Society j; j PERSONALS i The World's Greatest Entertainment A Romance of fit Great War. The Sweetett Love Story Ever Told An army of men to prcperyl pro duce the realistic stage effects A symphony crchestr of 23 pieces playt he most charm ing musical score ever written AUDITORIUM Today And All Week 2:15 Twice Daily 3:15 Prices, Mat 25c to i.OO Nights, 25c to $150 Seats on sale at Auditorium Box Office Lyric Theater- TONIGHT, 7 to 11 P. M. r.ta'-ir.ees, Wed. and Ssi , 2:15 OTIS OLIVER And His PLAYERS in "IS MARRIAGE A FAILURE" Shews Continuous Comedy Ne Features Beween Acts No Waits Ccme Any Time New Prices 15c 25c Any Seat MONDAY THURSDAY ANNETTE KELLER MAN :n QUEEN of the SEA Shows at 1, 3, 5 7, and 9 PRICES 5c 10c and 15c Mrs. G. L. Dunn and Miss Ethel Dunn of Tekamah are visiting Esther Dunn, '22, at the Alpha Thl house for several days. Taul McClelland, ex'22, is now In the aviation at San Antonio. Texas. Helen Gold, '21, has been 111 at hrr home for the past week. Oswln Keifer. "15, of Superior has Just received his first lieutenancy in France. : Claire Story, '21, who has horn ill at her home In Humboldt with the in fluenza, has returned to school. Mabel Clayton ,'17. who is teaching in Alliance this year, has been in Lin coln for several weeks on account of the schools being closed because of the influenza. She has Just returned to her work. Her sister. May Clayton, '17, is teaching physics at the state farm. Thilip Lawrence, who took his M. A. degree at Nebraska, capie through Lin coln yesterday on his way to Camp Fremont. The Alpha Xi Deltas will entertain thirty-four soldiers at a dance Satur day evening at eight o'clock. ALUMNI Rose G. Anderson, '17, is in the psy chological clir.ic in the public schools in Cleveland. She is working under Dr. Bertha Luckey, daughter of Dr. G. W. A. Luckey of Lincoln. The fol lowing is an extract from a letter re ceived by Miss Chaiken at the alumni office: "I am in the psychological clinic here in the public schools. I am an assistant under Dr. Bertha Luckey, '10, who is the head of the clinic My work is very interesting and I enjoy living in Cleveland.' DAILY DIARY RHYMES By Gayle Vincent Grubb ' -" , rniUAY at SATURDAY Orpheum Circuit Vaudeville 2:15 Twice Daily 3:15 Flanagan & Edwarcb in 'Off and On' FLORRIE MILLERSH1P & CHAS. O'CONNOR A Comp'y cf 8 EL BRENDEL & FLO BERT "WAITING FOR HER" . Newt Weekly Orpheum Orchestra Matinees 25c, 60c Night. 25c.50c 75c SORORITY PLEDGING NEXT SATURDAY Sorority ridging will be held. Sat- y ffiorning between eleven and elT o'clock, in accordance with jje custom of former years to hare eond pledge day Just before """rtsgiving. Saturday, Npv. 23. has set to correspond to the old mid itr Mkt j . . v . "vs: uy. tTOspecia arc "rtt for the Greeks and a number gir'.i Hnk lhemse,Tet vui, thit week. "CO-OPERATION" In a little town in a western state, Two men were having their fling at fate; ' tW They were wall-paper hangers and rivals, too. But their business was scarce ,and customers few. The competition between these men Was as good as a battle 'twixt hen and hen. Yet neither cou'd profit cr lay up a cent. With their board to pay and likewise rent. But, each in the .nare of the other's net. Struggled bravely on in the clutches of dept; 'Ti'l they saw that unless a com pact was seale.l They would lie face up in the potter's field. - So thy met ore night at the village Inn. rtnd figured the business that might have been; And each gnashed his teeth as he sip ped his ale. Cursing his luck till his face grew pale. The Innkeeper, wise to the foolish ginks, Gave a nudge to his wife and a few sly winks. As he took a seat by the raving clowns And stated his purpose with gestures and frowns: You're a couple of hams with empty domes. Couldnl gather your brains with fine toothed combs; To gleam in the 6heckles, but one plan will pay. That's this Hang Together-now be on your way." Men's Full Dress Suits On Sale at 1-3 OFF ANTICIPATE Society' Brand Included Regulation Military Uniforms and O' Coats for Officers and Men now at A point to remember is that this store was ahead in supplying soldiers at the beginning of the war, and are as usual first to offer special induce ments to purchasers. Regardless of the fact that peace is in sight and all but signed, you'll want a nifty looking uniform to wear on special occasions. Here's Your Chance to Save 25 Per Cent ELI SHIRE, Pres. ANTICIPATORY (New York Evening Post) From the Walla Walla Wildcat of November 15. 1929: WILL EXCHANGE. Fordp:ane, August. 1921 model, will fold rfiro suitcase, for aerousine. any moaei. No matter what you say "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" CHAPIN BROS., 127 S. 13th B2234 Big Show and Good Music TODAY The problems of a trusting wire. See: CONSTANCE TALMADGE In Her latest Select play "Sauce for the Goose" comedy. Topical, Travel and News Features CONCERT ORCHESTKA Jean L. Sehaefer. Conductor Show. Start at 1, 3, . , P- m Mata. All Seats, 15c; Night, 25c I . I). ' II ii n.. AnM-Vnise society has begun a crusade against airplanes with more than three propellers being al , & . .nnrnnrh within a mile of lumcru km k k - any habitation after 10 o'clock p. ra holidays excepted. rison celebrated his a UJ ui one hundred and seventh birthday by .vsnfv.fmir uuura wiuiOui interruption except "foe a drink of water at noon upon an improved aeroplane which, when It crathes to Cut Out and Mail WAR CAMP COMMUNITY SERVICE ARMY AND NAVY CLUB, ELK BLDG. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA I pledge myself to entertain Soldiers for Thanksgiving Dinner, Thursday, November 28th. - Name Phone.. Address..... Church. the ground, breaks Into a mattress, a set of tools, and a simple, wireless apparatus. The number of air-tractors in Ok lahoma has doubled. The air-mail was late again jester uuy. GIu resident boasted, bow ever, that it could not touch the record established, when Burleson was postmaster-geaeral. One of them Insisted that he could rememt ber when a favorite way of cheating one's creditors was to send them a check ts special delivery. LOST Black overcoat, Norfolk styla, in-Law 105, Tuesday afternoon. Report to Co. C, orderly room, and re ceive reward.