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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1918)
i : THE DAILY NEBRASKAN - mmmm lyric Tfheatieir SPECIAL STUDENTS' MATINEE Every Friday Tburday tnd Saturday WEEK BEGINNING OCTOBER 7 VThe Other Wife" 2 Shew every Saturday night 7 and 9 PRICES Matineea 10c, 15c 25c Niflhte 10c, 25c, 35c. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 10, 11 and 12, 1918 T O T O The World's Greatest Clown MARYON VADI and OTA GYGI Frank Milton DeLong Sitters Present "THE DIAMOND PALACE" A Rube Picture Show The GIRL FROM MILWAUKEE A Remarkable Vocalist JULIE RING Assisted by James Norval, in "DIVORCED" The Trickologist and the Pianist KEANE A WHITE in "THE PATRIOT" TRAVEL WEEKLY ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA for Souttle, Washington, to enter the naval aviation training camp. Delta Tau Delta announce the plods lnj? of l.oRlle Kindig of Hastings. Conxtance I.yford or Kails City is visiting; at the 11 lu-ta Phi house. Luclle Nitche and Mildred MacFar land, who spent the week end at Oma ha, have returned. Ruth Myers, a student at the uni versity last year, but who is teaching now at Osceola, is visiting at the Alpha Chi Omega house. Mrs. (J. Hosspian of Grlswold, Iowa, and Mrs. Trent of Cambridge, Nebr., are visiting their daughters at the Alpha Delta Pi house. Marie Prouty, who has been serious ly ill with pneumonia at a local hos pital. Is reported Improving. Hazel Cook of Omaha is spending a few days at the Alpha Omricron Pi house. Byron Hunter left Tuesday morning; for Seattle, Washington, where he will start training in naval aviation. Mk list, has gone to hr honi nl Crcston, Iowa , for a few days' rest. Mrs. II. G. Haskell of Alma. Nebr.. who has been visiting her daughter: Lulu at the Chi Omega houfe. return- j ed to her home Monday groom ard Mt Lincoln yesterday attend the wedding. to OFFICIAL ORDERS UNI NOTICES SOCIETY Eugene Mosely is ill at the Alpha Sigma'Phl house. Lorene He"ndr!cks has returned from her home at Wahoo, where she has been the 'past week on account of illness. Hugo Flynn left Tuesday morning PERSONALS Chi Omega announce the pledging of Ada Lawson, Raymond; Leone Wat son, Sidney, Iowa; and Ruth and Ruby Swenson, Omaha. Ruth Wilson, K. A. 0., is ill and has gone to her home at Nebraska City, where she will remain until she is in better condition. Luella Patt, who has been on the Dean of Women Dtan Amanda announced to the girls yesterday that she would be in Dean Engberg's otP.ce on the first floor of the Administration building every morning at eleven o'clock to meet all the girls who wish to consult her at that hour. Dean Heppner Is making this arrangement for the con venience of girls, so that they may avoid having to climb the sta'rs. FORMER UNI COUPLE TO BE MARRIED TODAY Miss Ruth McMickle and rcrt Whit more, two former students of Nebras ka, are to be married today at the home of the bride in Moorncld. Iowa Miss McMickle was graduated with the class of 1916 and was a member of Alpha Chi sorority. Mr. Whitmore, who is also a graduate of the univer tity, was a member of Sigma Chi fra ternity. Ruth Whitmore. who was a candidate for senior president irises terday's election, is a sister of the The military authorities of the s. A. T. C. recommend that their men eat no bananas, sodas, grapes, or candy. It is believed that these edibles are conducive to Spanish Influenza, and prevent rapid recovery in case of sickness. Due to the Spanish Influenza the date set as the last chance for mm to register in the S. A. T. C. has been changed from October 15 to October 21. At your service, students. Univer. slty Book Store, 340 N. 11th St. LOST Small silver turquoise mat rix ring in or around Ressie hall. Re turn to Student Activities' office. Dantlng at Antelope Park every night, except Sundays. 24 9 Drawing boards, drawing paper and pencils. University Book Store, 340 N. 11th St. WANTED Man to sell shoes on Saturdays. Fred Schmidt & Brso., 917-21 "O." 10 S. A. T. C.'s, see us. University Book Store, 340 N. 11th St. 1 1 Dili & II II (vJ I Hug0 F,ynn left Tuesda' corning Luella Patt, who has been on the gtncrcy vjj v; : : : MARAGUERITE CLARK J flffj JS0 g fiPg "OUT OF ACLEARCKV- ' ' -Romance Brit Tekt M&f MM flSI HEARST-PATHE NEWS g fMfc'' AkBi LEIGH DE LACY COMPANY ' fJSfitrS95i(Wf4y "EXCESS BAGGAGE- f(i( AUlMKX V i li 'Bachelor Atrocities i m VIVIAN MARTIN In the Paramount Picture "HER COUNTRY FIRST" WEDNESDAY LAST DAY BEX BEACH'S TREMENDOUS DRAMA UUGHING BILL HYDE WITH THE TEXAS WIT WILL ROGERS FAY TINCHER " A COMEDY SKIT "SOME JOB" PRICES 10 AND 15 CENTS lHh at P Street SARATOGA . RECREATION FLOORS CHAS. N. MOON B-:7C3 OPcTrci1 ALL OCCASIONS TWrlT FR0M FIVE TO iaJ?a)TYnvE PIECES " r'anJ Boner Shop Effects cn Reuert Ooly 'N THE vicious guttural language of Kultur. the degree A B. means Bachelor of Atrocities. Are you going ro let ine i iuii i own.w 3 u t. tu 1 7nU-rrc.ii v of Louvain? The Hohenzolk-ni fl strikes at every clement of decency and culture and taste that your college stands for. It leaves a track so terrible that only whispered fragments may be recounted. It has ripped all the world-old romance out of war. and reduced it to the dead, black depths of muck, and hate, and bitterness. v cn he called to fight. But self-discipline. Upon .wis tne aihcq cue 1 VJ LI ill ay owv , you are called upon right now to buy Liberty Bonds. Tou are umu tr economize in everyway. It is sometimes harder to live nobly than to die nobly. I he p mav come easier than the petty sacrifices of comforts and luxuries. You are called to exercise stern cess depends. Set aside every possible dollar for the purchase of Liberty Bonds. Do it relent lessly. Kill every wasteful impulse that America may live. Every bond you buy fires point-blank at Prussian Terrorism. M it BUY U. S. GOVERNMENT BONDS FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN Contributed through Division of Adveru ,inp T-yy ,1li?sNiy i . '.iei State Govt. Comm. cn Ti-Llie Information This state tor-inbulcd ffr the winning of the war b