The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 30, 1918, Image 3

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C. ROY MILLER, For Foot Comfort
ill .tnu'iitof K Allen Arches, removal of Corns ami Ingrowing NHik
Adjust men
and the relief
410 Canter
" toNIOHT-AT 8:00
and All Week
M.tlnee. Wednesday and Sat
urdny at
Mon., Tues., Wed. .
Gladys Drockweil
In Thrilling RoU
In the Wm. Fox Special
One of the Big Pictures of the
Year 8ee this Popular Little
Aetreet In the Hand of the
See How a Woman Ruled
the Heart of
Paris Underworld
Do We Possess Two Natures?
It There Bad and Good In
Each of Ue?
Show at 1, 3, 6, 7 and
Waffles and Coffee 1Sc
138 North Eleventh
Phone B-1589 Lincoln, Neb.
Send Your Work to
Cleaning & Dye Works
828 Bo. 11th Phone B-6576
' Get your Lunches at the
City Y. M. C. A., Cafeteria Plan
Optical 8ervice
Eyes ExamlnM
Qlassea Fitted
Any Lens
DR. W. H. MARTIN, Optonwtrlst
1234 O St. Opposite Miller A Paine
1123 O Street
Mfg. Jewelera and Optlelana
Dealers In
Watches, Clocks, Diamonds,
Jewelry, Sterling EUrer and Op
tical merchandise.
Export Watch, Clock. Jewelry
and Optical Repalrin
f fVW a-fc'w
May 3
I'hl Delta Theta Lincoln.
May 4
Dramatic Club Vaudeville Temple
Thl Kappa PsI Annual Spring
Komensky Club Picnic Crete.
I'nlon Society Picnic Crete.
University Band Red Triangle
Benefit Auditorium.
May 10
Thl Kappa Pel Annual Mother's
May 11
Alpha Thcta Chi banquet Lincoln.
May 23
XI Psl Phi banquet Lincoln.
Ivy Day.
Sunday was Mothers Day at'the
Alpha Sigma Phi chapter house. The
ont-of town gdests were Mrs. George
Rohwer, Calhoun; Mrs. Gertrude Dot
weiler, Los Angeles. Cal.; Mrs. C. A.
Millar. Mrs. J. M. Fowler. Falrvlew;
Mrs. C. Ruffett, Mrs. D. L. Lee. Mrs.
J. A. Bryans, and Mrs. G. Gessman,
Omaha; Mrs. M. W. Hunter and Mrs.
J. M. Perrlgo, Freront, ane Mrs. 1). F.
Cole, Chicago, 111.
About forty members attended the
annual banquet of the Latin club
given in the English room at the Lin
coln. The decorations were simple.
The menus, which were made by the
club members, were tiny scrolls, simi
lar to the ancient Roman books. Alice
Allen was toastmistress. The follow
ing toasts were given:
"De Flnlbus Bonarum et Malorum"
Cathermlne Halner.
"De Senectute" Nellie McKesson.
"De Amicltta" Jessie Baum.
"De Republica" Zora Schaupp.
"De Gloria" Jean Landale.
The surplus saved from this event
and economizing on club expenses
during the year, will be used to pur
chase liberty loan bonds.
Forty members were present at the
annual banquet of Sigma Phi Epsilon
held in the Chinese room at the Lin
coln. Clifford B. Scott was toast
master The following toasts were
called for.
"The Dough Boys" M. C. Town
send. "Camouflage" Vernon D. Andrews.
"Manoeuver" Glen Ruby.
"Over the Top" N. A. Bengston.
The out-of-town guests were Guy
Weigand, Alting E. Bennett, Harry
Souders, Omaha; Reid Cowen, Malt
land, Mo.; Vernon D. Andrews,
Cheney; Lieut. R. L. Thiesen, Camp
Hancock, Ga.; Payson Marshall
Panama; Lieut. Harley Pierce, Tecum
seh, and Tom Kokjer, Clarks.
Kathryn Howey visited at her home
in Beatrice Sunday..
Helen Dill visited friends in Omaha
during the week-end.
Gladys Appleman spent the end of
the week at her home in Alvo. '
Milrae Judkins visited friends in
Pawnee City during the week-end.
Helen Copsey visited her parents
in York the latter part of the. week.
