The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1918, Image 1

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    The Daily Ne
Health of Student Soldiers Is
Steadily Improving Under
Army Care
The health of the S. A. T. C. men
the University of N-braska roa
lir.ucs Foo.l in spltv of the Influenza
,aVp which is now sweeping the
ate. The epidemic which a short
i,V spo surged over the campus
and evaded a heavy t-Ml appears now
to h e nin its course. Nearly all the
,,,on ho were recently taken i'l with
the cisease are now rabidly recover
fas and but few serious cases were
K-ported at ail. Company sick looks
vo f ir contain Lut a small percentage
of names.
Drill Goes On
Hard hit at first by the contagion
th? university, now almost entirely
an army camp, has sufficiently re
covered to permit the satisfactory re
sumption of its work Classes
of. course, are closed but '.he
I rojram of the S. A. T. C. i
detachment continues unhindered
The vacant periods formerly filled by
clas.-es offer excellent opportunities
fir teaching the "rookies" funda
mental rudiments of drill and for giv
ir.? them the open air exercise essen
tial to maintain their health. Sore
feet and tired muscles are not un
common, but this is merely the begin
ning of the training necessary to
harden the men for the hardships of
army life.
Work of Commerce Department
Crippled By Many Instruct
ors Leaving for Other Work
Professor G. O. Virtue of the School
cf Commerce, has obtained leave of
absence from the university to accept
a position with the federal shipping
hoard at Washington, D. C. He left
for the east Wednesday morning, and
will not return until the beginning
cf the university year nerc fall. The
work will be in the nature or research
ir.!o the port charges for commercial
czi passenger ships.
The loss of Professor Virtue to the
university will be keenly felt by the
department of economic. He is the
third member of the teaihing faculty
of this department to go into govern
ment service for the period of the
ar. Professor Geo. A. Stevens left
L -
American .xpeaitionary forces in ,
i a nee.
Professor LeRossignoI. head of the
department of economics, states that
it is impossible to secure the services j
of competent instructors at this time,
because of the salaries paid by the
ncivtfrsity as comparison to those
that may be gotten in ether lines of
ork. For this reason the work of
'be school of commerce will be car
ried on for the present by a staff of
hut four professors, and some of the
courses heretofore given will be dis
continued until -after the war.
me university more tnaa a year ago. . haf K,upjd came up t0 vour hoa5e aBn j
and is now in the government servi ' ,,jfi(.0VPrd me eating u.e candy that
in Washington. Mr. Dana F. Cole en- gont jQ you ITe was about
tered the third officers' training camp, j a " harpv as a dry fish Xow Jisten. j
anl is now a isecond lieutenant lth!bright ;ves, while I down here j
Washington. Turkey has besought
- the president to take upon himself th
task of re-establishing peace; aceept
i Wilson's fourteen terms as a ba?is
for negotiations and requested an Im-r-iiate
general armistice. The note,
fo:i0 ing closely the line of the German
and Austrian peace notes, was deliver
f d by the Spanish ambassador.
Washington. The United States
vf-rnment "will conlinue to send to
'--rope 250.C00 men every month "
refill he no relaxation of any
Jnl" wa the statement of Secretary
Tumulty regarding the peace tituatioi.
William Greenfield of Omaha endel
a little S. A. T. C. fiin ra her serl
ously when he fell from a height ofe;i-. t..j e . - j t
! Sake Eoard Suspends Practice
aiKiui irii iiti io i hp pavement irotii
an Improvised tcet-cr-toter in front of
the Social Science hail barracks. No
hones were broken, however.
After mrss yesterday noon sevcra
of the men sat down upon one of the
"if,o beams w.-od in tho t'.ise!ublt: I
derrick and found thai i wouM rock !
