f THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Ross Hammond of Fremont visited his pons, LeRoss and Howard, at the Phi Delta Theta houre Thursday. r . i i ! Society ; Friday nd aurd.y, 'ESS W"" TOl rh. World's Greatest Clown . MAR YON VADI and OTA GYGI Frl Pretent .THE DIAMOND PALACE" a Rube Picture Show tmGIKL FROM MILWAUKEE The S jSkVirkible Vocalist Jt'LlE RING Assisted by James I Norval. In .DIVORCED ru. Trlckoicgiit and the Pianist keane a white In THE PATRIOT" TRAVEL WEEKLY OKPHEUM ORCHESTRA THURS., FRI, SAT. GLADYS BROCKWELL IN A POWERFUL DRAMA KULTTJR THE RAPE OF DEMOCRACY ALSO A SUNSHINE COMEDY "A Waiter's Wasted Life" MUTT AND JEFF In 'The Accident Attorney" PRICES 10 AND 15 CENTS HI ISC OCT. 10, 11, 12 THE ROMANCE OF TAR2AN Concluding Chapter of "TARZAN OF THE APES" THE FAR FLUNG BATTLE LINE" ' HEARST-PATH E NEWS OCT. 10, 11, 12 THE AEROPLANE GIRLS A Vaudeville Sensation BELLMONT SISTERS Dainty Singers and Dancer ELSIE SCHUYLER Song Oddities EDITH STOREY n the Metro Play, "THE SILENT WOMAN" 1232 B-370S LOEES ORCHESTRA o'Kr?,R ALL OCCASIONS S-TRA FR0M FIVE TO hnv L?TY-nVE PIECES . Kdn1 r Boiler Shop Effects -n Kequest Only On Hth .t P Street SARATOGA RECREATION FLOORS CHAS. N. MOON sillily J 1 iiiiMtiii' i ,.... . ?!?'?3 j I I LOST .Key r'nn, between. Chemistry hall and athletic field. Return to Student .Activities' offlo. LOST Small silver turquoise mat rix rln In or around Pf ssle hall. Re turn to Student Activities' office. Dancing at Antelope Park every olght. except Sundays. 24-9 WANTED Man to pell shoes on Saturdays. Fred Schmidt ft Prso.. 917-21 -O." 10 4 Lyiroc TGueatier SPECIAL STUDENTS' toATINEE Every Friday Matinees also Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday WEEK BEGINNING . OCTOBER 7 -The Other Wife" 2 Show every Saturday night 7 and 9 PRICES . Matinees 10c, 15c, 25c Nights 10c, 25c, 35c. Headquarters for ONEY is JOT The labor put into their making is 1 i. U..rUl-a 11C to advantage ciscwuciv- Good clothes are those which return in value to you die worth o on them. Value in style, in permanence of style, and m matenal. Special Price T7T7 A- VxFTTTO) IIU) (H(Hi M7 AV Ci PERSONALS VHs Abott 111 leav this afternoon for her home at 1"ald City. Marian Moody. who has. boon 111 at , her home at Won Point, will return ! to Lincoln this week-end. ; France Whiimore has returned from Moorfield. Ia., where she attend ed the wedding of her brother. Bur ton Whitmore, and Miss Ruth M"o Mlckle. Harel and Hell Cook have returned to Fchool after trending several davs at Omaha. Madeline Hendrlck will spend the ( week-end it her home at Wahoo. Ksther Brayne will spend the week end at Talmago, Nth. Marian Whit lea r is spending a few days at Omaha. J-an Pierce , 111 witt the Infiu- Mildred Whithead will leave this evening for Marysville, Kans., to spend the week-end. Vinta Hearold will spend the week end at the Delta Zeta house. She Is teaching this year at Bacon, Nebr. IVirothy Barlow .will spend the week-end at her home in Omaha. Wil'.iam Pflug has returned to the S it-ma Phi Epsilon aftvr being ill at the military hospital. Amil Lackey and Eugene Manning rue ill at the hospital. Kdna Robertson will go to her home at Lopan. la., for rhe week-end. Blanche Higgins will snend Satur day and Sunday at her home In Shu be rt. Nebr. . Gertrude DeSautell will retun the la of the week from Rising City, where she has been visiting her brc'.her. Ruth Copsey and Helen Overstreet will go to their homes at York for the remainder of the week. 0oneftj Sranb Regulation Uniforms, O Coats, rootwear, Mats, Leggings, Comfy Kits, Etc., Etc. Dollar for 'Dollar . led when il is .put into dAs that do not Society mnno uioines give dollars value for dollar spent. The price range is wide, but every price indicates true worte. Suits and Overcoats $35, $40, $45, $50, and up to $125 Style-Plus Suits $25, $30, $35 qnr Value Suits $25, $20 and $22.50 f Offer on Regulation Umtorms tor a. ELI SHIRE, Pres. New Boots Fine jBS l Among the men at the Sigma Nu house who have recovered from ill ness and will return to school are: Clarence and Frank Larson, Morris Bramann. Lambert Krahulik ot "rca ha, and John Oxde of Manning, la. Lorain Hays is still seriously ill with the influenza. 6X .i&MLLLr,fi i-"""-4 Jr Untformff Military wasted ana me ninci.m Walking - $9.00 Black Calf Mildred Bowers has gone to her home at Falls City, where she will spend the coming week. Those who are still ill with the in fluenza are Leon Hamilton, who is at his home in Wahoo, Russell Kir.g at i his home at Tildon. At the house, i Ben Lake, Sidney Goodfellow and - Apparel Shirts, represent its tree value. r.u. "-b- , the money you expena A. 1. 1 men