THE nAILY NEBRASKA N HAND GRENADES 'LET YOUR CONSCIENCE BC YOUR GUIDE" Yesterday you were stunned to hear that today you would be forced to en dure a aulzz In history. As you had been too busy for the last few weeks. to worry about such trifles as history, you decided that It was absolutely Imperative that you call off your date for the movies, and spend the even ing In the pursuit of knewledge VSchool of many cares Is made" quoted from an epic by Gayle Vincent Grubb see Dally Nebraskan for No vember 11, 1918. In accordance with the foregoing decision, you retired to your room Im mediately after dinner and commenced the perusal of "many a quaint" and curious volume of forgotten lore." You had scarcely finished reading the first page, when two of the girls came In. and after conversing with you for nearly ten minutes, Imparted the real object of their visit, namely, to bor row your hat and new fur neck-piece. Again you studied. Why, WHY. did the girl In the next room play the ukulele so steadily? You darted in her abode to see the cause of the ce lestial strains. There you found the whole gang making inroads on a great chocolate cake! Did you linger! Well, you are but human nearly an hour wasted. Again you studied. Nearly five mhv utes passed before your next inter ruption. One of the girls cama in tD borrow your Lit. the Lit. book, ccr tainly not your paper ! ! ! While she was still shuffling around in your note book, you were called to the tel ephone. Of course you had to stop in Claribel's room on your return from the telephone booth, but you stayed only long enough to tell her that you had Just" been talking to Archie, and that you were going to the Junior prom with him. Again you studied, but not tor long Your room-mate came home, and for fifteen minutes you had to listen to her raptures about the lieutenant with whom she had been dating the fact that all your friends are privates did not add to your enjoyment of the conversation. B-1392 B-370S LOEB'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS ORCHESTRA FROM FIVE TO TWENTY-FIVE PIECES Jazt Band or Boiler Shop Effects on Request Only GARMENT CLEANING SERVICE LINCOLN CLEANING AND DYE WORKS 326 South 11th Leo Soukup, Mgr., B 6575 C. H. FREY Florist 1133 O St. Phone B 6741-6742 LUNCH EONETTS SERVED I L L E R S RESCRIPTION H A R M A C Y BEST PLACE TO EAT ORPHEUM CAFE 1418 O Special Attention to University Student N. S. CAFE 139 South Eleventh On 11th at P Street SARATOGA RECREATION Again you studied. Why were you so sleepy! 'ou simply could not get anything out of those boring books.. You remembered having once heard that lessons could be learned by sleep ing with the books under your pillow. You looked at the books 'there were five, large ones which you did not be lieve would be very comfortable be neath your pillow. However, It was your belief that you should not let pleasure Interfere with your leBson bo you decided to let your subconscious mind do the Vork. NOTHIN P'TICKLER By Jeff Machamer Notice to exchange editors: Please don't borrow from this col umn,' we can't stand that sort of flattery. It has been scientifically establish ed, that a-cork, when held against the bottom of a tub filled with water, will come to the surface immediately after being released. A simple way to keep the cork under water, wou'd be to fasten a brick thereft. (The latter discovery was made last evening, by Mortimer Spoofus, of the college of science.) Just because the sun seems to touch the earth when it sets, dont' think it hits anybody. From a "dummy" news story, writ ten by a member of the class in Journ nalism: " the wheel was blown from the freight car and it went through the wall. of the Lincoln hotel. The wall didn't terminate its flight and the wheel continued through more walls until it dropped through a ceiling and lit on one of the eggs and demolished it. A piece of the shell landed in a cup of coffee and the drinker strangled to death." Speaking of calls; when you're down by the river, drop in! OFFICIAL S. A. T. C. NOTICES (Continued from page 1) charge of these groups, that they will be held responsible for the conduct of the groups while marching to and from study halls and during the time of study period. Upon any further complaint of this nature, officers will be detailed to su pervise the discipline of the men dur ing study periods. By direction of Captain Drake. FRANK J. O'NEIL. 2nd Lt. Inf. U. S. A. Adjutant. Must Fill Out Questionnaire November 20. 