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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1918)
The Daily Nebraskan TXVI". NO. 13 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1918 PRICE FIVE CENTS KRWKEYES HIM Willi SATURDAY Arrive at 10:15 Saturday With Idea of Extinguishing the Huskcr Tribe Tbe Io football fartlors Invade the amp of the Hussers tomorrow .Itb the strongest band they hare bie to summon !n year and are to'ent upon carrying back to Iowa City a down or more dripping scalps, hle. of a desperately fought bi'tle. The Cornbuskers, ambushed behind nastily constructed barriers are lying In wait with an equally des perate Intent of annihilating the whole tribe from across the river. A savage battle Is predicted with tte odds In favor of the Invading foe X!ne veterans and two new men even better than the veterans comprise the ' irprega'.ion from the east, as Assist jat Coach ScLlssler described their at the football rally yesterday. Xe braski is taking to the field a raw ma cfcine whipped into shape under the ib!e and careful bands of Coaches Cine and Schissler. Four of their umber have been through the f re one season and the others have been toil Itg for weeks in the belief that their JnlomniUble fight and their method of attack will down the sages from ljira. The first team succeeded in put ing across three touchdowns In a practice gae with the scrubs Thursday. Mc Kshon showed up well in the practice filing away for a few long runs. It it probably that "Mac" will take part is tte game Saturday and no provis toi are being made for filling his po sition in the back field. Howarth and Kesman showed up well in the prac 2be and will bead the list of substi tutes for back field positions. Mont Mutin, the first year phenom, continued his excellent playing at the center position and has probably dailied this place on the team for the bia game. Cypreanson also played a (Continued on Page Four) tSSEWlDE PARTY HOUSE HAS OPENED HEW SCHOOL The new dancing school at the fcotew'lde party bouse under the dl ration of Miss Eleanor Pramptoa afl Mrs. Kathleen Doyle HalHgan 114 Its opening exercises Thursday eretlnj. It was an article program f aesthetic dances, songs and read kg which preceded the general dane fcg. Jut before the dancing a nuo 3 American flag which reached to tks toor was unrolled from the bal 7 white Sbernbeck's orchestra. Wklngly costumed to fit the occasion. Jr4 tte "Star Spangled Banner." program for the evening was as follows; ewrfcuib-rv.Ub Duet, Eleanor mas, Marrie Barslow. VaJtzRjn anj jujjt, Jessie kl VBrray. The l)Tifm riy Toe Solo. Era!! Bwtfejr. Chicago. Unt-Gto&yu Appleman. Bouln Daughters, of the Desert Solo, Eleanor Frampton. Mury Lau "ngs Jessie Doyle 'frtfcg Sor.g-ifJtrprttlve Dancing, ca Praams CDtTii Dancing ' ScfaemVKVf Auction Takes Tims 8' A- T- c- r In- " ll rate of about 100 J- At tfci, r4(, ,t m ufc per two . u complete the induct E. A. Webb, in charge of Ion. the - Thursday aftemwrn J 'ork w,,n . that '? inducted dally Is .s fcJ- TKfe4ay. SI; Wednesday. ' .;; .AUjui wjt cf tb.e si- ' J .;el Uv f'jej to appear. '.'.' 7 f 10 fi A- T- c- "-"- 6 1. f.:iy Iru'lel. INSTRUCTORS ANNOUNCED FOR WAR AIMS COURSE The Issues of the war will be made a living reality to each man, If the Ideais cf the men at the head of the war aims course are realized. The course, as planned, offers three hours a week for nine months. For the first three months, a historical sketch of the origin of-the war, our participa tion In it, and, as much as possible, a history of the war Itself, will be pre sented. The course is especially hard to plan because men wi!l be removed at the end of each three month period, yet the government asks that the men who only have three or six months of the course, instead of nine months, have a well rounded Conception of the fubject. flans for the last six months of the oun-e are being made In Washington. The political, philosophical and liter lry Ideals of different warring