The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 28, 1918, Image 1
Best C A'a'iU Lie 0 7 DAILY NEBRASKAN VOI, XVIII. NO. 47 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2S, 1918 TRICE FIVE CENTS THE S A. T. C. UNIT Will BE DEMOBILIZED NEXT WEEK TelegTam From War Department Directs Breaking Up of Corps Beginning December 1 Mustering Out of Student Soldiers Will Start at Once to Be Completed Dec. 21 1. iih l iliaUon and discharge or the v; a. T. C. is 10 begin Tuesday morning according to a telegram received at inilitaO headquarters yesterday . Sec tion H ill receive discharges com ii. m'u Thursday. December 2. and Section A. commencing Friday. IH-cem'-er 4 Lieutenant F. J. ONeil. adjutant, l,ft esttiday for district headquar ters. Chicago, where he will receive instruction relative to the work of formally disbanding the students' army training corps. Lieutenant ONeil ill return Tuesday morning and commence the task of demobiliz ing the Nebraska S. A. T. C. unit. An army medical officer will arrive Tues day morning to conduct final examina tions of all members of the corps. These examinations will be made for the purpose of retaining an individual record of each man. Freference in the order of discharge will be phtn to men desiring to leave college and these will in all probabil ity revive discharge? a we.-, j ent term. January 4. MX nunarea ana Discipline w ill be malntaiue-! wj He ten men stated on their ballots that the work is in progress, and the reg-jtney -would not rem&in In "school the alar routine of military and scholastic remainder of the term should they work will be continued energetically I receive discharges at the end of tut while the. students remain in the present term, while five hundred and corps. j forty-seven made known their inten- Telegram Received Wednesday ' tion of remaining to finish their year's The complete telegram concerning J work, regardless of the status of S. plans for the demobilization of the j A. T. C. students' army training corps follows: j Plans are being formulated for the Washington, D. C. Nov. 26. 1918. reorganization of the military depart Commacding Officer, S. A. T. C, Lin- ment of the university immediately coin. Nebraska: Sections A and B. ! after the completion of demobilization. S. A. T. C. are hereby orde. c J demob-' Reorganization to Take Place iliied and the men discharged ac- Nebraska University is soon to drop cording to the following proceedure: back to its pre war basis. Much con Personal officer now at Camp Sher- j fusion is certain to result when the man will return to district headquar- present military unit is disrupted ters. Chicago. November '29. where he j there being 1.900 men w ho will be i!l conduct a school in routine d is-j affected by the order of demobiliza harje work, at which school you will I tion. l.a ve a representative. Demobilization j Joy reigned supreme in the barracks t:. l discharge of Section B will begin yesterday at the early prospect of I x-cc ruber 2, and Section A.- December j "Home. Sweet Home" before Christ 4. Medical examinations will be made : mas. Many members stated that the l y T:,edical officer assigned by the sur-; present Thanksgiving would be appre geon general who will report no later ! ciated the more because of the pros Iecember 2. Preference in or- j peet of an early discharge from army r.i-r Cf discharge will be given men j discipline and hardships. Coach W. G. Kline, the Builder of Nebraska's War-Time Eleven To TV'. j. Kline, head coach at the ! Kline. Paul Schissler has proved his I'i;iversiiy of Nebraska, has been en-j worth in many ways. Schissler trusted the huge task of w hipping achieved a high standing in football Nebraska's war-time eleven into shape, j fa'h Kline took the reins at a criti-j '-l ;-fcriod in Cornhusker football his 'ory and be has toiled through a sea son when conditions have been un settled as never before. He replaces temporarily Dr. E. J. Stewart, who en tered army service last summer as H3ical director. Assisting him in the development of a gridiron machine s AMiMant Coach Paul Schissler, who las been a prominent figure in build inK up this year's team. Coach Kline came to Nebraska from Werlejan University where for a cumber of years he had been eminent- j l.v tuecesfrful in turning out football. 'afkttball, and track teams of repute He Las repeated here his successes of lomr years with the Methodist! Khool As chief of the Cornhusker! 'amp he has produced a formidable! THration f r " bunch of raw re-' "Tit, a team composed almos en-' ,;r' !y of first year men. j A'ting in the capacitv it first assist-' ' d riKht.and man to Coa(h ! desiring to leave college. Invite the co-operation of college authorities in order to accomplish discharge as quickly as possible. Discipline and routine must he maintained and sol diers impressed with the value .,f re ceiving an excellent record on dis charge. Department commanders have been Instructed to proceed, beginning December 10. with the discharge of officers, except those expressing wish to remain permanently in the service am! recommended by commanding offi cers. ' Officials Surprised 1'niversity officials were greatly sur prised when the telegram was receiv ed because of its suddenness. The fact that the members of the unit voted to abandon the present system ! at the end of the term. January 4. is I thought to have bad considerable I weight in determining the action of the war department. At the request of the committee on special training. Washington. D. C, a special referendum vote was taken among the students Monday evening, the result being forwarded to head quarters accompanied by a recom mendation from Nebraska University officials that all who desired to re main in the unit might be permitted to do so. In Favor of Disbanding By a vote of 740 to 411. members of the students' army training corps vot ed in favor of leaving the present university unit at the end of the pres- COACH W. G. KLINE circles before coming to the univer sity which has been enhanced by his eff.cient wor here. As tutor coacn. and scout he has been invaluable. i ' i ROSCOEB. RHODES KILLED IN ACTION Former Husker Football Captain Loses Life in Battle on October 25 ' Uoscoe 11. Rhodes, captain-elect of the 1918 Cornhuskers, was killed in action In France, October 25. according to a telegram to Lincoln friends from Rhodes' mother at Ansley, Nebr.. yes- I terday. Word that the famous end had been killed was" received first through a letter from one of his com rades overseas, but no official notice nad been served until yesterday. A letter dated October 12, was re ROSCOE B. RHODES ceived about two weeks ago by a friend in the university. "Dusty" stated that he expected to be relieved soon andbe this cuntry by Christmas. He saiJ that Cl wouia be out for spring practice in shape than ever before. Rhodes was captain-elect 191S squad when he was calle in the draft last April. He ws, ed last year as all-Missouri val by several gridiron critics. 