Then the fun started an 1 soon tare
.re no less than tweitiy men evenly I!buied upon the end- ar.d Uncle ;
Sam's soldiers once for.Tot th m-1
elves and anain cnjovcl a sport of j
hlMhood days. j
Greer. fie'd's mishap, however, put a j
.top tv that activity for the time be
ng. He was immediately takt-n to 1
v.cdical headquarters where It was
:'ound he sufli-reJ mcs;ly from shock, i
First Sox He Ever Sun Across
With Fingers Knitted
In 'Em
Camp Zach.. Sept. Something. 1?1S.
Dear Mae I received the wonderful
ox and earmuff that you knitted, but
I'.du't get the sweater. Either it evap
rated or you knitted it with drop
ped stitches. The sox were beautiful,
rut I can't understand why you made
iiem both for the left foot. The
Irst time that I wore tLem I wis
a led by the second loot for not
tznding at attention properly. He
aid that my feet were at ease, but
f they "were at ease, I can tell you
hat they didn't feel that way. Furth
ermore, they are the Erst sox that
i ever saw which had fingers knitted
n 'em. Are they wearing 'em that
a-ay this season?
The earmuff was splendid, but why one? You know that both my
ars are in the army. It is a trifle
varm for earmuffs at present, but I
an use it for a barracks bag until
he cold weather sets in. However, all
he articles were magnificent, the only
hiag wrong with Via was the color.
The next time you knit me mittens
?r earmuffs don't pick out cerise or
icarlet. They don't do it that way in
;he artillery. Try to pick out some
Mher color, as I can't stand at Inspec
tion ith a pair of sox era sweater
hat looks like a sunset omehere in
jn Atlantic port.
Vr.ii tf-11 me't-hat yosr'o'd sweet
vieart, Orviile Slacker, was turned j
"own for hrokf n arches. If that bird j
has any broken arches ihey are under j
his hat. I'll never foigt-t the night i
thm; mealg a dar for my coun. .
trv, I want you to enjoy yourself.
I admit that I am a hero as the
wnrk is very strr-nuou. I have ueen
nnder terr,Me hardship,, having only
gained eleven pounds lat week But
somebody has to suffer for his coun
try, and if birds like Orvi'Ie refuse to :
do their share, then It Is up to fellows j
like me to enlist and try to smipin
along on thre square mea's a day.
We only had turkey twue this week j
and Ice cream on Sunday, but I don't j
complain, as I know thrt I am doing;
my share to hr-lp defeat the kaiser's ,
gray gorillas. j -
Go out with Orviile all you want to j f,
hut don't let him hoM your hand !
When I first shook hands wi:h that j
hird. it felt like ShaKng r.anas wua a
,orriTiir and let me tell you.
'f he' tries to sit on the sofa with you;ra,.y Vcurs nntfi th- Atlantic Ocean j
he is going to get kn.Kked deader i Bp
than two barrels cf salted mackerel, j ' ' RODGER, j
You can tU that to tho world, and. p s If vou can't knit me anything j
ar that I said so. : t,t" will fit me. get your mother to j
I II bet he will be giad whn the!nj me an apple pie.
var is over so that be cn take orT
his glasses.
I am going to say goodbye sow,:
For a Week and Husker Gxm
j Kline to Stay at Honte Piayens j
Set Up Training Table in
Ness Kal!
Nebraska's footta'.l
rived anvher d-r.t
tuaVifii re
its a'.raiy
tittered condition ye.-urdsy wher
word was roceivei th;t the S. A. T.
'. medical authorities at Notre Dane
iiad ordered all pruc?,:e sus
. end-d for the v.cek cn .tc'our.t of th
'.rlnenza epidemic at :h Indiana in
s'l'ution. This throws a shadow
."vcr the possible ie ol stasias the
crm'r.g battle with the lioosi?r next
Saturdav afternoon cn Nebraska f.e'.d.
! Governor Kieth Ntville. cf the
! "".husker commonwealth. ha given
( his assurance that if the epilemlc Ir.
J Nebraska is not as sei'ous as U is at
present, the ban on public gatherings
1 .vi'.l be lifted and the Cornhuskers
an grapn.e
with th? Catholics as
-chedulcd for November 2.
