The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 23, 1918, Image 1

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    The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. XV11I. NO. 4
Publishes List of General Infor
mation For Benefit of
Main Physical Examinations
Starting1 Today Continues Un
til All Are Examined
The commanding officer of the stu
dents' army training corps. University
of Nebraska, requests that the fol
lowing information be given out in
rderthat the students ot the Uni
versity of Nebraska may become ac
quainted with all that is connected
with the S. A. T. C and how to pro
ceed in order to obtain ahmission to
the same.
Thysical examination for students
who are to be inducted into the S, A.
T. C University of Nebraska will be
gin Monday at S o'clock.
' Only those students who registered
Sept. 12th will be examined and in
ducted. All induction of registrants
of Jane 5, 1917, June 5, 1918, August
24, 1918, classes will be handled after
October 15, 1918. . The latter m ill be
instructed to report on days designat
ed by tie commanding officer for
physical examination after which they
IRiil receive a notice from local board
to report for tnductlon.
'. These men are privileged to drill
with the S. A. T. C men, registrants
of Sept J.2th from Oct. 1st to Oct.
15th, providing they supply them-;
selves with the uniform prescribed,
toy regulations for enlisted men. They :
may also request permission to be
subsisted and quartered In with the
.rest of tbe S. A. T. C. men, but will
"iiave to pay tue mrvftrsTtynroT Their T
subsistence and quarters. They will
be charged the sums for subsistence
and quarters as the government pays
the University for the subsistence and .
quarters of the S. A. T. C. men, regis
Four new instructors have beein
added to the chemistry department
tnis year to fill the demands placed
upon this branch of instruction by the
S. A. T. C.
They are as follows:
T. J. Thompson, A. M., 15, mho bas
been teaching the Kansas Wesleyan
University for three years, will be
instructor in organic chemistry.
Dr. il. G. Deming of the University
of Illinois, mill teach physical and
general chemistry.
Dr. D. J. Brown f the agricultural
and mechanical college f Texas, is
to bave charge of quantitative and
qualitative chemistry.
. Mr. B. C. Hendrichs will be assist
ant professor in physical and general
These four men m-fll compose a val-
. g&ble corps for the chemistry de
partment and will aid materially In
training men in the chemical branches.
Josephine Zrust and Anna Jellen
each raised -one hundred dollars, dur
ing the summer for the Czecho-Slovac
cause, by distributing literature and
selling badges, bearing the Czecho
Slovac coat of arms.
Applications for the po
sition of Business Kan&frer
and irews Editor for The
Daily Nebraskan will be
received at the Student
Activities 1 oSce nntil
Thursday noon, Septem
ber 25. Blanks and infor
mation may be received at
that office,
T. A. TTilliams.
mac von
J. T. G.
trants of Sept. 12th.
Limited service men mill be induct
ed Into the S. A, T. C.
All students under IS years of age
mho have registered In tho University,
thereby having proper qualifications,
will be privileged to drill mith the
S. A. T, C men and quartered and
fed mith them, but will have to buy
their omn uniforms. These uniforms
mill be the same as tnose morn by
men inducted Into the S. A. T. C, and
they mill pay the University for tht.'.r
subsistence and quarters. They mi'l
be subject to rule and regulations
the same as students inducted into
the S. A. T. C.
Students having registered mith
local boards prior to Sept. 12th, mill i
be sure not- to report for examination
Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, ut
will wait, as staled above, until after
October 15th.
Failure to comply mith this revest
may cause quite a bit of confusion
Students mill be informed under
direction by University authorities
mfien and where to report for physi
cal examination. Students mill not
report for physical" examination un
less under authority from the Uni
versity. This authority mill be given
In floe time fo each registrant A
Sept. 12th. Those students mho reg
istered prior to Sept, 12th, m ill be in
formed by proper authorities to le
port for examination after Oct, 15th.
Regarding to S. N. T. C, no defi
nite instruction has arrived at the
military headquarters as yet Horn
ever, students are privileged to take
it upon themselves to enter the S. A.
T. C or the S. N. T. C. at tfcrir om-n
As a, caution students mho regis
tered Sept 12th should get all the In
formal lon they can relative to the
authenticity of the S. N. T. C as tho
tiraefor their entering the S. A. T. C
m TS
' Democracy, War, ami Education,'" . wi31 be tho title of
tlie address delivered by Acting Chancellor Hastings, t convo
cation, Tuesday morning, in Memorial Hall.