1 one of the most consistent , that ever held a position on the team. Rhodes went to Camp Funsto first day of May. this year, whe was annointed a sergeant. He placed in a division that was all ? to leave for overseas and wat France within a month after he drafted. Roscoe B. Rhodes was one of best known and best liked men in university. He was a member of t Sigma Nu fraternity and also a men ber of the Kosmet Klub. He was very active in dramatic circles as well as being a leader in all branches of athletics. Rhodes won his "X" two seasons in football. INFLUENZA MENACE ' BOBS IIP ONCE MORE The dreaded curse of the Spanish influenza is again threatening stu dents of the university. Many new cases have developed during the last few days and the situation, although not alarming, must be regarded seri ously. Dr. Ewing has reported that three women were sent home from the uni versity Monday and Tuesday, and th.if there has been a slow increase in the cases at the barracks. A few simple precautions are recomnunded by toe Doctor, which, if taken now, will save many days of sickness later on. Frequent gargling is urged, and all students are warned to avoid Dutiic gatherings as much as possible ami to avoid the breath of otheii As a further precaution, students 1 are advised to remain in the open sir during all hours when they are not j of necessity confined indoors. I 1 I t . --JL , - rVtl NEBRASKA VS. IN ANNUAL Huskers Are Primed to Give Vis - itors Mighty Battle Today Neither Team Confident of Vici tory, But Odds Favor Home Players The Nebraska Cornhuskers and tin Notre Dame lloosiers, daubed in thei war paint and feathers, grapple in tin biggest game of the season this after noon en the Nebraska gridiron Coaches Kline and Schissler have beei putting the finishing tout lies on th Huskers and are preparing then1 against the much lauded speed of the invaders. The lloosiers are not expecting any walk-away, nor are they even predict ing a victory. According to reports, they are depending on their speed to off-set the beef of the Nebraska eleven. The condition of the field, they 6ay, has much to do with their chances. If it is dry, they have a good chance but if it is slippery, their speed 'will not help them much. They are try ing not to let their 26 to 6 victory over Purdue make them over-confident for they fear Nebraska may spring a sur prise. Back Field Strengthened The two defeats at the hands of Iowa and Camp Dodge have not given Cornhusker supporter' ..ueh room for the usual careless confidence in their eleven. The return of Dobson to the back field, which has been tearing things up in spite of the lack of ex perience, has pushed Nebraska stock up several notches. The "ability of the back field men batter their way through the line against the Balloon- nd the Dodgers. action, there short of 1918-19 j Hie past few months have proved I that the University of Nebraska was ! extremely fortunate in securing Prof. PROF. R. D. SCOTT j -""" batter their way through the line ""Vaiorstrated against the Balloon- matter what J - and the Dodgers, weather, "fcL action, there crawling! J short or sas provtv r ""Nv in8 to do l -VMUu. II I ' s V - K tL " .art "H P a v ) f . ' NOTRE DAME GRIDIRON FRAY 1 lies by a margin of but one point the first time, taking their measure 20 to 19 The mighty Chamberlain was the star of that game. Failure of the lloosiers to kick goal In the last roin- 'ha: iiiiiiii til i ii i irtu i 1 ai 1 1 n; i) JiVa-Lu lfi'ca i'iir nothing to lose. Should the home boys pull the long end of the score, they w ill have three victories to their credit and only one defeat, which would give them a decided advantage over the eastern rivals. If the lloosiers emerge the victors, the two schools will be merely on equal footings with two vic tories each. Strong Rivalry Growing The annual clash between the two schools promises to become one of the hottest ever staged. Nebraska had h hard time gaining recognition beyond the Mississippi river and did not suc ceed in interesting the Catholics until 1915. The Nebraska-Notre Dame combat has been the big number on the Hus ker slate ever since they began get ting together. Two years ago, 1916. the Notre Dame game was set for the climax of the season on Turkey day. ?s it is this year. Nothing to Block Game Director Scott ha ance that the jJ matter wl weather. craw ling sas provt ing to do rector of Athletic Program j R. D. Scott to fill the vacancy left by 1 Dr. E. J. Stewart, director of athletics. for the past two years. The new mem ber of the athletic department holds the title of president of the univer sity athletic board, and director of the athletic department of the university. Before coming to the university, Scott was connected w ith the coaching work at Lincoln high school during the years of 1907-8-9. at the time when Max Towle, Clint Ross, and Leslie Mann were on the team. While at Lincoln high, ScoU was the head of the elementary science department, and divided his time between teach ing and bis football hobby. Last year Prof. Scott aided Dr. Stew art in some of the work of the depart ment, and largely because of the in sight he gained while helping Stew art, he was appointed on the athletic board. Scott states that his principal work at the university is in the ca pacity of instructor of English litera ture, and his position on the ath letic board is only during the absence of Dr. Stewart. He has always taken a great interest in athletics, and re gards it as his chief hobby. ! PTVilVl , II II II