na Uons will probably je ftudl'-ti. It na-. leen proposed that this course co-or Jiuate with the rhetoric classes, and hat the subjects for themes be se lected from the subjett matter of the war a'ms course. About 1C00 men wi;i take this ourfce. They v. ill be divided Into ten lecture divisions, wiih two lectures a week. The lectures wMI be delivered ' Professors R. E. Cochran. E. I Hinman, Jones, J. T. Lees. Edwin Maxey. F. W. Sanford, J. P. ?ei.'lng and glutton Webster. Be iiies the lectures, the men will at ein cue quiz section a week. The -jniz iaMers will largely be men de Jailed at the Un'ven-lty of Nebraska rom the Great Lakes training school. The lectures will start Monday, Dr-tober 7. The quiz sections begin the following week. STRONG COMPETITION FOR EDITORSHIP AT CORNELL News measured by the inch is the -ctor meet concerned in winning high -KiMiions cn the Cornell university paper. For six weeks all competitors 'c- the petition of assistant editor a'rly break their necks to outdo their 'i.atV Each competing reporter hands in write-ups. just as fast as be can get hem, to be judged and n;easured. If ?be article deserves only a one-deck head, It Is measured by the actual i mount of Inches of the material. If. jo w ever, it deserves a U. or three deek head, the actual number of inches is doubled or tripled or quad iiupled according to the Important ievj and the person who has the mot jf !t at the t-nd of the period of con testing wins the desired pokition. PROF. HRBKOVA ON TOUR Profewtor Sarka lirbkova will re tarn Tuesday, the eighth, from a ttclre day Li:erty Loan speaking tour. Mls Josephine Znmt and Mr.! M. F. LcvSnfeton have bad charge of her classes during ber absence. Her tweaking dates tor the tour were: j Beatrice. Sept. 2; Wymore, fpt. 27; ttadin. Sept. 20; Central City. Oct. ; Kearney. Oct. 2; Aurora, Oct 2; York. Oct. 4; Crand Island. Oct. 5; Broken Bow, Oct. 7. MEH ARE EXCUSED FROH DUTIES FOR ONE HOUR S. A. T. C. Given Time to Attend Lecture on Barracks Life By Medical Officer ' 8. A. T. C. tnen are excused from any requirements between eleven and twelve o'clc-k this rooming In order :o attend s lecture on medical sub jects .nrcted with barrack life by Captain Harrington ia the Temple theatre at eleven o'clock. The an nouncement rMjl 10 ,be men the lined up h fromiT!? for roll call :.ut IS r.o-1'e. signed fcy Chancellor Hi'-g applies to all S. A. T. C. ren. whether alrta-iy itducted or e&t. S 5 INFLUENZA n CO Old Cases Are Isolated, While Only a Few New Cases Appear The threatened epidemic of Span Ihh influenza Is now- coming under the control of the authorities at the Unl versity. About one hundred and fifty cases were reported Wednesday even ing at the meeting of the committee of health and sanitation In the Com mercial club rooirs. Of these cases, seventy-five are among the men In the University training detachment stationed at the ftate farm, on the ciiy campus and at the Hayward mil itary academy. The others are such aes as have come to the attention of Dr. Ewing and Dr. Clapp. Abso lutely new cases are not being report e.l as fast as they were during the first few days of the week, and indi cations are that they will be fewer frrM now on. Men of the cases which have been reported are isolated 4 nd are receiving the best of at'.en tion. Only In a very few instance is there uny danger of a serious re sult Captain P.uck of the University train'ng detachment. Captain Hamil ten and Captain Mac-Ivor of the S. A T. C. and Dr. WOson of the state board cf health. Dr. Chapman, city phyfefcian. Dr. Clapp of the University and Dr. Bailey, who presided at the meeting at the Commercial cluh, dis cussed plans to cope with the situa tion. They decided that one of the best ways to prevent the spread of the contagion is for everyone to keep himself in a state of general gool health, arsd above all not to become so glarmed over the rumors beard every where, that he will be in a more sus ceptfble condition. With the