1 1 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN n-1392 D-3708 LOEB'8 ORCHESTRA . MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS OHCIIESTUA FROM F1VK TO TWENTY-FIV15 PIECES Jai Hand or Doller Shop Ecects on Request Only BEST PLACE TO EAT ORPHEUM CAFE 1418 0 ALWAYS OPEN Special Attention to University Students SOCIAL EVENTS and PERSONAL MENTION By ADELAIDE ELAM Miss Virginia Gallentine, who was graduated last ' year, is visiting with Miss Edna Fitzslmmona. Captain Phil McCullough, .who re turned recently from France, where he spent several months, was a guest the past week at the Phi Delta Theta house. . Lieutenant Cecil Laverty and Alex Kranse are visiting at the Delta Up silon house. Miss Helen Holtz of Burley, Ida., ' who was a sophomore at the Unl- versity last year, Is a member of a girl's surveying team, and is Burvey ; lng Idaho land which the government ' intends to open for soldters after the V war. Miss Beatrice Johnson, who spent the past week at the Delta Gamma house, returned to her home at Oma ha Saturday. Among the Alpha Phi members who have recently gone Into war work are the following: Miss Margaret McCoy and Miss Josephine Hughes, who are in New York city; Katherine Sturde vant and Louise Stegner. SOCIAL CALENDAR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 All the churches throughout the city will entertain at informal recep tions In honor of the university students. ..Miss Marian Wyman, a junior last year, and who was elected last spring to Black Masque, senior society, is now in training at the university hos pital in Omaha. - , . Phi Delta Theta announces the pledging of Don McMeegan, '22, of Lincoln and Howard Hammond, '22, of Fremont. Mr. Wire, who had charge oi tho library last year, has leave of ab sence to do library war service in Washington. ALUMNI ; J. F. Coupe, '09, is county agent in Carroll county, Iowa. Leon H. Weyl, '15, responded to a call for meteoroligists last April and has been taking a special course under Dr. Fassey. About September 4, "he vas transferred from A. & M. College, Texan, to New London, Conn., to take ther special work. ' Mrs. Edna Ogden Anderson, '17, is ctlng as principal of the Fairfield fgh school this year, while her hus and Is in France. Carolyn Kimball. '18, is teaching English and dramatics in the high chool at David City. Eunice L. Taylor, '17, has charge of he homo economics department at otley College, Nevada, Mo., for the oming year. Esther Ord, '17, Is engaged in ex neton work for the University of Ne-raska. UNI NOTICES TWIN CLUB MEETINGS All twins In the University of Ne raska will meet at the Initial meet 5 of the club at 11:50 o'clock on ursday, September 26, in U 112. veryooe will please be prompt and notify all others who are eligible to the club to be at this meeting. Str.dente In Music All students taking work in applied music, cither piano, voice or violin, must consult the director of the School of Fine Arts before registering. Such work Is open to arts and science students to the extent of two hours a week, not to exceed eight hours for the entire course. China Painting Students wishing to take work in rhlna painting will. consult Mrs. Hen rietta' Brock, Library, 308. Chorus Rehearsal Chorus rehearsal has been changed from Monday, Wednesday and Friday at five to Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at' five in the Art gallery. The men will sing with the chorus on TueBday and Thursday evenings. Registration for chorus will be open during the remainder of the week. No charge will be made for registering during this time. Military Geography The following courses are being of fered for the benefit of the S. A. T. C: Mechanical engineering 21, a new course in the study of the gas engine. Military mapping, geography 21. Teachers are from federal depart ments. . Military . geography, courso la. For information concerning the two latter courses inquire room 124, Bessey hall. Physical Education All girls classes in physical educa tion will meet this week at regular class hours in lecture room, S 102 Memorial hall. NAVY EXAMINATION BARS GREATER PER CENT OF APPLICANTS Twenty more engineers are needed for the students navy, training corps. About 400 applied for enlistment, but 75 per cent of them failed.. The navy examinations are very rigid. The men may apply as late as Octo ber 1, but they 'are advised to enlist as quickly as possible In order to no tify the draft boards of their enlist ment. Ensign Condlct is pleased with the outcome of the enlistment. DUNVIER PAINTINGS NOW IN ART GALLERY - An exhibition of painting by August Dunvier of Omaha is hung on the south wall of the Art gallery. Mr. Dunvier has done some interesting work in Nebraska landscapes, but these are excelled by his portraits. One of his panels, a portrait of his wife, received honorable mention at an exhibition of northwestern artistF in St. Paul. Mr. Dunvier is at present In the service. He was In Europe at the out break of the war and had considerable difficulty getting back to this country, being repeatedly suspected as a spy MILITARY ITEMS Joseph W. Kelfer, U. Sc. Agrl. '11, has recently returned from Frame and Is now stationed at Camp Hum phreys, Va. He expects to be In structing in this country until about Christmas time. His brother, On In Kelfer, is with the A. E. F. In France. He is a sergeant in the engineering section of the army candidate school. LOST Small TrI Delt pin, sot in opals. Return to Student Activities' office. Lilian Y. Thompon, engraved on back. Reward. t-w Dancing at Antelope Park every night, except Sundays. 24-9 Mon., Tues., Wed. GERALDINE FARRAR in the TURN OF THE WHEEL A Sunshine Comedy Shriners' Picnic Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 No Advance in Prices A Program of Merit II BIG SHOWS and GOOD MUSIC MON., TUES., WED. No, You're wrong; She doesn't marry him. AMERICA'S SWEETHEART MARY PICKFORD In her latest Artcraft play "How Could You,. Jean?" "HIS WIFE'S FRIEND" Sennett's Latest Laugh Provoker "Allies OfficlaJ War Review" Shows Start at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p. m. Mats All Seats 15c. Nights, 25c Vaudeville and Photoplays DE PACE OPERA CO. In Songs and Music FIVE GALVINS Novelty Cyclists MADIE DE LONG "The Base Ball Bug" WALLACE REID In the Paramount Picture "THE SOURCE" Liberty News Weekly 3 Shows Daily at 2:30, 7 4 9 Mats. 15c Night 25s Gal. 15c u r w who are not regularly enlisted, hence must furnish their own equipment, should see Magee's at once in regard to their military uniform. Captain Mclvor informs us that you will be unable to obtain this equipment from the Quartermaster Department Five consecutive years of outfitting University of Nebraska cadets has given us unexcelle'd' experience in fitting military -uniforms and has naturally made us headquarters for all kinds of. military supplies. See us at once, without fail, and have your uniform in time to start off with those regularly enlisted. Hats Belts Shoes Ties Leggings Shirts Insignia of Rank xvz" I VA Li i - t" it Fir tA 1 I k 1 I ST X3' -r- 2 v Cm CopyHehl 1818. S. A. T. C. Men will want a dress uniform in addition to the service uniform issued to them by the government. We are fitting the men with regulation O D wool uniforms made by the best tailors a uniform you'll be proud to wear to dress functions. Prices Right its our opportunity to do our bit. ,1x) Tr frD r r? r? V'l t3s M Military Outfitters'