The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 02, 1918, Image 1

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    The Daily nebraskan
VOL. XV11I. NO. 4S
rxivr.KsiTV vv XK! Imsta, l.lNVOl.N, voviy ' m mii t j 101s
ruin: nvi: cknts
lllilll Uli1
DE11 Ull:0i!i
guskcrs and Hoosicrs Finish giving Encounter With
est a Single Score
Game Laige'y a Punting: Dud
Between Dobson and
For -char.r.
ifiihi :
The N-
10 -v-:-,!;
noon. :
m full minutes f inur
. mils anl frequently bin k
; no and cirdng the on.!-.
Notre Dame Hoosicrs nor
:,ka I'omhuskors wore able
r through the rood for a
, ,. h.iown Thanksgiving at'tcr-
! noon. : :": the fourih annual dispute
: between tl:- two sehools re-u!tfd in a
i Ntr-' 'm-
I The -id iron very nearly resembled
j the p r: i in which Nebraska pave ;ho
Jayhakers such a severe ducking
thotu t o wvoks ago. and the Husk
ers' renowned punter. Paul Dobson.
I and t! . far-famed Notre Pa:ne speed
demon in the back field could not
; rtiow heir ability to any givat ad-
A !:cht snow had fallen during the'
f tight and the crowd, which was not up j
j to the Thanksgiving standard, was j
disappointed in the rather monoto-
i nous, uninteresting exhibition of foot
1 ball.
" Htvskers on Defensive
j Statistics would give the Hoosicrs
the decision on poims; but the Corn- j
j busk-rs played an entirely defensive!
j jarne. punting out of danger rather j
!han attempting to navigate if mu..
by smashing the line or to execute a i
!han attempting to navigate the muo i
iss with the slippery oval.
As the defensive tactics called for
tit king almost entirely. Dobson's
'tork at booting the ball shown out
I most conspicuously for the Huskers.
i He sent tire oval on long flights on
, most wuvuuB ,
He sent th oval on long flights on
? about fifteen oc,-a5ions and demon-1 in the employ ot ti.e goennn . tlon aJid he offered n s setyce, ,o ; , - ha8 t)een su-. fiiver, out they will face the unpleas
rated his supremacy over left half- j Washington in the.chemioal warfare government to Vah ntton pe'vting the programs begun last : am ri0f.0ssity of buying clothes which
I tack Gipp in the kicking end of the ! division f)f lho war department since j able to give. He wwu 10 . . ! al0R ,nf, in(.s of construction ; ,hov should have received while in
i . j t-..t aa n ih. 1 - -- . 1 as a "dollar a year man, re en jm . ; .
Hartlev and Pobson did all the
ball lugging
for Nebraska which j
; amounted to only twenty yards
v i.vl nr. tr, i;s '
1 lie v orniiuMvt i in.- -I
I mutation as a rocky reef to any at-;
I tempt to ride it and most of Notre
i rt,i.;. cains were by way oi in
wna. route ana arouuu me ... ,
route and around the end
fad CO of the Hoosie.V 177 yards;
were aequiivd by passes from Gipp to ;
Kirv and Barry.
C:;.r -as the big gun o, ,he oppo-.
aition. He carried the ball C' yards :
on i t een missions, and did all the
and forward passing for the
Catho. Lambeau. Barry and Kirk
drew n share of the honors, although
none ,t th.m gained as much as
Notre Dame Outplays
Tl.. lirn Quarter was Notre Dame's
. .. . ,
! Nebr,,KH's twelve yard line and there,
i f. .,...!!,. W.ii rr el JOCK t)V
j penal-i- s and an intercepted pass tv
i l&nvi. Muezed Halfback Barry Kane
i ihrouth the Nebraska defense for a Ifubka ' i
touchi:. v.n. but the ball was cal'ed . W. Munn
; lk ami the Hoosicrs penalized for:M. NTunn
' holdint' The quarter ended before liana
'hey c,i;!(i get under way again. Lytnan
TIk fe.-ond quarter saw the ball in Pwaiison
; 'otre riame's territoiy almost entire- Hogarth
ly- Hobson-s punting kept the enemy Dobson
Wt of night of the Husker goal snd . Lantz
? ar the end of the half the home boys ' Hartley . -:
tarrt.a "he battle as far as the Hoos- Subs:;tu.!!.
krs' s-vi-n yard line. From here Gipp r:"'a; y pre.!.
Wntf-d IT. vards to Iantz. who re
turned w, vards to the ten yard line,
ls- from Dobson to Swanson over
prl !-ne failed Just as the whistle
lln.... .v.. . . : . .. ... . Z.I Tl
tuiBke-w ,n,i ,a Tiic-sVin in
-M.:itt. .Tit Illirn CJI1UII I. l. "
ir p., ,-ssion longer than to punt
nr'Kl - b,,. k and they kept it far Into an. -Hfsl.r
itd most of the time. Once : tim- keepe:-.