present measures which are being taken to care for those who are sick, there Is no apparent danger of the disease de vek-ping into a serious epidemic. There U now a temporary infirm ary at the University which will ade quately accommodate ninety patients, and the authorities at the state farm have given assurance that they will turn over all the buildings needed to care for the cases that may arise. The committee patted a resolution asking that the Commercial club confer with the University authorities concerning the establishment of a more perma nent Infirmary for the University. To All S. A. T. C. and S. N. T. C. Students of the University: Waiting for physical ex amination and induction is no excuse for non-attendance to classes. It is to be hoped that every stu dent will, without fail, be at his post and no excuses for absences will be given after Monday, October 7, except for illness in bed. Dean Carl C. Engberg. WHV BUY SEASON TICKETS Six b'g games can be seen for three dollars for a faoo ticket The gen eral admission price for the Iowa ga-e Saturday will be one dollar, and fifty cents more wlil be charged for reserved sats. This Is one-half the prie of a season ticket Buy a sea m tRket because it pays you and I helps the Bed Cross. Dr. Cocdra has received a letter from Glen Buby. who Is in a can tonmert of Kentucky. sU'ing that per-f-i, who fcave experience In mapping at the University of Nevraka should show up to advantage m ' Ruby is a student asltatt In map p;ng He t-?rrwe4 an egulpraeet fron sl.e Univerfity ai-d reporU that ,., in the best equ'pmer.t la the can p. S. A. T. C. MEN TO BE SELECTED OCTOBER TENTH Things are happening by leaps and bounds at the S. A .T. C. headquarters just now. The men are not all fully inducted yet, bot already a call for twenty-nine men for the officers' train ing camp has been Issued. Any member of the S A. T. C. whe has been fully inducted is eligible to ?pply. The news of the (a'.l wis an notmced by the comrraaJint Tlvarsda) at the foo'ball rally. All Thursdi ifternoon the men who get wind o' the new order rushed In to tee the commandant. Application must b made in person. The early call for fu'ure officers Is in direct accordance with the plin of the S. A. T. C. It is the purpose o'! .,- ,f,i men for officer material. Here .s a chanre for men to show their ability. o.low ing is the ofr.cial order by tue commandant: All men whose inductions have been completed into the S. A. T. C. aad who wih to make application for cen tral officers' train'ng schools, V III tie with the commanding officer such ap plication not later than Saturday. October 5. No particular form is spe cified in writing application. The ap - plicants w!il tet forth their fions in detail. All S. A. T. C. mem oers whose inductions are completed or v-hose inductions will have been c-omnleted by Friday. October 4. will be eligible to apply. Those men wjioee inductions have not been com pleted by Friday, October 4. are specifically instructed not to apply, as their applications will not be enter tained. NEW STAFF FOR PHYSICAL . EDUCATION DEPARTMENT j An entirely new staff of directors,! Instructors and advisors will Xr vise me wur iii me uc)itiucui physical education for women this j year. Mrs. Clapp will head the depart-j rr..nt sii director, and an unusually! successful year is expected under her' fix? A V. i 1 The rest of the appointments are a? follows: Dr. Halle Ewing, medical advisor to women. Dr. Ewing will be on duty ,-.lf.5m fnr the nt'r rhr-.l ve4r. I In the office in the Armory. She is la co -operation with the employment ready and glad to help and girl at any service of tie United States depart ure, who withes medical advise. Til? cent of laor. maintaining a federal help is free for all girls ia the Unl ; employment service for teaching aad verity, whether they be regfstered j all otter lines of professional service, in the physical education department June 1& the bureau on recommenda or not Mrs. Adellold