village of TLe mon.hly check which is sent lol ) Marchienne is primarily for the use j of the 1'ttle children, but the real die- K-ntton tl IJI1U " 7! the judguiem ci muuiu . . .v... Belgium nin;ister anu i ' nitty t1 j Maiclwie. wh tno u - .. 11 ,. V A-fi ! .he gift cn ir'int'.PP . i l ..- 'Z- t- Tl ...1 I . 1 T "'1.1 & -:r!.tr:as E.It Ol w lit L It: :a j- sent to ilarc.iaenr.e. r.,:ar De. This v. jji atn vn i - . ,,.-.,. . ; ... , v,wt a motaei jtt-t. uvu''v,' t it of cheer ar.u c etc. it i m;i.i - . . v, -. A it'we g:it t in o;r.;a:iHi;i f ---v. :.i.oriS sr-ar th-"; that of thirty million c'i.l- It. in Bel?:-::i more than a m;.i;o3 a tilf are tVolutely d p -tcic-nt. It ie- I ht t--;e of :l.e 2i:a Gi.n.mas to h-:l. a ri; -jrtui:a t ; a-t -ca;e oi in-te .t And k r.ow the chapters .U ore tCciitla'-ea on j e 4) JUNIOR CLASS WILL HOLD MEETING FRIDAY The first meeting of tne Junior clas has been postponed until Friday morn ing at eleven o'cloock. As originally planned the class will meet in Law 1C1. The convocation th's morniii'.' has Interferred with the p!a. of the meeting scheduled for today. The third year class will mvt f'u purposes of organization and tie.' :( tion of minor officers. Plans will W laid for the social activities if th. semester, and the importan. piest'on , of holding a Junior formal will t.e d; custeu. necause uungs are cxpo-un to resume normal conditions !v the end of the present semester. t i-- p:o'j able the custom f g.vjnj: the junior and senior forma's. will k reinstated. UNIVERSITY COMIC TO HAKE ITS DEBUT SOON i r -.- pi.r - r ii rusiiiuiis uu otau ux me awgwiiii Are Open for Applications ' the pink of condition and are present Jfow j ing a more formidable front than at . any other time this year. The return ; of Dobson and Schellenberg from Old Chief Awgwan has announced j training camps within the last week that ail clouds have been cleared away I has given the team the greatest boost from his realm of fun, and that be- j and the scratching off of the names fore the present semester ends, he ; 0f Jobes and McMahon from the hos w ill make his appearance upon the j pital book brings Husker stock up far campus once more. The war has j above par. caused great doubt in the minds of all The Washington lineup contains the the editors of the university comic, as ; names of three old veterans at the to whether or not the publication j game. Eber Simpson, former cap would go on with its good work of tain and for three years on the Wis- chasing away the blues. f H oma, - edUor-in-ehief additional members for the'., h, Z,' rtoi.n.i a. i f':aff " The following positions on the j siaff aie open, and applications w ill j fco rv-ivcrf fit iha t f nHpii t art ivstips" Aistan, h,.MnpKS manager, " - j so:ici:ing agent, and circulation man- ager AU appcations must be in T. A Wi51iaras- hands not later than two o clock Friday. The Awg-wan is a publication put out ; by tne meniDers or bigma iena c m. j journalistic fraternity. It has re- jceivtd nation-wide recognition in for - rner years, and many of the terns 1 found in its cohimns are printed in the ipages in "Life." called "with the col lege w its." All editors of the pa r-r are members of the university. Ai i excellent opportunity is offered to stu- dents of the university who have tal-1 chance to duck up against tne s r-..n ent alcng humorous or artistic lines, j est team that Rutherford can pu Tbe publication is filled with cartoons i duce. The Washington coach has and comic illustrations, and many ex been accused cf unsportsman.-hip ceilent editorials are found in its col ; tactics in playing these men but t'.e cmns. Sludents who have talent a'org ; Huskers do not hold any gru 'g the line mentioned above, will Tind ; again- t their former captain, a not overcrowded field for the app'i yesterday the team went through s cation of their skilL The editor will finaj rehearsal of the season, whi.-'i be glad to discover any person who thinks that he has some ability in ILe comic side of journalism. Some presidential timber is unavail able lecause it is tco stiff to bend. School Work Will be Prc-War j - e N braska S. A. T. C unit seem to be r.-rongly impressed with the possibili- tcr the remainder of the vear. accord- 1 iog tQ .r,, Jhat bave t,a t ireulat- i.-g about the campus for the last lew days. It is the hope of the university faculty and upperclassmen to correct this mistaken view of so many new students and to impress ihnii with the value of thf-ir continuing th-ir educa tion here. On account of the inierrujtioris (t the war and the necessity of having an aifciy unit here, the first M-ni'-ter"s v. ir'ji has bee a more or l-ss of a f 1 j e a far as regular colpgiate ork i cjncerried. The war df partmect s plan of rar.nirg the P A. T. C would however, have leen a wonderful suc cess if the war had continued. It is now the obJ-ct of the univer- WMIS OFF FOR ST. Large Squad Leaves at Noon To day For Season's Final Game With Washington Rutherford's Professionals to Find Nebraskans Hard Nuts to Crack Twenty-one Cornhuskers in the cus tody of Athletic Director Sect and Coach Kline will leave Lincoln today at 1:30 on a Burlington south bound train for St. Louis where they are billed to tackle Coach Dick Ruther ford's Pikers at Washington univer- 1 sity in the final windup of the foot ball season. The battle is going to be one mag- unlearn .iciaii ucivitxu iwu biiuiik or- . , . consin university eleven; Halfback i Evan, former player and coach at ericans. and End Feuerborn. profes- j sjonai ball player at Detroit and Salt ' t , i . s-:. t . , ,w i iafctr i iu, ait- iu uc i : u ... iaKiiu: . members of-he s t C at the Mis- j souri inst jtution and have played all i season ia the lineup. Ordinarilv they i would be ineligible to participate j Missouri valley games, being profts- s-;ona, athletic-s bnt members in h j students' army opens the gate to tera , and Rutherford is to play them; 1 Saturday against Nebraska. Cornhuskers Willing The Nebraska authorities are ict growjuB au? Kiaj ...... over the subjec t and welcome th consisted mostly of polishing up cn the vaiiou-v plas and about three 11?--e.-s of an hour of scrimmage. Del sen has teen ojt i the lireup f:r ih - last lew days i.nd it was fean-d Ccjnin ;ej 00 page 4 at Relumed to Basis Next Semester si.y oSic.'als to arrange school work ro that the second semester this y.-ar may be put on a pre-war basis again. AI! e-oiieges in the university are re organizing their courses cf study zc cording to the old regime. With the enlarged faculty roll essita'cd by the increased cumber of students this year the classes next semen.-r w ill probably te much miall r biA more time can be devoted to he personal work of the students. Tl.e high standard of Nebraska tehol- arship wi!j U- inair.tair.c-d as previ ously. Theie have b--n "rittle harj' irs'ailing the ru n of the S. ot A T. C. any real Ccrnhusk-r sp; it. uli' i,o that the war work wil soon "h- iijeontinu'd. it will now- be iw-sib'" to devote more time to university activities. 11 Thin f t)'? heme ln-r 1 j- i Lose haiii