Frances Anderson and Ethel Kaspar
spent the end of the week in Wahoo.
Catherine Pierce spent the end of
the week at her home in Belleville,
Ruth and Esther Ellinghusen
visited friends In Omaha Saturday and
Vivian McNamara of Nebraska City
visited Ut the Alpha XI Delta house
William Wright of Scottsbluff was
a guest at the Phi Kappa Psl house
Cecil Loverty of Camp Funston was
a guest at the Delta Upsilon "house
Stanley Henry of Fort Riley was
a guest at the Alpha Thcta Chi house
Mildred McFarland spent the end
of the week visiting Thelma Roberts
In Falls City.
Mrs. J. W. Nuss of Sutton is a
guest of her daughter, Opal, at the
Achoth house.
Dana Cole and Hollis Kirsch were
guests at the Alpha Sigma Phi house
the latter part of the week.
Dwlght L. Cramer of Rangoon, In
dia, visited at the Phi Gamma Delta
house Saturday and Sunday.
Beth Hhmlston visited Jeanette
Teagarden at her home In Weeping
Water Saturday and Sunday.
Sergeant Lewellyn Martin of Fort
Riley, visited at the Delta Chi house
the latter part of the week.
Clare Stray of Murdock and Sarah
Cole of Omaha spent the end of the
week visiting at their homes.
Howard Frtruan of Camp Zachary
Taylor, Ky., and Harry Glldersleeve
of Camp Funston visiied ai the Sigma
Chi house Saturday and Sunday.
Dorothy Wetherald was a guest of
of Bunions
Margaret Dodge at her homo In Fre
mont the latter part of the week.
Ray Carpenter left Satunlay'to Join
tho radio hoc! Ion of the navy at the
Greut Lakes Naval training Million.
Mr. ami Mrs. Roy Young of Hebron
visited Gertrude Squire at the Delta
Delta Delta house tho end of the
Mrs. VI. J Rruudago of Tocumseh
was u guest of her daughter, Anne, at
tho Delta Gamma house Saturday and
Glen Mat-key of Huston, Neb., and
James M. Itakor of Fort Ullev. visited
the PI Kappa Phi house Saturday and
Dorothy Davis, Marlon Thrush.
JoHonhlne l.nno. Danhne Stlckel and
Elizabeth Crawford spent the end of
tho week In Omaha.
Lane Grahlll returned to his homo
In Sydney Friday. He expects to
leave soon for Berkeley, Cal., where
he will Join the aviation corp.
Eva Miller attended tho national
convention of Theta Sigma Phi, hon
orary Journalistic society, at Law
rence, Kan., the latter part of last
Agnes Johnson of Sunerior. Dorothy
Hippie, of Omaha, Kathleen Hartlgan
of Farbury and Daisy Parks of Ash
land spent tho latter part of the week
at their homes.
Alpha Chi Omega entertained Mrs.
Edward McDowell, wife of the great
composer, at luncheon Thursday, at
the chapter house. Mrs. McDowell
is a member of Alpha Chi Omega.
Jessie Hotchkiss of Seward and
John Barton of Sundance, Wyo., were
married quietly at the bride's home
Wednesday. Jessie Hotchkiss at
tended the University two years. John
Barton was a Delta Chi and gradu
ated from the University last semes
ter. Four members of Beta Theta PI
were called to various camps of the
National army last week: "Ted"
Lonam left Monday for Berkeley, Cal.,
for training; Wells Kink also left for
Berkeley, Cal., to enter the aviation
corps. De Los Anderson and Ralph
Wilson left Sunday for Chicago to
join the navy.
W. A. A.
There will be an Important W. A. A.
meeting Wednesday at 7:15 o'clock in
the Armory.
Dr. Charles F. Moon, '14, alumnus
of the medical college, has opened an
office at Superior, Wyo. He is the
official surgeon for three coal compa
nies of that vicinity.
Marian Pettis. '14, has been elected
head of the English department in
Fremont high school for next year.
R. L. Maxson, '03, who has been
engaged in the abstract business at
Champaign, 111., for the past seven
years, has opened a law office at Falls
City, Neb. Roscoe Anderson, '03, is
to ,be a partner in this new law firm.
Valeria Bonnell, '14. Is teaching in
the high school at Sheridan, Wyo.