' y ' ;
;!", A ."4
H :,.: -:
f s- . j ' - ?i
,,v - . . .. - - . t t
U '.:. : V - y
I ' i
' ' . ' ' I i!
jK-' n :v - - -
l: v .
f ,r-- A f x -.f - -
,i V- i
I' If Si . , . v. .vi
. ! j
Major Avery Resumes Duties as Chancellor of University
Head of University Returns to
Nebraska After a Year's
Tii. f Ponn
Will Direct the Policies of Recon
struction After Disbanding
of S. A. T. C.
MaJor SanlUel Avery, who has r.een
. .
the atter pan oi rvmiMo,
.. i
' turned to Lincoln and will resume n.s ;
duties this as n.u.u, -
1 Wr.r- fif
the university. .e was
(is.bargod from the army and is re-:
;he two teams u '";''" " ;
conscutive p as. x ne ; -
wo MH.essful passes wh h c
them .en and twelve yawls aspect
Nothing a. al , pecta la ook
place in the final ... f
maining near th- mnld.e of .Ik held
' most ol the lime,
Dana Severe.y Injured
night Guard Dana liad his right arm
broken at the wrist in the first play
of the game. Both bone,
.,.....,1 unA be was res. mg at thf im
coin sanitarium Saturday .
I nc un.suw
. Nebraska
. . .i.
Notre Darn
. . . St'IH
. . Larson
. .. Smi'h
. Crowley
. . rt .
. .re.
. K.
. ..nahan ( )
... Lambeau
Nebraska-Koss ri
for Hoss; Key
Not P- DameLock
Barry fcr Lockard;
- , noms i. -
.ai" rni-rns for Lam
; Mohardt Mr L.,ny .
beau. minutes.
Tim.-;f P.-0.1- -1 . ,h
Dr. A'brson
; Missouri imner- .
C r..;!f)s;inesman
Nebraska's "War Chancellor"
instated in his former office, which j ly voluntary. Later on he was corn
Dean W G. Hastings of the college of I missioned a major, and has been serv
law has been filling during his ab-it g in that capacity in the chemical
: derailment up till the present time.
Rt..m. From Year's Absence
IS eX urn 5 rivril iv-a. a ,
ai me "
I semester oi ian jeai, t
j was granted a leave of absence by the ,
' university board of regents to enter ;
i . v--. r if ai lrtnr'Ti of,
me service in iuc
t-hemift of national reputa-
er i a I.ernui oi n
tne .ai uc iaiuiBuv. -
h, war department. inancenoi
jn.r.TTvc,Tit I 'nance or
k Tht,
coiiunensalion for ais woik.
, voted that during
! . .. :
i n x n p in ins aunvin.-
main u '''' " . " re entire.
his dunes at Washington were
VlfA ftHflJ WlUftOli
Although the S. A. T. will he de
mobilized, the war aims course wiP
t,e continued, for those v. ho wish to
.:;l.e it. Next semes. r the cour:- will
1. o;.en to the girls also, and reguiar
nivcr.-ity credit wM be ven .o;h
If the order for d-mobiliza.
not come, the povcri.nienls of the va
rious European coun;rk-s would have
boon sUKti.d next. As it is. the peace
e;-ms will m lal.iy 1" rtisi-i;ssid for
. .e I1..M f W V.V,. SO tVe the b.i,:
-.1,-. ..--i (:-o: cut ()f the corrs, mti
,:i'v. the ben.-fit of this discu
l..,:..r the course will ; robaiiiy I'
:,..-l f-ii !i s o; ti'1 I
att'l the
Iiile il'.e
' . oTilirnl i-ls el the vh
-;'! be eon.-i
d tlr-Jl.
,;.! s have b
- As yet no
d for : he rco1'
'aniat ton l'i
, Thf
s..wrti-Tors w ho
i-e have not been !
ci,!. -d upon.
Idle ta'.k
tot gue.
is the won
a I''.:
, When a 1-e lecs i-s ten p-r
. out for a stitigit.? r'tfrt.
if ,he war has done t-o him; e.s- t
,o.-n:s to l.kve knocked hm-wo,
in:o a c-'cked hit.
Since the armistice nas oeen signc
has obtained his discharge m order
i to return to the university.
-jt,, rPtlirn to tlve university.
Back to Law College
Dean Y. G. Hastings, who has been
,.,: ,..0r,,..-11or since
i . . . - mi ;
i Avery's de,rture tasi yeai, wm
. , . . wftrk fts hpad olthe 0Onege
a:!( m n -aru to im- r,..u. ...
, . .;n corps, i nam , - - "
: ,ii.i,r,n,inc the S. A. 1 . ana oe
ginning .1,- reconstruction work.
