I THE DAILY NEBB ASKAM JACK BEST RECEIVES LETTER FROM RHODES Former Husker Captain Writes From France a Few Days Before Hia Death Roscoe D. Rhodes. In a letter writ ten to Jack Kcst a few days before his death on the battlefield of Sedan, tells Kia fhnnirhta turn toward the SI IS V US0 " iTniraiiv nt Nebraska, and of his V. wo - - hope for a successful football season at the old school. He also describes hia first trln "over the top. "Dusty's" father. R. J. Rhodes of Ansley. has written to Jack expressing his appre ciation of the latter's kindness to hia son while a member of the football team at the university. "Dusty's" letter follows: October 6. 1918. Dear Old Jack: Well, -Grimes." I would certainly like to be with you this fall to help bring home the bacon for the old school again. 1 suppose that right now you are in the heart of the com ing season getting the boys in fine shape for a successful year. And here in France whenever my thoughts are of the U. of N. they ramble down into the gym. There alts "Crimes" driving the soreness out of a stiff leg that has been hurt in one of the games On Uth at P Street SARATOGA RECREATION FLOORS CHAS. N. MOON B-1392 B-a708 LOEB'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS ORCHESTRA FROM FIVE TO TWENTY-FIVE PIECES Tazs Band or Boiler Shop Effects oo Request Only GARMENT CLEANING SERVICE LINCOLN CLEANING AND DYE WORKS 326 South 11th Leo Soukup, Mgr., B6575 C H. FREY Florist 1133 O St. Phones B 6741-6742 IP LUNCHEONETTS SERVED ILLER'S RESCRIPTION H A R M A C Y BEST PLACE TO EAT ORPHEUM CAFE 1418 O Special Attention to University Students 1 suppose a good many of the boys have gone into the service and that there will be very few old men back, that is an expected thing during these t lines, but the old Nebraska spirit will put football across anyhow. Doctor Stewart. I hear, went tnrougn Paris but I was unable to see him, being on duty in the trenches. Wo came through England on our way over and If I had been given leave, I would have got you a "bit Basaale." England Is a great place and now I do not wonder how such men as Jack Best came from these We landed In Liverpool and were carried over-land to South Hampton I am now at the front and have ex perlenced every form of warfare that a machine gunner can experience. Chased Boches I have been over the top once and would have got that boche I promised you but I would have had to hate on my track suit and be a marathon runner In the best condition. It was like chasing Jack rabbits. Give my regards to all the boys and tell them I'm. with them In spirit and hope xhey win everything, which I know they will "Tear 'em Up" Dusty Rhodes. His father has sent the following letter to Jack Best: Ansley. Nebr., Not. 29, 1918. Mr. Jack Beat, Lincoln, Nebraska. Dear Sir: lou will pardon me In writing to you as it has never been my privilege to form your acquaintance, although t somehow feel very well acquainted with you from the .many good things my boy. Roscoe B. Rhodes, related of you. Roscoe had great affection for you for the many kind things you did for him out of the magnanimity of your heart. You are doubtless acquainted with the fact that Roscoe was killed on the battle front October 25. It grieves me to thus inform you, as his sterling qualities made him dear to me and mine. In many respects he was the "apple of my eye," but In thus losing him from our faa;Uy cir cle, we feel that In falling to death at the battle of Sedan, he has won a glory that a lifetime of business activ ities would not bestow. Please accept my kindest regards and the well wishes of his entire fam ily for the many favors you have shown him, I am, Very truly yours, R. J. RHODES, His Father. I Every once In a while we get a chuckle out of hearing some million aire tell a friend that he is short of ready cash. You can't have your cake and eat It, but what most of us want in this life Is the Joy of having a little cake to eat now and then. We don't know much about human nature, but we've never yet met a man who did much compromising with the man he had licked. We believe in being sympathetic, but somehow or other we And It hard to be sorry for the man who deserves all he gets. i If the world is really going to be made fit for decent people to live In something will have to be done with i the man who Insists on using the j street car floor for a cuspidor. 139 South Eleventh Now and then we slam down the desk and leave a lot of work that we ought to do undone. Just for the pure cussed delight of showing those tasks we don't have to do them If we don't want to. Better ask twice than lose your way once. 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