THE nAILY NEBRASKAN CAPT. EDWARD W. ROUSE WRITES FROM FRANCE ABOUT HOSPITAL FUND Money Raised by Students Last Spring Has Been Received in France Says Spirit of American Soldiers is That of Knigty on a Pilgrimage Nebraska students of lust year wlU remember the camn " 8 money for the Nebraska base hospital Ld AprH . very creditable val was held In the armory for tins purpose and two hundred dollar, were Sid. l'ersonal contributions were made, and one day a generous total "as eallzed from a "tag" AS the goal of live hundred dollars which had been set. was not reached by the end. of the school year, those uhn we-re here during the summer session helped to make up the nnd the money was sent to the unit. The ioiiouiuk - ut been received by Ml Hepiner from Captain Edward W. Rouse who writes In behalf of the hospital fund as follows: "Sept. 1. 1918. "Miss A. Heppner. I wish to acknowledge the draft for five hundred and thirteen dollars and forty-eight cents ($513.48) sent by the committee oi f"""" - for the seniors. The official receipt will follow en the form attached to voucher. "We are now in France and slowly getting organized in one of the large hospital centers. Our equipment has not arrived yet so we are drawing on the supplies here and improvising. . t ootiH word to the donors leaver i ov,.. of the fund to what use the money . v Tnct now it is a Question of what Is the most pressing equip- vi,i hnv it la like spend- nieni we buu'" "-j - tiia whole Ing missionary muuej. unit Is together and busy. "Censor rules at present will not al low me to tell much that is of inter est. But we are in one of those wide villages that Caesar mentions In one of his commentaries. On clear days we can see a range of mountains and ,, famous peak having a common llu,o for a Kill If translated. .Kvery one Is thoroughly dedicated t0 the tusk of helping to win w.e ... Hut after the Kaiser and his pr net 1,.8 aro overthrown everyone will be Had to return xo homo and country. The spirit of the American soldier Is that of a knight on a pilgrimage. To him this is a holy war and he Is des- ,.k- m earnest. Ho came too far. ii ml has sacrificed too much to waste Ms tlmo und he Is working night and day. undergoing any sacrifice, to help ..In (Vtu WAT. V I II v- - - ... "When this has been received me ...,i.,rUiiv will have openeu sbu . ...i. inn stronc. send 1110 uim greetings. !... T.f thA university tor uu coming year. Most sincerely. "EDWARD W ROUSE; Capt. M. C. U. S. A. "Base Hospital No. 49. "A. E. F A. P. O. 785." DR. CHARLES WALLACE GIVEN ABSENCE LEAVE iw rimrlea W. Wallace, professor nf Rnirllsh dramatic literature, was given a years' leave of absence by the board of regents Monday evening in rtrH..r that he might take up work In iA. h on Oklahoma oil nr tiiOHo KwlnR was appoinieu Dy the regents as physician in charg of HAYWARD TELLS OF AMERICANS IN FIGHT Regiment Under Nebraska Cora mander Finished Seventeen Week in Trenches vi William Havward of Nebras ka City and later of New York, writes William H. rltier or ieuran of the fighting at the front. Colonel Hayward Is In command oi a reRw- of colored Boldlers from New York. The letter was dated August 4. and says: "Nothing to write except we are h.n.-in on. I am still very lame, but hope that it's better each day. So many things have happenea u since the battle started. July 15, I can't remember who I have written to or who I haven't or when. "It has been wonderful to be here doing something with the first little 1917 contingent, and then see the ever increasing numbers, feci the pressure let up, gradually all along this desper ately hard pressed line as regiment on vision after regiment and divl- Hooiori into line. We are BIUU liao tire-1 and. of course, would welcome a rest period, but aro willing to stick a Ion as necessary. waarouuuu. ... week In the trenches, aner iouj, u der shell and M. 0. and rlflo fire. "We are still a ,10110 American regi ment in a French division. Haven't tho French been marvelous through it all New address. Section IWal 107." s.a.t.cjus1c1ahsto BE RECRUITED FOR BAND Captain Maclvor Orders All Who Can Play Instrument to Report The S. A. T. C. Is to have a peppy band as soon as all the musically In iino remits nra rounded up. This band will be shaped into a regular mil itary band. Kvery young man in the organization should make It his busi ness to report and give the informa tion asked for. A rare opportunity awaits boys who can play any instru ment. The following is the order issued by Captain Maclvor Tuesday afternoon In regard to the formation of the band: "All students In the S. A. T. C. de siring to enter the band and who are PonnhiA of nlavine at least one instru- t ,11 rsnnrt to M r. UU1CK. l o'clock tomorrow evening, Weune, day the 25th, also Thursday evenlni tho same time, at the Temple building. Tho commanding officer request that as many applicants as possible report. The. training in the band will ba very Intensive and they v. HI not b denied any of the military drill or tactic that the other a. a. t. u. stu. dents win receive. Inasmuch aa music Is most essen tial In obtaining tho best results with troops, It ! also desired to get the best kind of musicians, therefore, all men of experience as musicians report as stated above." x FORMER STAFF MEMBERS VISIT NEBRASKA OFFICE Dawson and Palmer Still Main. tain Interest in Campus Paper' Reld B. Dawson, '14, and Leon Palm er, '16, viBlted the office of tho Dally Ncbraskan Tuesday. Both were for merly associated with the paper. Dawson wis editor-ln-chlef of the Dally Nebraskau In '14, and rainier was exchange editor. The former graduated from the Harvard school of law In the class of '17, and has since been working In the east. Palmer Is leaving fhis week to do war work la Washington, D. C. Students Register Your Music Work at nr J. V nhorsih Schoo Twenty-fifth Year Just Commencing IMnnv Teachers in all Branches to Choose From ' a . Athletic Dancing Dramatic Art llth and R Streets Opposite the Campus 10-10 Can be put to profitable use. Arrange for a class in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Business Correspondence Individual work. Rapid progress. Ask for Catalog. . niMCOLN BUSINESS' CCDLLEG Fully Accredited by National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools. , 0. PHONE B 6774 L. B. C. BUILDING, 14th ana r 01s. HISTORY PAPER SALE at 50c fos? 500 SHEETS 2s30 to U30 Only Today sa II I fmm lie -. ni-. von Need et us supply y-u wn. i wM - ' n nrnn7r?R North llth Street ST LINCOLN, NEBRASKA p in i I L B C