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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1918)
The Daily Nebraskan XVIII. NO. 21 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, OCTOHKR IS, 1918 VOL RICK FIVK CKNTS I ME V REPLIES ID KLINE'S OFFER Po3sibiUty of Illinois Husker Game Rests WithUrbana Commandant Other Schools After the Same pate Put a Hitch in the Proceedings Head Coach Hob Zuppke. of the 1111 .... ..ate accregatlon. has finally fome tlirouch with an answer to Coach Klines proposition icr umu.. wICh th Cornhukers on Thanksgiv lug day. I ut ffl-1 to nay there war aotbinx very encouraging in the re ponpe. He says that he has laid the mawr before the military authorities ,nd must abide by their decision. Tin S. A. T! C. officials at Urbana may frown on a trip even as long as one to Lincoln and as the matter rests en tirely with the rommandant, nothing can Le done until he submits his decis Ion. Director Scott and Coach Kline put , up an attractive bid for the Turkey day match and were hoping to make arrangements whereby they could bring the Illinois huskies to Lincoln for the big dessert on the season's menu. Zuppke stated in his telegram of Friday. October 11. that other games were in view and he is evidently con sidering the bids from the other schools. The possibility of a Thanks giving game between his pupils and the eleven from Northwestern or some other big school nearer home has probably put a hitch In the proceedings. COURTESY AND DISCIPLINE TO CHARACTERIZES. A. T.G. Men Who Joked in Ranks Wed nesday Are Sent to Cantonment In the S. A. T. C. at the University of Nebraska, lack of courtesy and re spect to officers, as well as the lack of military discipline, is a thing of the past. It has been requested of the stu dent soldiers that they put away all college pranks and general foolish ness and come down to a true realiza tion that they are soldiers in the U S. army. A more fair request could flot be made. A big task is ahead of every man here as he supposedly trains for a commission. It is the de sire of the commanding officers here that the entire unit work together as one large family, every one putting forth the Lest that is in him to main tain the high standing which has been established here. Last Wednesday evening Captain Maclvor assembled the entire student so.'der unit in the grandstand, and guested the attention" of all men while he read some telegrams and in structions. Two men who as yet had n come to the realization that Cap kin Maclvor meant businctes. con ned home Joke of the affair and be an to have a little college sport. These men were at once noticed by the commandant and called out in of"t, f th? entire cattalion- Because ea lack of attenon while at a?e. these men are being sent to can wnmenfs where they gerye ag vates' ne hundred and seven tier men who paid attention as re- , ted, wi:i leav 'or officers train ,n& camps in a few days. The thing to be put under the ha of every S. A. T c maQ ftnd kept a 7 ,s this all university soldiers g full fledged privates In the United ten &Tm' and as 8Ucn must ob of Juni pract,ce the highest degree ft," "y helpline and courtesy. If th DOt be 8ecure! by request of e commandant. It must be secured a manner that will b9 less pleasing 10 student soldiers. PARIS, CITY OF SALUTES It's nothing but salute, salute, salute in the streets of Paris now, says a war writer In a French publication. I la wants saluting regulations molli fied in Paris, at least. He says he observed n soldier sa lute 111 times In twenty-seven mln . This would be every quarter minute. CASES OF INFLUENZA NOW DECREASING AT UNIVERSITY Although the epidemic of Spanish influenza among university students nd S. A. Ti ('. men Is complet- -y mi le r the rontrol of the medical nuth liiiep, the city council would pive no leflnite assurance concerning the (Into f lifting the quarantine which was .eaponsib!? for the suspension of mil vrsity classes. The pi evalnce of in fluenza in the city is gradually in creasing and members of the council are determined to keep the closing order in effect until they are ratified that the danger point is safely passed. The cider effecting the university will undoubtedly remain unchanged until the ban against the theatres, churches and public schools Is lifted. Hence, any speculations regarding the opening of school next Week are dc- S. A. T. C. MEN DETAILED TO PREPARE BARRACKS Longf Line cf Men Fill Bed Ticks With Straw Yesterday Afternoon l'p until yesterday afternoon