.The supposed pacificism of democracies, and the extent to
which the conception oi such pacificism has influenced the
bringing on of the conflict and its mode of conducting, grounds
fortmeh a conception and the extent to which old systems of
education, have effected, and are affecting the conflict, will
be the foundation of his discussion.
This is the first convocation of the year. The annual fresh
man convocation will be held Thursday.
Nebraska Coach Much Concerned
Over Scarcity of Varsity
Freshmen Eespond Favorably to
Early Call Kansas and Iowa.
With no assurance from Missouri
Valley officials or S. A. T. C authori
ties regarding action on the freshman
rule in football circles this year.
Coach Kline bas turned bis attention
to the upperclassmen mho bave shown
their ability on the gridiron, to in
dicate their loyalty to Nebraska's
cause by donning the molebkln and
going to battle mith tbe four veter
ans and those mho mill step into the
line from last year's 'freshman
There Is liOt enough material in
uniform so far, is the opinion of the
coach, to carry on a minning season
this fall. "TVe must lave the assist
Is limited to Oct 15th. Information
has been requested from the war do
partment regarding the S N. T. C.
and this mill be published as soon as
Any Information pertaining to the
S. A. T. C. that has not been jiven
herein, mill be given by reporting to
the commandant of the Unlvers t
His office Is located in the military
department cf the Armory on the
Government Establishes Corps to
lixlude 150 Men Who Will
Trcin Here
Corresponds to S. A. T. C.
though Exact Status Not
Yet Determined
Student military topics mere again
stirred Saturday mith the announce
ment from Washington that there
mould be a Students' Navy Training
Corps organized at the University
this fall.
One hundred fifty men mill be ad
mitted to this corps as compared mith
almost 1500 expected to be enlisted
la the S. A. T, C. What the status
ot the new division mill be Is yet un
certain as no further mord has been
received except for Ike authorisation
of the corps.
The local recruiting station for the
navy mill handle all applicants for
the branch and mill give examinations
possibly at once or will arrange for
the appearance of the applicants
Whether the men mill be restricted
in their courses to make them com-
ply mith military needs is not knomn
atrtougn it is pronaWe itiat vne men
in this service mill be under much
the same regulations as are the men
in the S. A. T. C.
Captain Maclvor m as unable to give j
out any word regarding the student.
Navy training corps late Saturday
evening, but it is thought likely that
the nem- branch will not be placed
under bis authority.
Those desiring admittance to the S.
N. T. C mill gain all available Infor
mation at the local recruiting office
and may make application there. Ap
licants for this branch, mill register
In the Bume ixianner as applicants for
S. A T. C. mere required to do and
w-ni then am-ait further orders from
tie central department.
play football," said Kline in an inter-viem-
Saturday. Both Kansas and
Iom-a are stacking up as strong as
ever mith eleven veterans returning
for the Hamkeye squad and almost
that many for the Jayhamkers.
Both our eastern and southern riv
als appear confident of victory over
the Huskers in their battles here but
Coach Kline is exerting every effort
to turn the tide cf opinion in his fa
vor. Although Wafchington bas assured
the continuance of the football gam
in college circles, the Husker cbieftian
considers minning the game a most im
portant element in the sport.
Freshmen entering this year are
responding excellently to the calls
1ssnd early last week land if the
freshman rule is suspended,, Nebraska
can be well relied npon to add many
acatps to her enviable list f collec
145 Men Are Pledged by Fratern
ities After Hard Fought
Kappa Sigma Heads List With
18 Men; Delta Upsilon and
Delta Tau Delta Second
I War clouds hovering over the cam
I pus last meek did not prevent Uni
versity of Nebraska fraternitnes from
staging cne of th hardest fought bat-
ties that has been witnessed on the
I campus for many years. The pres
ent semester has seen the return ot
I hundreds of students mho had p'ann
i ed or remaining out of school this
year because of mar conditions, but
who have come back in order to joJn
the Nebraska organization of the S.
A. T. C The increased site of the
freshman class has greatly Increased
the competition betmeen the frewm
Ities, and consequently, the number
of pledges this year exceeds by a
large number, the total ot nem- num
bers pledged to Greek letter societies
at this time last year.
Late reports secured at midnight
Saturday evening, gave incomplete re
turns from most of the fraternities,
showing that more than 150 University
students had been pledged to the
fourteen fraternities in the Univer
sity. The largest number of plet.e
mas secured by Kappa Sigma fratern
ity, mho has a total of 18 new men.