1918. Memorandum to Company comman ders: You are directed to again call to the attention of the men the fact that several have not yet lllled out and re turned their questionnaires to their local boards. Instruct them that the previous memorandum to this effect is a mili tary order and must be complied w'ith. Any failure upon the part of those men who have not already filled out and returned "heir questionnaires to their local boards, will resul In dis ciplinary measures. llv direction of Cuptaln Drake. FANK J. O'NKIL, 2nd Lt. Ing. V. S. A. Adjutant. TWINS CLUB SUPPORTS FRENCHRPHANWINS The University Twins club will meet at the home of Esther and Ruth Jones, 1701 L street, Saturday evening. No vember 23. All university Twtns are urged to attend the meeting and hear the latest French letters and to com plete some plans regarding the French orphan twins. FIRST PLATOON WINS NEW HONORS IN ANCIENT GAME Members of Company "C" were given a slight diversion from the usual monotony of the drill period yester day morning. Between the periods of serious work, the boys were lined up on the athletic field In platoon fdrma. tion, where they raced through an up. to- date form of the old time gam,. 0f carrying the handkerchief, with the front and rear ranks on opposite hMo of the field, the white rag was carried from one aide,- to the other with vary. Ing degrees of speed. Tho first platoon carried away the honors of the day, with the third closely follow. Ing at their heels. Today Companies "C" and" "If wm meet In competition In the aam gamp. DR. NEWHALL COMING FOR S. A. T. C. WORK Captain Leslie Q. Drake, new com. raandant of the local S. A. T. C, an nounced last evening that he bad re ceived word from the surgeon gener al's office stating that Dr. New hall would arrive at the Nebraska Univer sity November 27, for the purposo of delivering a series of lectures on the subject of personal hygiene. These lectures will be given to all the nun In the S. A. T. C. and S. N. T. ('. ami attendance at same will be compulsory. At last comes the underlying rea son for the scarcity of cloth around and immediately below the waist line of a sailor's jeans. It follows: When the first pair of sailor's trous ers were made, the machinery employ ed thereon contained a flaw. There had been a rain the night before, and, due to a leak in the roof overhead, (roofs are generally "overhead") the machinery became wet. The Janitor insisted on keeping a hot fire (that variety of Janitor s now extinct) and the machine which fashioned the seat of the trousers, shrank! It was fas tened to the machine on which the cuffs are made. When the first named machine shrank it pulled away from the other one and the result was a severe stretching of the cuff ma chine. When the trousers were fin ally ready-to-wear, well you have observed the result. So many uses have been found for the "bell" J shaped effect that the flaw went un remedied. Two heliotroped slips of forty-five were conversing in sn undertone. First one: "Is my hair on straight?" Second one: "Yes! but your teeth droop a little on the left side." The above story is mostly "false,' don't believe it. Women Faculty Members cn Important State Committee CHAS. N. MOON Professor Minnie England, of the economics department and Professor J Sarka Hrbkova, head of the depart ment of Slavonic languages, were ap pointed members of a committee for the location and management of mo tor highways and transportation in Nebraska at' a meeting of the High ways and Transport axon commttee, a branch of the state council of defense, Tuesday afternoon: Professor Eng lang will have chaise of the publicity department and Professor Hrbkova has charge of the work among the women. Mr. George Johnson, state en gineer, Mr. E. C. Hammond and -Mr. W. E. Windship are the other mem bers of the committee. The location of several stations was made and plans were considered for J the management of a system of motor trucks for short hauls. The third axsistant postmaster gen eral say that be will use these roads entirely as post roads. TBI ML Lyon Healy "Washburn" Ukuleles, $15.00; Leonardo Nunet genuine Hawaiian make, $7.50; Matina Loa brand, $4. May be had of 12,000 leading music dealers. IVrite for name of the nearest dealer. THE languorous charm of the Hawaiian native instruments so moving: in appeal, so observably in vogue is strikingly characteristic of the Ukulele. Its tone possesses that curiously beautiful timbrethat exotic charm of tonal quality which has made these instruments so sensation ally popular. The Ukulele has a pleasing grace of form. The finer models are made of genuine Hawaiian Koa wood. It is much in request today among the smarter college and other musical organizations. ft is easy to learn. It price includes an Instruction Book. ' Hawaiian Steel Guitar Every chord struck upon this typically rep resentative Hawaiian instrument it marked by a weird, plaintive harmony and strangely beautiful qualities of tone. It brings, to any music, qualities full of vivid color and va-. ried charm. Price W.OO and npwaitU, lndndinr Steel and Set of TV. TUnble lor playing, and Interaction Book. Catalogs en application. TO mm 51-67. JACKSON BOULEVARD CHICAGO