the S. A. T. C. men thought they had receiv ed a tnste of about every phase of army life. Some, who had done Kitch en police duty, were sure they had. Hut yesterday they saw there mistake lloll call was held at one fifteen, fol lowed immediately by company forma ti:n. The entire company was form ed into single file, blocks lowj, and m?. reived around Nebraska hall, each n in- riven a bed tick of heavy khaki, at the front door. The line then passed through various turns, at last reaching the field once more, passed under t'he grand stand where a hugh pile of straw, from which each 'illed a tick, was loaded. There was a great deal of amuse- ment in the line, especially in the rear, j Those who were in that section of I the line showed signs of good soldiers i when they whistled the old favorite, : "Pack Up . Your Troubles." The straw pile gave out before these men j reached the desired destination and they were forced to re-fold their ticks ; and turn them in. CARRY WOUNDED IN AIR Uncle Sam has Introduced another Innovation into war, the airplane am bulance. The successful operation of such a machine at (Jershier Fivld, Lake t'harlos, La., has caused orders to he issued to each flying field in the country to equip ittelf with such n machine. So far nine of the Texas fields have he-en equipped with the new amhu lan e service. In this country tiiey are to bo ul for accidents at distant point cr In places hard to reach by auto am hulance. NEBRASKAN TAKEN OlEJJf son University Paper is Transformed Into Official S- A. T. C. Bulletin S. A. T. C. M TO EE GIVEN FREEDOM IN SELECTING COURSE Student Soldiers Held Responsi ble for Notices in New Military Paper S. A. T. C- Men Have Opportunity tc Prepare lor Desired Branch cf Service Following is a communication from the committee on education and spe cial training to Captain Maclvor di- jrecting that all men te given free- 1 dom in their choices of sttfdy while j at the university insofar as it con- WHEN V3U HAVE TO LOOK OVER THE ?HOIlPEi. OP A PAS5tNi STUDENT IN OR.PE.R TO 3E.E THE 1 YOU jET TURNED DOwrt COCO WH&VS YOU TRY TO OOR.ROW A COPY FROM A FRIEND v u- AND YOU OREAK YOUR. NECK CHASING, A KAQ BLOW NQ UP TH THEN FINALLY YOU RE UU CTANTL.Y A DOLLAR TO f 8E.WirCh- INC- COED- AND THE. 5CRAP YOU PICK up ON THE CAM PU 5 ONLY EX ASPERATES YOU, AND YOU QT RAG requlaklY i OH 60Y AINT IT A i AN iLOR.Y- Py order of Captain E. J. Maclvor. The Dally Nebrankan has been trans formed into a military newspaper and will in the future be the official organ of the S. A. T. C. Tbe paper will be published every day in the school year except- Saturday and Sunday, whether classes are held or not. University soldiers will be held responsible for all notices and orders which are pub lished in the pages of The Daily Ne braskan. Ccntrolled by Government The Daily Nebraskan has been con tracted for by the government, and U io be as integral a part of the life of 'he S. A. T. C. students, as any ot-hor phase of their military life. Captain Maclvor has complete control of The Daily Nebraskan, and the paper will be managed according to directions, sfciied by him. Must Subscribe Beginning next week the raper will be given out only to men who have subscribed, and men calling for the paper at- Station A who have not had their subscription entered with the business manager, will not be given the paper. A list of the subscribers will be at the postoffice, and The Daily Nebraskan representative will know who has subscribed for the pa per. Because of this new ruling, all men in the S. A. T. C. must of a necessity subscribe for the paper, and as the subscription price is soon to be raised, it is imperative that university students of the S. A. T. C enter their subscriptions this week at the stu dent activities' office. SCHEOULE NOT TO DISRUPT CLASSES jidedly vague. The Increase in the lumber of private cases in the city which accompanied the decrease at !,he university is considered especial ly unfortunate, since it may delay the opening of school Indefinitely. No new cases of influenza were re ported to the medical authorities of .he university Thursday. Eighty-seven newly drafted members of section B, who were treatd for the disease up--n their arrival Wednesday, are so far entirely free from the disease. RED TRIANGLE PROGRAMS Entertainment for the S. A. T. C. men is being conducted at 7:45 every night und?r the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. at the triangle directly north of the Armory. A five-reel motion picture