Delta Upsilon and Delta Tau Delta
come second mith 15 men each.. The
average number to each fraternity is
about 11 men, which Is larger than the
average scored by the fraternities tast
Additions to the list folkwi mill
be published in the columns tl The
Nebraskan from time to time as the
s toT announcement,
Following is the incomplete list:
Total Numbers Exceed Those of
Last Year by Almost Half
1387 Applicants for Student Army
Training Among Those En
rolled Navy Opens Branch
Exceeding last year"s total regis
: tration by almost a balf .thousand stu
' dents, the University of Nebraska
j opens today -with. 2279 enrolled, in
cluding 1287 applicants for the Stu
dents' army Training Corps and 3
applicants for tbe Student Navy
Training Corps. The Student Navy
Training Corps was organized only
recently and mord m-as received Sat
urday by Executive Dean C. C Eng
berg authorizing the enlistment bere
of 150 men for this branch of eerv-
ice. While no complete information
bas been received concerning this
branch it is thought that it mill be
organized on tbe same basis as the
the S. A. T. C.
Registrants to date compare favor
ably m ith those of last year, there be
ing 2279 already enrolled mhile only
1S98 mere registered at the isaroe tiu:e
a year ago.
All departments are ready for the
opening classes Monday and although
there will be much confusion result
ing from S. A. T- C examinations and
late registrations, at is supposed that
all classes mill be thoroughly organ
ized and-m-ell under may mith their
assignments, wben the appinacts
for the S. A T, C are inducted iito
tbe service, October L
Officials ;seem well raeae&2 with
the manner in mhich the registration
wa bandied last week juad are confi
dent mat tne srodentr army train-
Sorcrities Pledge 80 New Mem
bers, Alpha Omricon Pi Head
ing List With 13
Confusion Caused at Sorority
Houses by Rumors of Strayed
With the latest reports Saturdty
night showing the lists incomplete, the
total number cf pledges to the soror
ities is equal to that of last year Later
on mhen the difficulties concerning
credits are straightened up at the
office, the list will far exceed those of
the last two years. And this year a
large number of bids mere held back
because credits mere not in on tine.
The girls mho were unable to pledge
on Saturday mill no given
another opportunity later on, after
Investigations have been made, and
the names passed.
It is rumored that some of the very
important little mhite envelopes -vhlrh
left the office of the Pan Hellenic
board at noon were cither stolen or
lost At any rate there mere some
that never reached their destination.
and the confusion which resulted
caused a lot of uneasiness both at the
sorority houses and at the homes of
the girls mho failed to receive their
In spite of this ill luck, the list
available on Saturday shows eighty
girls, pledged. Alpha Omicron PI
heads the list mith total of thirteen,
and Delta Delta Delta follows with
eleven. Others show incomplete lists
of only five or six m hich will probably
be tr creased later.
The list follows:
Alpha Delta Pi Nellie Higgins.
Idaho Falls, Idaho; Martha Ken yon,
Litchfield. List incomplete.
Alpha Cnf O w. VSvianHansen,
Continued on Page Thr
Ing corps mill not interrupt the gen
eral course of instruction.
.The closest co-operation exists be
tween University authorities and
government representatives here,
which accounts for the maximum effi
ciency with mhich every war measure
is being handled.
While there mill be many late reg
istrants the total number expected
to enroll is placed at not over 2509
j Rudolph Rndgika Engraving-s
Exhibit In Art Gallery
An exhibition f wood engravings
by Rudolph Rudgika will be held in
the University Art gallery during
the remainder of tie month. The
galleiy mill be open from S o'clock to
5 o'clock daily and from two o'clock
to 5 o'clock Sunday.
Rudgika is the foremost mood en
graver of America, and this collec
tion has been shom-n in the leading art
galleries of the country.
Beginning today The
Daily Nebraskan will be
livered through Station A
at 10 o'clock five days a
week. If yon have not al
ready subscribed sign one
of the cards at the window
when yon call for a psper.
The Nebraskan needs stu
dent support this year
more than ever. Subscribe
today and yon will be cer
tain of obtaining all the
campus news you should
know. Opportunities for
advancement may be lost
to you if you do not read
cf them. Orders from the
Ccmmandirt may no
reach you if you do not
read The Nebraskan every
ance of evwy cpper-tlassman -ho can j