The Notre Dame coach is p'anning
on making the trip to I.lnco'n with
his warriors and has not given up
here fr a minute. He has run into
.he same mud hole of inactivity dur
ing the last few weeks that tho Corn
huski rs have. The TIrosiers were
hflled to play the Chicago naval re
sents last Saturday. Octoer 19. and
he sailors were ia Sou;h Bend ready
for the fray, when tho Indiana state
board of health urged that all foo
ball games for Saturday le called off.
They were also forced to give up
heir match set for tomorrow with the
Great Lakes Jackies because of the
state-wide quarantine at Indiana. This
yies them a clean slate for the last
ieveral weeks without even a scrim
image with an outside school. With
a who'e week of inactivity against
.hem, the Cornhuskers ought to stand
a far better show when tne two teams!
1. You cannot push anyone
up a ladder unss he is willing
to c'.irab a little "aimself.
2. Make the most out of
yourfelf. for that !. all there
i5 of you.
Whe you have done a
cood thing don't stop to talk
alv.ut it do another.
4. The rewarJ of a thing
weH done is to have done it.
5. Worry is a stcond mort
rape ith a high rate of inter
est. 6. The difference between
ere man and another is not
mere ability it is energy.
T. It is easier to do a thing
right than to expia'n why you
did it wrong.
S. The war inside of you
needs winning too.
9. Great men work as those
who know that the night is com
ing in which no aian can work.
K. Evil was called Youth
until he was old. and then he
was cal'.ed Habit.
:-r. as it is almost tap?.
TV-member me to yr;r. father and
, in; w ho he gt.ts his cigars from
, r( . lt,at am M1y maKing me wuuu ,
L. , rr-.hied birJ and democ-
n ran :
- .. - - - - ,
R. I
A b;.v. n ur. i vhite Lull t Trier pur.
t..;r noMk Md ri itreiy u f)MjTaJcen From University Post to
.un. cut ps.-e; siTiR T.oro nun ine
averace Intelilf-'er.ce. appeared at the
h-whiuarter cf "H" W:
n'.lay evtr.lns ar.d was jrMuptl;j
.ll-.pted as the'r ct!ii 111 naseot.
Sturtir.K v.i'h a poit'-ree -nsi.l-erabiy
lrr.r than him.-'!f, ir.emVen
of the company ho;e tS:. with !!'. r
are h vi'l er.'.ua'!y prcw a
at.lno cer. sup-ii r tu lie :r.r.vr.n!
7 p" t
The s
' C'V'.rv "l '
c'.l -r. cf ? r.a::.' f the i'.o;
has hoen the su'.j rt ri vo !i; con-:c.vr.-y
L1...T ti e n any ms
v Nh t-' ca'.'. hi:n 'Cob" while
-thrs in-ist that he ha'! he named
'Lea-:-." a !ifi r: ::t vnrioty, h.wever th? kir. I served at tho r.;oBs hal!
A'. hr-i ph v Ithui a r.ani he Is "some"
lo'-. for ThurIay at.ern on he p't
anciher doe fvire his ize lo rout.
The company was worried Thurrday
norn'.r.g when the ma?cot showed
signs cf a cold and immediately h?
was taken to the doctor who said he
ha.i the -p.u" lut would recover it
tiven the proper care.'
Lincoln newsboys are making huge
war profits by selling their goods to
student soldiers. Their supply in
eludes daily papers, candies, peanut-s
and fruit. The soldiers after a long
hike or after hard drill make good
customers and buy from the newsies
large quantities of the sweets. They
also sell their services and run trans-
oortable shoe-shining stands.
One lad claimed that he made over
seven dollars in one day. Many oth
ers are making more money than
they ever dreamed existed in the
world. When asked what they are
going to do with their newly acquired
wealth, some it spent several
times before they get it. Some of
them say that they are going to hirn
j their receipts over to their mothers,
i while others are buying thrift stamps.
meet on Nebraska gridiron Saturday.