supplmented by news pictures . was presented Tuesday night. Rev. C. R. Tyner of the Y. M. C. A. forces abroad appeared for the Becond time before S. A. T. C. men Wednesday night giv ing another Interesting talk about the trenches and the boys "over there," emphasizing the spirit of the forces abroad. Another picture was s'.ated for the Thursday night program. Why Don't YOU Buy MORE LIBERTY BONDS? Cleaning Barracks The line, as fast as the ticks were filled, marched over to the new bar racks .each man carrying his tick. The work which they were then as signed to was their first real taste of hard army life. It showed them that besides drill and K. P.. duty there was still one other; barrack duty. The new barracks had to be cleaned out. There was old plaster and cement to be scooped and swept, windows to wash, heds t-o arrange and the grouna around the building to be cleaned of all the rubbish which accumulates in the process of construction of such a large buUdins Lieutenant Spoehr assisted by Top Sergeant Howarth, oversaw the work. Each sergeant was detailed to a de tachment of men and given a certain duty to perform. The barracks are in the new Social Science hall, a well lighted, ventilated and practically fire proof edifice. The fineness of the building seemed to make the men all the more willing to work and hurry their occupancy of the quarters. Of course there is always a certain amount of sport connected with work when there is so large a body of men. Volunteers to move the huge crane in f-nf nf the building were called for. The order. "Fall out," was given to th mPn working at the third story windows. This and many other little Jokes went to make the work lighter. forms with the qualifications origi nally stated for army service. It reads: Subject: "Announcement relative to the selection of course of study in connection with S. A. T. C." Inquiries are being received as to the selection of courses and subjects of study by students looking to en trance into some particular brance of the service which suggests to the com mandant the advisability of making the following statement": In assigning the soldiers of the stu dents' army training corps to various branches of the service the guiding principle will be to place each man where he can render his maximum service consistent with the needs of the army at the time of his transfer. Generally speaking a soldier is likely to give the best account of himself in the line in which he is most Interested. Therefore, the preference of regis trants who are voluntarily Inducted Into the students' army training corps as to the branch of the service they ultimately enter will be given consid eration except In case military needs require a different course. The student soldier Is at liberty select the program of studies w hich Is suggested as preparation for the par ticular branch of the service he de sires to enter. This choice of a pro gram of studies does not, however, constitute the determination of the (Continued on page 3) All Men Will Take Part in Out Door Sports Once . Weekly Members of the S. A. T. C. need not become excited in case they find their school work conflicting with portions of the military schedule as published in yesterdays' Nebraskan. An expla nation of recall from class and a more definite period for war aims classes makes fhat schedule a very complete and satisfactory one. . Recall from class for , those men drilling one hour in the morning and two hours in the afternoon will be blown at 4 p. m. dai y. Fcr those men drilling two hours in the morning and one hour in the afternoon recall from class will be blown at 5 p. m. daily. Military and university officials know the schedule of every man and it is up to that man to know his schedule aho. The above being known there will be no necessity for men drilling but one hour in the afternoon to be draw n away from class or study by th 4 o'clock recall; they will keep right on with their work until the 5 o'clock recall. The man who drills one hour .' th. morning and two in the afternoon will answer the 4 o'clock recall This plan will be strictly enforced and thre will be no disturbance among the men drilling from 5 to 6 when the 4 o'clock recall is sounded. It might be added that the one hour period, whether it be forenoon or afternoon will be taken 7 chiefly with theoretrlcal work. War Aims Echedule War alms classes wlU b held at the following periods: Monday 10 and 11 a. m.; 2, 3 and 5 p. m. Tuesday 10 a. m. and 1 p. m. (Continued on page 3) i 4