THE DAILY DO YOU KNOW THAT o.kmI hundred submarine chasers, Sllnce war. ha, been dellr- fred to the navy by 31 private con cerns and sis navy yards: manv ,t o k of uliia aufflcleut for (he average rejulrfinTita for at leant one year. Average monthly dUburiements by ordname department of Hie army dur- Inn the first year of sr were over I09.000.0UO. Through a card catalog syntem 109.4S7 men have been trsnnferred out of army divisions Into technical units of function according to Individual educational, occupational, and military qualifications. The signal corps has sent thousands of trained pigeons to France. these boat have cri)8nrt! rh Atlantic some, la severe leather. Navy has la its possesnion now a ft Store Ahead" "Service Ahead 99 14 ft. 1!t The Spirit of the- Times Buy Liberty Bonds W. S. S. Dress Up in Society Brand Clothes Be Thrifty - SsMILITAIR A New Spring Model In Which the New and Prevailing Military Characteristics are shown .-.( X & M" ' y-'V iO" The new five seam or panel back, and raised sleeve shoulders, are featured in some of Society Brand Models we are showing this Spring. These models, which button high up have these much desired military effects. Some of these suits are single breasted, some double breasted; plain pockets, curved pockets and military pockets. The skeleton lining of many of the coats is silk piped in seams. All very new the Militaire as shown here, is one of the most popular. Decidedly effective in the new plain colors such as the navy blues and russet browns. Society $3ran& Suits and O'Coats $25 to $60 SEE THE NEW TORPEY OVERCOATS' ' VERY BIG" STYLE HIT GET THE HABIT Enjoy the reliable, stylish clothes of moderate price Stvleplus Clothes $21 and $25 Concentrating great volume on each grade, produces a style and a quality truly exceptional at the pnees. V5 x Knox Hats T C n Co- Hats T (tot 1 ilh . ilfw& II if w ' - i iilA&l&M s , i ih z , . f ?$s 1 ?S 111 : -. nl'hwii ' w; Mu h mm. nrfg Irani Ii3jg mm i a w r i ' JX v 1 5?, President