Th - norma!
physical education giiis
heid their first meet ng of the year in
.he Armorv Vedtesday noon. Eieht
-a- g:rN huve joiicd the department
Thi y.t.r and were properly initiated.
; The new insM-ti.-tors were also made,
', v.ejeo?:ie.
! r.i!. Clapp announced tlia, the gym
nasium was scon io be cleared ami
.. . . ... . ....., i tie news with
ine g i if i ' ' .
; ,.i,, ,. -s Tin- influenza vacation
iiM.o-ihl,. for lh:s Ian.
i: , ,re til "
' . , 4 ,!,i: season
ibow and ititer-
iTitr-r soror ' . raii'tiow
,r wit tie held again
':;:'T;.;; ros1,-,:sof,1,
;,!.':! lh ' ' ' ,
vei . ) i" "
1 in. ?Oi:' CIOM- e-i.j-
pi-: :t ten.
Th. f.d'owing efT'c'-rs of the gab
. !,-. -i -i.l edu. alien d.'partmen, were
' C: , d for thf year: r.esident. Mar
,, ... .. -...e.i.r. -idem, l-'ae
i , . i . 1 1 i .... , - ,
; s..ret; : irea surer. Kuth
"lih. -.V'-llSell.
When h yourg man is paid for play
: I. mi's i; work.
No matter who is sultan of Tnrk
he n. ver -e.-ms to be ible i
or. "O the job
.id much
, . v, Cur final c:cwr,t
Should insist that;
"V,; k ",.,.,. Arrows. '
) : tS1
Univiisuy Scn;tc Urp;cs That Stu
dent Soldiers le Fully Equipped
Bcfvn-e De.ttcbilizaticn
Officials Believe it Impossible to
Issue Uniforms and Discharge
Men at Same Time
The univiTs'.U senate :;t tluir tno. t
inp be'.d Saiurilay moin'ig :":o 'e.l
uol.i'i.Mi.-r!U stii g tbat unit'i ni
be i.---in d to the m. n of the stiic'rtit
nrn 1 1 n i ii i n u corps at tlie I r.iirsi'
of Nebraska b. for. the unit is do
iuobi!. :. I'liivcrsiiy anthoritiex fee!
that ibi- nood r.aine of the university
will lr Jeopardised if the student so'
iirs are allowed to disband without
haxing first reeivd the unifoims to
which they are entitled as members of
the regular army.
Change to Se-nester Plan
At the same time numbers of the
senate voted in favor of re-establishing
the former scmoshr plan in p!a?e
of the term basis which was instated
the first of the year. The annual
Christmas vacation will be reduced to
; one week, starting December 21 and
i closing December 2S. The remainder
of the schedule will be followed cut
in its original form with the wwk for
! final examinations immediately pre
ceding the opening of the second
: semester which will be February 3.
i The senate also decided that R. A. T.
men who leave school upon the
demobilization of the unit will be
given proportionate credit for all work
which they were carrying satisfactor
ily at the time of their withdrawal
from school.
Appeal to War Department
In view of the unsatisfactory con-i-ficroWtine-
uniforms which
4iuiMU i-,.w"."o
T.w.vanf. flt the local unit, offi-
cials are especially urgent in request
ing the war department to stand be
hind their agreement in this matter.
S. A. T. C. men have been forced to
wear their civilian clothes while mem-
. , .v. .VnnU iho mriis
ikts oi me ,ma
ho disbanded before uniforms are
1 ..... tl:.u : imnAM;hl
ura". ' " 7" " " fin,
ant of the university troops, whn in
terviewed Saturday evening, said that
it would be an impossibility to distrib
ute the uniforms before the men were
mustered out. especially in vi w of the
la it
e of work incident to the
rii-)iarL-e work. "I realize, said i.api.
Drake, "that ih- men have waited pa
tiently for their ecru1 proem, but the
gov. n.ment would be put to a great
expense at this time by their issu
ance." The captain admitted that the
four cars of equipment had been sent
lack to the (juanermasier's depot m
Omaha, after their arrival. Thanks
giving day.
Situation Presents Problem
The situation presents a complex
this time. Tresent orders
(iirect ine -.inie. ...... -
no, la,er than December 21. The
work of discharging the men and
ing uniforms at the same time can-
not be completed then, army officials
declare, and even should uniforms be
..; , ,., the short nc riod of time
f, ... -
during which ,hey ma be worn would
not justify the expense of their issu
ance. The opinion of the R. A. T. C
mn is divided. Some think th-y
ttH v should be give n uniforms, others
are' too well pleased with prospects of
,l.jr early discharge to worry about,
the matter.
The Resolution
The resolution adopted by the sen
ate foilows :
vo.rrcr.s. literature distributed bv
the United i--atcs F""""""
... ...... CTlfl lit
U,c sanction of the prioi
to the establishment of a unit of See-
tion "A" of the S. A. T. C. ,n ttte .
verity of Nebraska Pre .nised that
.Continued on rape