Alma C. Fritchoff, '17, teacher of
domestic science at Wayne normal,
registered at the alumni office April
27. While in Lincoln she attended
the Phi Beta Kappa banquet.
Lorena Bixby, '15, has been elected
to a position in Hastings high school
for next year.
F. J. Leschinsky. '16, of Loup City
is to be an instructor in the new mili
tary school opened at Nebraska.
Arthur Anderson, '16, who was an
assistant at the State Farm, has gone
with the national army to Camp
Albert Freitag, '13, and wife were
visitors at the alumni office Friday.
Mr. Freitag has Just received his cer
tificate from the third officers' train
ing camp, Camp Grant, 111.
Recent registrants at the alumni of
fice are: Mrs. Cora Brown Freitag,
13, Mampton, Neb.; Clella Stufft,
Fairfield, Nebr.; Walter R. Raecke,
36th Infantry, Ft. Snelling, Minn.
(Continued from nage one.)
similar to those for previous officers'
training camps, with the addition of
one clause, which states that all ap
plications must not only be citizens
of the United States, but also that no
application will be considered if the
applicant was born in Germany or Any
of her allies.
- (Continued from pae one)
sprinters by fully 20 yards. In a spe
cial 100 -yard dash the university year
lings again showed their superiority
when Danforth and Smith took both
first and second.
Result of the Events
lOOyard dash H. McMahon, Neb.,
first; Townsend, Neb., second; Dlm-
I.k. Ames, third-Time 104 no.-on.lH.
Mil., run Kretl or. Noll.. WM; liHU.
Neb , second; Hansen. Anion, third -
Time, 5:10 4 5.
iiivnr,l hurdlea Finney. N'o4i .
fliuf Anderson. Al'jon. second; Flood.
Neb., third-Time. 112 5 seconds.
440 yard tlnsh-H McMahon. Nob .
first; M. McMahon. Nob., second; FUh.
Ames, thlrd-Tlnio. 57 2 5 not-olid.
Polo vault WllUn Ann's, first;
Gelbart. Neb., koi end - Height. 10 foot.
8 inches.
220 yard hurdles--Kinney. Neb., first ;
Anderson. Ames, second; II. McMahon
Neb.' third -Time, 10 seconds.
shut nut Wapnor. Ames, first;
Foell, Ames, second; Munn. Nob.,
third - Distance. 36 feet 11 Inches.
Half mile tun Grau. Neb., first;
Hartley. Amos, second; Ellorbiock
Neb., third Time 2:18 15.
Half mile relay Nebraska (Sthcl
ii.n,., Vm-f Ilrvan. 11. McMahon
won Time. 1:51. Ames defaulted and
did not run.
High Jump Anderson. Ante, first;
Flood. Neb., second; Dobson. Nob.,
third-Height, 5 fort
220 yard dash Townsend, Neb.,
first; Finney, Neb. second: Downing,
AnmR thtrd Time. 23 4-5 seconds.
Discus throw Hubka. Neb., first;
Wilken. Ames, Becnnd; Wagner, Aincs
(Mr,! instance. 110 feet.
Two mile run Graf. Neb., first;
Kretzler. Neb., second; Sharp, Ames
ihU Time. 11:10
Broad Jump-Dimlck. Ames, first;
Dobson. Neb., second; Townsena. iseo.
third Distance, 19 feet. 5 inches.
Nehriska (Yorte. Grau
II. McMahon) first;
Ames '(Downing. Nichols. Dlmlck and
Fish) second Time, 3:.ia.
(Continued from Pate One)
iMciri, win he decided today be
vial iioniv "...
tween the Teachers' College High
School and Wilber. The honors In
c.HoBtern District lie between
Beatrice and Wymore; In the North-
Central District between Maaison mm
Summary of the district contests
Pafrn District
nai .t T Masters. Central
in.h Rhnni Omaha. Director
Omaha Central Plattsmouth. Won
v... rtniohn Central.
xt .v. DonH.wopnine Water. Won
1U1 111 v
waoninir Water by default.
-,.v. rvntrni.VeeDlne Water.
Won by Omaha Central.
r9et.rntral District
Prinrtnal Frank G. Plckell, Lincoln,
Director ,
Wllber-Milford. Won by" Wilber.
rrte. Won by Crete.
ivajiuwiiu .
