t ' THE DAILY NEBIlAflKAM STUDENTS MAY JOIN "Super-Value" Men's Clothes lOOfc All-Wool Silk Lined NAVAL RESERVE CORPS Not Called Till Close of Course jfni Unless Extreme Emer gency Arises Word has been received from the navy recruiting station of Omaha that all University men between the ages of IS and 21 enrolled In technical or nonacademlc courses may enroll In the naval reserve and will thus not be called Into active service until graduation, unless a case of great emergency arises. Tpon graduation fuch men will be examined and rated according to their ability. The neod for enrollment in the navy now in order to have a sufficient sup ply of future officers on hand can be seen in the following paragraph Quoted from a letter received from the Omaha navay recruiting station: "This Malion has received instruc tions urging us to rut forth every effort in this work. The school year will soon be ended, and now is the tirr.f to put this opportunity before the students. The demands for of ficer material for the future will be such that if these enrollments are not made now, your navy may suffer for lack of future available officer tim ber." Further information may be re ceived by inquiry at the navy recruit ing station in Room 414, fourth floor Of the postoffice. ENLISTMENTS OPEN FOR NAVAL AVIATION CORPS Applicants Doing Satisfactory Work Receive Commissions in Four Months Information concerning enlistment in the naval reserve flying corps has been received by Dean O. J. Ferguson of the engineering college. If the ap plicant for this branch of the service passes the strenuous physical exami nation to which he is sub3ecfed he is given about four months' training and if found qualified at the end of this period, is commissioned. Appli cations for enlistment may be had by addressing the Supervisor Naval Re serve Flying Corps. Bureau of Navi gation, Navy Department, Washing ton, D. C. In this branch of the service educa tional qualifications are given special consideration. The applicant must be a citizen of the United States, and between the ages of 20 and SO. He must be able to pass a rigorous phys ical examination and he must have normal vision in each eye. Before a candidate can enroll he must present to the enrolling officer a certificate to the effect that his draft class and order numbers are so low that he is not within the current quota of his local board. After the application has been sent in, with proper recommendation, the applicant is notified whether or not it Is approved. If approved he is di rected to report at a designated place for physical examination and if found . qualified Is enrolled in the Naval Re serve Class four or five, as Second Class Seaman. As soon as practicable, after enroll ment, a man is given active duty or ders to report to the receiving ship at Boston for further transfer to the ground school at the Massachu setts Institute of Technology for a ten weeks' theoretical course. This is followed by a three months' flight training, at one of the navy air stations. Uon the satisfactory completion of training he is examined and, if found qualified, is enrolled in class 5, naval reserve flying corps and is commis sioned. If he fails in his training course he is given the choice of a discharge from the naval service or of being transferred in such rating as he may be found qualified to hold in the naval reserve for general service. Knox Hats Borsalino Hats Holeproof Hosiery Globe Union Suits in; National Leaders Manhattan Shirts Hi Nettleton Shoes Y. M. C. A. CONCLUDES SUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN (Continued from paa one) sary. The drafted men will have the use of the rooms both at the Univer sity and at the city Y. M. C A. Following is a list of a few of the things accomplished by the Y. M. C. A. this year and the general budget for next year: 1. Publication of 1,000 "N" books. A. Distribution free to students 2. Publication of University direc tory. A. Sold at cost. 2. Three gospel teams. 4. Conducted employment bureao. A. Six hundred positions ob tained for students. J3.000 earned from work ob tained. C. Kept a list of rooms for the use of students. 11 W$XWWA j& Ik Hi IHa . 44 Your absolute satisfaction" is our first consideration and aim depend on That! We know that what is best for you, is in the long ran, best for us and we mean to see .that you get it. Every size, every weave, every pattern in Flannels. FTere's a model that 088 aouiae -- ft I K : M if ml among gooa cteesseFS Society JSranb (Tlotbes $35 to $60 A truly very smart garment is illustrated here. It's the Buckwood, a three button double breasted young men's model that also is bound to be popular among men of more mature years. Typical of all Society Brand Models, the Buckwood is carefully tailored by men trained to produce workmanship of the very best. The inside coat pocket bears the Society Brand label the pledge of the makers. Won't you come in today and see the splendid display of Society Brand Suits and Overcoats. No matter what your taste, type, size, we can properly take care of you. Other Fine Suits at $18, $20, $25, and $30 BROS. CO. -ELI SHIRE, Pres.- 5. Conducted midweek religions' meetings. A. With aerage attendance of SO men. 6. Provided tociai recreat.on. A. University night March 2, 1918. B. Six socials in T. II. C A: rooms at the Temple, with average attendance of 60 men. 7. Conducts reading room. A. Magazines. B. Dally papers. C. Games. S. - Organized Bible study classes. A. Four hundred men enrolled in 28 classes. B. Two classes each week for leaders. 9. Assisted in Red Triangle cam paign and other similar campaigns. 10. Organization of Philips Brooks club. A. Composed of men interested in Christiiui work as a life task. 1L Owing to the fact that there was no full time secretary, work of a more aggressive character was not assumed or completed this year. Student leadership is good but tne nature of the work is such; importance of it is so vital that a. full time secretary is necessary to pat across an adequate Christian program. General Budget Students Faculty SCO Citizens of town Parents 50 Alumni 10 Incidentals 100 Freshmen 150 Total $3,SO0 CADET REGIMENT ' HAS BANKER YEAR (Continued from Page One) drilled in close order work as many men in the regular army, it was a sur prise to some, but the precision and steadiness with which the companies went thrcugh their maneuvers seemed to fully emphasize this statement. Be cause of lh raft. which w&ld take away many men from the regiment, compel was held earlier than usual, so it was thought best to continue drill after com pet. to the close of school. For this reason, as well as because it is impossible to tell with any degree of certainty who will be back next year, the ofSeers for next year were not announced the day of com pet, and the military department will probably not be in a position to announce ap pointments and promotions until the composition of next year's regiment is more definitely known. Taking the year as a whole, with a world war stimulating every one to make the most of his opportunities for preparation for coming army life, it might be well said that never before has the cadet regiment had so ouch snap and finish in the way its work has be" done. LOST On campus Saturday, small purse containing teacher's check. Find er please leave at students activities cce. 2t