Kline Will Not Go
Coach Kline has given up his trip
to Chicago this week-end and will
! carry on communications with Illinois j
j and Great Lakes by wire or mail, j
i Nothing definite can be done at pros j
! ent about the Thanksgiving game a' j
: ail the teams are waiting to see hew I
' the influenza situation la. ' going tc I
; work out
If their games, scheduled '
for November 2, are postponed, they
will hold them over tiii a later date
and may not have room for a Tur
key day match with the Huskers.
Players Eat at Training Table
A special training table has been
set up for the football men in the mess
ha'l and they are being fed on a
regular training diet. Beefsteaks,
vegetables, and fruits and the like are
on their menu and they are denied
rich dainties.
Captain Schellenberg was out last
night and participated in scrimmage
for the first time since he was down
with the "flu." The varsity showed
up fine in the scrimmage and ran
several touchdowns over the scrub's
i goal line.
I Company "B" will not stage their
entertainment which they had origin
ally announced to rake tlace Friday
mm. in urucr iu pui vn mc
piest, most original nierta:nment of
them all. the second floor company j
finds it necessary to yo?tpone the af-
fair until nextweek, which wi'.I give
them time for adequate preparation.)
Assurance has been given that a gen-
n'r.o fnn-fesf i in ntnre Tnr memners '
of the comrany at this The first ,
- ... . .-
! rehearsal took place Thursday night, i
Officers' Camps Without
With scarcvly time to ay their "so
lor.r" men are leaving camp. While
1 1. . i i l . . . I J -. a . I. n
.ri.c Or no i'uni;iny it, nien 10 uiv
j epct tine that soMWa are moved
frmt the university rimn, every day
brines some men nearer to officers'
schools. Yesterday some men receiv
ed orders to leave almost Immediately,
but headquarters did roi wish to give
out the names or the number of men
sent, as pivlng information on the
movement of troops is against mili
tary practice, at least until two or
three days after the men have left.
The last men to leave were of the
coast artillery branch.
IVTen are continually being cal'.ed
! before Captain E. J. Maclvor to an
I swer questions by which he deter
j mines who to recommend for future
officers. That some men left Thurs
I day to go out of the state. Is evi
dence that the quarantine order over
the state does not stop the move
ment of Uncle Sam's army. There
fore, the men who have been already
selected for officers' camps but have
not received orders to move, can ex
pect them any day, at any time, and
should be ready to deport on a mo
ment's warning.
Drilling Showing Results
The few weeks of drill that the men
have had so far is beginning to show
results. In' the afternoon drill after
; the usual parade, the men passed in
review before Captain Maclvor, and
from a distance the movements seem-
! ed skillfully executed although at
close range, due to short practice,
there could be noticed several breaks.
Before long the men will have re
hearsed the various orders so many
times that they will execute them as
second nature.
Will Remodel Reading- Rooir. and
Add a "Self -Teaching:"
French Courss
The army Y. M. C. A, which is h--
coming more and more appreciated by
the men at the university camp, has
plans now under way to provide
more space for the writing of letters
in the "Y" reading room, and t in
stall what ha been termed a "se'f
ieaching" French courre This meth
od consists of a phonograph wi'h rec
ords of French wunds and words.
Books of French grra-nmar that ar?
eif-exp'anatory will be available. A
-ocm will be set aside ?i the Temple
for this study. This p'an Is said to
t?e in successful practice In other
Because of the large crowds that
are now taking advantage of the read
ing and writing room at the army
"Y," the secretaries have ordered a
change in the writing fa.-ilitl-s. New
writing tables will be built around
the sides of the room, making it pos
sible to accommodate about twice as
many men or more ts can now be
taken care of at one time.
At times when the men are off duty,
the "Y" is crowded with men. some
studying, some writing home, some
reading, and others wh Just want
"some place to go." Both at home
ar.d abroad the army Y. M. C. A. is
doing. In this way. a grat work ti
keep up the morale of our army.
An army moneys lh.t for a mm
lo masaueraue as a n '-'
against the law If done Ja a salicr's