T wnin.TTnivorsitv Place. Won by
rvoto-wnher. Won by Wilber.
fnlleire High School-Lin
coin. Won by Teachers' College High
TnoApra f!nlleee High School-Wil
ber. April 29.
Mirh.r.ontral District
Superintendent E. M. Short, Oakland,
t rir,KVA7isnr Won by Wis
Norfolk-Madison. Won by Madison.
Battle Creek-Madison. Won by
Madison by default..
Madison-Albion. Won by Madison.
Oakland-Wlsner. Won by Wisner
Northeastern District
Superintendent J. R. Armstrong,
Wayne, Director
Ponca-Newcastle. Won by Ponca
by default.
Emerson-Wayne. Won by Wayne.
Bloomfield-Randolph, Won by Ran
dolph. Ponca-Randolph. Won by Randolph.
Wayne-Randolph. April 26.
Northwestern District
Superintendent W. R. Pate, Alliance,
Valentine-Gordon. Won by Valen
tine, 2 to 1.
Sldney-Klmball. Won by Sidney,
Bayard-Gering. Won by Bayard by
Alliance-Harrison. Won by Aalli
ance, unanimous.
Sidney-Bayard. Won by Bayard.
Allianca-Valentlne. Won by Alli
ance. Sidney-Bayard. Won by Bayard.
" Alliance-Valentine. Won by Alli
ance. Alliance-Bayard. Won by Alliance,
2 to 1.
Southern District
Superintendent C. S. Gilbert, Edgar,
Edgar-Ohiowa. Won by Edgar.
Falrbury-Hardy. Won by Falrbury.
Chtckley-Red Cloud. Won by Red
Edgar-Plymouth. Won by Edgar.
Falrbury-Red Cloud. At Red Cloud,
April 26.
Edgar (winner of Falrbury-Red
Cloud debate).
Southeastern uiirvt
Superintendent I. -N. Clark, Pawnee
rity. Director
Tocumsch -Auburn. Won by Tecum-
Falls City Beatrice. Won by Beat
rice by default.
Ueatrlco Tocumsch. Won by Boat-
lice by default.
I'awnoo City Humboldt. Won by
pawnco City Beatrice. Won by
V more Beatrice.
Southeastern District
Superintendent W. T. Davis, Mr Cook,
Boavor City Oxford. Won by Beaver
McCook-Arapaboe. Won by Mc-
Beaver City McCook. Won by Mc-
Western District
Superintendent H. W. Wendland.
Mlndon. Director
Sutherland Cozad. Won by Cozad
by default.
Shelton Gibbon. Won by Fholton by
Holdroge Kcncbaw. Won by Hold-
Sutherland Gibbon. Wpn by Gib
bon. ....
Mlnden Holdrege. Won by Mlnden.
Mlnden-Gibbon. At Mlnden. April
West-Central District
Superintendent Don R. Leech, Sar
gent." Director
s,rm. Anslev and Ravenna. Won
by Ord, Broken Bow and St. Paul
respectively by default.
Sargent-Burwell. Won by Sargent
by default.
Ravenna-Ansley. Won by Ravenna.
Ravenna-Sargent. Won by Ravenna
Alex R. Swenson Went
to Snelling at First Call
Alex R. Swenson, ex-'17, heard
Uncle Sam's first call and took advan
tage of the first R. O. T. C. at Fort
Snelling, where he was commissioned
second lieutenant, infantry depot
T 1 f,-
brigade. He was immediately trans
ferred to Camp Dodge, where he Is
now performing his duty, as second
lieutenant, Company R, 5th battalion,
163 depot brigade.
Swenson took an active work In
many campus activities and was a
recognized leader among the students.
He was one of the Innocents chosen
for last year and was class president
during his sophomore year.'
Everett B. Scott Now
in School of Aviation
Everett B. Scott, A. B. 16, enlisted
as a private in Company B-l, hospital
corp at Great Lakes, 111., and was soon
advanced to a first class hospital ap-
prentice. - He was one of the few
chosen from his 6hip to enroll In the
pilot school for aviation.
Scott is a member of Phi Gammt
Delta, captain of the 1916
track team.'
'.--- V?f-:":