Wbking Will-; tl-on of teachers of the University toak larns. a former student and graduate ' charge of ;M wfce. Professor A. of the University of Nebraska, will act A. P.d. secretary of the bureau, was as an Instructor. Miss Josephine Gor-J appointed the federal director of the don cf Boston has also been appoint- - or' . rd t: e exnscf a-e me: Joint y ed as an instructor. Mrs. Charlot'e ! by the government and the In. versity. Wheddon Scott will be in charge of All candidates for teaching ard oth the classes in aesthetic dancing. Mrs Ur professional poUtior.s. without re- ,.a..,a . ,.t.. fr Kuri to Invltctot.s. are to ed physical edcuatlon students lasti" aitance of the !.-j-eau. free cf year, but will have entire charge of the aesthetic dancing classes this year. For several years Mrs. bcoit; bas bad a large private dancing class in the city and bas assisted in direct ing the dances. ACADEMY OF SCIENCE HAS NEW OFFICERS The newly appointed officers of the of Sciences are announced by Professor David D. Whitney as follows: President David D. Whitney. Vice-president Emma Hawthorne. becretary, i. j. cnu. . Treasurer, A. 3. Mercer. Vice-president Earth Sciences Sec tion, C. A. Loveland. Vke president Physical Sciences : . t(.ki.niii.l clon T C lttn.1 iflia .! lw: M.M-mm i . . - -w. dricks. v..r.rMenf P.iokrlcal Sciences Lirictintf ..i,,, tmtvim.f Il'i i I . J 1 1 w S'-5.r.r,1ov .nd Folk-' tVe Section. Iulse Puud. vice-president En(neering Secllcr P. K. Sicker E W ill TAI1K Its Steam Gauge Indicates High Hopes For Nebraska Hawkeye Will Be First to Fall a Victim to This Machine Although Coach Kline, a new en gineer at the wheel, in spite of ths fact that only four veterans are in the tank, and regardless of unusual handi caps, Nebraska has a football ma chine which. In the Initial game of the year Saturday, will knock the Hawkeyes back on neutral soil and brIn back the bacon to Nebras; Thls was the conc usion reach I fcy the crowd of loyal rooters who j patked the Tea-pie theatre to the rafters in the first rally of tue year Thursday. Wh?n the cheer leaders opened the exhaust on the steam gauge, a war hoc p went up that was enough to n ake the warriors from Iowa retreat to the back line trenches. Th'.s was an ir.Jkation that the student body is be jhind the team with all their pep; lt is a sure feign tnat the Cornhusker tank won't Eton for lack of steam. ; Amid the cheers from those back of the lines in the audience .the team marched to the platform. Walter Blunk, as chairman of the meeting, Introduced Professor R. D. Scott as first speaker. From the minute he be gan to talk the spirits of all Ne braskans, raised, and raised, and mounted and mounted nntll before they knew it they were believing as he did, "that Iowa hasn't a chance in the world." Assistant Coach Paul Schissler gave ! a big scare w hen he said that Iowa has (Continued on Page Four) FEDERAL BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT INSTALLED ftefcraska is First in Country to Receive Such a Bureau Tfce University of Nebraska Is now charge. Reonmenlat;ons are sent v officials of all schools, while creden tials and confidential reports are based solely on the merits of the can didate, rather than according to the standing of the school where trained. All records and files of the organlza- ! . - tloa are open at any ume io u.uur Ized representatives of Institutions In terested in candidates. First of Its Kind in Country . Nebrzska is especially favore th j this opening since it is the P office 'of i' k!n'1 in tbe covntry. st Jg the f rst time that the Unit' J gutes de- I jartnient of lar ha temptel to . -iac? lien i totlon and the b- , r.rnr'nz a- very Interestnig nectMt ul experi mett. It bar fif UAv in fii:ir,g vacar wj0 have rin Inf . k. ... - trainis; - i Tte o " ' - ye 1 ! efT.c!e Wt cf the pnj to . !!,. - ct n"'lt"ra bew?en scho,. Ml w-diuni between scho. J .M A,,-.t, a c "'nl Instl'Ltonf and ! 'Tt l??' Prof t ' ,T bhtv Lt n j :irfr. d-n,P' ri?:?r ,b9