The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 28, 1918, Image 8
THE DAILY NEBRASKA N NEBRASKA STANDS HIGH IN WAR WORK University Maintains Former 100 Per Cent Record in All Forms of War Activities Students, Faculty and Orguniza. tions Have Placed Loyalty and Patriotism First Nebrusku I'niviTHlty Iwih kept up her former hundred jut cont record in war work thU full. Kurly In the Bummer the univoiBlty wus turned over to Ihv Kovcrnnient for the con venience tf the Btudents1 army und navy, In which two thoummd men en rolled for service. When the perplex liiK problem of housing no many men on Kuch abort notice confronted the authorities the new Social Science building and the Armory were placed at once at the disposal of the govern ment. The Social Science building was almost ready for occupancy by department of the university and when It was converted Into barracks for the men it necessitated using the old (iiiarters for another year. Giving up the Armory represented no little sacrifice on the part of the students, for it was there that many of the activities of the school as well as many classes, especially in the phy sical education department, were held. Football rallies, convocatoins, all-uTii-versity parties, basketball practices, and gymnasium classes, all had to find other quarters. Nebraska Men in Service The biggest contribution Nebraska has made to the war, is the men she sent to the different branches of active service. There are two thousand stars Save Money on Your Clothes and Shoes at Cerfs Famous Dutch Mill Cafe in Connection Chris Rocke PROPRIETOR Rooms with Bath Rooms with Hot and Cold Water Elevator Service Phone in Every Room WINDSOR HOTEL EUROPEAN 230-234 North Eleventh Street August Hagenow, Manager Moderate Rates A Good Place for Particular Peo ple to Eat at Popular Prices On the O. L. A D. Road In the the university service Hag. Twenty-seven of these are gold; nine aro silver. Out or the two thousand men In the students' uriny and navy training corps a hundred had lert for officers training camps before the furthvr ship- ( of men to such camps "H- continued. W W. W. Quota Oversubscribed ,' ,h0 rm.,.nt United War Work drive the university oversubscribed Its (,, of $15,000 by several thousand dollars. The drive was launched on ,!, campus by a monster roily and , , which the entire student, fu.ultv and military body participated. Classes were dismissed for tho rally on Friday morning. November 8, from ten until one o'clock. Kegent K. V. Hrown presided over the meeting. Dr. II. II. Harmon, who was recently back from the front in the service of the Y. M. V.. A., told of the work of that organization In behalf of tho soldiers of the allied armies, Captain Maclvor and 1'rofessor A. A. Heed gave short talks to the students. jSetteff Rfflagee's Removal Sale Started Saturday Morning Now Yw Gaua Buy Dollars do more duty at MAGEE'S right NOW than they'll do for quite a while. Not ONLY in what they BUY, but in HOW MUCH. REMOVAL DISCOUNTS on high grade Clothing that was already being sold at prices less than they could be bought for on today's market. We're Moving to OUR NEW MAGEE BUILDING December 9 CopyrtrM 1918 Th Boom of so we must clear our stock of all merchandise. Anticipating many months ago the stringent woolen conditions we bought a wonderful stock of wearables for men and boys and now we're offering them to you at these remarkable prices. REMEMBER! The Original Price Ticket is on Every Bit of Merchandise Suits and Overcoats OUR COMPLETE STOCK Exbepting Military Ooods 75 OFF Save Money on BOYS' CLOTHES Suits, Overcoats, Mackinaws Caps, Stockings, Waists, Shirts, Underwear, Etc. 25 Off 25 Off Save on Furnishings We're closing out all Lewis underwear a line we ve handled for 10 years and putting in Superior instead. Discount of Every Garment . . Emery & Arrow Shirts Faultless Nightwear Nota seam Hose Darker Collars other furnishings items all at Discount of 20 20 "The Kuppenheimer House in Lincoln" Shoes Investigate the shoe values we're giving in our big depart ment. Special values for Men, Women and Children. Remember shoe prices are higher for spring, so the savings are greater than the reductions show. Come and See MAQEE'S Shoes for Men, Women and Children :iats Caps Our complete stock of headgear (Stet son & Gordon's ex cepted) at 2w